Thefishing cat(Prionailurus viverrinus) is a medium-sized wildcatofSouthandSoutheast Asia.It has a deep yellowish-grey fur with black lines and spots. Adults have a head-to-body length of 57 to 78 cm (22 to 31 in), with a 20 to 30 cm (8 to 12 in) long tail. Males are larger than females, weighing 8 to 17 kg (18 to 37 lb), while females average 5 to 9 kg (11 to 20 lb). It lives mostly in the vicinity of wetlands, alongrivers,streams,oxbow lakes,inswampsandmangroveswhere it preys mostly on fish. Other prey items includebirds,insects,smallrodents,molluscs,reptilesincludingsnakes,amphibiansandcarrionofcattle.The fishing cat is thought to be primarily nocturnal. It is a good swimmer and can swim long distances, even underwater.
Fishing cat | |
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Scientific classification![]() | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Mammalia |
Order: | Carnivora |
Suborder: | Feliformia |
Family: | Felidae |
Subfamily: | Felinae |
Genus: | Prionailurus |
Species: | P. viverrinus
Binomial name | |
Prionailurus viverrinus (Bennett,1833)
| |
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Distribution of the fishing cat as of 2016[1] |
The fishing cat has been listed as avulnerable specieson theIUCN Red Listsince 2016, as the global population is thought to have declined by about 30% in the past three fishing cat generations during the period 2010–2015. The destruction ofwetlandsand killing by local people are the major threats throughout its range. It is the state animal ofWest Bengal.
editFelis viverrinuswas proposed byEdward Turner Bennettin 1833, whodescribeda cat skin sent from India byJosiah Marshall Heath.[2]The genus namePrionailuruswas proposed byNikolai Severtzovin 1858 for spotted wild cats native to Asia.[3]A subspeciesFelis viverrinus rhizophoreuswas proposed in 1936 byHenri Jacob Victor Sody,who described a specimen from the north coast ofWest Javathat had a slightly shorter skull than fishing cat specimens from Thailand.[4]There is evidence that the nominate taxon and the Javan fishing cat are distinguishable by skull morphometrics.[5]
editPhylogeneticanalysis of thenuclear DNAin tissue samples from all Felidae species revealed that theevolutionary radiationof the Felidae began in Asia in theMiocenearound14.45 to 8.38million years ago.[6][7]Analysis ofmitochondrial DNAof all Felidae species indicates a radiation at around16.76 to 6.46million years ago.[8]
ThePrionailurusspecies are estimated to have had acommon ancestorbetween8.16 to 4.53million years ago,[6]and8.76 to 0.73million years ago.[8] Both models agree in therusty-spotted cat(P. rubiginosus) having been the first cat of thePrionailuruslineagethatgenetically diverged,followed by theflat-headed cat(P. planiceps) and then the fishing cat.[6][8]It is estimated to have diverged together with theleopard cat(P. bengalensis) between4.31 to 1.74million years ago[6]and4.25 to 0.02million years ago.[8] The followingcladogramshows the phylogenetic relationships of the fishing cat as derived through analysis of nuclear DNA:[6][7]
editThe fishing cat has a deep yellowish-greyfurwith black lines and spots. Two stripes are on the cheeks, and two are above the eyes running to the neck with broken lines on the forehead. It has two rows of spots around the throat. The spots on the shoulder are longitudinal, and those on the sides, limbs and tail are roundish.[2]The background colour of its fur varies between individuals from yellowish tawny to ashy grey, and the size of the stripes ranges from narrow to broad. The fur on the belly is lighter than on the back and sides. The short and rounded ears are set low on the head, and the back of the ears bear a white spot. The tail is short, less than half the length of head and body, and with a few black rings at the end.[9]The short dense layered fur is thought to be an aquatic adaptation providing a water barrier and thermal insulation, while another layer of protruding long guard hairs provides its pattern and glossy sheen.[10]
The fishing cat is the largest cat of thePrionailurus.[9]It is stocky and muscular with a head-to-body length ranging from 57 to 78 cm (22 to 31 in), a tail length of 20 to 30 cm (8 to 12 in) and medium to short legs. Females weigh 5 to 9 kg (11 to 20 lb) and males 8 to 17 kg (18 to 37 lb), showing pronouncedsexual dimorphism.[11][12]Its skull is elongated, with a basal length of 123–153 mm (4.8–6.0 in) and a post-orbital width of 27–31 mm (1.1–1.2 in).[9]Its tongue is about 12 cm (4.7 in) long and has large, cylindricalpapillaenear the front.[13]
Fishing cat paws are partlywebbed,and the claws are incompletely sheathed, only becoming partially covered when fully retracted.[9]It is about twice the size of adomestic cat.[11]
Distribution and habitat
editThe fishing cat is broadly but discontinuously distributed in South and Southeast Asia.[1]It predominantly inhabits densely vegetatedwetlandsaround slow-moving bodies of water likeswampsandmarshes.[14][11]These include low-salinitybodies such asoxbow lakes,and high-salinity ones such astidal creeksandmangrove forests.[14]Along these bodies of water, it conceals itself within the thick cover offorests,scrublands,reed beds,andgrasslands.[11][15]Most records are from lowland areas.[14]
In Pakistan's Sindh Province, the fishing cat was recorded in theChotiari Damarea in 2012.[16]In the NepalTerai,it has been recorded inShuklaphanta,Bardia,ChitwanandParsa National Parksand inKoshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve.[17][18][19]In India, its presence has been documented inRanthambore National Park,[20]inPilibhit,[17]DudhwaandValmiki Tiger Reserves,[1]inSur SarovarBird Sanctuary,[21]outside protected areas inWest Bengal,[22]inLothian Island Wildlife Sanctuaryin theSundarbans,[23]in Odisha'sBhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuaryand coastal districts outside protected areas,[24]inAndhra Pradesh'sCoringa Wildlife Sanctuary,Krishna Wildlife Sanctuaryand adjoining reserve forests.[25][26][27]Reports in Bangladeshi newspapers indicate that fishing cats live in most divisions of Bangladesh.[28]InSri Lanka,it has been recorded in tea estates,Maduru Oya National Parkand multiple localities in coastal to hilly regions.[29][30]
In Myanmar, it was recorded in theAyeyarwady Deltain 2016 and 2018.[31]In Thailand, its presence has been documented inKhao Sam Roi Yot National Park,Thale Noi Non-Hunting Areaand inKaeng Krachan National Park.[32][33][34]Between 2007 and 2016, it was also recorded near wetlands outside protected areas inPhitsanulok Province,Bang Khun Thian District,Samut Sakhon,PhetchaburiandSongkhla Provinces,and near a mangrove site inPattani.[35]In Cambodia, a single fishing cat was photographed by acamera trapinKulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuaryin March 2003.[36]In 2015, it was also recorded inPeam Krasop Wildlife SanctuaryandReam National Park.[37]The island ofJavaconstitutes the southern limit of the fishing cat's range, but by the 1990s fishing cats were thought to be scarce and restricted to tidal forests with sandy or muddy shores, older mangrove stands, and abandoned mangrove plantation areas with fishponds.[38]There are no confirmed records inPeninsular Malaysia,VietnamandLaos.[39]
Behaviour and ecology
editThe fishing cat lives among dense vegetation near water and is thought to be primarilynocturnal.It is known to be a proficient long-distance and underwater swimmer. Adult males and females without dependent young are solitary. Females have been reported to range over areas of 4 to 6 km2(1.5 to 2.3 sq mi), while males range over 16 to 22 km2(6.2 to 8.5 sq mi). It has been observed resting in thick grassy habitats, often near a water body but sometimes far away from them. Adults have been recorded to vocalise "chuckling" sounds.[11] It marks itshome rangeusing cheek-rubbing,head rubbing,chin rubbing, neck rubbing andurine-sprayingto leavescent marks;it also sharpens its claws and displaysflehmen.[40]The pungent smell of fishing cat urine markings is due to3-Mercapto-3-methylbutan-1-ol,a breakdown product offelinine.[41]
Fishing catfecescollected in India'sKeoladeo National Parkrevealed that fish comprises about three-quarter of its diet, with the remainder consisting ofbirds,smallrodentsandinsects;molluscs,reptiles,amphibians,carrionofcattleandgrasssupplement its diet.[42]Its main prey in theGodavari Riverdelta isfish,includingflathead grey mullet,green chromideandMozambique tilapia,which comprised three fifths of its diet, whereas rodents andcrabsmade up the remainder of the diet. The diet make-up remained relatively constant throughout the year.[43]Fishing cats have been observed while hunting along the edges of watercourses, grabbing prey from the water, and sometimes diving into the water to catch prey further from the banks.[11][44]It prefers hunting in shallow water and spends about half the time lying in wait for prey to approach.[45]
Reproduction and development
editWild fishing cats most likely mate during January and February; most kittens in the wild were observed in March and April.[11]However, fishing cats may mate as late as June.[14]In captivity, thegestationperiod lasts 63–70 days; females give birth to an average of two to three kittens; the litter size can be as small as one to as large as four.[40][14]Kittens weigh around 170 g (6.0 oz) at birth and are able to actively move around by the age of one month. They begin to play in water and to take solid food when about two months old, but are not fullyweaneduntil six months old. They reach full adult size when about eight and a half months old, acquire their adultcanine teethby 11 months and are sexually mature when approximately 15 months old. They live up to 10 years in captivity.[11]Thegeneration lengthof the fishing cat is five years.[1]
editFishing cats are susceptible tocarnivore protoparvovirus,a disease known to kill them. This disease significantly damages thekidney,spleenandgastrointestinal tractof the body.[46]The fishing cat is also vulnerable to diseases and medical conditions such as felinehemoplasmas,transitional cell carcinomaandcanine distempervirus.[47][48][49]One captive individual was even recorded withchlamydiota.[50]Additionally, in a 2012 case study,Toxocara catiwas reported as the cause of death of young captive fishing cats.[51]
editSince 2016, the fishing cat is listed as avulnerable specieson theIUCN Red List,as the global population is thought to have declined by around 30% in the years 2010–2015; the destruction ofwetlandsand killings by local people are major threats to the fishing cat.[1] The destruction of wetlands includes increasedpollutionor conversion for agricultural use and human settlements. The conversion ofmangrove foreststo commercialaquacultureponds is a major threat in Andhra Pradesh, and in some places fishing cats are killed.Over-exploitationof localfish stocksand retaliatory killing by local people are also significant threats. The fishing cat's habitat in India is predominantly marshlands, which are subject to agricultural usage under the country's laws, resulting inhuman–wildlife conflict.Coastal wetlands are an important habitat for the fishing cat in Thailand and Cambodia, however, estimates predict that only 6% of wetlands remain undisturbed.[1]
In West Bengal'sHowrah district,27 dead fishing cats were recorded between April 2010 and May 2011, and inSagar Island,the fishing cat was possibly extirpated by local people for reasons unknown.[22]Deaths are more frequent in the dry season, when people use wetlands more frequently.[1]At least 30 fishing cats were killed by local people in Bangladesh between January 2010 and March 2013.[28]They are often killed because they are mistaken as tiger cubs.[52]In Thailand, 31% of radio-collared fishing cats were killed by local people between 2012 and 2015.[53]Fish farmers in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve have killed fishing cats in retaliation for perceived loss of fish.[54]Roadkillsare a major mortality factor in Odisha.[24]The fishing cat is possibly extinct in coastalKerala,but it is doubtful whether it ever occurred there at all.[55]
editThe fishing cat is included onCITES Appendix IIand protected by national legislation over most of its range. Hunting is prohibited in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Hunting regulations apply in Laos. In Bhutan, Malaysia, and Vietnam, it is not protected outside protected areas, and no information is known about its legal protections in Cambodia.[14]It is the state animal of the Indian state ofWest Bengal.[56]Its survival depends on protection of wetlands, prevention of indiscriminate trapping, snaring and poisoning.[1]
In areas where habitat degradation is a major concern, such as coastal Andhra Pradesh,NGOsare working to slow habitat conversion in collaboration with local villagers. Part of this work involves creating alternative livelihood programs that allow villagers to earn money without damaging natural habitats.[57][58]A Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance provides an umbrella for the cooperation of national fishing cat conservation groups, which began with the establishment of India's in 2010.[56]
Fishing cat captive breeding programmes have been established by theEuropean Association of Zoos and Aquariaand the AmericanAssociation of Zoos and Aquariums.All the fishing cats kept in zoos around the world are listed in the International Studbook of theWorld Association of Zoos and Aquariums.[59][60]Zoos in Thailand house around 30 individuals; birth rates are not particularly high.[61]They have been placed in captivity as an "insurance population" due to their vulnerable status in the wild.[62]
Fishing cat at theSan Diego Zoo(2013)
Fishing cat in BordeauxPessacZoo (2010)
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External links
edit- "Fishing catPrionailurus viverrinus".IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group.
- BioGraphic: Fishing Cat's Cradleby Morgan Heim and Katie Jewett, October 2016
- New International Encyclopedia.1905. .
- Fishing Cat Conservancy
- Fishing Cat Working Group