Babel user information
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pourlangue maternellelefrançais.
en-2 This user hasintermediateknowledge ofEnglish.
es-1 Esta persona tiene un conocimientobásicodelespañol.
Users by language
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, pleaselet them know.
This user is a translator and proofreader from French to English onWikipedia:Translation.

{{{1}}}This user has been amemberofWikipediasince {{{1}}}.
This user is amammal.

This user cares aboutanimals
Scarlet IbisThis user is interested in
Majority ≠ right This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's stilla mistake.
ubiquitous ≠ widespreadThis user asserts that the more common word is often not the most precise. a sentence with a prepositionis something up with which this user will not put.
ain't nobodyThis user hates seeingdouble negativesclutter up the English language. He/she wants to stomp it out no matter what it takes.
Cat LoverThis user is a
cat lover

This user has been scratched several times by their pet cat.
This user worships theircat.
This user thinks no outfit is complete without cat hair.
This user prefersPC.
prog-1This user is a beginningprogrammer.

There are
types of people: those who read binary and those who don't.
Web SoonThis user has a website that can be found on the web soon.
This user does not "Like"Facebook.

Facebook prohibited signThis user isFacebook-free.
This user has aGoogle account.
This user has a channel onYouTube.

This user watches videos onYouTube.

GThis user will useGooglebefore asking dumb questions.
This user likes to ponderPhilosophical questionslike"Why does 2 + 2 = 4?"and"Why can it not equal 5?"
This user hassocial anxiety.

This user's favorite YouTube channels arenot yet.
This user usesGmailas a primaryemailservice.
SpeedThis user's download speed is {{{1}}} kbps and upload speed is {{{2}}} kbps.

This user supports the
Tor Project.

This user has been stealing their neighbor's wireless Internet connection, but now they have their own Wi-Fi router.Now this user knows that they have to protect their router to avoid paying big bills because of their neighbors.
This user is currently owned
by a cat named Sajka
This user keeps petfish.

This user has never left theNorthern Hemisphere.
This user does not drinkmilkand consequently does not suffer from calcium depletion.
This user drinksrice milk.
This user drinksKombucha.
This user is abook lover.
This user enjoys readinganything.

This userreadsbetween the lines.

This user listens to
audio books.

This user has readCapital Volume III.

This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.

This user is interested inspirituality.
This user is interested inreligion.

It never gotWEIRD ENOUGHfor this user.
This user studies theZen Philosophy.

This user enjoys readingpoetry.
This user enjoys each of the 100cantosofDante'sDivine Comedy
This user enjoyswriting.

This user advocatespacifism.

This user is interested in the subject ofconsciousness.
This user is interested in the belief that theMeaning of life is to Improve Oneself.
This user is interested in

*This user is interested in

This user is currently readingsorry not updated.

This user thinks pets should only come from ananimal shelter.
This user is interested inpolitics.
This user thinks you canlearna lot byeditinganEncyclopedia.

This user knows that
no religion
has a monopoly ontruth