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Zygomycota,orzygote fungi,is a formerdivisionorphylumof the kingdomFungi.The members are now part of twophyla:theMucoromycotaandZoopagomycota.[1]Approximately 1060 species are known.[2]They are mostly terrestrial in habitat, living in soil or on decaying plant or animal material. Some are parasites of plants, insects, and small animals, while others form symbiotic relationships with plants.[3]Zygomycetehyphaemay becoenocytic,forming septa only wheregametesare formed or to wall off dead hyphae. Zygomycota is no longer recognised as it was not believed to be trulymonophyletic.[1]
Zygomycota | |
Sporangium of aPhycomycessp. | |
Scientific classification![]() | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Fungi |
Division: | Zygomycota C. Moreau 1954 (informal) |
Class: | Zygomycetes Winter1881 |
Orders | |
editThe nameZygomycotarefers to thezygosporangiacharacteristically formed by the members of this clade, in which resistant sphericalsporesare formed duringsexual reproduction.ZygosisGreekfor "joining" or "ayoke",referring to the fusion of twohyphal strandswhich produces these spores, and-mycotais a suffix referring to a division of fungi.[4]
editThe term "spore" is used to describe a structure related to propagation and dispersal. Zygomycete spores can be formed through both sexual and asexual means. Beforegerminationthe spore is in a dormant state. During this period, themetabolic rateis very low and it may last from a few hours to many years. There are two types ofdormancy.The exogenous dormancy is controlled by environmental factors such as temperature or nutrient availability. The endogenous or constitutive dormancy depends on characteristics of the spore itself; for example, metabolic features. In this type of dormancy, germination may be prevented even if the environmental conditions favor growth.
editIn zygomycetes, mitospores (sporangiospores) are formed asexually. They are formed in specialized structures, the mitosporangia (sporangia) that contain few to several thousand of spores, depending on the species. Mitosporangia are carried by specialized hyphae, the mitosporangiophores (sporangiophores). These specialized hyphae usually show negative gravitropism and positive phototropism allowing good spore dispersal. The sporangia wall is thin and is easily destroyed by mechanical stimuli (e.g. falling raindrops, passing animals), leading to the dispersal of the ripe mitospores. The walls of these spores containsporopolleninin some species. Sporopollenin is formed out of β-carotene and is very resistant to biological and chemical degradation. Zygomycete spores may also be classified in respect to their persistence:
editChlamydosporesare asexual spores different from sporangiospores. The primary function of chlamydospores is the persistence of the mycelium and they are released when the mycelium degrades. Chlamydospores have no mechanism for dispersal. In zygomycetes the formation of chlamydospores is usually intercalar. However, it may also be terminal. In accordance with their function chlamydospores have a thick cell wall and are pigmented.
editZygophores are chemotropic aerial hyphae that are the sex organs of zygomycota, except for Phycomyces in which they are not aerial but found in the substratum. They have two different mating types (+) and (-). The opposite mating types grow towards each other due to volatilepheromonesgiven off by the opposite strand, mainlytrisporic acidand its precursors. Once two opposite mating types have made initial contact, they give rise to a zygospore through multiple steps.
Once contact between the zygophores has been made, their walls adhere to each other, flatten and then the contact site is referred to as the fusion septum. The tips of the zygophore become distended and form what is called the progametangia. A septum develops by gradual inward extension until it separates the terminal gametangia from the progametangial base. At this point the zygophore is then called the suspensor. Vesicles accumulate at the fusion septum at which time it begins to dissolve. A little before the fusion septum completely dissolves, the primary outer wall begins to thicken. This can be seen as dark patches on the primary wall as the fusion septum dissolves. These dark patches on the wall will eventually develop into warty structures that make up the thickness of the zygospore wall. As the zygospore enlarges, so do the warty structures until there are contiguous around the entire cell. At this point, electron microscopy can no longer penetrate the wall. Eventually the warts push through the primary wall and darken which is likely caused bymelanin.
Meiosisusually occurs before zygospore germination and there are a few main types of distinguishablenuclearbehavior. Type 1 is when the nuclei fuse quickly, within a few days, resulting in mature zygospore havinghaploidnuclei. Type 2 is when some nuclei do not pair and degenerate instead, meiosis is delayed until germination. Type 3 is when haploid nuclei continue to divide mitotically and then some associate into groups and some do not. This results indiploidand haploid nuclei being found in the germsporangium.
Cell wall
editZygomycetes exhibit a special structure of cell wall. Most fungi havechitinas structuralpolysaccharide,while zygomycetes synthesizechitosan,the deacetylatedhomopolymerof chitin. Chitin is built of β-1,4 bondedN-acetyl glucosamine. Fungal hyphae grow at the tip. Therefore, specialized vesicles, the chitosomes, bring precursors of chitin and its synthesizing enzyme,chitin synthetase,to the outside of the membrane byexocytosis.The enzyme on the membrane catalyzes glycosidic bond formations from the nucleotide sugar substrate, uridine diphospho-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. The nascent polysaccharide chain is then cleaved by the enzymechitin deacetylase.The enzyme catalyzes the hydrolytic cleavage of theN-acetamido group in chitin. After this the chitosan polymer chain formsmicro fibrils.These fibers are embedded in an amorphous matrix consisting of proteins,glucans(which putatively cross-link the chitosan fibers),mannoproteins,lipids and other compounds.[5][6]
Trisporic acid
editTrisporic acid is a C-18terpenoidcompound that is synthesized viaβ-caroteneandretinolpathways in the zygomycetes. It is apheromonecompound responsible for sexual differentiation in those fungal species.[7]
editTrisporic acid was discovered in 1964 as a metabolite that caused enhanced carotene production inBlakeslea trispora.It was later shown to be the hormone that brought about zygophore production inMucor mucedo.[8]The American mycologist and geneticistAlbert Francis Blakesleediscovered that some species of Mucorales were self-sterile (heterothallic), in which interactions of two strains, designated (+) and (-), are necessary for the initiation of sexual activity. This interaction was found by Hans Burgeff of the University of Goettingen to be due to the exchange of low molecular weight substances that diffused through the substratum and atmosphere. This work constituted the first demonstration of sex hormone activity in any fungus. The elucidation of the hormonal control of sexual interaction in the Mucorales extends over 60 years and involved mycologists and biochemists from Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA.[8]
Functions of trisporic acid in Mucorales
editRecognition of compatible sexual partners in zygomycota is based on a cooperative biosynthesis pathway of trisporic acid. Earlytrisporoidderivatives and trisporic acid induce swelling of two potential hyphae, hence called zygophores, and a chemical gradient of these inducer molecules results in a growth towards each other. These progametangia come in contact with each other and build a strong connection. In the next stage, septae are established to limit the developing zygospore from the vegetative mycelium and in this way the zygophores become suspensor hyphae and gametangia are formed. After dissolving of the fusion wall, cytoplasm and a high number of nuclei from both gametangia are mixed. A selectional process (unstudied) results in a reduction of nuclei and meiosis takes place (also unstudied until today). Several cell wall modifications, as well as incorporation ofsporopollenin(responsible for the dark colour of spores) take place resulting in a mature zygospore.
Trisporic acid, as the endpoint of this recognition pathway, can solely be produced in presence of both compatible partners, which enzymatically produce trisporoid precursors to be further utilized by the potential sexual partner. Species specificity of these reactions is among others obtained by spatial segregation, physicochemical features of derivatives (volatility and light sensitivity), chemical modifications of trisporoids and transcriptional/posttranscriptional regulation.
editTrisporoids are also used in the mediation of the recognition between parasite and host. An example is the host-parasite interaction of a parasexual nature observed betweenParasitella parasitica,a facultativemycoparasiteof zygomycetes, andAbsidia glauca.This interaction is an example for biotrophic fusion parasitism, because genetic information is transferred into the host. Many morphological similarities in comparison to zygospore formation are seen, but the mature spore is called a sikyospore and is parasitic. During this process, gall-like structures are produced by the hostAbsidia glauca. This, coupled with further evidence, has led to the assumption that trisporoids are not strictly species-specific, but that they might represent the general principle of mating recognition in Mucorales.[9]
editLight regulation has been investigated in the zygomycetesPhycomyces blakesleeanus,Mucor circinelloidesandPilobolus crystallinus.For example, inPilobolus crystallinuslight is responsible for the dispersal mechanism and the sporangiophores ofPhycomyces blakesleeanusgrow towards light. When light, particularly blue light, is involved in the regulation of fungal development, it directs the growth of fungal structures and activates metabolic pathways. For instance, the zygomycota use light as signal to promote vegetative reproduction and growth of aerial hyphae to facilitate spore dispersal.
Fungal phototropism has been investigated in detail using the fruiting body, sporangiophore, ofPhycomycesas a model.Phycomyceshas a complex photoreceptor system. It is able to react to different light intensities and different wavelengths. In contrast to the positive reaction to blue light, there is also a negative reaction to UV light. Reactions to red light were also observed.
Activation of beta-carotene biosynthesis by light
editThe two genes for the enzymes phytoene desaturase (carB) and the bifunctional phytoene synthase/carotene cyclase (carRA inPhycomyces,carRP inMucor) are responsible for synthesis of beta-carotene. The product of the gene crgA, which was found in Mucor suppresses the carotene formation by inhibiting the accumulation of carB and carRP mRNAs.
Influence of light in sporulation and sexual development
editThe zygomyceteP. blakesleeanusbuilds two types of sporangiophores, the macrophores and the microphores which differ in size. The formation of these sporangiophores work at different light fluences and therefore with specific photoreceptors. Light also regulates asexual sporulation. InMucorthe product of the crgA gene acts as an activator. In contrast, the sexual development of Phycomyces is inhibited by light because of a specialized photoreceptor system.
editGravitropism is a turning or growth movement by a plant or fungus in response to gravity. It is equally widespread in both kingdoms. Statolites are required in both fungi and plants for the mechanism of gravity-sensing. The Zygomycota sporangiophores originate from specialized “basal hyphae” and pass through several distinctive developmental stages until the mature asexual spores are released. In addition to the positive phototropism, the sporangiophores are directed by a negative gravitropic response into a position suitable for spore dispersal and distribution. Both responses are growth reactions i.e. the bending is caused by differential growth on the respective opposite flanks of the sporangiophore, and influence each other. The only model for the mechanism of the gravitropic reaction ofPhycomycesis based on the floatability of the vacuole within the surrounding cytoplasm.[10]The resulting asymmetric distribution of the cytoplasm is proposed to generate increased wall growth on the lower side of horizonally placed sporangiophores as in the thicker cytoplasmic layer forming there the number of vesicles secreting cell-wall material would be higher than on the upper side. Gravitropic bending starts after approximately 15 – 30 min in horizontally placed sporangiophores and continues until after, approximately 12 – 14 hours, the sporangiophore tip has recovered its original vertical position. Usually, the gravitropic response is weaker compared to the phototrophic one. However, in certain conditions, equilibrium could be established and the responses are comparable. In plants and fungi, phototropism and gravitropism interact in a complex manner. During continuous irradiation with unilateral light, the sporangiophore (fruiting body) of the zygomycete fungus, Phycomyces blakesleeanus reach a bending angle of photogravitropic equilibrium at which the gravitropic and phototropic stimuli balance each other (Fig. 1, bending angle +α, due to light irradiation[11]).
Protein crystals involved in graviperception
editInPhycomyces blakesleeanus,wild type sporangiophores contain large, easily seen octahedral paracrystalline crystals with size up to 5×5×5 μm. Generally, they are found near the main vacuole in clusters consisting of more than ten crystals. They are often associated to the vacuolar transepts. Sedimentation with speed of about 100 μm/s can be observed when the sporangiophores are tilted. Sliding along during sedimentation or pulling at the vacuolar membranes and transepts serves as an inter-cellular signal to a probable cytoskeleton response, and that activates receptors located in the cell membrane. These receptors in turn trigger a chain of events which finally leads to the asymmetrical growth of the cell wall. Studies of the bending angle of wild type and mutant strain sporangiophore growth have shown that mutant strains that do not have crystals exhibit reduced gravitropic response.[11]
Lipid droplets involved in graviperception
editComplex of apical lipid globules are also involved in graviperception. These lipids are clustered in cellular structures, complex of lipid globules, about 0.1mm below the very tip of the apex. (Fig. 2) The globules migrate to the columella when the sporangium is formed. In mature stage this complex is believed to act as a gravireceptor due to its floatability. Mutants that lack this lipid complex show greatly lowered gravitropic response.[10]
editHistorically, all fungi producing a zygospore were considered to be related and placed into Zygomycota. The use of molecular phylogenetics has increasingly revealed this grouping to beparaphyletic.[1]However, the rank (i.e., phylum or subphylum) these clades is in dispute. What follows is a phylogeny of fungi with the zygomycete subphyla derived from Spatafora et al. (2016)[1]with both possible phylum names.
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Industrial uses
editMany species of zygomycetes can be used in important industrial processes. A resume of them is presented in the table.
Species | Product | Uses |
SeveralMucorandRhizopusspp. | Lipasesandproteases | Leather, detergent and medical industry (steroid transformation) |
Rhizopus | Cellulases | Food production (i.e., tempeh) |
R. oryzae,otherRhizopusspp. | Fumaric acid | Diverse |
Rhizopusspp. | Lactic acid | Diverse |
R. delemar | Biotin | Diverse |
Mortierella romanniana,Mortierella vinaceaandMucor indicus | Linolenic acid | Diverse |
Mortierella alpina | Arachidonic acid | Diverse |
Blakeslea trispora | β-carotene | Diverse |
Culture conditions
editThe zygomycetes are able to grow in a wide range of environments. Most of them are mesophilic (growing at 10–40 °C with an optimum 20–35 °C), but some, likeMucor mieheiorMucor pusillus,are thermophilic with a minimum growth temperature of about 20 °C and maximum extending up to 60 °C. Others likeMucor hiemaliscan grow at temperatures below 0 °C.
Some species of the order Mucorales are able to grow under anaerobic conditions, while most of them require aerobic conditions. Furthermore, while the majority of the zygomycetes only grow at high water activities, some of them are able to grow in salt concentrations of at least 15%. Most species ofMucorgrow rapidly on agar at room temperature filling thePetri dishin 2–3 days with their coarse aerial mycelium. When incubated in liquid culture under semi-anaerobic conditions, several species grow in yeast like state. Zygospore formation may be stimulated at higher temperatures of incubation (30–40 °C).
Growth of Zygomycota in solid agar can produce low or very high fibrous colony that rapidly fills the entire Petri dish. Its color may range from pure white to shades of gray or brown. In old cultures, dark pigmented sporangia are observed. Everything depends on the species and the media used. In liquid culture, Zygomycota usually form a bland mass and do not produce spores. This is because they cannot grow aerial hyphae.
Culture media
editZygomycetes grow well on most standard fungalculture mediumsuch as Sabouraud dextrose agar. They can also grow on both selective and non-selective media. Minimal media, supplementary media and induction media can also be used. Most zygomycetes are sensitive to cycloheximide (actidione) and this agent should not be used in culture media.
editA common example of a zygomycete isblack bread mold(Rhizopus stolonifer), a member of theMucorales.It spreads over the surface of bread and other food sources, sending hyphae inward to absorb nutrients. In itsasexualphase it develops bulbous blacksporangiaat the tips of upright hyphae, each containing hundreds of haploidspores.
As in most zygomycetes, asexual reproduction is the most common form of reproduction. Sexual reproduction inRhizopus stolonifer,as in other zygomycetes, occurs when haploid hyphae of differentmating typesare in close proximity to each other. Growth of the gametangia commences after gametangia come in contact, andplasmogamy,or the fusion of the cytoplasm, occurs.Karyogamy,which is the fusion of the nuclei, follows closely after. The zygosporangia are thendiploid.Zygosporangia are typically thick-walled, highly resilient to environmental hardships, and metabolically inert. When conditions improve, however, they germinate to produce a sporangium or vegetativehyphae.Meiosis occurs during germination of the zygosporangium so the resulting spores or hyphae are haploid. Grows in warm and damp conditions.
Some zygomycetes disperse their spores in a more precise manner than simply allowing them to drift aimlessly on air currents.Pilobolus,a fungus which grows on animal dung, bends its sporangiophores towards light with the help of a light sensitive pigment (beta-carotene) and then "fires" them with an explosive squirt of high-pressurecytoplasm.Sporangia can be launched as far as 2 m, placing them far away from the dung and hopefully on vegetation which will be eaten by an herbivore, eventually to be deposited with dung elsewhere. Different mechanisms for forcible spore discharge have evolved among members of the zygomycete orderEntomophthorales.
Evolution of conidia
editThe evolution of theconidiumfrom the sporangiospore is the main defining difference between zygomycetes andascomycetes.[12]The evolution of sporangiospores typical of zygomycetes to conidia similar to those found in ascomycetes can be modeled by a series of forms seen in zygomycetes. Many zygomycetes produce multiple sporangiospores inside a single sporangium. Some have evolved multiple small sporangiola that contain few sporangiospores. In some cases, there may be a few as three spores in each sporangiolum, and a few species have sporangiola which contain just a single spore.Choanephora,a zygomycete, has a sporangiolum that contains one spore with a sporangium wall that is visible at the base of the sporangium. This structure is similar to a conidium, which has two, fused cell walls, an inner spore wall and an outer sporangium wall.
edit- ^abcdSpatafora, Joseph W.; Chang, Ying; Benny, Gerald L.; Lazarus, Katy; Smith, Matthew E.; Berbee, Mary L.; Bonito, Gregory; Corradi, Nicolas; Grigoriev, Igor; Gryganskyi, Andrii; James, Timothy Y.; O’Donnell, Kerry; Roberson, Robert W.; Taylor, Thomas N.; Uehling, Jessie; Vilgalys, Rytas; White, Merlin M.; Stajich, Jason E. (2016)."A phylum-level phylogenetic classification of zygomycete fungi based on genome-scale data".Mycologia.108(5):1028–1046.doi:10.3852/16-042.ISSN0027-5514.PMC6078412.PMID27738200.
- ^Krogh, David (2010).Biology: A Guide to the Natural World.Benjamin Cummings.p. 409.ISBN978-0-321-61655-5.
- ^Raven, P.H.; Evert, R.F.; Eichhorn, S.E. (2005). "Fungi".Biology of plants(7th ed.). W.H. Freeman. pp.268–9.ISBN978-0716762843.
- ^David Moore; Geoffrey D. Robson; Anthony P. J. Trinci (14 July 2011).21st Century Guidebook to Fungi.Cambridge University Press. p. 52.ISBN978-1-107-00676-8.
- ^Gow, Neil A. R.;Gadd, Geoffrey M.,eds. (1995).Growing Fungus.Springer.ISBN978-0-412-46600-7.
- ^Watkinson, Sarah C.; Boddy, Lynne; Money, Nicholas (2015).The Fungi(3rd ed.). Academic Press.ISBN978-0-12-382035-8.
- ^Gooday, Graham W.; Carlile, Michael J. (August 1997). "The discovery of fungal sex hormones: III. Trisporic acid and its precursors".Mycologist.11(3):126–130.doi:10.1016/S0269-915X(97)80017-1.
- ^abSchultze, Kornelia; Schimek, Christine; Wöstemeyer, Johannes; Burmester, Anke (2005). "Sexuality and parasitism share common regulatory pathways in the fungusParasitella parasitica".Gene.348:33–44.doi:10.1016/j.gene.2005.01.007.PMID15777660.
- ^Schimek, Christine; Kleppe, Kathrin; Saleem, Abdel-Rahman; Voigt, Kerstin; Burmester, Anke; Wöstemeyer, Johannes (2003). "Sexual reactions in Mortierellales are mediated by the trisporic acid system".Mycological Research.107(6):736–747.doi:10.1017/S0953756203007949.PMID12951800.
- ^abGrolig F, Herkenrath H, Pumm T, Gross A, Galland P (February 2004). "Gravity susception by buoyancy: floating lipid globules in sporangiophores of phycomyces".Planta.218(4):658–667.doi:10.1007/s00425-003-1145-x.PMID14605883.S2CID21460919.
- ^abSchimek C, Eibe P, Horiel T, Galland P, Ootaki T (1999). "Protein crystals in phycomyces sporangiophores are involved in graviperception".Advances in Space Research.24(6):687–696.Bibcode:1999AdSpR..24..687S.doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(99)00400-7.PMID11542610.
- ^Cain, R. F. (1972). "Evolution of the Fungi".Mycologia.64(1):1–14.doi:10.2307/3758010.JSTOR3758010.
External links
edit- Zygomycotaat the Tree of Life Web Project
- List of all Zygomycetes species from Zygomycetes database by PM Kirk in Catalogue of Life 2008
- Mucoralesat the U.S. National Library of MedicineMedical Subject Headings(MeSH)