Videographyinvolves capturing movingimagesonelectronic media(such as:videotape,direct to disk recording,orsolid state storage), and can includestreaming media.It encompasses bothvideo productionandpost-productionmethods. Historically videography was considered the video counterpart tocinematography,which involved recording moving images onfilm stock.However, with the advent of digital video recording in the late 20th century, the distinction between the two has become less clear as both use similar intermediary mechanisms. Today, any video work can be referred to asvideography,while commercialmotion pictureproduction is typically termed cinematography.

A videographer using aDSLRcamera mounted on a shoulder rig
U.S. Air ForceAirmanDaniel Johnson performs a function check on his video camera before shooting.

Avideographerworks in the field of cideography andvideo production.News broadcastingheavily relies onlive television,where videographers are involved inelectronic news gathering(ENG) oflocal newsstories.


An action-cam with underwater housing

The arrival of computers and theInternetin the 1980s expanded videography beyond traditional video recording to include digital animation (such asFlash),gaming,web streaming,video blogging,slideshows,remote sensing,spatial imaging, medical imaging,security cameraimaging, and the production ofbitmapandvectorbased assets. As the field evolves, videographers can create their work entirely on a computer using software solutions, without needing an imaging device. Additionally, the widespread use of cellphones, surveillance cameras, and action cameras is rapidly transforming concepts of sociability and privacy worldwide.

Avideographermay either be acamera operatoror oversee the visual design of a production, similar to acinematographer).

Videography is increasingly intertwined withvideo production,video marketing,social media video. As video content becomes more important on social media, the lines between videography and video marketing are becoming blurred.

Videography in social science


In social sciences, videography refers to a research method that combinesethnographywith detailed analysis of recorded interaction sequences using methods developed fromconversation analysis.One of its best-known applications is inworkplace studies.



On a set, in atelevision studio,the videographer is usually acamera operatorof aprofessional video camera,sound, and lighting equipment. As part of a typicalelectronic field production(EFP)television crew,videographers usually work with atelevision producer.However, for smaller productions (e.g., Corporate andevent videography), a videographer often works alone with asingle-camera setupor, in the case of amultiple-camera setup,as part of a largertelevision crewthat includes alighting technician,gripsandsound operators.[1]

Typically, videographers are distinguished fromcinematographersby the type of equipment they use. Videographers commonly use digital hard-drive, flash cards or tape drive video cameras, whereas, cinematographers often work with mechanical film cameras such as 70mmIMAX,35mm, 16mm or Super 8mm. Videographers generally handle smaller, event-scale productions like commercials, documentaries, legal depositions, live events, short films, training videos, andweddings,as opposed to being part of large production teams. However the advent of high-definition digital video cameras, has blurred this distinction.[2]

Videographers are responsible for maintaining and operating various video camera equipment and sound recording devices, editing footage, and keeping up with technological advances. Modern video camcorders, allow for the production of professional studio-quality videos at low cost, rivaling those large studios. As a result, many major studios have ceased using film as a medium due to the discontinuation oflinear-editing devicesand the accessibility for amateurs to produce quality videos using DSLRs (Digital single-lens reflex camera). Videographers usenon-linear editingsoftware on home computers.[3]

See also



  1. ^, videographer
  2. ^", The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Videographer".Archived fromthe originalon 2018-12-11.Retrieved2019-07-20.
  3. ^Home Studio vs Professional Studio Cinematic video production

Further reading

  • Knoblauch H, Tuma R (2011) Videography: an interpretive approach to video-recorded micro-social interaction. In:Margolis E.,Pauwels L.(eds) The Sage Handbook of Visual Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 414–430.