Ayad Allawi(Arabic:إيَاد عَلَّاوِيIyād ʿAllāwī;born 31 May 1944) is anIraqipolitician. He served as thevice president of Iraqfrom 2014 to 2015 and 2016 to 2018.[4][5][6]Previously he was interimprime minister of Iraqfrom 2004 to 2005 and thepresident of the Governing Council of Iraq(38thprime minister of Iraq) in 2003.

Ayad Allawi
إيَاد عَلَّاوِي
Allawi in 2010
Vice President of Iraq
In office
10 October 2016 – 2 October 2018
PresidentFuad Masum
Preceded byHimself
Succeeded byVacant
In office
8 September 2014 – 11 August 2015
PresidentFuad Masum
Preceded byKhodair al-Khozaei
Succeeded byHimself
Prime Minister of Iraq
In office
1 June 2004 – 3 May 2005
Preceded byGhazi Mashal Ajil al-Yawer(President of the Governing Council)
Succeeded byIbrahim al-Jaafari
President of the Governing Council of Iraq
In office
1 October 2003 – 31 October 2003
Preceded byAhmed Chalabi
Succeeded byJalal Talabani
Personal details
Born(1944-05-31)31 May 1944(age 80)[1]
Adhamiyah,Baghdad,Kingdom of Iraq
Political partyIraqi National Accord(1991–present)
Other political
Al-Wataniya(December 2012–present)[2]
Iraqi National Movement(2009–2012)[3]
Alma materUniversity of London
WebsiteAyad Allawi Website
Al-Watania Website

A prominent Iraqipolitical activistwho lived in exile for almost 30 years, Allawi, aShiaMuslim, became a member of theIraq Interim Governing Council,which was established by U.S.-led coalition authorities following the2003 invasion of Iraq.He became Iraq's firsthead of governmentsinceSaddam Husseinwhen the council dissolved on 1 June 2004, and named him prime minister of theIraqi Interim Government.His term as prime minister ended on 7 April 2005, after the selection ofIslamic Dawa PartyleaderIbrahim al-Jaafariby the newly elected transitionalIraqi National Assembly.[7]

A formerBa'athist,Allawi helped found theIraqi National Accord,which today is an active political party. In the lead up to the2003 invasion of Iraq,the INA provided intelligence about alleged weapons of mass destruction toMI6.Allawi has lived about half of his life in theUK.His wife and children still live in the UK for their security. He survived assassination attempts in 1978, in 2004, and on 20 April 2005.

Allawi's first name is sometimes rendered asIyadorEyad.

Allawi's early life


Allawi was born in 1944 to a prominentShiitemerchant family; his grandfather helped to negotiate Iraq's independence fromBritainand his father was an IraqiMember of Parliament.He became involved inBa'athismat a young age and organized against the government ofAbdul Karim Qassim.In the 1960s, he studied at medical school inBaghdadat Baghdad University. Previously, he had attended high school and college atBaghdad College,aCatholic,Jesuithigh school and college. He obtained his master's degree at University College in London and performed a residency atGuy's Hospital.[citation needed]Allawi has three children, one of them, Hamza, studies in a school inSurrey.Allawi is related toAhmed Chalabi,another prominent former exile who died in 2015, through Chalabi's sister. Former minister of trade Ali Allawi is Chalabi's sister's son as well as Ayad Allawi's cousin. The relationship between Chalabi and Allawi had been described as alternating between rivals and allies. In addition, Nouri Badran, interim Minister of Interior, is married to Iyad Allawi's sister. He is also a cousin ofMohammed Tawfiq Allawi.[8][9]

Early political career


In 1971, he moved to London due to increasing differences with the Ba'ath party and in order to continue his medical education. He resigned from the Ba'ath party in 1975, "having decided that Saddam was exerting too much control over it".[10][11]Allawi himself states that he remained active in the international Ba'athist movement, but had no ties to theBa'ath Party's Iraqi Regional Branch.

At first Saddam, then Iraq's vice president, pressured Allawi, who was in contact with senior military and party officers that were increasingly critical of Saddam, to rejoin the Ba'ath Party. In 1978, friends told Allawi that his name was on a liquidation list. In February 1978 Allawi was awoken in bed one night by an intruder in hisSurreyhome, who proceeded to attack him with an axe. The intruder left, convinced that Allawi was dead as he lay in a pool of blood. He survived the attempted murder, and spent the next year in hospital recovering from his injuries. His first wife, Atour, was also wounded in the attack. It is presumed that the attack was an assassination attempt ordered by Saddam Hussein.[12]He separated with his wife after mutual agreement.

The Iraqi National Accord


While still recovering in hospital from the attack, Allawi started organising an opposition network to work against thegovernment of Saddam Hussein.Through the 1980s he built this network, recruiting Iraqis while traveling as a businessman and for theUNDP.

In December 1990, Allawi announced the existence of theIraqi National Accord(INA). Six years later, using disillusioned Ba'athists in the military and government, it mounted an unsuccessful coup in Baghdad.[13]One of Allawi's allies in the INA wasSalah Omar Al-Ali,a former member of theIraqi Revolutionary Command Counciland ambassador to theUnited Nations.The INA received open backing from theUK,Egypt,Jordan,Saudi Arabia,Turkeyand theUnited States.The group consisted mainly of former military personnel who had defected fromSaddam Hussein's Iraq to instigate a military coup. Allawi established links and worked with theCIAin 1992 as a counterpoint to Chalabi, and because of the INA's links in the Ba'athist establishment. It is alleged Allawi's INA organised attacks in Iraq. This campaign never posed a threat to Saddam Hussein's rule, but was designed to test INA's capability to effectregime change.Though Saddam's government claimed the attacks have caused up to 100 civilian deaths there are no true records of these statistics to date.[14]

A military coup was planned for 1996, in which Iraqi generals were to lead their units against Baghdad and remove Saddam Hussein. The CIA supported the plot, code-named DBACHILLES, and added Iraqi officers that were not part of INA. The plan ended in disaster as it had been infiltrated by agents loyal to Saddam. US support was also questionable - requests by the CIA station chief inAmmanfor American air support were refused by theClintonadministration. Many participants were executed. Lands and factories belonging to the Allawi family were confiscated. Even their graveyard inNajafwas seized, although it was later returned. According to Allawi, his family lost $250M worth of assets.[15]US support for INA continued, receiving $6 million in covert aid in 1996 and $5 million in 1995 (according to books byDavid Wurmseras well asAndrewandPatrick Cockburn).[16]

The INA channelled the report from an Iraqi officer claiming that Iraq could deploy its supposedweapons of mass destructionwithin "45 minutes" toBritish Intelligence.[17]This claim featured prominently in theSeptember Dossierwhich theBritish governmentreleased in 2002 to gain public support for theIraq invasion.In the aftermath of the war, the "45 minute claim" was also at the heart of the confrontation between the British government and theBBC,and the death ofDavid Kellylater examined byLord Hutton.Giving evidence to theHutton Inquiry,the head of MI6Richard Dearlovesuggested that the claim related to battlefield weapons rather than weapons of mass destruction.[18]



Shortly after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, theCoalition Provisional Authority(the "CPA" ) was established by the occupying forces in order to administer the country until sovereignty could be restored. The CPA decided to establish a grouping of senior Iraqi politicians to carry out some administrative responsibilities, with a view to giving the occupation a more "Iraqi face". This grouping was referred to as the Governing Council, and was made up of 25 Iraqis that were appointed by the CPA. Allawi was one of those selected to serve on the Governing Council, and held the position of Minister of Defence (although his real responsibilities in that regard were limited considering Iraq remained under occupation). He held the rotatingpresidencyof the interim governing council during October 2003. In April 2004, Allawi reportedly resigned as head of the IGC security committee over concerns of US bombing inFallujah,according to a letter published in INA's newspaper.[16]

In December 2003, he flew to CIA headquarters inLangleytogether with fellow INA officialNouri Badranto discuss detailed plans for setting up a domestic secret service. The agency was to be headed by Badran, a former Ba'athist who served Saddam as an ambassador until 1990, and, controversially, recruited several agents for Saddam's Mukhabarat.[19]When theIraqi National Intelligence Servicewas set up in March 2004, its designated director wasMohammed Abdullah Mohammed al-Shehwani,another former Ba'athist exile with ties to INA.

Interim Prime Minister


On 28 May 2004, Allawi was elected unanimously by the Governing Council to be the InterimPrime Minister of Iraqto govern the country beginning with the United States' handover of sovereignty (30 June 2004) until national elections, scheduled for early 2005. Although many believe the decision was reached largely on the advice ofUnited Nationsspecial envoy to Iraq,Lakhdar Brahimi,The New York Timesreported that Brahimi only endorsed him reluctantly after pressure from U.S. officials. (In response to a question about the role of the U.S. in Allawi's appointment, Brahimi replied: "I sometimes say, I'm sure he doesn't mind me saying that,Bremeris the dictator of Iraq. He has the money. He has the signature. Nothing happens without his agreement in this country. "[20]) Two weeks later, Brahimi announced his resignation, due to "great difficulties and frustration".[21]

Allawi meets with U.S. PresidentGeorge W. Bushin New York, 21 September 2004

At the time of his nomination, Allawi was often described in the US mainstream media as a moderate Shia, a member of Iraq's majority faith, chosen for his secular, national views. On 28 June 2004 (two days early), the U.S.-led coalition handed over power to Allawi and theIraqi Interim Government,who were sworn in later that same day. After his interim government assumed legal custody of Saddam Hussein and re-introducedcapital punishment,Allawi gave assurances that he would not interfere with the trial and would accept any court decisions. In an interview withDubai-based TV stationAl Arabiyahe said: "As for the execution, that is for the court to decide—so long as a decision is reached impartially and fairly."[22]

Allawi's government also wrote a new emergency regulation, which allows the executive branch to declare martial law, impose curfews and detain suspects.Paul Bremer's aides said Allawi lacked the power to impose martial law, and Secretary of StateColin Powellwarned that the U.S. would not support such a move. "The last thing we want", says a senior U.S. official, "is for the world to think we're foisting a new strongman on Iraq".[23]Though, in addition to the stick of martial law, the government planned to offer a carrot of a broad amnesty for insurgents who have taken up arms against the U.S.-led occupation forces. Allawi himself has made clear that his government will reach out to Iraqi insurgents who have fought the Coalition for "patriotic motives" while seeking to isolate and destroy foreign elements such as the network led by the Jordanian jihadist Musab al-Zarqawi. Allawi knew that both the Sunni insurgency and the one waged by supporters of Shiite firebrand Moqtada Sadr have significant popular support, while his own government has yet to win the loyalty of Iraqis.[24]On 18 July, Iraqi militants offered a $285,000 reward for anyone who could kill Iyad Allawi.[25]

During the summer of 2004, Allawi made several decisions seen as controversial at the time, but later worked in his interest as they demonstrated to Iraqis that Allawi did not favour one sect over another, and that he was a strong leader not afraid to use force to bring back the rule of law. Most notably, his decision to support the military incursions of bothNajafandFallujamade him extremely unpopular amongst some Iraqis at the time. He also announced the creation ofGeneral Security Directorate,a domestic spy agency, whose main role is to counteract terrorist groups and theIraqi insurgency.

Allawi led the Iraqi National Accord during theJanuary 2005 Iraqi election.His campaign was mainly characterised by his attempt to combat the character assassination that was led by Iranian-sponsored groups. His campaign suffered when he visited the Imam Ali shrine in Najaf on 4 December 2004, where an unknown group attacked him. Allawi claimed that it was an assassination attempt.[26]

The INA came in at third place in the first elections, with 14% of the vote, which on a party versus coalition makes him head one of the largest represented parties. In the 2010 elections, Allawi's list won the most votes and beat incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki by 2 seats.

Assassination attempt


On 3 December 2004Rafik Yousefand two other men, all members ofAnsar al-Islamwere arrested, and later convicted, of planning to assassinate Allawi.[27]

In one tape in August 2004, a speaker identified asAbu Anas al-Shami(second man of Zarqawi and leader ofJama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihadmade up mostly by foreigners) said the militants planned to kill Iraqi prime minister Ayad Allawi, soldiers and police officers.

Post-Prime Ministership


In preparation for the next parliamentary elections that took place in Iraq inDecember 2005,Allawi formed an alliance between many groups, including secular Sunni and Shia groups and theIraqi Communist Partyunder one electoral list (theIraqi National List).

The Iraqi National List was represented in thecoalition government led by Nouri al-Maliki,but Allawi himself did not take a Cabinet post. The party eventually boycotted the government in 2007.[28]In preparation for upcoming national elections, Allawi formed a new coalition with leading Shia politician Iskander Witwit (one of the leaders of the 1991 uprising against Saddam), Shia tribal Sheikh Hussein al-Shalan, the deputy Prime MinisterRafi al-Issawi,Sunni politicianSaleh Mutlaqand Sunni Vice PresidentTariq al-Hashemicalled the Iraqi National Movement.[29]

The2010 parliamentary electionended with a weeks-long wait for an announcement of results by the Iraqielection commission.When the results finally came on 26 March 2010, Allawi'sIraqiyabloc was declared the biggest winner of the parliamentary election with two seats more than Allawi's rival al-Maliki's party in the Assembly.[30]

Allawi meets withForeign SecretaryPhilip Hammondin London on 8 June 2015.

He was appointed one of the threeVice Presidents of Iraqby new Prime MinisterHaider al-Abadion 8 September 2014.[31]On 11 August 2015, the Parliament approved a reform package by Prime Minister al-Abadi that foresaw, among other measures, the elimination of the three vice president posts.[32]However, following a lawsuit filed by fellow Vice PresidentUsama al-Nujayfi,al-Maliki declared in September 2015 that he was still holding his office because removing the post was not in line with the Iraqi Constitution.[33]Osama al-Nujaififiled a complaint against the decision in November 2015, calling it unconstitutional.[34]On 10 October 2016, the three posts of Vice Presidents were restored by theSupreme Court of Iraqwhich termed their abolition unconstitutional.[6]

Allawi stated on 17 April 2017, that he had received information from Iraqi and regional contacts knowledgeable about Iraq that theIslamic State of Iraq and the Levantgroup was in talks withal-Qaedaabout a possible alliance. He added that even if the group lost all of its territory, its insurgency in the form of sleeper cells will continue.[35]

Allawi stated that "the Iraqi people are longing for the days of Saddam Hussein".[36]

Personal life


Allawi allegedly has faced severalassassinationattempts in England and throughout the Middle East, purportedly by agents of Saddam's regime.[37]

According toMossack Fonsecadocuments that came to light in thePanama Papersrelease by theInternational Consortium of Investigative Journalistsin 2016, Allawi had Mossack Fonseca supply anominee directorto stand in for him and shield his ownership of the Panama-registered company IMF Holdings. This company was dissolved in 2013; it had owned a $1.5 million house near London. A second offshore, Moonlight Estates, registered in theBritish Virgin Islands,also held a property in London on his behalf. His media contact confirmed his sole ownership of the two companies and of Foxwood Estates as well, saying IMF was set up to ownreal estatefor security reasons based on legal advice following an assassination attempt, and added that anyincomefrom the properties was reported, and taxes paid "promptly and on time".[38]

He is cousin ofMohammed Tawfiq Allawi.[8][9]


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  10. ^Anderson, Jon (24 January 2005)."A Man of the Shadows: Can Iyad Allawi hold Iraq together?".The New Yorker.
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  13. ^Ghosh, Bobby (5 July 2004)."The Prime Minister: How Tough Will He Get?".Time.Archived fromthe originalon 26 July 2010.Retrieved26 July2010.
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  15. ^"A Big Man To Watch In Baghdad".The Washington Post.1 February 2004.Retrieved26 July2010.
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  17. ^Leigh, David (28 January 2004)."Iraqi who gave MI6 45-minute claim says it was untrue".The Guardian.London.Retrieved7 April2010.
  18. ^"Spy chief regrets '45 minute' Iraq weapons claim".The Age.Melbourne. 17 September 2003.
  19. ^Priest, Dana; Wright, Robin (11 December 2003)."Iraq Spy Service Planned by U.S. To Stem Attacks".The Washington Post.Archived fromthe originalon 14 May 2011.Retrieved7 April2010.
  20. ^"Iraq: US still calls the shots".6 September 2016.Retrieved19 April2017.
  21. ^Shamir, Shlomo (2 April 2008)."Brahimi quits post as UN envoy in Iraq".Haaretz.Retrieved26 July2010.
  22. ^"U.S. Airstrike on Fallujah House Kills 10".ABC News.6 July 2004. Archived fromthe originalon 20 August 2004.
  23. ^Ghosh, Bobby (5 July 2004)."The Prime Minister: How Tough Will He Get?".Time.Archived fromthe originalon 1 May 2008.Retrieved26 July2010.
  24. ^Karon, Tony (7 July 2004)."Meet Iraq's New Strongman".Time.Archived fromthe originalon 21 February 2011.Retrieved30 July2012.
  25. ^"Fourteen killed in Falluja strike".BBC News.18 July 2004.Retrieved7 April2010.
  26. ^"Ex-Iraqi Leader Claims Assassination Attempt".CNN. 4 December 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 3 April 2008.
  27. ^"Ansar al-Islam in Germany: Iraqis Convicted of Allawi Assasination [sic] Plot ".Der Spiegel.15 July 2008.Retrieved8 February2016.
  28. ^McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/06/2007 | Iraqi government unraveling as more ministers boycottArchived27 September 2007 at theWayback Machine
  29. ^"Inside Iraq - Iraqi national movement".Al Jazeera English. 6 November 2009.Retrieved26 July2010.
  30. ^"BBC News - Iraq election: Iyad Allawi's bloc wins most seats".26 March 2010.Retrieved19 April2017.
  31. ^"Iraq crisis: Parliament swears in unity government".BBC News.8 September 2014.Retrieved19 April2017.
  32. ^"Iraq reforms: Parliament backs PM Haider al-Abadi's plan".BBC.11 August 2015.
  33. ^Asharq al-Awsat (1 September 2015)."Iraq: Maliki, Nujaifi say PM's decision to cancel vice president posts" unconstitutional "".Asharq al-Awsat.Archived fromthe originalon 22 December 2015.Retrieved11 December2015.
  34. ^"Iraq vice president files court case to keep his post".Retrieved19 April2017.
  35. ^Babak Dehghanpisheh (17 April 2017)."Islamic State seeking alliance with al Qaeda, Iraqi vice president says".Reuters.
  36. ^Kadri, Ali (2016).The Unmasking of Arab Socialism.Anthem Press. p. 159.
  37. ^http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/3757923.stmProfile: Iyad Allawi
  38. ^Dominic Dudley (4 April 2016)."Panama Papers: The Middle East Players".Forbes.Archivedfrom the original on 12 May 2016.Retrieved14 May2016.
Political offices
Preceded by President of the Governing Council of Iraq
Succeeded by
Preceded byasPresident of the Governing Council of Iraq Prime Minister of Iraq
Succeeded by
Preceded by Vice President of Iraq
Succeeded by