List of extinct bird species since 1500

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About 216 species ofbirdshave becomeextinctsince 1500,[1]with increasing extinction rates due tohuman-caused influences such ashabitat loss,the introduction ofinvasive species,andclimate change.[2][3]Currently there are approximately 10,000 living species of birds, with over 1,480 at risk of extinction and 223 critically endangered.[4]

5 extinct in the wild avian species (0.05%)223 critically endangered avian species (2%)460 endangered avian species (4.2%)798 vulnerable avian species (7.2%)1,001 near threatened avian species (9.1%)8,460 least concern avian species (76.9%)52 data deficient avian species (0.4%)
Avian species(IUCN, 2020-3)
  • 10,999 extant species have been evaluated
  • 10,947 of those are fully assessed[a]
  • 9,461 are not threatened at present[b]
  • 1,481 to 1,533 are threatened[c]
  • 164 to 183 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 159 extinct(EX)species[d]
    • 5 extinct in the wild(EW)
    • 19 possibly extinct[CR(PE)]

  1. ^excludesdata deficientevaluations.
  2. ^NT and LC.
  3. ^Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. ^Chart omits extinct (EX) species

Island species in general, and flightless island species in particular, are most at risk. The situation is exemplified byHawaii,where 30% of all known recently extinct birdtaxaoriginally lived,[5]andGuam,which lost over 60% of its native bird taxa in the decades following the introduction of thebrown tree snake(Boiga irregularis).[6][7]The disproportionate number of extinctions inrailsreflects the tendency of that family to lose the ability to fly when geographically isolated.[8]Even more rails became extinct before they could be described by scientists.[9][10]

The extinction dates given below are usually the dates of the last verified record (credible observation or specimen taken), which are approximations of the actual date of extinction. For many Pacific birds that became extinct shortly afterEuropean colonization,however, this leaves an uncertainty period of over 100 years, because the islands on which they lived were only rarely visited by scientists.[10]In certain unusual cases, it is possible to pinpoint the date of extinction to a specific year or even day; theSan Benedicto rock wrenrepresents an extreme example where its extinction could be timed with an accuracy of maybe half an hour coinciding with the eruption ofBárcena.[11]

The year 1500 serves as one common threshold of the "modern" era in which species are described scientifically, extinctions are monitored, and globalization has led to increased pressure on species.[1][3][12][13][14]Taxa which became extinct pre-1500 are listed inList of Late Quaternary prehistoric bird species;prominent examples include theelephant birds(Aepyornis)andmoa.[15][16][17]

Painting of a dodo, with a red parrot on its left side, and a blue one at its right
The famous "Edwards'Dodo",painted byRoelant Saveryin 1626

Extinct bird species


Thekiwisof New Zealand

Labrador duck


  • Anatidae– ducks, geese and swans
    • Anatinae– ducks
      • Tadornini
      • Mergini– sea ducks
        • Camptorhynchus– Labrador duck
          • Labrador duck,Camptorhynchus labradorius(northeastern North America, c. 1878)[26]Possibly a relict species. Causes of extinction are poorly known, but at least partly driven by hunting.[27]
        • Extinct species of extant genera
      • Aythyini– diving ducks
        • Extinct species of extant genera
          • Chenonetta
            • Finsch's duck,Chenonetta finschi(New Zealand, c. 1760)[31][32]
              Causes of extinction included predation byratsand overhunting.[32]One unconfirmed record from 1870.[33]
          • Rhodonessa– pink-headed duck
            • Pink-headed duck,Rhodonessa caryophyllacea(East India, Bangladesh, North Myanmar, c. 1945) – sometimes included in genusNetta,but this classification is not generally accepted.[34][35]
              Population declined sharply in early 20th century due to habitat loss and hunting.[34]Officially classified ascritically endangereddue to the possibility of remaining individuals in remote portions of northern Myanmar, where unconfirmed reports have continued into the 21st century.[35]
          • Aythya
            • Réunion pochard,Aythyacf.innotata(Réunion, Mascarenes, 17th century)[36]
              Undescribed extinct species only known from two subfossils and two historical reports (1687, 1710) of non-Mascarene tealducks on Réunion.[37]
      • Anatini– dabbling ducks
        • Extinct species of extant genera
          • Mareca– wigeons
            • Amsterdam wigeon,Mareca marecula(Amsterdam Island, South Indian Ocean, 1793)[38]Driven to extinction by habitat destruction, hunting, and the introduction of invasive species.[39]
          • Anas
            • Saint Paul Island duck,Anassp. (St. Paul Island,South Indian Ocean, c. 1800)
              Only known by a single report from 1793. May be synonymous with the Amsterdam wigeon or a distinct species or subspecies.[40]
            • Mascarene teal,Anas theodori(Mauritius and Réunion, Mascarenes, 1710)[36]Extinction caused by rapid habitat loss, hunting, and introduction of invasive species.[41]
            • Mariana mallard,Anas oustaleti(Marianas, West Pacific, 1981)[42]– often considered a subspecies of themallard(Anas platyrhynchos) or a hybrid with thePacific black duck(Anas superciliosa)[43]Hunting and habitat loss were both responsible for extinction.Captive breedingconservation efforts were unsuccessful.[42]
New Zealand quail

Quailsand relatives
See also Bokaak "bustard" underGruiformesbelow

    • Megapodiidae– megapodes
      • Extinct species of extant genera
        • Megapodius
          • Pile-builder megapode,Megapodius molistructor(New Caledonia, late 18th century?[44])
            May have survived to the late 18th century, as evidenced by descriptions of the bird named"Tetrao australis"and later"Megapodius andersoni".[44]Extinction likely driven by hunting.[45][46]
          • Viti Levu scrubfowl,Megapodius amissus(Viti Levuand possiblyKadavu,Fiji,20th century?)
            Only concretely known from subfossils dating 2900-2700 years before present. Likely driven to extinction by hunting.[47]Unconfirmed sightings from the 20th century.[24][48]
          • Raoul Island scrubfowl,Megapodiussp. (Raoul, Kermadec Islands, 1876)
            A hypothetical species said to have inhabitedRaoul Islanduntil the population was wiped out in a volcanic eruption.[49]It is not clear whether the birds represent a distinct taxon.[50]
    • Phasianidae– pheasants and allies
      • Extinct species of extant genera
        • Coturnix
          • New Zealand quail,Coturnix novaezelandiae(New Zealand, 1875)[51]Causes of extinction involved introduced diseases, competition with invasive species, and agricultural burning.[45]
        • Ophrysia
          • Himalayan quail,Ophrysia superciliosa(North India, late 19th century)[52]
            Last confirmed sighting in 1876.[53]Officiallycritically endangereddue to ongoing unconfirmed sightings and sparse survey coverage in the historical range. Reasons for decline and possible extinction not well known, but may include hunting and habitat destruction.[45][54]


  • Extinct species of extant genera
    Officially declared extinct in 2010, 25 years after the last official sighting in 1985.[55]Its extinction was primarily due tohabitat destruction,the introduction of invasive and hybridisation with thelittle grebe(Tachybaptus ruficollis).[56]
    • Podilymbus
    • Podiceps
      • Colombian grebe,Podiceps andinus(Bogotá area, Colombia, 1977) Population rapidly declined beginning in the 1950s due to factors including habitat destruction, the introduction of carnivoroustrout,hunting, and water pollution. Extensive surveys in the 1980s failed to observe any individuals.[59][60][61]
Great auk(Pinguinus impennis), theNatural History Museum,London, England


  • Haematopodidae– oystercatchers
    • Canary Islands oystercatcher,Haematopus meadewaldoi(eastern Canary Islands, East Atlantic, c. 1940s)[62]
      Last confirmed sighting from 1913, reported extinct in 1940s.[62]Repeated surveys in the 20th century failed to locate any evidence of the species.[63]Extinction likely driven by overharvesting by humans of intertidal zone, habitat destruction, and introduced predators.[63][64]
  • Charadriidae– plovers and lapwings
    • Javan lapwing,Vanellus macropterus(Java, Indonesia, mid-20th century)[65]
      Last recorded in 1940.[65]Officially classified ascritically endangereddue to incomplete survey coverage in suitable habitat and unconfirmed sightings continuing into the early 21st century.[65][66]Decline and possible extinction driven by hunting and habitat destruction.[66]

Railsand allies - probablyparaphyletic

  • Nesotrochis
    Known bypre-Columbianbones from Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands. Stories of an easy-to-catch bird named thecarraoheard byAlexander Wetmorein 1912 on Puerto Rico may refer to this bird.
  • Diaphorapteryx
    • Hawkins's rail,Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi(Chatham Islands, Southwest Pacific, late 19th century)
  • Aphanapteryx
    • Red rail,Aphanapteryx bonasia(Mauritius, Mascarenes, c. 1700)
  • Réunion railor Dubois' wood rail,Dryolimnnas augusti(Réunion, Mascarenes, late 17th century)
  • Rodrigues rail,Erythromachus leguati(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, mid-18th century)
  • Bar-winged rail,Hypotaenidia poecilopterus(Fiji, Polynesia, c. 1990)
  • Dieffenbach's rail,Hypotaenidia dieffenbachii(Chatham Islands, Southwest Pacific, mid-19th century)
    Tahiti rail
  • Tahiti rail,Hypotaenidia pacificus(Tahiti, Society Islands, South Pacific, late 18th – 19th century)
  • Wake Island rail,Hypotaenidia wakensis(Wake Island, Micronesia, 1945)
  • Vavaʻu rail,Hypotaenidia vavauensis(Vavaʻu, Tonga, Southwest Pacific, early 19th century?)
    This bird was previously known only from a drawing from the 1793Malaspinaexpedition, apparently depicting a species ofGallirallus.Subfossil remains belonging to this species were found in 2020.[67]
  • ʻEua rail,Gallirallus vekamatolu
    Known from prehistoric bones found onʻEua.It was probably a close relative of the Vava'u rail.
  • Tongatapu rail,Gallirallus hypoleucus(Tongatapu, Tonga, Southwest Pacific, late 18th or 19th century)
  • Hiva Oa rail,Gallirallussp.
  • Norfolk Island rail,Gallirallussp. (Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific, early 17th century?)
    May be the bird shown on a bad watercolor illustration made about 1800.
  • Chatham rail,Cabalus modestus(Chatham Islands, Southwest Pacific, c. 1900)
  • New Caledonian rail,Cabalus lafresnanayanus(New Caledonia, Melanesia, c. 1900?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangered,the last records were in 1984 and it seems as if all of the available habitat has now been overrun byferal pigsandferal dogs,which preyed on this bird.
  • Ascension crake,Mundia elpenor(Ascension Island, South Atlantic, late 17th century) – formerlyAtlantisia
  • Saint Helena crake,Zapornia astrictocarpus(St. Helena, South Atlantic, early 16th century)
  • Laysan rail
    Laysan rail,Zapornia palmeri(Laysan, Hawaiian Islands, 1944)
  • Hawaiian rail
    Hawaiian rail,Zapornia sandwichensis(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, c. 1890)
  • Kosrae crake,Zapornia monasa(Kosrae, Carolines, c. mid-to-late 19th century)
  • Tahiti crake,Zapornia nigra(Tahiti, Society Islands, South Pacific, c. 1800)
    Known only from paintings and descriptions; its taxonomic status is uncertain, as the material is often believed to refer to the extantspotless crake(Zapornia tabuensis).
  • Saint Helena rail,Aphanocrex podarces(St. Helena, South Atlantic, 16th century) – formerlyAtlantisia
  • White swamphen,Porphyrio albus(Lord Howe Island,Southwest Pacific, early 19th century)
    White swamphen
  • Réunion swamphenoroiseau bleu,Porphyrio coerulescens(Réunion, Mascarenes, 18th century)
    Known only from descriptions. The former existence of aPorphyrioon Réunion is fairly certain, but it has not been proven to date.
  • Marquesas swamphen,Porphyrio paepae(Hiva Oa and Tahuata, Marquesas)
    May have survived to c. 1900. In the lower right hand corner ofPaul Gauguin's 1902 paintingLe Sorcier d'Hiva Oa ou le Marquisien à la cape rouge,there is a bird which resembles native descriptions ofP. paepae.
  • North Island takahē,Porphyrio mantelli(North Island, New Zealand, late 19th century)
    Known from subfossil bones found in New Zealand's North Island; may have survived to 1894 or later.
  • New Caledonian gallinule,Porphyrio kukwiedei(New Caledonia, Melanesia)
    May have survived into historic times. The native namen'dinois thought to refer to this bird.
  • Samoan woodhen,Gallinula pacifica(Savaiʻi, Samoa, 1907?)
    Probably better placed in the genusPareudiastes.Unconfirmed reports from the late 20th century suggest it still exists in small numbers and therefore it is officially classified ascritically endangered.
  • Makira woodhen,Gallinula silvestris(Makira, Solomon Islands, mid-20th century?)
    Only known from a single specimen, this rail is probably better placed in its own genus,Edithornis.Unconfirmed recent records suggest it still exists and therefore it is officially classified ascritically endangered.
  • Tristan moorhen,Gallinula nesiotis(Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic, late 19th century)
  • Mascarene coot,Fulica newtonii(Mauritius and Réunion, Mascarenes, c. 1700)
  • Sharpe's rail,Gallirallus sharpei(Indonesia?)
    Only known from a type specimen, but scientist speculate that it originated form Indonesia. Could possibly be a colour morph of thebuff-banded rail.
  • Fernando de Noronha rail,Rallidae gen. et sp. indet.(Fernando de Noronha, West Atlantic, 16th century?)
    A distinct species of rail inhabited Fernando de Noronha Island, but it has not been formally described yet. It probably still existed at the time of the first Western contact.
  • Tahitian "goose", Rallidae gen. et sp. indet. (Tahiti, Society Islands, South Pacific, late 18th century?)
    Early travelers to Tahiti reported a "goose" that was found in the mountains. Altogether, a species of rail in the genusPorphyrioseems to be the most likely possibility.
  • Bokaak "bustard", Rallidae? gen. et sp. indet. 'Bokaak'
    An unidentified terrestrial bird is mentioned in an early report from Bokaak in the Marshall Islands. It was described as a "bustard"and may have actually been a rail or amegapode.In the former case, it may have been a vagrant of a still-existing species; in any case, no bird that could be described as "bustard-like" is found on Bokaak today.[68]
  • Rallidae gen. et sp. indet. 'Amsterdam Island'
    Unknown rail fromAmsterdam Island;one specimen was found, but it was not recovered. Extinct by 1800, it may have been a vagrant of a still-existing species.

Petrels,storm petrels,shearwatersandalbatrosses


  • Extinct species of extant genera
    • Eudyptes– crested penguins
      • Chatham penguin,Eudyptes warhami(Chatham Islands, Southwest Pacific, between 1867 and 1872?)
        Only known from subfossil bones, but a bird kept in captivity sometime between 1867 and 1872 may refer to this species.

Boobiesand related birds

  • Sulidae– gannets and boobies
    • Mascarene booby,Papasulasp. (Mauritius and Rodrigues, Mascarenes, mid-19th century)
      • An undescribed booby species that was formerly considered a population ofAbbott's booby(Papasula abbotti). Known physically only from subfossil bones, but is likely the bird referred to as aboeufby early settlers; theboeufwas last recorded on Rodrigues in 1832 and likely went extinct following the deforestation of the island.
  • Phalacrocoracidae– cormorants and shags

Pelicansand related birds

  • Threskiornithidae– ibises and spoonbills
    • Extinct species of extant genera
      • Threskiornis
        • Réunion ibis,Threskiornis solitarius(Réunion, Mascarenes, early 18th century)
          This species was the basis for the "Réunion solitaire" or "white dodo" ( "Raphus solitarius"), a supposed relative of thedodoand theRodrigues solitaire.Given the fact that ibis (but no dodo-like) bones were found onRéunionand that old descriptions match a flightlesssacred ibisquite well, the "Réunion solitaire" hypothesis has been refuted.
  • Ardeidae– herons, egrets, and bitterns

Malepassenger pigeon

Pigeons,doves anddodos
For the "Réunion solitaire", seeRéunion ibis.

  • Saint Helena dove,Dysmoropelia dekarchiskos(St. Helena, South Atlantic, 16th century?)
    Known only from Late Pleistocene bones, but may have persisted until the 16th century.
  • Passenger pigeon,Ectopistes migratorius(eastern North America, 1914)
    The passenger pigeon was once among the most abundant wild bird species in the world, with a single flock numbering up to 2.2 billion birds. It was hunted close to extinction for food and sport in the late 19th century. The last individual, a mateless female namedMarthaafterMartha Washington,died in theCincinnati Zooin 1914.
  • Bonin wood pigeon,Columba versicolor(Nakodo-jima and Chichi-jima, Ogasawara Islands, c. 1890)
  • Ryukyu wood pigeon,Columba jouyi(Okinawa and Daito Islands, Northwest Pacific, late 1930s)
  • Rodrigues pigeon,Nesoenas rodericanus(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, before 1690?)
    Formerly inStreptopelia.Possibly a subspecies of theMalagasy turtle dove(Nesoenas picturatus), this seems to be the bird observed byLeguat.Introduced rats may have caused it to become extinct in the late 17th century.
  • Spotted green pigeon,Caloenas maculata(South Pacific or Indian Ocean islands, 1820s)
    Also known as the Liverpool pigeon, the only known specimen has been in Liverpool'sWorld Museumsince 1851, and was probably collected on aPacificisland forEdward Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby.It has been suggested that this bird came fromTahitibased on native lore about a somewhat similar extinct bird called thetiti,but this has not yet been verified.
  • Sulu bleeding-heart,Gallicolumba menagei(Tawitawi, Philippines, late 1990s?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangered.Only known from two specimens taken in 1891. There have been a number of unconfirmed reports from all over theSulu Archipelagoin 1995; however, these reports stated that the bird had suddenly undergone a massive decline and, by now, habitat destruction is almost complete. If it is not extinct, this species is certainly very rare, but the ongoingcivil warprevents comprehensive surveys.
  • Norfolk ground dove,Pampusana norfolciensis(Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific, c. 1800)
  • Tanna ground dove,Pampusana ferruginea(Tanna, Vanuatu, late 18th or 19th century)
    Only known from descriptions of two now-lost specimens.
  • Thick-billed ground dove,Pampusana salamonis(Makira and Ramos, Solomon Islands, mid-20th century?)
    Last recorded in 1927, only two specimens exist. Declared extinct in 2005.
  • Choiseul crested pigeon
    Choiseul pigeon,Microgoura meeki(Choiseul, Solomon Islands, early 20th century)
  • Red-moustached fruit dove,Ptilinopus mercierii(Nuku Hiva and Hiva Oa, Marquesas, 1922)
    Two subspecies, the little-known nominate subspeciesP. m. mercieriiof Nuku Hiva (extinct mid- to late 19th century) andP. m. tristramiof Hiva Oa (1922).
  • Negros fruit dove,Ptilinopus arcanus(Negros, Philippines, late 20th century?)
    Known only from one specimen taken at the only documented sighting in 1953; the validity of this species has been questioned, but no good alternative to distinct species status has been proposed. Officially classified ascritically endangered,it may still exist on Panay, but no survey has located it. One possible record in 2002 does not seem to have been repeated since then.
  • Mauritius blue pigeon
    Mauritius blue pigeon,Alectroenas nitidissima(Mauritius, Mascarenes, c. 1830s)
  • Réunion blue pigeon,Alectroenassp. (Réunion, Mascarenes, 1619)
  • Providence blue pigeon,Alectroenassp. (Farquhar Group, Seychelles, 19th century)
    Only known from early reports; possibly a subspecies of either theComoros blue pigeon(Alectroenas sganzini) or theSeychelles blue pigeon(Alectroenas pulcherrimus).
  • Dodo,Raphus cucullatus(Mauritius, Mascarenes, late 17th century)
    CalledDidus ineptusbyLinnaeus.A metre-high flightless bird found onMauritius.Its forest habitat was destroyed when Dutch settlers moved to the island and the dodo's nests and eggs were destroyed by the pigs, cats and monkeys that the Dutch brought with them. The last specimen was killed in 1681, only 80 years after the arrival of the new predators.
  • Rodrigues solitaire,Pezophaps solitaria(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, c. 1730)
  • Mauritian turtle dove,Nesoenas cicur(Mauritius, Mascarenes, 1730s)
    Similar to theMalagasy turtle dovebut more terrestrial, with more robust legs and smaller wings. Disappeared by 1730 due to hunting, predation by introduced mammals, and deforestation.
  • Mauritian wood pigeon,Columba thiriouxi(Mauritius, Mascarenes, 1730s)
    Described from subfossil remains, it is believed to have become extinct by 1730 due to hunting, predation by introducedblack rats,and deforestation. The species has been questioned due to the material being scarce and not completely distinguishable from rock doves introduced to the island in 1639. However, early historical accounts mention the existence of pigeons that were caught with ease.


New World vultures

  • "Painted vulture",Sarcoramphus sacra(Florida, North America, late 18th century?)
    • A bird supposedly similar in appearance to the king vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) identified byWilliam Bartramon his travels in the 1770s. Skeptics have stated that it is likely based on a misidentification of thecrested caracara(Caracara plancus), although evidence has increasingly shifted towards it being a valid taxon that once existed, either as a distinct species in its own right or as a subspecies of the king vulture, based on an independent illustration of a nearly identical bird made several decades earlier byEleazar Albin.See theKing vulturearticle for discussion.
Laughing owl

True owlsandbarn owls

Strigidae- true owls

  • Pernambuco pygmy owl,Glaucidium mooreorum(Pernambuco, Brazil, 2001?)[69]
    Officially classified ascritically endangered,but it may still exist. A 2018BirdLifestudy citing extinction patterns recommended reclassifying this species as possibly extinct.
  • Réunion scops owl,Otus grucheti(Réunion, Mascarenes, late 17th century?)
  • Mauritius scops owl,Otus sauzieri(Mauritius, Mascarenes, c. 1850)
  • Rodrigues scops owl,Otus murivorus(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, mid-18th century)
    The preceding three species were variously placed in the generaBubo,Athene,"Scops"(=Otus),StrixandTytoand even in their own genus,Mascarenotus,before their true affinity was realized.
  • Siau scops owl,Otus siaoensis(Siau Island,Indonesia, 20th century?)
    Only known from the holotype collected in 1866. It may still exist, as there are ongoing rumors of scops owls at Siau.
  • New Caledonian boobook,Ninoxcf.novaeseelandiae(New Caledonia, Melanesia)
    Known only from prehistoric bones, but it may still exist.
  • Laughing owl,Ninox albifacies(New Zealand, 1914?)
    Two subspecies: the nominate subspeciesN. a. albifacies(South Island and Stewart Island, extinct 1914?) andN. a. rufifacies(North Island, extinct c. 1870s?); circumstantial evidence suggests that small remnants survived until the early or mid-20th century.

Tytonidae- barn owls

  • Puerto Rican barn owl,Tyto cavatica(Puerto Rico, West Indies, early 20th century?)
    Known from prehistoric bones found in caves on Puerto Rico; it may have still existed up to 1912, given reports of the presence of cave-roosting owls. Likely a subspecies of, or synonymous with, the still-existingashy-faced owl(Tyto glaucops).

Caprimulgidae- nightjars and nighthawks

  • Jamaican poorwill,Siphonorhis americana(Jamaica, West Indies, late 19th century?)
    Reports of unidentifiable nightjars from the 1980s in habitat appropriate for this cryptic species suggest that it may still exist. Research into this possibility is currently underway; pending further information, it is officially classified ascritically endangered, possibly extinct.
  • Cuban pauraque,Siphonorhis daiquiri(Cuba, West Indies, prehistoric?)
    Described from subfossil bones in 1985. There are persistent rumors that this bird, which was never seen alive by scientists, may still exist. Compare thePuerto Rican nightjar(Antrostomus noctitherus) and the preceding species.
  • Vaurie's nightjar,Caprimulgus centralasicus(China, early 20th century?)
    Only known from a single specimen fromXin gian g,China taken in 1929. It has never been seen or found again, but the validity of this supposed species is seriously disputed. It was, however, never refuted to be an immature desert-dwelling femaleEuropean nightjar(Caprimulgus europaeus).
  • New Caledonian nightjar,Eurostopodus exsul(New Caledonia, Melanesia, mid-20th century)
    This species was sighted only once in 1939; due to its cryptic habits, it may still be extant, but this is now considered to be unlikely.


  • New Caledonian owlet-nightjar,Aegotheles savesi(New Caledonia, late 1990s)
  • not to be confused with the New Caledonian nightjar. The type specimen was collected after the bird flew into a bedroom in the village of Tonghoué. This large owlet-nightjar is only known from two specimens taken in 1880 and 1915, two other confirmed sightings and two other partly disputed sightings and one unconfirmed debated sighting. The most recent report is from a 1998 expedition which saw a large nightjar foraging for insects at dusk in Rivière Ni Valley.


  • Letitia's thorntail,Discosura letitiae(Bolivia?)
    Known only from three trade specimens of unknown origin. It may still exist.
  • Brace's emerald,Riccordia bracei(New Providence, Bahamas, West Indies, late 19th century)
  • Gould's emerald,Riccordia elegans(Jamaica or northern Bahamas, West Indies, late 19th century)
  • Turquoise-throated puffleg,Eriocnemis godini(Ecuador, 20th century?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangered, possibly extinct.Known only from six pre-1900 specimens, the habitat where it occurred has been destroyed. However, the bird's distribution remains unresolved.
  • Guanacaste hummingbird,Saucerottia alfaroana(Miravalles Volcano, Costa Rica)
    A possibly extinct species of hummingbird known only from a holotype collected in 1895 at the Miravalles Volcano in Costa Rica.

Kingfishersand related birds

Woodpeckersand related birds

Birds of prey


A mounted specimen of aCarolina parakeet,theMuseum Wiesbaden,Germany
  • Sinú parakeet,Pyrrhura subandina(Colombia, mid-20th century?)
    This bird has a very restricted distribution and was last reliably recorded in 1949. It was not found during searches in 2004 and 2006 and seems to be extinct; efforts to find it again continue, but are hampered by the threat of armed conflict.
  • Norfolk kākā
    Norfolk kākā,Nestor productus(Norfolk and Philip Islands, Southwest Pacific, 1851?)
  • Chatham kākā,Nestor chathamensis(Chatham Islands, New Zealand, between 1500 and 1650)
  • Society parakeet,Cyanoramphus ulietanus(Raiatea, Society Islands, South Pacific, late 18th century)
  • Black-fronted parakeet,Cyanoramphus zealandicus(Tahiti, Society Islands, South Pacific, c. 1850)
  • Lord Howe parakeet,Cyanorhamphus subflavescens(Lord Howe Island, Southwest Pacific, c. 1870)
  • Macquarie parakeet,Cyanorhamphus erythrotis(Macquarie Islands, Southwest Pacific, 1890s)
    Last recorded in 1890 and not found by surveys in 1894.
  • Paradise parrot,Psephotellus pulcherrimus(Rockhampton area, Australia, late 1920s)
  • Oceanic eclectus,Eclectus infectus,known from subfossil bones found on Tonga, Vanuatu, and possibly Fiji, may have survived until the 18th century or even longer: a bird which seems to be a maleEclectusparrot was drawn in a report on the Tongan island ofVavaʻuby theMalaspinaexpedition. Also, a 19th-century Tongan nameʻāʻā( "parrot" ) for "a beautiful bird found only atʻEua"is attested (see here[70]under "kākā" ). This seems to refer to eitherE. infectus,which in Tonga is only known from Vavaʻu and ʻEua, or the extirpated population of thecollared lory(Vini solitaria), which also occurred there. It is possible, but unlikely, that this species survived on ʻEua until the 19th century.
  • New Caledonian lorikeet,Vini diadema(New Caledonia, Melanesia, mid-20th century?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangered,there have been no reports of this species since the mid-20th century. It is, however, small and inconspicuous and is likely to have been overlooked.
  • Seychelles parakeet
    Seychelles parakeet,Psittacula wardi(Seychelles, West Indian Ocean, 1883)
  • Newton's parakeet,Psittacula exsul(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, c. 1875)
  • Mascarene grey parakeet,Psittacula bensoni(Mauritius, possibly Réunion asPsittaculacf.bensoni,1760s).
    Formerly known as the Mauritius grey parrot (Lophopsittacus bensoni). Known from a 1602 sketch by Captain Willem van Westzanen and by subfossil bones described byDavid Thomas Holyoakin 1973. It may have survived into the mid-18th century.
  • Mascarene parrot,Mascarinus mascarinus(Réunion and possibly Mauritius, Mascarenes, 1834?)
    The last known individual was a captive bird which was alive before 1834.
  • Broad-billed parrot,Lophopsittacus mauritianus(Mauritius, Mascarenes, 1680?)
    It may have survived into the late 18th century.
  • Rodrigues parrot,Necropsittacus rodericanus(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, late 18th century)
    The speciesN. francicusis fictional,N. borbonicusis most likely so.
  • Glaucous macaw,Anodorhynchus glaucus(northern Argentina, early 20th century)
    Officially classified ascritically endangereddue to persistent rumors of wild birds, but probably extinct.
  • Cuban macaw,Ara tricolor(Cuba, late 19th century)
    A number of related macaw species have been described from the West Indies, but are not based on good evidence. Several prehistoric forms are now known to have existed in the region, however.
  • Carolina parakeet,Conuropsis carolinensis(southeastern North America, c. 1930?)
    Although the date of the last captive bird's death in the Cincinnati Zoo, 1918, is generally given as this species' date of extinction, there are convincing reports of some wild populations persisting until later. Two subspecies,C. c. carolinensis(Carolina parakeet, east and south of the Appalachian Mountains – extinct either 1918 or c. 1930) andC. c. ludovicianus(Louisiana parakeet, west of the Appalachian Mountains – extinct c. 1912).
  • Guadeloupe parakeet,Psittacara labati(Guadeloupe, West Indies, late 18th century)
    Only known from descriptions; the former existence of this bird is likely both for biogeographic reasons and because details about it as described cannot be referred to any known species.
  • Puerto Rican parakeet,Psittacara maugei(Mona Island and possibly Puerto Rico, West Indies, 1890s)
    Formerly considered to be a weakly differentiated subspecies of the still-existingHispaniolan parakeet(Psittacara chloropterus).
  • Martinique amazon,Amazona martinica(Martinique, West Indies, mid-18th century)
  • Guadeloupe amazon,Amazona violacea(Guadeloupe, West Indies, mid-18th century)
    These two extinct amazons were originally described from travelers' descriptions. Their existence is still controversial.

Perching birds

Tyrannidae– tyrant flycatchers

  • San Cristóbal flycatcher,Pyrocephalus dubius(San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos Islands, late 20th century)
    Described as extremely rare by David W. Steadman in the 1980s and not found despite a six-month survey in 1998.

Furnariidae– ovenbirds

Lyall's wren,a victim offeral cats

Acanthisittidae– New Zealand "wrens"

  • Lyall's wren,Traversia lyalli(New Zealand, 1895?)
    A flightless species that was famously (but erroneously) claimed to have become extinct due to predation by a single lighthouse keeper's cat named "Tibbles".
  • Bushwren,Xenicus longipes(New Zealand, 1972)
    Three subspecies,X. l. stokesi(North Island, extinct 1955); the nominate subspeciesX. l. longipes(South Island, extinct 1968) andX. l. variabilis(Stewart Island, extinct 1972).

Mohoidae– Hawaiian honeyeaters. Family established in 2008, previously in Meliphagidae.

Meliphagidae– honeyeaters and Australian chats

  • Chatham bellbird,Anthornis melanocephala(Chatham Islands, Southwest Pacific, c. 1910)
    Sometimes regarded as a subspecies of theNew Zealand bellbird(Anthornis melanera). Unconfirmed records exist from the early to mid-1950s.
  • The identity of"Strigiceps leucopogon"(aninvalid name)[45]described by Lesson in 1840 is unclear. Apart from the holotype supposedly from "New Holland",a second specimen from the"Himalaya"either may have existed or may still exist. Lesson tentatively allied it to the Meliphagidae, and Rothschild felt reminded of thekioea.

Acanthizidae– scrubwrens, thornbills, and gerygones

Pachycephalidae– whistlers, shrike-thrushes, pitohuis and allies

  • Mangarevan whistler,?Pachycephala gambierana(Mangareva, Gambier Islands, South Pacific, late 19th century?)
    Tentatively placed here. A mysterious bird of which no specimens exist today. It was initially described as a shrike, then classified as anEopsalteria"robin" and may actually be anAcrocephaluswarbler.

Dicruridae– monarch flycatchers and allies

  • Maupiti monarch,Pomarea pomarea(Maupiti, Society Islands, South Pacific, mid-19th century)
  • Eiao monarch,Pomarea fluxa(Eiao, Marquesas, late 1970s)
    Previously considered a subspecies of theIphis monarch(Pomarea iphis), this is an early offspring of the Marquesan stock.
  • Nuku Hiva monarch,Pomarea nukuhivae(Nuku Hiva, Marquesas, mid- to late 20th century)
    Previously considered a subspecies of theMarquesas monarch(Pomarea mendozae), this is another early offspring of the Marquesan stock.
  • Ua Pou monarch,Pomarea mira(Ua Pou, Marquesas, c. 1986)
    Also previously considered a subspecies of the Marquesas monarch, this was a distinct species most closely related to that bird and theFatuhiva monarch(Pomarea whitneyi).
  • Guam flycatcher,Myiagra freycineti(Guam and Marianas, West Pacific, 1983)
    Possibly a subspecies of theoceanic flycatcher(Myiagra oceanica).

Oriolidae– Old World orioles and allies

  • North Island piopio,Turnagra tanagra(North Island, New Zealand, c. 1970?)
    Not reliably recorded since about 1900.
  • South Island piopio,Turnagra capensis(South Island, New Zealand, 1960s?)
    Two subspecies,T. c. minorfromStephens Island(extinct c. 1897) and the nominate subspeciesT. c. capensisfrom the South Island mainland (last specimen taken in 1902, last unconfirmed record in 1963)

Corvidae– crows, ravens, jays and magpies

Callaeidae– New Zealand wattlebirds

Huia,male (front) and female (back)
  • Huia,Heteralocha acutirostris(North Island, New Zealand, early 20th century)
  • South Island kōkako,Callaeas cinereus(South Island, New Zealand, 1960s?)
    This species is usually considered to be extinct, as it has not been reliably recorded since 1967. However, recent reports from Fiordland suggest that it may still exist.

Hirundinidae– swallows and martins

  • White-eyed river martin,Pseudochelidon sirintarae(Thailand, late 1980s?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangered,this Enigma tic species is only known from migrating birds and it was last seen in 1986 at its former roost site. Recent unconfirmed reports suggest that it may still exist inCambodia.
  • Red Sea cliff swallow,Petrochelidon perdita(Red Sea area, late 20th century?)
    Known from a single specimen found in 1984; this Enigma tic swallow may still exist, but the lack of recent records is puzzling. It is also alternatively placed in the genusHirundo.

Acrocephalidae– acrocephalid warblers or marsh warblers, tree warblers and reed warblers

  • Nightingale reed warbler,Acrocephalus luscinius(Guam, West Pacific, c. 1970s)
  • Pagan reed warbler,Acrocephalus yamashinae(Pagan, Marianas, West Pacific, 1970s)
    Previously considered a subspecies of the nightingale reed warbler.
  • Aguiguan reed warbler,Acrocephalus nijoi(Aguiguan, Marianas, West Pacific, c. 1997)
    Also previously considered a subspecies of the nightingale reed warbler.
  • Mangareva reed warbler,Acrocephalus astrolabii(Marianas?, West Pacific, mid-19th century?)
    Known only from two specimens found onMangareva Island.
  • Garrett's reed warbler,Acrocephalus musae(Raiatea and Huahine, Society Islands, South Pacific, 19th century?)
    Two subspecies,A. m. garrettifrom Huahine andA. m. musaefrom Raiatea. Previously considered a subspecies of theTahiti reed warbler(Acrocephalus caffer).
  • Moorea reed warbler,Acrocephalus longirostris(Moorea, Society Islands, South Pacific, 1980s?)
    The last reliable sighting of this bird was in 1981. A survey in 1986 / 1987 was unsuccessful in finding it. A photograph of a warbler from Moorea in 1998 or 1999 taken by Philippe Bacchet remains uncertain, as do reports from 2003 and 2010. Also previously considered a subspecies of the Tahiti reed warbler.

Muscicapidae– Old World flycatchers and chats

  • Rück's blue flycatcher,Cyornis ruckii(Malaysia or Indochina, 20th century?)
    An Enigma tic species known only from two or four possibly migrant specimens, last recorded in 1918. It may still exist in northeastern Indochina. Possibly a subspecies of theHainan blue flycatcher(Cyornis hainanus).

Megaluridae– megalurid warblers or grass warblers

  • Chatham fernbird,Poodytes rufescens(Chatham Islands, Southwest Pacific, c. 1900)
    Often placed in the genusMegalurus,but this is based on an incomplete review of the evidence.

Cisticolidae– cisticolas and allies

  • Tana River cisticola,Cisticola restrictus(Kenya, Africa, 1970s?)
    A mysterious species found in the Tana River Basin in small numbers at various dates but not seen since 1972. It is probably invalid; if so, it may be based on aberrant or hybrid specimens. An unconfirmed sighting was apparently reported in 2007 at the Tana River Delta.

Zosteropidae– white-eyes. Probably belong in Timaliidae.

Pycnonotidae– bulbuls

  • Rodrigues bulbul,Hypsipetes cowlesi(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, extinction date unknown, 17th century or 18th century might be possible)
    Known only from subfossil bones.

Sylvioideaincertae sedis

  • Aldabra brush warbler,Nesillas aldabrana(Aldabra, Indian Ocean, c. 1984)
  • Rodrigues "babbler"(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, 17th century?)
    Known only from subfossil bones. Provisionally assigned to Timaliidae, but its placement in this family is highly doubtful.

Sturnidae– starlings

Hoopoe starling
  • Kosrae starling,Aplonis corvina(Kosrae, Caroline Islands, West Pacific, mid-19th century)
  • Mauke starling,Aplonis mavornata(Mauke, Cook Islands, mid-19th century)
  • Tasman starling,Aplonis fusca(Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island, Southwest Pacific, c. 1923)
    Two subspecies, the nominate subspeciesA. f. fuscaNorfolk starling(extinct c. 1923) andA. fusca hullianaLord Howe starling(extinct c. 1919).
  • Pohnpei starling,Aplonis pelzelni(Pohnpei, Micronesia, c. 2000)
    Only one reliable record since 1956, in 1995, leaves the species' survival seriously in doubt.
  • Raiatea starling,Aplonis?ulietensis(Raiatea, Society Islands, South Pacific, between 1774 and 1850)
    Formerly called the bay thrush (Turdus ulietensis); a mysterious bird fromRaiateanow only known from a painting and some descriptions of a (now lost) specimen. Itstaxonomicposition is thus unresolvable at present although, forbiogeographicreasons and because of the surviving description, it has been suggested to have been ahoneyeater.However, with the discovery of fossils of the prehistorically extinctHuahine starling(Aplonis diluvialis) on neighboringHuahine,it seems likely that this bird also belonged to this genus.
  • Hoopoe starling,Fregilupus varius(Réunion, Mascarenes, 1850s)
    Tentatively assigned to Sturnidae.
  • Rodrigues starling,Necropsar rodericanus(Rodrigues, Mascarenes, mid-18th century?)
    Tentatively assigned to Sturnidae. The bird that was variously described asNecropsar leguatiorOrphanopsar leguatiand was considered to be identical withN. rodericanus(which itself is known only from subfossil bones) was found to be based on a misidentifiedalbinospecimen of thegrey trembler(Cinclocerthia gutturalis).

Turdidae– thrushes and allies

  • Grand Cayman thrush,Turdus ravidus(Grand Cayman, West Indies, late 1940s)
  • Bonin thrush,Zoothera terrestris(Chichi-jima, Ogasawara Islands, c. 1830s)
  • Kāmaʻo
    Kāmaʻo,Myadestes myadestinus(Kauaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, 1990s)
  • Olomaʻo,Myadestes lanaiensis(Hawaiian Islands, 1980s?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangeredbecause a possible location on Molokaʻi remains unsurveyed. Three subspecies are known from Oahu (M. l. woahensis,extinct 1850s), Lanaʻi (the nominate subspeciesM. l. lanaiensis,extinct early 1930s) and Molokaʻi (M. l. rutha,extinct 1980s?) and there may be a possible fourth subspecies from Maui (extinct before the late 19th century).

Mimidae– mockingbirds and thrashers

  • Cozumel thrasher,Toxostoma guttatum(Cozumel, West Indies, early in the first decade of the 21st century?)
    It is still unknown whether the tiny population rediscovered in 2004 survived HurricanesEmilyandWilmain 2005. There have also been unconfirmed records in April 2006 and October and December 2007.

Estrildidae– estrildid finches (waxbills, munias, etc.)

  • Black-lored waxbill,Estrilda nigriloris(Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa, late 20th century?)
    An Enigma tic species not seen since 1950; because part of its habitat is inUpemba National Park,it may still exist.

Icteridae– New World blackbirds and allies

Parulidae– New World warblers

Ploceidae– weavers

  • Réunion fody,Foudia delloni(Réunion, Mascarenes, c. 1672)
    FormerlyFoudia bruante;the latter scientific name may actually be a color morph of thered fody(Foudia madagascariensis).

Cardinalidae– cardinals

Fringillidae– true finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers

  • Bonin grosbeak,Carpodacus ferreorostris(Chichi-jima, Ogasawara Islands, 1830s)
  • ʻŌʻū,Psittirostra psittacea(Hawaiian Islands, c. 2000?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangered,this was once the most widespread species of all of the Hawaiian honeycreepers. It has not been reliably recorded since either 1987 or 1989.
  • Kona grosbeak,Chloridops kona(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, 1894)
  • Lanaʻi hookbill,Dysmorodrepanis munroi(Lanaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, 1918)
  • Kauaʻi palila,Loxioides kikuichi(Kauaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, early 18th century?)
  • Lesser koa finch,Rhodacanthus flaviceps(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, 1891)
  • Greater koa finch,Rhodacanthus palmeri(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, 1896)
  • Greater ʻamakihi,Viradonia sagittirostris(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, 1901)
  • Maui nukupuʻu,Hemignathus affinis(Maui, Hawaiian Islands, 1990s)
  • Kauaʻi nukupuʻu,Hemignathus hanapepe(Kauaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, late 1990s)
  • Oʻahu nukupuʻu,Hemignathus lucidus(Oʻahu, Hawaiian Islands, late 19th century)
  • Hawaiʻi ʻakialoaor lesser ʻakialoa,Akialoa obscurus(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, 1940)
  • Maui Nui ʻakialoa,Akialoa lanaiensis(Lanaʻi and, prehistorically, probably Maui and Molokaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, 1892)
  • Oʻahu ʻakialoa,Akialoa ellisiana(Oʻahu, Hawaiian Islands, early 20th century)
  • Kauaʻi ʻakialoa,Akialoa stejnegeri(Kauaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, 1969)
  • Kākāwahie
    Kākāwahie,Paroreomyza flammea(Molokaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, 1963)
  • Oʻahu ʻalauahio,Paroreomyza maculata(Oʻahu, Hawaiian Islands, early 1990s?)
    Officially classified ascritically endangered.The last reliable record of this bird was in 1985, with an unconfirmed sighting in 1990.
  • Maui ʻakepa,Loxops ochraceus(Maui, Hawaiian Islands, 1988)
  • Oʻahu ʻakepa,Loxops wolstenholmei(Oʻahu, Hawaiian Islands, 1900s)
  • ʻUla-ʻai-hawane,Ciridops anna(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, either 1892 or 1937)
  • Black mamo,Drepanis funerea(Molokaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, 1907)
  • Hawaii mamo
    Hawaii mamo,Drepanis pacifica(Big Island, Hawaiian Islands, 1898)
  • Laysan honeycreeper,Himatione fraithii(Laysan, Hawaiian Islands, 1923)
  • Poʻouli,Melamprosops phaeosoma(Maui, Hawaiian Islands, 2004)

Emberizidae– buntings and New World sparrows

Possibly extinct bird subspecies or status unknown


The extinction ofsubspeciesis a subject that is very dependent on guesswork. National and international conservation projects and research publications such asred listsusually focus on species as a whole. Reliable information on the status of vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered subspecies usually has to be assembled piecemeal from published observations, such as regional checklists. Therefore, the following listing contains a high proportion of bird taxa that may still exist, but are listed here due to any one of, or any combination of, these three factors: absence of recent records, a known threat such as habitat destruction, or an observed decline.

Ratitesand related birds

Arabian ostrich
Kangaroo Island emu
  • Dromaius– emu
    • King Island emu,Dromaius novaehollandiae minor(King Island, Australia, 1822)
      Anisland dwarfsubspecies of theemu;extinct in the wild c. 1805, the last captive specimen died in 1822 in theJardin des Plantes.
    • Kangaroo Island emu,Dromaius novaehollandiae baudinianus(Kangaroo Island, Australia, 1827)
      Another island dwarf subspecies of the emu; extinct since c. 1827.
    • Tasmanian emu,Dromaius novaehollandiae diemenensis(Tasmania, Australia, mid-19th century)
      Yet another island dwarf subspecies of the emu; the last wild bird was collected in 1845, but it may have survived in captivity until 1884. It may be invalid.


  • Bering cackling goose,Branta hutchinsii asiatica(Commander and Kuril Islands, N Pacific, c. 1914 or 1929)
    A formerly recognised subspecies of thecackling goose(formerly called the BeringCanada goose(Branta canadensis asiatica)) which was not distinct from the similar-looking and still-existingAleutian cackling goose(B. h. leucopareia) and is now considered to be invalid.
  • Rennell Island teal,Anas gibberifrons remissa(Rennell Island, Solomon Islands, c. 1959)
    A doubtfully distinct subspecies of theSunda tealwhich disappeared due to predation on ducklings by introducedMozambique tilapia(Oreochromis mossambicus).
  • Niceforo's yellow-billed pintail,Anas georgica niceforoi(Colombia, 1950s)
    A subspecies of theyellow-billed pintailthat has not been recorded since the 1950s.
  • Borrero's cinnamon teal,Anas cyanoptera borreroi(Colombia, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of thecinnamon tealknown only from a restricted area in the Cordillera Occidental of Colombia, with a couple of records from Ecuador. It was discovered in 1946 and thought to have become extinct by 1956.
  • Coues's gadwall
    Coues's gadwall,Mareca strepera couesi(Teraina, Kiribati, c. 1900)
    This island subspecies of thegadwallwas discovered and named in 1874 after two birds were shot and has not been recorded since, with none found by a 1924 expedition from Honolulu's Bishop Museum.
Heath Hen

Quailsand relatives

  • Lake Amik black francolin,Francolinus francolinus billypayni(southern Turkey, possibly Lebanon, 1960s)
    A doubtfully distinct subspecies of theblack francolin.
  • Sicilian black francolin,Francolinus francolinusssp. (Sicily, Mediterranean, c. 1869)
    Another doubtfully distinct subspecies of the black francolin.
  • Heath hen,Tympanuchus cupido cupido,(New England, North America, 1932)
    A subspecies of thegreater prairie-chickenor possibly a distinct species.
  • New Mexico sharp-tailed grouse,Tympanuchus phasianellus hueyi(New Mexico, North America, 1950s)
    A subspecies of thesharp-tailed grouselast recorded in Colfax County in 1952.
  • Moroccan helmeted guineafowl,Numida meleagris sabyi(Morocco, mid- to late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thehelmeted guineafowl.Reportedly still kept in captivity in Morocco in the late 1990s. Possibly extinct in the wild by 1950; three records from the 1970s may refer to feral-domestic hybrids.


Scolopacidae– sandpipers

  • Kiritimati sandpiper,Prosobonia cancellata cancellata(Kiritimati, Kirabati, 19th century?)
    The doubtfully distinct nominate subspecies of theTuamotu sandpiper;sometimes considered a distinct species, but known only from a painting.

Turnicidae– buttonquails

  • Tawitawi common buttonquail,Turnix sylvaticus suluensis(Tawitawi,Sulu Archipelago,Philippines, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of thecommon buttonquail;it has not been recorded since the 1950s, but there have been few surveys and it may still exist.

Railsand allies – probablyparaphyletic

  • Goldman's yellow rail,Coturnicops noveboracensis goldmani(Mexico, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theyellow railthat has not been recorded since 1964 and has lost much of its wetland habitat since then.
  • Macquarie rail,Hypotaenidia philippensis macquariensis(Macquarie Islands, Southwest Pacific, 1880s)
    A subspecies of thebuff-banded rail.
  • Raoul Island banded rail,Hypotaenidia philippensisssp. (Raoul, Kermadec Islands, Southwest Pacific, late 19th century?)
    Reports of the former occurrence of the species on Raoul seem to be plausible enough, but they may refer to vagrant individuals of another subspecies of the buff-banded rail.
  • Peruvian rail,Rallus semiplumbeus peruvianus(Peru, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theBogota railwhich is known from a single specimen collected in the 1880s. It may still exist.
  • Western Lewin's rail,Lewinia pectoralis clelandi(southwestern Australia, late 1930s?)
    A subspecies ofLewin's railnot recorded since 1932 despite multiple surveys in the late 20th century.
  • Assumption white-throated rail,Dryolimnas cuvieri abbotti(Assumption, Astove and Cosmoledo, Aldabra, early 20th century)
    A subspecies of thewhite-throated rail.
  • Jamaican wood rail,Amaurolimnas concolor concolor(Jamaica, West Indies, late 19th century)
    The nominate subspecies of theuniform crakedeclined rapidly and became extinct following the introduction of thesmall Indian mongoose(Urva auropunctata) to Jamaica in 1872.
  • Intact rail,Gymnocrex plumbeiventris intactus(Melanesia, 20th century?)
    A doubtfully distinct subspecies of thebare-eyed railknown from a single specimen, c. mid-19th century, either from the Solomon Islands or New Ireland. It may still exist.
  • Bornean Baillon's crake,Zapornia pusilla mira(Borneo, 20th century?)
    A subspecies ofBaillon's crakeknown from a single 1912 specimen and not found since; it may be extinct, but the species is hard to find.
  • Moroccan bustard,Ardeotis arabs lynesi(Morocco, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theArabian bustard.Last observed in 1993 at Lac Merzouga / Lac Tamezguidat.
  • Luzon sarus crane,Antigone antigone luzonica(Luzon, Philippines, late 1960s)
    A subspecies of thesarus cranewhich is not always accepted as valid by all authorities, possibly because the existing specimens have not been thoroughly studied since it was first described.
Bonin nankeen night heron

Heronsand related birds – possiblyparaphyletic

Pigeons,doves anddodos

  • Madeiran wood pigeon,Columba palumbus maderensis(Madeira, East Atlantic, early 20th century)
    A subspecies of thecommon wood pigeon.
  • Lord Howe pigeon,Columba vitiensis godmanae(Lord Howe Island, Southwest Pacific, 1853)
    This subspecies of themetallic pigeonwas last recorded in 1853 and almost certainly became extinct by 1869.
  • Tongan metallic pigeon,Columba vitiensisssp. (Vavaʻu, Tonga, late 18th century?)
    This subspecies of the metallic pigeon is only known from a footnote inJohn Latham'sGeneral History of Birdsand seems to have become extinct some time before 1800; possibly, however, the location is erroneous and the footnote really refers to the still-existing population on Fiji.
  • Réunion pink pigeon
    Réunion pink pigeon,Nesoenas mayeri duboisi(Réunion, Mascarenes, c. 1700)
    A subspecies of thepink pigeon,formerly inStreptopelia.There seems to have been at least another species of pigeon on Réunion (probably ablue pigeonspecies), but bones have not yet been found. It became extinct at the same time as this subspecies did.
  • Amirante turtle dove,Nesoenas picturatus aldabrana(Amirante Islands, Seychelles, late 20th century)
    This subspecies of theMalagasy turtle dovesurvived until at least 1974, after which it was hybridised out of existence through crossbreeding with the introduced nominate subspecies (N. p. picturatus).
  • Catanduanes bleeding-heart,Gallicolumba luzonica rubiventris(Catanduanes, Philippines, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theLuzon bleeding-heartknown from a single specimen collected in 1971. There have been recent reports of this bird and, as much of its forest habitat still remains, it is likely that it may still exist.
  • Basilan bleeding-heart,Gallicolumba crinigera bartletti(Basilan, Philippines, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of theMindanao bleeding-heartlast reported in 1925 and, given the massive habitat destruction, is likely extinct.
  • Vella Lavella ground dove,Pampusana jobiensis chalconota(Vella Lavella, Makira and Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thewhite-breasted ground doveor possibly a distinct species. Known from only four specimens; there are no recent records and the natives report that it has disappeared.
  • White-headed Polynesian ground dove,Pampusana erythroptera albicollis(Central Tuamotu Islands, 20th century?)
    This subspecies of thePolynesian ground dove,often referred to asP. e. pectoralis,became extinct at an undetermined date, but it may still exist on some unsurveyed atolls. The identity of the northern Tuamotu population, which may also possibly still exist, is undetermined to date.
  • Ebon crimson-crowned fruit dove,Ptilinopus porphyraceus marshallianus(Ebon?, Marshall Islands, late 19th century?)
    A subspecies of thecrimson-crowned fruit doveof doubtful validity known from a single specimen collected in 1859; it is not certain whether or not this bird actually did occur on Ebon. All that can be said is that this subspecies is no longer found anywhere.
  • Mauke lilac-crowned fruit dove,Ptilinopus rarotongensis "byronensis"(Mauke, Cook Islands, mid- or late 19th century)
    A subspecies of thelilac-crowned fruit doveknown only from the description of a now-lost specimen. The prehistorically extinct population onMangaialikely belongs to another distinct subspecies also.
  • Negros spotted imperial pigeon,Ducula carola nigrorum(Negros and probably Siquijor, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thespotted imperial pigeonnot recorded since the 1950s.
  • Norfolk pigeon,Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae spadicea(Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific, early 20th century)
    A subspecies of thekererūor New Zealand pigeon not recorded since 1900. Similar birds were reported from Lord Howe Island; these seem to represent another extinct subspecies, but are undescribed to date.
  • Raoul Island kererū,Hemiphaga novaeseelandiaessp. nov. (Raoul, Kermadec Islands, 19th century)
    Another undescribed subspecies of the kererū or New Zealand pigeon or possibly a distinct species; known from bones and a brief report.[71]


  • Greater crested coua,Coua cristata maxima(southeastern Madagascar, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thecrested coua,known only from a single specimen taken in 1950. It may be a hybrid but if it is not, it is probably extinct.
  • Assumption Island coucal,Centropus toulou assumptionis(Assumption Island, Seychelles, early 20th century)
    A subspecies of theMalagasy coucallast recorded in 1906. It is sometimes considered synonymous with the Aldabra subspecies (C. t. insularis) which has since recolonized Assumption Island.
  • Cabo San Lucas groove-billed ani,Crotophaga sulcirostris pallidula(Mexico, c. 1940)
    A weakly differentiated and probably invalid subspecies of thegroove-billed ani.
  • Bahia rufous-vented ground cuckoo,Neomorphus geoffroyi maximiliani(eastern Brazil, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of therufous-vented ground cuckoo.

True owlsandbarn owls

Strigidae– true owls

  • Sulu reddish scops owl,Otus rufescens burbidgei(Sulu, Philippines, mid-20th century)
    A subspecies of thereddish scops owlonly known from a single questionable specimen. It may be invalid.
  • Virgin Islands owl,Gymnasio nudipes newtoni(Virgin Islands, West Indies, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thePuerto Rican owlof somewhat doubtful validity, which occurred on several of the Virgin Islands. The last reliable records were in 1860; there were a number of unconfirmed reports during the 20th century, but it was not found in thorough surveys in 1995.
  • Socorro elf owl,Micrathene whitneyi graysoni(Socorro, Revillagigedo Islands, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of theelf owlofficially classified ascritically endangered.The last specimen was taken in 1932, but there was apparently still a large population in 1958; it was not found in subsequent searches and it appears to have become extinct.
  • Antiguan burrowing owl,Athene cunicularia amaura(Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis, West Indies, c. 1900)
    A subspecies of theburrowing owl,last collected in 1890 and extinct by 1903.
  • Guadeloupe burrowing owl,Athene cunicularia guadeloupensis(Guadeloupe and Marie-Galante, West Indies, c. 1890)
    Another subspecies of theburrowing owl,extinct by 1890.
  • Lord Howe boobook,Ninox novaeseelandiae albaria(Lord Howe Island, Southwest Pacific, 1950s)
    A subspecies of theAustralian boobooklast recorded in the 1950s.
  • Norfolk boobook
    Norfolk boobook,Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata(Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific, 1990s)
    Individuals of the nominate subspecies of the Australian boobook were introduced in a last-ditch effort to save the local owl population. There now exists a hybrid population of a few dozen birds; the last certainly distinct individual ofN. n. undulata,a female named Miamiti, died in 1996, though individuals descended from her remain.

Tytonidae– barn owls

  • Cave-nesting masked owl,Tyto novaehollandiae troughtoni(Nullarbor Plain, Australia, 1960s)
    Doubtfully distinct from the nominate subspecies of theAustralian masked owl,but differed behaviorally.
  • Buru masked owl,Tyto sororcula cayelii(Buru, Indonesia, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of theMoluccan masked owllast recorded in 1921; the identity of a similar bird found on Seram remains to be determined. It may still exist, as an owl matching this bird's description was encountered in August 2006.
  • Peleng masked owl,Tyto rosenbergii pelengensis(Peleng, Banggai Islands, mid-20th century)
    A subspecies of theSulawesi masked owlor a distinct species. It may possibly still exist, but the only known specimen was taken in 1938 and there have been no further records since then.
  • Samar bay owl,Phodilus badius riverae(Samar, Philippines, mid-20th century)
    A subspecies of theOriental bay owlor a possibly distinct species. Its taxonomy is doubtful, but the only known specimen was lost in a 1945 bombing raid, so its validity cannot be verified; no population exists on Samar today.


  • Miravalles indigo-capped hummingbird,Saucerottia cyanifrons alfaroana(Costa Rica, Central America, 20th century?)
    This subspecies of theindigo-capped hummingbirdis only known from a specimen collected in Costa Rica in 1895. It is likely to have become extinct since then.
  • Alejandro Selkirk firecrown,Sephanoides fernandensis leyboldi(Alejandro Selkirk Island, Juan Fernández Islands, Southeast Pacific, 1908)
    A subspecies of theJuan Fernández firecrownlast recorded in 1908.
  • Luzon Whitehead's swiftlet,Aerodramus whiteheadi whiteheadi(Luzon, Philippines, 20th century?)
    The nominate subspecies ofWhitehead's swiftletis only known from four specimens collected atMount Datain 1895. Because of the lack of further records and massive habitat destruction, it is usually considered extinct. Given the size of the island, though, it may still exist.

Kingfishersand related birds

  • Sangihe dwarf kingfisher,Ceyx fallax sangirensis(Sangihe,Indonesia, 1998?)
    This subspecies of theSulawesi dwarf kingfisherwas last seen in 1997 but not during a thorough survey one year later; it is either close to extinction or already extinct. Sometimes it is said to occur on the Talaud Islands also, but this is erroneous.
  • Guadalcanal little kingfisher,Ceyx pusillus aolae(Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands,?)
    A subspecies of thelittle kingfisher.
  • Rarotonga kingfisher,Todiramphuscf.tutus(Rarotonga, Cook Islands, mid-1980s?)
    There exist reports of locals that kingfishers – probably a subspecies of thechattering kingfisher(Todiramphus tutus) which is found on neighboring islands, but possibly vagrants from there – were found until around 1979 and there is a last record from 1984. Presently, no kingfishers are known to exist on Rarotonga.
  • "Ryukyu kingfisher","Todiramphus cinnamominus miyakoensis"(Miyako-jima, Ryukyu Islands, late 19th century)
    Previously considered as a distinct species, then reclassified as a subspecies of theGuam kingfisher.Only seen once by scientists in 1887; the specimen taken is somewhat damaged, making identification by anything other than molecular analysis difficult. It is now thought likely that the specimen came from Guam, where the aforementioned species was distributed, rather than Miyako, which would make this subspecies invalid (it was declared invalid by theInternational Ornithological Congressin 2022).
  • Sakarha pygmy kingfisher,Corythornis madagascariensis dilutus(southwestern Madagascar, late 20th century?)
    This subspecies of theMadagascar pygmy kingfisheris only known from one specimen taken in 1974 in an area where most of its habitat had already been destroyed. However, there have been records of the species (or an uncertain subspecies) from near the type locality, suggesting it is likely that it may still exist.
  • Ticao hornbill,Penelopides panini ticaensis(Ticao, Philippines, 1970s)
    A subspecies of theVisayan hornbillof somewhat uncertain taxonomic status (it was possibly either a distinct species or a color morph); the last confirmed report was in 1971 and it became extinct shortly thereafter.

Woodpeckersand related birds

  • Grand Bahama West Indian woodpecker,Melanerpes superciliaris bahamensis(Grand Bahama, Bahamas, 1950s)
    A subspecies of theWest Indian woodpeckerof somewhat uncertain validity.
  • Javan buff-rumped woodpecker,Meiglyptes tristis tristis(Java, Indonesia, c. 1920?)
    The nominate subspecies of thebuff-rumped woodpeckerbecame rare during the 19th century due to habitat destruction. The last confirmed record was in 1880, and it is now considered to be at least very rare.
  • Guadalupe red-shafted flicker,Colaptes auratus rufipileus(Guadalupe Island, East Pacific, c. 1906)
    A subspecies of thenorthern flicker(formerly considered to be a subspecies of the red-shafted flicker, asC. cafer rufipileus), it was last recorded in 1906 and not found again in both 1911 and 1922. It may be invalid. Recently, vagrant birds of a mainland red-shafted northern flicker subspecies (which one is unknown) have begun recolonizing the island as the habitat improved after theextirpationofferal goats.
  • Northern white-mantled barbet,Capito hypoleucus hypoleucus(Colombia, extant)
    The nominate subspecies of thewhite-mantled barbethas been considered extinct, but has been recorded recently.
  • Botero white-mantled barbet,Capito hypoleucus carrikeri(Colombia, extant)
    Another subspecies of the white-mantled barbet, also considered extinct by some sources, but confirmed extant by researchers in Colombia.
  • Todd's jacamar,Brachygalba lugubris phaeonota(Brazil, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thebrown jacamar,or possibly a hybrid, a color morph or a distinct species. It may still exist, as it is only known from a remote and seldom-visited area.
  • Cebu white-bellied woodpecker,Dryocopus javensis cebuensis(Cebu, Philippines, 20th century)
    A subspecies of thewhite-bellied woodpeckeronly known by three specimens collected before 1900.

Birds of prey

  • Cape Verde kite,Milvus(milvus)fasciicauda(Cape Verde Islands, East Atlantic, 2000)
    Considered either a subspecies of thered kite,a distinct species, or a hybrid between theredandblack kite(Milvus migrans), the validity of this taxon has recently been questioned on the basis of molecular analysis; however, hybridization and a confusing molecular phylogeny of red kite populations, coupled with the distinct phenotype of the Cape Verde birds, suggest that the taxonomic status of this form is far from resolved.
  • Car Nicobar sparrowhawk,Accipiter butleri butleri(Car Nicobar, Nicobar Islands, 20th century?)
    The nominate subspecies of theNicobar sparrowhawk– a species which is itself currently classified asvulnerable– is possibly extinct. It was last reliably recorded in 1901 and, despite searches, has not been sighted after an unconfirmed record in 1977; however, the species is known for being very shy and a population may persist unrecorded.


  • Volcano Islands peregrine falcon,Falco peregrinus furuitii(Ogasawara Islands, 1940s)
    A subspecies of theperegrine falconfrom theOgasawara Islands.No sightings have been reported since 1945. A survey in 1982 failed to record it. Only known fromIwo JimaandTorishima.


  • Sangir red-and-blue lory,Eos histrio histrio(Sangir Archipelago, Indonesia, 1990s?)
    The nominate subspecies of thered-and-blue lorywas hybridised out of existence through crossbreeding with escaped captive individuals of its other still-existing subspecies, Challenger's red-and-blue lory (E. h. challengeri), with the last certainly distinct individuals disappearing in the 1990s or even much earlier than that.
  • Réunion parakeet,Psittacula eques eques(Réunion, Mascarenes, mid-18th century)
    Known only from a painting and descriptions; the nominate subspecies of theecho parakeet,with the other one being the still-existing Mauritius parakeet (P. e. echo).
  • Siquijor hanging parrot,Loriculus philippensis siquijorensis(Siquijor, Philippines, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thePhilippine hanging parrotor colasisi; it is either very rare or already extinct.
  • Sinú brown-throated parakeet,Eupsittula pertinax griseipecta(Colombia, mid- or late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thebrown-throated parakeetknown from only two specimens collected in 1949 which are of unclear taxonomic and conservation status.
  • Culebra Island amazon,Amazona vittata gracilipes(Culebra Island, West Indies, early 20th century)
    A weakly differentiated subspecies of thePuerto Rican amazon,which is itself highly endangered.

Perching birds

Pittidae– pittas

  • Bougainville black-faced pitta,Pitta anerythra pallida(Bougainville, Solomon Islands, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of theblack-faced pitta.Once common on Bougainville; not recorded since 1938, but it is likely to have been overlooked.
  • Choiseul black-faced pitta,Pitta anerythra nigrifrons(Choiseul, Solomon Islands, late 20th century?)
    Another subspecies of the black-faced pitta. Not found during recent searches; doubtful records from nearby islands, but it is also likely to have been overlooked.

Tyrannidae– tyrant flycatchers

  • Bogotá bearded tachuri,Polystictus pectoralis bogotensis(central Colombia, 20th century)
    A subspecies of thebearded tachurior possibly a distinct species that has not been recorded for some time and is now extinct.
  • Grenadan Euler's flycatcher,Lathrotriccus euleri flaviventris(Grenada, West Indies, 1950s?)
    A subspecies ofEuler's flycatcherformerly known asEmpidonax euleri johnstoni.It has not been recorded since the 1950s.

Furnariidae– ovenbirds

  • Peruvian scale-throated earthcreeper,Upucerthia dumetaria peruana(Peru, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thescale-throated earthcreeper;it is known only from two specimens taken in the early 1950s at Puno, Peru and has not been seen or found since. It may still exist, as there is no obvious reason why it should have become extinct.
  • Northern stripe-crowned spinetail,Cranioleuca pyrrhophia rufipennis(northern Bolivia, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thestripe-crowned spinetailknown only from a few specimens and not recorded since the 1950s; it may be endangered or possibly extinct.

Formicariidae– antpittas and antthrushes

  • Northern giant antpitta,Grallaria gigantea lehmanni(Colombia, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thegiant antpitta(or possibly of thegreat antpitta,in which case it would beG. excelsa lehmanni) apparently not recorded since the 1940s. It may still exist inPuracé National Natural Park,where there is plentiful habitat remaining.
  • Antioquia brown-banded antpitta,Grallaria milleri gilesi(Antioquia, Colombia, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thebrown-banded antpittarecently described from a specimen collected in 1878. It has not been recorded since, despite surveys at a number of likely locations.

Maluridae– Australasian "wrens"

  • MacDonnell Ranges thick-billed grasswren,Amytornis modestus modestus(Northern Territory, Australia, 1936)
    The nominate subspecies of thethick-billed grasswren.The last record was a clutch of eggs taken in 1936.
  • Namoi thick-billed grasswren,Amytornis modestus inexpectatus(New South Wales, Australia, 1886)
    Another subspecies of the thick-billed grasswren last recorded in 1886.
  • Large-tailed grasswren,Amytornis textilis macrourus(Western Australia, 1910)
    A subspecies of thewestern grasswrenlast collected in 1910 and extinct since then.

Pardalotidae– pardalotes, scrubwrens, thornbills and gerygones

Western rufous bristlebird
  • Western rufous bristlebird,Dasyornis broadbenti littoralis(Australia, mid-20th century)
    A subspecies of therufous bristlebirdnot recorded since 1940 despite a number of surveys since then, beginning in the 1970s.
  • King Island brown thornbill,Acanthiza pusilla archibaldi(King Island, Australia, likely extant)
    A subspecies of thebrown thornbillwhich has only been recorded about 10 times since its discovery and is considered extinct by some authorities. The latest record comes from 2002, suggesting a population is likely to still exist, but it is very rare.

Petroicidae– Australasian "robins"

  • Tiwi Island hooded robin,Melanodryas cucullata melvillensis(Tiwi Islands, Australia, 1992)
    A subspecies of thehooded robinlast observed in 1992 and not found in exhaustive searches later in the 1990s.

Cinclosomatidae– whipbirds and allies

  • Mount Lofty spotted quail-thrush,Cinclosoma punctatum anachoreta(Australia, mid-1980s?)
    A subspecies of thespotted quail-thrushlast recorded in 1983 and not found in a survey the following year.

Artamidae– woodswallows, currawongs and allies

  • Western pied currawong,Strepera graculina ashbyi(Victoria, Australia, 1927)
    This subspecies of thepied currawonghas been hybridised out of existence by crossbreeding with other subspecies, which probably came into contact with it following habitat destruction in the 1830s. The last certainly distinct individuals were recorded in 1927.

Monarchidae– monarch flycatchers

  • Negros celestial monarch,Hypothymis coelestis rabori(Negros and possibly Sibuyan, Philippines, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thecelestial monarch;not uncommon on Negros in 1959, but not recorded since then. A single Sibuyan specimen from an unspecified locality taken in the 19th century is the only record for this island.
  • Hiva Oa monarch,Pomarea mendozae mendozae(Hiva Oa and Tahuata, Marquesas, late 20th century)
    The nominate subspecies of theMarquesas monarchwhich was very rare by 1974 and not found during multiple surveys in the 1990s.

Rhipiduridae– fantails

  • Lord Howe fantail,Rhipidura fuliginosa cervina(Lord Howe Island, Southwest Pacific, c. 1924)
    A subspecies of theNew Zealand fantailthat was considered virtually extinct in 1924 and not found by surveys four years later.
  • Guam rufous fantail,Rhipidura versicolor uraniae(Guam and Marianas, West Pacific, 1984)[72]
    A subspecies of theMicronesian rufous fantail;a conspicuous bird which has not been recorded since 1984.

Campephagidae– cuckooshrikes and trillers

Norfolk triller
  • Cebu bar-bellied cuckooshrike,Coracina striata cebuensis(Cebu, Philippines, early 20th century)
    A subspecies of thebar-bellied cuckooshrikenot recorded since its collection in 1906.
  • Maros cicadabird,Edolisoma tenuirostre edithae(Sulawesi, mid-20th century)
    A subspecies of thecommon cicadabirdknown from a single specimen collected in 1931; quite possibly just a vagrant individual.
  • Cebu blackish cuckooshrike,Edolisoma coerulescens altera(Cebu, Philippines, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theblackish cuckooshrike;it may still exist, as this bird is rather unmistakable, and a 1999 record is therefore likely to be valid, though surveys since then have failed to record it.
  • Marinduque blackish cuckooshrike,Edolisoma coerulescens deschauenseei(Marinduque, Philippines, late 20th century?)
    Another subspecies of the blackish cuckooshrike; described from specimens collected in 1971, but apparently not seen since then. As few ornithologists have visited Marinduque and forest remains on the island, it is likely that it may still exist.
  • Norfolk long-tailed triller,Lalage leucopyga leucopyga(Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific, 1942)
    The nominate subspecies of thelong-tailed trilleror possibly a distinct species.

Oriolidae– Old World orioles and allies

  • Cebu dark-throated oriole,Oriolus xanthonotus assimilis(Cebu, Philippines, 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thedark-throated oriolenot confirmed since 1906, though there were unconfirmed reports c. 2001, suggesting a possibility that it may still exist.

Corvidae– crows, ravens, jays and magpies

Pied raven,acolor morphof thecommon raven
  • Pied raven,Corvus corax variusmorphaleucophaeus(Faroe Islands, North Atlantic, 1902)
    A distinct local white-with-black-markings and light brown-billedcolor morphof the North Atlantic raven, a subspecies of thecommon raven,found only on the Faroe Islands and not seen since 1902. Birds currently living on the Faroe Islands and on Iceland (the only other area in this subspecies' range) are all-black and black-billed; this still-existing color morph is namedCorvus corax variusmorphatypicus.

Regulidae– kinglets

  • Guadalupe ruby-crowned kinglet,Corthylio calendula obscurus(Guadalupe Island, East Pacific, 20th century)
    A subspecies of theruby-crowned kingletthat has not been recorded since 1953.

Hirundinidae– swallows and martins

  • Jamaican golden swallow,Tachycineta euchrysea euchrysea(Jamaica, West Indies, c. 1990?)
    The nominate subspecies of thegolden swallow;endemic to Jamaica. The last major roost site was destroyed in 1987 and the last confirmed sighting was in 1989. It may still exist in theCockpit Country.

Phylloscopidae– phylloscopid warblers or leaf warblers

Cettiidae– cettiid warblers or typical bush warblers

  • Babar stubtail,Urosphena subulata advena(Babar, Indonesia, extant)
    A subspecies of theTimor stubtailthat has been considered extinct, but was recorded as common on Babar in 2009 and 2011.
  • Western Turner's eremomela,Eremomela turneri kalindei(Congo Basin, Africa, late 20th century?)
    The West African subspecies ofTurner's eremomelahas not been recorded since the end of the 1970s, but there is unsurveyed habitat in its range where it is likely that it may still exist. Its placement in Cettiidae requires confirmation.

Acrocephalidae– acrocephalid warblers or marsh warblers, tree warblers and reed warblers

  • Marshall Islands reed warbler,Acrocephalus rehseissp.? (Marshall Islands, Micronesia, c. 1880?)
    Oral tradition and some early reports mention a bird called theannañwhich inhabited some of the Marshall Islands. The best match is theNauru reed warbler;theannañmight have been an undescribed subspecies of that species or a distinct but related species of reed warbler.[68]
  • Laysan millerbird
    Laysan millerbird,Acrocephalus familiaris familiaris(Laysan, Hawaiian Islands, late 1910s)
    The nominate subspecies of themillerbird.

Pycnonotidae– bulbuls

  • Sumatran blue-wattled bulbul,Brachypodius nieuwenhuisii inexspectatus(Sumatra, Indonesia, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theblue-wattled bulbulknown only from a single specimen taken in 1937; however, this entire "species" may actually be a hybrid.

Cisticolidae– cisticolas and allies

  • Northern white-winged apalis,Apalis chariessa chariessa(Kenya, Africa, late 20th century?)
    The nominate subspecies of thewhite-winged apalisremains known only from the Tana River, acentre of endemism.It was last recorded in 1961.

Sylviidae– sylviid ( "true" ) warblers and parrotbills

  • Vanua Levu long-legged thicketbird,Cincloramphus rufus clunei(Vanua Levu, Fiji, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thelong-legged thicketbird;it was found only once, but there was an unconfirmed sighting in 1990, suggesting that it may still exist. Its placement in Sylviidae is doubtful.
  • Fayyum warbler,Curruca melanocephala/momus norissae(Egypt, Africa, 1939)
    A doubtfully distinct subspecies of theSardinian warbler.It has not been recorded since 1939.

Zosteropidae– white-eyes. Probably belong in Timaliidae.

  • Guam bridled white-eye,Zosterops conspicillatus conspicillatus(Guam and Marianas, West Pacific, 1983)
    The nominate subspecies of thebridled white-eyeor possibly a monotypic species. It was last recorded in 1983.
  • Mukojima white-eye,Apalopteron familiare familiare(Mukojima Group, Ogasawara Islands, 20th century?)
    The nominate subspecies of theBonin white-eye(formerly known as the "Bonin honeyeater" ) not recorded since its last specimen was collected in 1930.

Timaliidae– Old World babblers

  • Vanderbilt's babbler,Malacocincla sepiaria vanderbilti(Sumatra, Indonesia, late 20th century?)
    An Enigma tic subspecies ofHorsfield's babblerknown from a single specimen. It has not been seen since the 1940s at the latest.
  • Burmese Jerdon's babbler,Chrysomma altirostre altirostre(Myanmar, 20th century?)
    The nominate subspecies ofJerdon's babblerwas last confirmed in 1941, but as there has been little fieldwork in its range and a possible sighting occurred in 1994, it is considered likely that it may still exist.

"African warblers"

  • Chapin's white-browed crombec,Sylvietta leucophrys chapini(Congo Basin, Africa, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of thewhite-browed crombecor possibly a distinct species. Restricted to the Lendu Plateau; it is probably rare, though unsurveyed forest remains where it is likely that it may still exist.

Sylvioideaincertae sedis

  • Lake Amik bearded reedling,Panurus biarmicus kosswigi(southern Turkey, extant)
    A subspecies of thebearded reedlingwhich was once considered to be extinct due to the drainage ofLake Amik,but still exists in the area.

Troglodytidae– wrens

  • San Benedicto rock wren,Salpinctes obsoletus exsul(San Benedicto, Revillagigedo Islands, 1952)
    A subspecies of therock wrenwhich became extinct c. 9:00 AM, August 1, 1952, when its island habitat was destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption.
  • Guadalupe Bewick's wren,Thryomanes bewickii brevicauda(Guadalupe Island, East Pacific, late 1890s?)
    A subspecies ofBewick's wren.An extinction date of "1903" seems to be in error;[73]the last unquestionable record dates from 1897 and a thorough search in 1901 failed to record it.
  • San Clemente Bewick's wren,Thryomanes bewickii leucophrys(San Clemente Island, East Pacific, 1941)
    Another subspecies of Bewick's wren last recorded in 1941.
  • Daito wren,Troglodytes troglodytes orii(Daito Islands, Northwest Pacific, c. 1940)
    A disputed subspecies of theEurasian wren;it is known from a single specimen that may have been a vagrant individual and, therefore, it is possibly invalid.
  • Guadeloupe house wren,Troglodytes aedon guadeloupensis(Guadeloupe, West Indies, late 20th century?)
    Found in 1914, 1969 and the 1970s; now very rare or already extinct. Its taxonomy is unresolved. A part of thehouse wrencomplex; other scientific names for it includeT. musculus guadeloupensisandT. guadeloupensis.
  • Martinique house wren,Troglodytes aedon martinicensis(Martinique, West Indies, c. 1890)
    Last found in 1886. Its taxonomy is also unresolved. Another part of thehouse wrencomplex; other scientific names for it includeT. musculus martinicensisandT. martinicensis.

Paridae– tits, chickadees and titmice

  • Daito varied tit,Sittiparus varius orii(Daito Islands, Northwest Pacific, 1938)
    A subspecies of thevaried titlast recorded in 1938 and not found in subsequent surveys in 1984 and 1986.
  • Zagros coal tit,Periparus ater phaeonotus(Zagros Mountains,southwestern Iran, 1870)
    A subspecies of thecoal titonly known by the type specimen from 1870.

Cinclidae– dippers

Muscicapidae– Old World flycatchers and chats

  • Tonkean jungle flycatcher,Cyornis colonus subsolanus(Sulawesi, Indonesia, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theSula jungle flycatcherthat is known from a single specimen. It may be invalid.
  • Chinijo stonechat,Saxicola dacotiae murielae(Chinijo Archipelago, Canary Islands, early 20th century)
    A subspecies of theCanary Islands stonechat.

Turdidae– thrushes and allies

Lord Howe thrush
  • Norfolk thrush,Turdus poliocephalus poliocephalus(Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific, c. 1975)
    The nominate subspecies of theTasman Sea island thrushlast seen in 1975.
  • Lord Howe thrush,Turdus poliocephalus vinitinctus(Lord Howe Island, Southwest Pacific, early 20th century)
    The second subspecies of the Tasman Sea island thrush last recorded in 1913 and extinct by 1928.
  • Maré thrush,Turdus vanikorensis mareensis(Maré Island,New Caledonia, early 20th century)
    A subspecies of theVanikoro island thrushlast collected in 1911 or 1912 and not found again after 1939.
  • Saint Lucia forest thrush,Turdus lherminieri sanctaeluciae(St. Lucia, West Indies, extant)
    A subspecies of theforest thrush.It has been thought to be extinct, but it was recorded at Des Chassin in 2007.
  • Peleng red-and-black thrush,Geohichia mendeni mendeni(Peleng, Indonesia, mid-20th century?)
    The nominate subspecies of thered-and-black thrush;little is known about it.
  • Kibale black-eared ground thrush,Geohichia camaronensis kibalensis(southwestern Uganda, Africa, late 20th century?)
    A subspecies of theblack-eared ground thrushor possibly a distinct species; known only from two specimens, both from 1966. It is likely that it still exists in suitable habitat, but it could already be extinct.
  • Choiseul russet-tailed thrush,Zoothera heinei choiseuli(Choiseul, Solomon Islands, mid-20th century?)
    A subspecies of therusset-tailed thrushknown from a single specimen found in 1924. It could have been wiped out by introduced feral cats, but the island is poorly known and so it should not be presumed extinct yet.
  • Isle of Pines solitaire,Myadestes elisabeth retrusus(Isla de la Juventud, West Indies, 20th century)
    A subspecies of theCuban solitaire.The last confirmed records were in the 1930s, with unconfirmed reports in the early 1970s.

Mimidae– mockingbirds and thrashers

  • Barbados scaly-breasted thrasher,Allenia fusca atlantica(Barbados, West Indies, 1987?)
    A subspecies of thescaly-breasted thrasherlast recorded in 1987. Most of its range has been searched since then, with no records known.

Estrildidae– estrildid finches (waxbills, munias, etc.)

  • Southern star finch,Bathilda ruficauda ruficauda(Australia, 1995)
    The nominate subspecies of thestar finchlast recorded in 1995 and not found during later searches in the 1990s. It is not known to survive in captivity.

Fringillidae– true finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers

  • San Benito house finch,Haemorhous mexicanus mcgregori(San Benito, East Pacific, c. 1940s)
    A subspecies of thehouse finch.
  • Lanaʻi ʻalauahio,Paroreomyza montana montana(Lanaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, 1937)
    The nominate subspecies of theMaui ʻalauahio(or, more properly, the Maui Nui ʻalauahio), it was last recorded in 1937 and was certainly extinct by 1960.

Icteridae– New World blackbirds and allies

  • Grand Cayman oriole,Icterus leucopteryx bairdi(Grand Cayman, West Indies, late 20th century)
    A subspecies of theJamaican oriolelast recorded in 1967.

Parulidae– New World warblers

  • New Providence yellowthroat,Geothlypis rostrata rostrata(Andros and New Providence, Bahamas, West Indies, 1990?)
    The nominate subspecies of theBahama yellowthroat;it is either extinct or almost extinct.

Thraupidae– tanagers

  • Gonâve western chat-tanager,Calyptophilus tertius abbotti(Gonâve, West Indies, c. 1980?)
    A subspecies of thewestern chat-tanagerlast recorded in 1977 and probably extinct.
  • Samaná eastern chat-tanager,Calyptophilus frugivorus frugivorus(eastern Hispaniola, West Indies, late 20th century)
    The nominate subspecies of theeastern chat-tanager;the last (unconfirmed?) record was in 1982 and concerted efforts to record it ever since have failed.
  • Darwin's large ground finch,Geospiza magnirostris magnirostris(Floreana Island?, Galápagos Islands, 1957?)
    The (possibly invalid) nominate subspecies of thelarge ground finchcollected byCharles Darwinin 1835; he gave no precise location for it. A similar bird was found in 1957, but no others have been seen since then.
  • Saint Kitts bullfinch,Melopyrrha portoricensis grandis(St. Kitts and (prehistorically) Barbuda, West Indies, 1930)
    A subspecies of thePuerto Rican bullfinch.
Dusky seaside sparrow

Emberizoidea– buntings and New World sparrows

  • Todos Santos rufous-crowned sparrow,Aimophila ruficeps sanctorum(Islas Todos Santos, East Pacific, 1970s?)
    A subspecies of therufous-crowned sparrowonce common but not recorded during surveys in the 1970s or since then.
  • Santa Barbara song sparrow,Melospiza melodia graminea(Santa Barbara Island, North America, late 1960s)
    A subspecies of thesong sparrowlast seen in 1967; it became extinct due to a severe wildfire in 1959 and subsequent predation by feral cats. Officially declared extinct by theUnited States Fish and Wildlife Servicein 1983.
  • Dusky seaside sparrow,Ammospiza maritima nigrescens(Florida, North America, late 1980s)
    A subspecies of theseaside sparrowlast recorded in the wild in 1987.
  • Guadalupe spotted towhee,Pipilo maculatus consobrinus(Guadalupe Island, East Pacific, c. 1900)
    A subspecies of thespotted towhee.

See also



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