Aduplexeris an electronic device that allows bi-directional (duplex) communication over a single path. Inradarand radio communications systems, it isolates thereceiverfrom thetransmitterwhile permitting them to share a commonantenna.Mostradio repeatersystems include a duplexer. Duplexers can be based on frequency (often awaveguide filter), polarization (such as anorthomode transducer), or timing (as is typical in radar).[1]



Transmit-receive switch

TR duplex switching

In radar, a transmit/receive (TR) switch alternately connects the transmitter and receiver to a shared antenna. In the simplest arrangement, the switch consists of agas-discharge tubeacross the input terminals of the receiver. When the transmitter is active, the resulting high voltage causes the tube to conduct, shorting together the receiver terminals to protect it, while its complementary, the anti-transmit/receive (ATR) switch, is a similar discharge tube which decouples the transmitter from the antenna while not operating, to prevent it from wasting received energy.





Ahybrid,such as amagic T,may be used as a duplexer by terminating the fourth port in amatched load.[2] This arrangement suffers from the disadvantage that half of the transmitter power is lost in the matched load, whilethermal noisein the load is delivered to the receiver.

Orthomode transducer


Frequency domain


In radio communications (as opposed to radar), the transmitted and received signals can occupy different frequency bands, and so may be separated by frequency-selective filters. These are effectively a higher-performance version of adiplexer,typically with a narrow split between the two frequencies in question (typically around 2%-5% for a commercial two-way radio system).

With a duplexer the high- and low-frequency signals are traveling in opposite directions at the sharedportof the duplexer.

Modern duplexers often use nearby frequency bands, so the frequency separation between the two ports is also much less. For example, the transition between the uplink and downlink bands in theGSM frequency bandsmay be about one percent (915 MHz to 925 MHz). Significant attenuation (isolation) is needed to prevent the transmitter's output from overloading the receiver's input, so such duplexers employ multi-pole filters. Duplexers are commonly made for use on the 30-50 MHz ( "low band" ), 136-174 MHz ( "high band" ), 380-520 MHz ( "UHF" ), plus the 790–862 MHz ( "800" ), 896-960 MHz ( "900" ) and 1215-1300 MHz ( "1200" ) bands.

There are two predominant types of duplexer in use - "notch duplexers", which exhibit sharp notches at the "unwanted" frequencies and only pass through a narrow band of wanted frequencies and "bandpass duplexers", which have wide-pass frequency ranges and high out-of-band attenuation.

On shared-antenna sites, the bandpass duplexer variety is greatly preferred because this virtually eliminates interference between transmitters and receivers by removing out-of-band transmit emissions and considerably improving the selectivity of receivers. Most professionally engineered sites ban the use of notch duplexers and insist on bandpass duplexers for this reason.

Commercial 19 "rack mount antenna filter
Isolation typical >75 dB
Insertion Loss typical < 1.0 dB

Note 1:A duplexer must be designed for operation in thefrequencybandused by the receiver and transmitter, and must be capable of handling the outputpowerof the transmitter.

Note 2:A duplexer must provide adequate rejection of transmitternoiseoccurring at the receive frequency, and must be designed to operate at, or less than, the frequency separation between the transmitter and receiver.

Note 3:A duplexer must provide sufficient isolation to prevent receiver desensitization.

Source: fromFederal Standard 1037C



The first duplexers were invented for use on theelectric telegraphand were known asduplexrather thanduplexer.They were an early form of thehybrid coil.The telegraph companies were keen to have such a device since the ability to have simultaneous traffic in both directions had the potential to save the cost of thousands of miles of telegraph wire. The first of these devices was designed in 1853 byJulius Wilhelm Gintlof the Austrian State Telegraph. Gintl's design was not very successful. Further attempts were made by Carl Frischen of Hanover with an artificial line to balance the real line as well as bySiemens & Halske,who bought and modified Frischen's design. The first truly successful duplex was designed byJoseph Barker Stearnsof Boston in 1872. This was further developed into thequadruplex telegraphbyThomas Edison.The device is estimated to have savedWestern Union$500,000 per year in construction of new telegraph lines.[3][4]

The first duplexers for radar, sometimes referred to as Transmit/Receive Switches, were invented byRobert Morris PageandLeo C. Youngof theUnited States Naval Research Laboratoryin July 1936.[5]


  1. ^Rinehart, Ronald E. (1991).Radar for Meteorologists.University of North Dakota.Radar engineers have added the automatic switch (also called a duplexer) in the... As soon as the transmitter stops sending a signal, the duplexer switches so that the receiver is now connected to the antenna.
  2. ^Sisodia; Gupta (2007).Microwaves: Introduction To Circuits,Devices And Antennas.New Delhi: New Age International. p. 4.40.ISBN9788122413380.
  3. ^Tom Standage,The Victorian Internet,ch. 11, Walker & Company, 2007ISBN978-0-802-71879-2.
  4. ^George Bartlett Prescott,Electricity and the Electric Telegraph,pp. 792-793, New York: D. Appleton, 1877OCLC999414808
  5. ^Page, Robert Morris;The Origin of Radar,Doubleday & Company, 1962, pp. 118-125