I live inWebster Groves, Missouri.I'm the gnome who stalks your edits when you link tofootballbut mean to link toassociation footballorAmerican football(orrugby football,Gaelic football,etc., etc.).

A definition


Shelf skewis a term used bybook dealersandcollectorsto describe what happens to a book when, rather than being held upright on the shelf, it is allowed to lean diagonally. One cover is forced up while the other sags, the entire text block is pushed out of alignment, and thespinegets torqued out of shape. Soshelf skewedis a book-nerd way of sayingtwisted.


This userattended
Washington University
in St. Louis

This user is abook collector.

This user has been on Wikipedia for18 years, 5 months and 17 days.
Although this user enjoys collecting and counting things, this user also believes that users'edit countsdo not necessarily reflect on thevalueof their contributions toWikipedia.

