Aviaductis a specific type ofbridgethat consists of a series of arches,piersorcolumnssupporting a long elevated railway or road. Typically a viaduct connects two points of roughly equal elevation, allowing directoverpassacross a wide valley, road, river, or other low-lyingterrainfeatures and obstacles.[1][2]The termviaductis derived from theLatinviameaning "road", andduceremeaning "to lead". It is a 19th-century derivation from ananalogywithancient Romanaqueducts.[1]Like theRoman aqueducts,many early viaducts comprised a series of arches of roughly equal length.

The 1812 Laigh Milton Viaduct in Ayrshire – the oldest surviving railway bridge in Scotland
The 1812Laigh Milton Viaductin Ayrshire – the oldest surviving railway bridge in Scotland
AncestorTrestle bridge,Box girder bridge
CarriesExpressways,highways, streets, railways
Span rangeShort (multiple)
Materialreinforced concrete,prestressed concrete,masonry
Design effortmedium
Falseworkrequiredavailable for use, since viaducts are all composed of low bridges.

Over land

TheOuse Valley Viaductin Sussex, England

The longest viaduct inantiquitymay have been thePont Sermewhich crossed wide marshes in southern France.[3]At its longest point, it measured 2,679 meters with a width of 22 meters.

Viaducts are commonly used in many cities that are railroadhubs,such as Chicago, Birmingham, London andManchester.These viaducts cross the largerailroad yardsthat are needed forfreight trainsthere, and also cross the multi-track railroad lines that are needed for heavy rail traffic. These viaducts providegrade separationand keep highway and city street traffic from having to be continually interrupted by the train traffic. Likewise, some viaducts carry railroads over large valleys, or they carry railroads over cities with many cross-streets and avenues.

Many viaducts over land connect points of similar height in a landscape, usually by bridging a river valley or other eroded opening in an otherwise flat area. Often such valleys had roads descending either side (with a small bridge over the river, where necessary) that become inadequate for the traffic load, necessitating a viaduct for "through" traffic.[4]Such bridges also lend themselves for use by rail traffic, which requires straighter and flatter routes.[5]Some viaducts have more than one deck, such that one deck has vehicular traffic and another deck carries rail traffic. One example of this is thePrince Edward Viaductin Toronto, Canada, that carries motor traffic on the top deck asBloor Street,and metro as theBloor-Danforthsubway lineon the lower deck, over the steepDon Rivervalley.Others were built to span settled areas, crossing over roads beneath—the reason for many viaducts in London.

Over water

TheMillau Viaduct

Viaducts over water make use of islands or successive arches. They are often combined with other types of bridges or tunnels to cross navigable waters as viaduct sections, while less expensive to design and build than tunnels or bridges with larger spans, typically lack sufficient horizontal and vertical clearance for large ships. See theChesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel.

TheMillau Viaductis a cable-stayed road-bridge that spans the valley of the riverTarnnearMillauin southern France. It opened in 2004 and is the tallest vehicular bridge in the world, with one pier's summit at 343 metres (1,125 ft). The viaductDanyang–Kunshan Grand Bridgein China was thelongest bridge in the worldas of 2011.[6]

Land use below viaducts

"Deansgate Locks" bars underDeansgate Metrolink stationin Manchester.

Where a viaduct is built across land rather than water, the space below the arches may be used for businesses such as car parking, vehicle repairs, light industry, bars and nightclubs. In the United Kingdom, many railway lines in urban areas have been constructed on viaducts, and so the infrastructure ownerNetwork Railhas an extensive property portfolio in arches under viaducts.[7]In Berlin the space under the arches of elevated subway lines (S-Bahn) is used for several different purposes, including small eateries or bars.

Past and future


Elevated expresswayswere built in major cities such asBoston(Central Artery), Los Angeles, San Francisco,Seoul,Tokyo andToronto(Gardiner Expressway).[8]Some were demolished because they were unappealing and divided the city.[citation needed]In other cases, viaducts were demolished because they were structurally unsafe, such as theEmbarcadero Freewayin San Francisco, which was damaged by an earthquake in 1989. However, in developing nations such as Thailand (Bang Na Expressway,theworld's longest road bridge), India (Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway), China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nicaragua, elevated expressways have been built and more are under construction to improve traffic flow, particularly as a workaround of land shortage when built atop surface roads.[citation needed]

Other uses have been found for some viaducts. In Paris, France, a repurposed rail viaduct provides a garden promenade on top and workspace for artisans below. The garden promenade is called theCoulée verte René-Dumontwhile the workspaces in the arches below are theViaduc des Arts.The project was inaugurated in 1993. Manhattan'sHigh Line,inaugurated in 2009, also uses an elevated train line as a linearurban park.

In Indonesia viaducts are used for railways inJavaand also for highways such as theJakarta Inner Ring Road.In January 2019, theAlaskan Way Viaductin Seattle was closed and replaced with atunnelafter several decades of use because it was seismically unsafe.[citation needed]

TheViaduc des Arts,Paris, France.

See also



  1. ^ab"viaduct – Definition of viaduct in English by Oxford English Dictionary".OED.Retrieved21 September2020.
  2. ^"Definition of VIADUCT".www.merriam-webster.com.Retrieved27 March2018.
  3. ^Colin O’Connor: Roman Bridges, Cambridge University Press 1993,ISBN0-521-39326-4,p. 99
  4. ^Brownlee, Christy (March 2005) "Taking the high road: France's new bridge helps a small town dodge traffic—and set a new world record"SuperScience16(6): pp.12–15;
  5. ^Davidsen, Judith (April 1993) "A new" lite "rail viaduct formula: Norman Foster designs a rapid-transit viaduct for Rennes, France"Architectural Record181(4): p.26;
  6. ^Longest bridge,Guinness World Records. Last accessed July 2011.
  7. ^"Light Industrial Units To Let/Rent | Small Industrial Space".Archived fromthe originalon 17 May 2012.
  8. ^"Toronto built, then demolished an expressway"(PDF).tac-atc.ca.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 6 July 2011.Retrieved27 March2018.
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