TheYenisei Kyrgyz(Old Turkic:𐰶𐰃𐰺𐰴𐰕:𐰉𐰆𐰑𐰣,romanized:Qyrqyz bodun), were an ancientTurkic-speakingpeople who dwelled along the upperYenisei Riverin the southern portion of theMinusinsk Depressionfrom the 3rd century BCE to the 13th century CE. The heart of their homeland was the forestedTannu-Ola mountain range(known in ancient times as the Lao or Kogmen mountains), in modern-dayTuva,just north of Mongolia. TheSayan Mountainswere also included in their territory at different times. TheYenisei Kyrgyz Khaganateexisted from 538 to 1219 CE; in 840, it took over the leadership of theTurkic Khaganatefrom theUyghurs,expanding the state from the Yenisei territories into Central Asia and theTarim Basin.

Yenisei Kyrgyz
ModernKhakaspeople regard themselves as the descendants of the Yenisei Kyrgyz who remained inSiberiadespite the dispersal by theMongolsin the 13th century, and now form the Republic ofKhakassia.
Old Turkic
Related ethnic groups
Göktürks,Kyrgyz,Khakas,Fuyu Kyrgyz,Siberian Tatars,Altaians,Kazakh



The Yenisei Kyrgyz correlated with theČaatas culture[ru]and may perhaps be correlated to theTashtyk culture.[1][2][3]Their endonym was variously transcribed in Chinese historical texts asJiegu( kết cốt ),Hegu( hột cốt ),Hegusi( hột thiên tư ),Hejiasi( hột kiết tư ),Hugu( hộ cốt ),Qigu( khế cốt ),Juwu( cư vật ), andXiajiasi( hiệt kiết tư ),[4]but first appeared asGekun(orKo-kun;Chinese:Cách côn) orJiankun(orChien-kun;Chinese:Kiên côn) inRecords of the Grand HistorianandBook of Han,respectively.[5]Peter Goldenreconstructs underlying *Qïrğïz< *Qïrqïz< *Qïrqïŕand suggests a derivation fromOld Turkicqïr'gray' (horse color) plus suffix-q(X)ŕ/ğ(X)ŕ~k(X)z/g(X)z.[6][7]

Around 202 BCE,XiongnuchanyuModunconquered the Kyrgyz –then known to Chinese as Gekun ( cách côn ), along with the Hunyu ( hồn dữu ), Qushe ( khuất xạ ),Dingling( đinh linh ), and Xinli ( tân lê ).[8]Duan Chengshiwrote inMiscellaneous Morsels from Youyangthat the mythological ancestors of Kyrgyz tribe (Jiānkūn bùluòKiên côn bộ lạc ) were "a god and a cow" ( thần dữ tự ngưu ), (unlikeGöktürks,whose mythological ancestress was a she-wolf; orGaoche,whose mythological ancestors were a he-wolf and a daughter of a Xiongnuchanyu), and that Kyrgyz's point of origin was a cave north of theQumanmountains ( khúc mạn sơn ),[9][10][11]which was identified with either theSayanor theTannu-Ola;additionally,Xin Tangshumentioned that Kyrgyz army was stationed next toQīngshānThanh sơn "Blue Mountains", calqued from TurkicKögmän(> Ch.Quman) and theriver Kem(> kiếmJiàn).[12]By the time theGokturk Empirefell in the eighth century CE, the Yenisei Kyrgyz had established their own thriving state based on theGokturkmodel. They had adopted theOrkhon scriptof theGöktürksand established trading ties with China and theAbbasid Caliphatein Central Asia and the Middle East.

The Kyrgyzkhagansof theYenisei Kyrgyz Khaganateclaimed descent from the Chinese generalLi Ling,grandson of the famousHan dynastygeneralLi Guang.[13][14][15]Li Ling was captured by theXiongnuand defected in the first century BCE and since theTangimperial Li familyalso claimed descent from Li Guang, the Kyrgyz khagan was therefore recognized as a member of the Tang imperial family.[16][17]: 394–395 Emperor Zhongzong of Tanghad said to them that "Your nation and Ours are of the same ancestral clan (Zong). You are not like other foreigners."[18]: 126 

In 758, the Uyghurs killed the Kyrgyz Khan and the Kyrgyz came under the rule of theUyghur Khaganate.However, the Yenisei Kyrgyz spent much of their time in a state of rebellion. In 840 they succeeded in sacking the Uyghur capital,Ordu-Baliqin Mongolia'sOrkhon Valleyand driving the Uyghurs out of Mongolia entirely.[19][20]On February 13, 843 at "Kill the Foreigners" Mountain, theTang Chineseinflicted a devastating defeat on the Uyghur Qaghan's forces.[18]: 114– But rather than replace the Uyghurs as the lords of Mongolia, the Yenisei Kyrgyz continued to live in their traditional homeland and exist as they had for centuries. The defeat and collapse of the Uyghur Khaganate triggered a massive migration of Uyghurs from Mongolia intoTurfan,KumulandGansu,where they founded theKingdom of QochoandGansu Uyghur Kingdom.

WhenGenghis Khancame to power in the early 13th century, the Yenisei Kyrgyz submitted peacefully to him and were absorbed into hisMongol Empire,putting an end to their independent state. During the time of the Mongol Empire, the territory of the Yenisei Kyrgyz in northern Mongolia was turned into an agricultural colony called Kem-Kemchik.Kublai Khan,who founded theYuan dynasty,also sentMongolandHanofficials (along with colonists) to serve asjudgesin theKyrgyzandTuvaregions.

Some of the Yenisei Kyrgyz were relocated into theDzungar Khanateby theDzungars.In 1761, after the Dzungars were defeated by theQing dynasty,some Öelet, a tribe ofOirat-speaking Dzungars, were deported to theNonnibasin in northeastern China (Manchuria) and a group of Yenisei Kyrgyz were also deported along with the Öelet.[21][22]The Kyrgyz who moved to northeastern China became known as theFuyu Kyrgyz,but they have now mostly merged with the Mongol and Chinese population.[23][24][25]

The descendants of the Yenisei Kyrgyz today are theKyrgyz,Khakas,Fuyu Kyrgyz,andAltai peoples.

Ethnicity and language

Funerary mask, towards the end of theTashtyk culture,at the time when the Yenisei Kyrgyz were taking over the region. 5th-6th century CE.
Yenisei Kyrgyz artefacts
Yenisei Kyrgyz tableware and altar
Yenisei Kyrgyz agricultural tools
Elegest inscription

Culturally and linguistically, the Yenisei Kyrgyz were Turkic.

TheTang Huiyao(961 CE), citing theProtector General of AnxiGe Jiayun, states that the Kyrgyz, known to the Chinese as the Jiankun, all had red hair and green eyes. The ones with dark eyes and black hair were believed to be descended fromLi Ling,aHan dynastygeneral whom the Kyrgyz claimed to have married a Kyrgyz woman and was sent to aid in their governance after he surrendered to the Xiongnu. It is possible that this was an invented tradition used to claim a blood relationship with the Tang imperial house who claimed descent from Li Ling's grandfather,Li Guang.The name Jiankun was later changed toXiajiasi;according to a translation clerk,Xiajiasimeant "yellow head and red face" and this was what the Uyghurs called them; Pulleyblank (1990) proposes that "yellow head and red face" was afolk etymologybased onTurkicqizqil~qïzïl"red".[26][27][28][29]

FromXiajiasiHiệt kiết tư,Sovietscientists reconstructed the exonymKhakass.[30][31]Edwin G. Pulleyblanksurmises that "red face and yellow head" meaning was possibly afolk etymologyprovided by an interpreter who explained the ethnonym based onTurkicqïzïl~qizqil,meaning 'red'.[26]The description of the Kyrgyz as "large, with red hair, white faces, and green or blue eyes" in Tang Chinese sources and also Tibetan and Islamic sources have tempted a number of researchers to assume that the Kyrgyz may have originally been non-Turkic or at least an ethnically mixed people with a large non-Turkic element. Many scholars supported this idea after identifying what they believed to be non-Turkic words (particularlyPalaeo-Siberian) among the Kyrgyz preserved in Chinese records.[32]Ligeti cited the opinions of various scholars who had proposed to see them as assimilatedGermanic,Slav,orKet,while he himself, following Castrén and Schott, favoured an assimilatedSamoyedorigin on the basis of an etymology for a supposed Kyrgyz wordqašaorqašfor "iron". However Pulleyblank argued:[33][page needed]

As far as I can see the only basis for the assumption that the Kirghiz were not originally Turkic in language is the fact that they are described as blonds, hardly an acceptable argument in the light of present day ideas about the independence of language and race. As Ligeti himself admitted, other evidence about the Kirghiz language inTangsources shows clearly that at that time they were Turkic speaking and there is no earlier evidence at all about their language. Even the word qaša or qaš may, I think, be Turkic. TheTongdiansays: "Whenever the sky rains iron, they gather it and use it. They call it jiasha (LMC kiaa-şaa). They make knives and swords with it that are very sharp." The Tang Huiyao is the same except that it leaves out the foreign word jiasha. "Raining iron" must surely refer tometeorites.The editor who copied the passage into theXin Tangshuunfortunately misunderstood it and changed it to, "Whenever it rains, their custom is always to get iron," which is rather nonsensical. Ligeti unfortunately used only the Xin Tangshu passage without referring to the Tongdian. His restoration of qaša or qaš seems quite acceptable but I doubt that word simply meant "iron". It seems rather to refer specifically to "meteorite" or "meteoric iron".

American Turkologist Michael Drompp notes that the connection between language and race is highly inconclusive and the physical appearance of the Kyrgyz is no more credible an indicator of non-Turkic origin than a few possibly non-Turkic words in their lexicon, whose presence can be explained through linguistic borrowing. Yenisei Kyrgyz inscriptions in the eighth century and later are written completely in the Turkic language and Tang Chinese sources clearly state that the Kyrgyz wrote and spoke a language identical to the Uyghurs. Drompp states that there is no reason to assume the Kyrgyz were non-Turkic in origin, although such a possibility cannot be discounted.[32]

According to Lee & Kuang, who cite Chinese historical descriptions as well as genetic data, the turcophone "Qirghiz" may have been of non-Turkic origin, and were later Turkified through inter-tribal marriage. The Kyrgyz were described in theYou yang za zuby Duan Chengshi in the 9th century AD as people with yellow hair, green eyes, and red beards. According to Duan, the Kyrgyz were not of wolf descent, unlike the Turks, and were born in a cave north of Quman Mountain as the offspring of a god and a cow. TheNew Book of Tang(11th century) did not consider the Kyrgyz to be the same as the Tiele tribes but states that they had the same language and script as the Uyghurs. TheNew Bookstates that the Kyrgyz were "all tall and big and have red hair, white faces, and green eyes." They looked similar to the neighboring "Boma tribe" (Basmyl), who did not share the same language, implying that the Kyrgyz may have originally been a non-Turkic people. Lee & Kuang consider the Kyrgyz to have been physically distinct from the "Kök Türks" because no similar description of their appearance exists whileAshina Simo's ancestry was called into question for his "Hu" Sogdian appearance.[34]Gardizibelieved the red hair and white skin of the Kyrgyz was explained by mixing with the "Saqlabs" (Slavs) while theNew Bookstates that the Kyrgyz intermixed with theDingling.[35]



The Yenisei Kyrgyz had a mixed economy based on traditional nomadic animal breeding (mostly horses and cattle) and agriculture. According to Chinese records, they grew Himalayanrye,barley,millet,andwheat.[17]: 400–401 They were also skilled iron workers, jewelry makers, potters, and weavers. Their homes were traditional nomadic tents and, in the agricultural areas, wood and bark huts. Their farming settlements were protected by log palisades. The resources of their forested homeland (mainly fur) allowed the Yenisei Kyrgyz to become prosperous merchants as well. They maintained trading ties withChina,Tibet,theAbbasid Caliphateof the Middle east, and many local tribes.[17]: 402 Kyrgyz horses were also renowned for their large size and speed. The tenth-century Persian textHudud al-'alamdescribed the Kirgiz as people who "venerate the Fire and burn the dead", and that they were nomads who hunted.[36]

Etymology and names


The trisyllabic forms with Chinese -sz forTurkicfinal -z appear only from the end of 8th century onward. Before that time we have a series of Chinese transcriptions referring to the same people and stretching back to the 2nd century BCE, which end either in -n or -t:

  • Gekun (EMC kέrjk kwən), 2nd century BCE.Shiji110,Hanshu94a.
  • Jiankun (EMC khέn kwən), 1st century BCE onward.Hanshu70.
  • Qigu (EMC kέt kwət), 6th century.Zhoushu50.
  • Hegu (EMC γət kwət), 6th century.Suishu84.
  • Jiegu (EMC kέt kwət), 6th–8th century.Tongdian200,Old Book of Tang194b, andTang Huiyao100.

Neither -n nor -t provides a good equivalent for -z. The most serious attempt to explain these forms seems still to be that ofPaul Pelliotin 1920. Pelliot suggested thatMiddle Chinese-t stands for Turkic -z, which would be quite unusual and would need supporting evidence, but then his references toMongolplurals in -t suggest that he thinks that the name of the Kirghiz, like that of the Turks, first became known to the Chinese through Mongol speaking intermediaries. There is still less plausibility in the suggestion that the Kirghiz, who first became known as a people conquered by thatXiongnuand then re-emerged associated with other Turkic peoples in the 6th century, should have had Mongol style suffixes attached to all the various forms of their name that were transcribed into Chinese up to the 9th century.

The change ofrtozin Turkic which is implied by the Chinese forms of the name Kirghiz should not give any comfort to those who want to explainMongolianandTungusiccognates withras Turkicloanwords.The peoples mentioned in sources of theHanperiod that can be identified as Turkic were theDingling(laterTiele,from whom theUyghursemerged), the Jiankun (later Kirghiz), the Xinli (later Sir/Xue), and possibly also the Hujie or Wujie, were all, at that period, north and west of the Xiongnu in general area where we find the Kirghiz at the beginning of Tang.

Further reading



  1. ^"Xipoliya Yanke Suo Jian Xiajiesi Monijiao" ( "Siberian Rock Arts and Xiajiesi's Manicheism" ) 1998 Gansu Mingzu Yanjiu
  2. ^A. J. Haywood,Siberia: A Cultural History,Oxford University Press, 2010, p.203
  3. ^Christoph Baumer,The History of Central Asia: The Age of the Steppe Warriors,I.B.Tauris, 2012, p.171
  4. ^Theobald, Ulrich (2012)."Xiajiasi hiệt kiết tư, Qirqiz" - An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History, Literature and Art
  5. ^Pulleyblank, Edwin G. "The Name of the Kirghiz" inCentral Asiatic Journal,Vol. 34, No. 1/2 (1990). Harrassowitz Verlag. page 98-99 of 98-108
  6. ^Golden, Peter B. (2017)."The Turkic World in Mahmûd al-Kâshgarî"(PDF).Türkologiya 4:16.
  7. ^Golden, Peter B. (August 2018). "The Ethnogonic Tales of the Türks".The Medieval History Journal,21(2): 302.
  8. ^Sima QianRecords of the Grand HistorianVol. 110"Hậu bắc phục hồn dữu, khuất xạ, đinh linh, cách côn, tân lê chi quốc.…… Thị thời hán sơ định trung quốc,……." translation: "Later in the North [Modun] subdued the Hunyu, Qushe, Dingling, Gekun, and Xinli nations. It was when theHanhad just stabilized theCentral Region,[...]. [i.e. 202 BCE] "
  9. ^Youzang Zazuvol. 4
  10. ^Lee & Kuang (2017) "A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Historical Sources and Y-DNA Studies with Regard to the Early and Medieval Turkic Peoples", Inner Asia 19. p. 204-205 of 197-239
  11. ^Golden, Peter B. (August 2018). "The Ethnogonic Tales of the Türks".The Medieval History Journal,21(2): 297-304
  12. ^Kenzheakhmet, Nurlan (2014). "Ethnonyms and Toponyms" of the Old Turkic Inscriptions in Chinese sources ".Studia et Documenta Turcologica.II.p. 299 of 287–316.
  13. ^Veronika Veit, ed. (2007).The role of women in the Altaic world: Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 44th meeting, Walberberg, 26-31 August 2001.Vol. 152 of Asiatische Forschungen (illustrated ed.). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 61.ISBN978-3447055376.RetrievedFebruary 8,2012.
  14. ^Michael Robert Drompp (2005).Tang China and the collapse of the Uighur Empire: a documentary history.Vol. 13 of Brill's Inner Asian library (illustrated ed.). BRILL. p. 126.ISBN9004141294.RetrievedFebruary 8,2012.
  15. ^Kyzlasov, Leonid R. (2010).The Urban Civilization of Northern and Innermost Asia Historical and Archaeological Research(PDF).Curatores seriei VICTOR SPINEI et IONEL CANDEÂ VII. Vol. The Urban Civilization of Northern and Innermost Asia Historical and Archaeological Research. ROMANIAN ACADEMY INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF IAȘI Editura Academiei Romane - Editura Istros. p. 245.ISBN978-973-27-1962-6.Florilegium magistrorum historiae archaeologiaeque Antiqutatis et Medii Aevi.
  16. ^Veronika Veit, ed. (2007).The role of women in the Altaic world: Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 44th meeting, Walberberg, 26-31 August 2001.Vol. 152 of Asiatische Forschungen (illustrated ed.). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 61.ISBN978-3447055376.RetrievedFebruary 8,2012.
  17. ^abcMichael R. Drompp (1999). "Breaking the Orkhon tradition: Kirghiz adherence to the Yenisei region after A. D. 840".Journal of the American Oriental Society.119(3): 390–403.doi:10.2307/605932.JSTOR605932.
  18. ^abMichael Robert Drompp (2005).Tang China and the collapse of the Uighur Empire: a documentary history.Brill's Inner Asian library. Vol. 13. Brill.ISBN9004141294.
  19. ^Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World.Elsevier. April 6, 2010. pp. 610–.ISBN978-0-08-087775-4.
  20. ^Pál Nyíri; Joana Breidenbach (2005).China Inside Out: Contemporary Chinese Nationalism and Transnationalism.Central European University Press. pp. 275–.ISBN978-963-7326-14-1.
  21. ^Juha Janhunen (1996).Manchuria: An Ethnic History.Finno-Ugrian Society. pp. 111–112.ISBN978-951-9403-84-7.
  22. ^Stephen A. Wurm; Peter Mühlhäusler; Darrell T. Tryon, eds. (February 11, 2011).Atlas of Languages of Intercultural Communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Gruyter. p. 831.ISBN9783110819724.
  23. ^Tchoroev (Chorotegin) 2003,p. 110.
  24. ^Pozzi & Janhunen & Weiers 2006, p. 113.
  25. ^Giovanni Stary; Alessandra Pozzi; Juha Antero Janhunen; Michael Weiers (2006).Tumen Jalafun Jecen Aku: Manchu Studies in Honour of Giovanni Stary.Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. pp. 112–.ISBN978-3-447-05378-5.
  26. ^abPulleyblank, Edwin G. "The Name of the Kirghiz" inCentral Asiatic Journal,Vol. 34, No. 1/2 (1990). Harrassowitz Verlag. page 105 of 98-108
  27. ^Lung, Rachel (2011).Interpreters in Early Imperial China.John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 108.ISBN978-9027224446.RetrievedFebruary 8,2012.
  28. ^Veronika Veit, ed. (2007).The role of women in the Altaic world: Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 44th meeting, Walberberg, 26-31 August 2001.Vol. 152 of Asiatische Forschungen (illustrated ed.). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 61.ISBN978-3447055376.RetrievedFebruary 8,2012.
  29. ^Michael Robert Drompp (2005).Tang China and the collapse of the Uighur Empire: a documentary history.Vol. 13 of Brill's Inner Asian library (illustrated ed.). BRILL. p. 126.ISBN9004141294.RetrievedFebruary 8,2012.
  30. ^Lee & Kuang (2017) "A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Historical Sources and Y-DNA Studies with Regard to the Early and Medieval Turkic Peoples",Inner Asia19. p. 216 of 197-239
  31. ^Kara, Dávid Somfai(2018)."The Formation of Modern Turkic 'Ethnic' Groups in Central and Inner Asia".The Hungarian Historical Review.7(1): 98–110.ISSN2063-8647.JSTOR26571579.The remaining Turkic clans (Yenisei Kyrgyz) were called the Tatars of Minusinsk by the Russians, and soon this became their autonym (tadarlar). In Soviet times, their official name (exonym) changed. They became Khakas after their Chinese name "xiaqiasi," or Kyrgyz.
  32. ^abDrompp, Michael (2002)."The Yenisei Kyrgyz from Early Times to the Mongol Conquest".Academia.RetrievedDecember 13,2016.
  33. ^Pulleyblank, Edwin G (2002).Central Asia and Non-Chinese Peoples of Ancient China.Ashgate Publishing.ISBN0-86078-859-8.
  34. ^Lee, Joo-Yup; Kuang, Shuntu (October 18, 2017)."A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Historical Sources and y-dna Studies with Regard to the Early and Medieval Turkic Peoples".Inner Asia.19(2): 197–239.doi:10.1163/22105018-12340089.ISSN2210-5018.According to the You yang za zu, written by Duan Chengshi in the ninth century ad, the Qirghiz regarded themselves as progenies of a god and a cow: 24 The Jiankun ( kiên côn ) [Qirghiz] tribe, [unlike the Türks], is not of wolf descent. Their ancestors were born in a cave located to the north of the Quman Mountain. They themselves say that in the ancient times there was a god who mated with a cow in that cave. The people's hair is yellow, eyes are green, and beards are red. The Qirghiz are distinguished from the Uighurs and other Tiele tribes in Chinese histories. The Xin Tangshu, which provides detailed information on the Qirghiz and the Tiele tribes, does not include the former among the latter (Xin Tangshu 217b.6139–6145). In addition, while the Xin Tangshu states that 'their language and script were identical to those of the Uighurs ( kỳ văn tự ngôn ngữ, dữ hồi cốt chính đồng )' (Xin Tangshu 217b.6148), it also notes the peculiar physical phenotype of the Qirghiz. The Xin Tangshu relates: 'The people are all tall and big and have red hair, white faces, and green eyes ( nhân giai trường đại, xích phát, tích diện, lục đồng )' (Xin Tangshu, 217b.6147).25 According to the Xin Tangshu, their neighbouring tribe named Boma ( bác mã ) or Bila ( tệ lạt ) resembled the Qirghiz, although their language was different (Xin Tangshu 217b.6146). This may imply that the Qirghiz were originally a non-Turkic people26 who became Turkicized during the Kök Türk period at least partly through inter-tribal marriages.
  35. ^Lee & Kuang 2017,p. 204-205.
  36. ^Scott Cameron Levi, Ron Sela (2010)."Chapter 4, Discourse on the Qïrghïz Country".Islamic Central Asia: An Anthology of Historical Sources.Indiana University Press. p. 30.ISBN978-0-253-35385-6.