Inabstract algebra,amagma,binar,[1]or, rarely,groupoidis a basic kind ofalgebraic structure.Specifically, a magma consists of asetequipped with a singlebinary operationthat must beclosedby definition. No other properties are imposed.

History and terminology


The termgroupoidwas introduced in 1927 byHeinrich Brandtdescribing hisBrandt groupoid.The term was then appropriated by B. A. Hausmann andØystein Ore(1937)[2]in the sense (of a set with a binary operation) used in this article. In a couple of reviews of subsequent papers inZentralblatt,Brandt strongly disagreed with this overloading of terminology. The Brandt groupoid is agroupoidin the sense used in category theory, but not in the sense used by Hausmann and Ore. Nevertheless, influential books in semigroup theory, includingCliffordandPreston(1961) andHowie(1995) use groupoid in the sense of Hausmann and Ore. Hollings (2014) writes that the termgroupoidis "perhaps most often used in modern mathematics" in the sense given to it in category theory.[3]

According to Bergman and Hausknecht (1996): "There is no generally accepted word for a set with a not necessarily associative binary operation. The wordgroupoidis used by many universal algebraists, but workers in category theory and related areas object strongly to this usage because they use the same word to mean 'category in which all morphisms are invertible'. The termmagmawas used bySerre[Lie Algebras and Lie Groups, 1965]. "[4]It also appears inBourbaki'sÉléments de mathématique,Algèbre, chapitres 1 à 3, 1970.[5]



A magma is asetMmatched with anoperation• that sends any twoelementsa,bMto another element,abM.The symbol • is a general placeholder for a properly defined operation. To qualify as a magma, the set and operation(M,•)must satisfy the following requirement (known as themagmaorclosure property):

For alla,binM,the result of the operationabis also inM.

And in mathematical notation:

If • is instead apartial operation,then(M,•)is called apartial magma[6]or, more often, apartial groupoid.[6][7]

Morphism of magmas


Amorphismof magmas is a functionf:MNthat maps magma(M,•)to magma(N,∗)that preserves the binary operation:

f(xy) =f(x) ∗f(y).

For example, withMequal to thepositive real numbersand * as thegeometric mean,Nequal to the real number line, and • as thearithmetic mean,alogarithmfis a morphism of the magma (M,*) to (N,•).


Note that these commutative magmas are not associative; nor do they have anidentity element.This morphism of magmas has been used ineconomicssince 1863 whenW. Stanley Jevonscalculated the rate ofinflationin 39 commodities in England in hisA Serious Fall in the Value of Gold Ascertained,page 7.

Notation and combinatorics


The magma operation may be applied repeatedly, and in the general, non-associative case, the order matters, which is notated with parentheses. Also, the operation • is often omitted and notated by juxtaposition:

(a• (bc)) •d≡ (a(bc))d.

A shorthand is often used to reduce the number of parentheses, in which the innermost operations and pairs of parentheses are omitted, being replaced just with juxtaposition:xyz≡ (xy) •z.For example, the above is abbreviated to the following expression, still containing parentheses:


A way to avoid completely the use of parentheses isprefix notation,in which the same expression would be written••abcd.Another way, familiar to programmers, ispostfix notation(reverse Polish notation), in which the same expression would be writtenabc••d,in which the order of execution is simply left-to-right (nocurrying).

The set of all possiblestringsconsisting of symbols denoting elements of the magma, and sets of balanced parentheses is called theDyck language.The total number of different ways of writingnapplications of the magma operator is given by theCatalan numberCn.Thus, for example,C2= 2,which is just the statement that(ab)canda(bc)are the only two ways of pairing three elements of a magma with two operations. Less trivially,C3= 5:((ab)c)d,(a(bc))d,(ab)(cd),a((bc)d),anda(b(cd)).

There arenn2magmas withnelements, so there are 1, 1, 16, 19683,4294967296,... (sequenceA002489in theOEIS) magmas with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,... elements. The corresponding numbers of non-isomorphicmagmas are 1, 1, 10, 3330,178981952,... (sequenceA001329in theOEIS) and the numbers of simultaneously non-isomorphic and non-antiisomorphicmagmas are 1, 1, 7, 1734,89521056,... (sequenceA001424in theOEIS).[8]

Free magma


Afree magmaMXon a setXis the "most general possible" magma generated byX(i.e., there are no relations or axioms imposed on the generators; seefree object). The binary operation onMXis formed by wrapping each of the two operands in parentheses and juxtaposing them in the same order. For example:

ab= (a)(b),
a• (ab) = (a)((a)(b)),
(aa) •b= ((a)(a))(b).

MXcan be described as the set of non-associative words onXwith parentheses retained.[9]

It can also be viewed, in terms familiar incomputer science,as the magma of fullbinary treeswith leaves labelled by elements ofX.The operation is that of joining trees at the root.

A free magma has theuniversal propertysuch that iff:XNis a function fromXto any magmaN,then there is a unique extension offto a morphism of magmasf


Types of magma

Algebraic structures from magmas to groups

Magmas are not often studied as such; instead there are several different kinds of magma, depending on what axioms the operation is required to satisfy. Commonly studied types of magma include:

Note that each of divisibility and invertibility imply thecancellation property.

Magmas withcommutativity

Classification by properties

Group-like structures
Total Associative Identity Divisible Commutative
Partial magma Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded
Semigroupoid Unneeded Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded
Small category Unneeded Required Required Unneeded Unneeded
Groupoid Unneeded Required Required Required Unneeded
Commutativegroupoid Unneeded Required Required Required Required
Magma Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded
Commutativemagma Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded Required
Quasigroup Required Unneeded Unneeded Required Unneeded
Commutativequasigroup Required Unneeded Unneeded Required Required
Unital magma Required Unneeded Required Unneeded Unneeded
Commutativeunital magma Required Unneeded Required Unneeded Required
Loop Required Unneeded Required Required Unneeded
Commutativeloop Required Unneeded Required Required Required
Semigroup Required Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded
Commutativesemigroup Required Required Unneeded Unneeded Required
Associativequasigroup Required Required Unneeded Required Unneeded
Commutative-and-associativequasigroup Required Required Unneeded Required Required
Monoid Required Required Required Unneeded Unneeded
Commutative monoid Required Required Required Unneeded Required
Group Required Required Required Required Unneeded
Abelian group Required Required Required Required Required

A magma(S,•),withx,y,u,zS,is called

If it satisfies the identityxyuzxuyz
Left semimedial
If it satisfies the identityxxyzxyxz
Right semimedial
If it satisfies the identityyzxxyxzx
If it is both left and right semimedial
Left distributive
If it satisfies the identityxyzxyxz
Right distributive
If it satisfies the identityyzxyxzx
If it is both left and right distributive
If it satisfies the identityxyyx
If it satisfies the identityxxx
If it satisfies the identityxxyy
If it satisfies the identitiesxxyxxyxx[10]
If it satisfies the identitiesxxyxxyandxyyxyy
If the submagma generated by any element is associative
If it satisfies the identityxyzxyz,called asemigroup
A left unar
If it satisfies the identityxyxz
A right unar
If it satisfies the identityyxzx
Semigroup with zero multiplication, ornull semigroup
If it satisfies the identityxyuv
If it has an identity element
If, for allx,y,z,relationxy=xzimpliesy=z
If, for allx,y,z,relationyx=zximpliesy=z
If it is both right-cancellative and left-cancellative
Asemigroup with left zeros
If it is a semigroup and it satisfies the identityxyx
Asemigroup with right zeros
If it is a semigroup and it satisfies the identityyxx
If any triple of (not necessarily distinct) elements generates a medial submagma
If it is ahomomorphic imageof a medialcancellationmagma.[11]
If it satisfies the identityxyyzy

Number of magmas satisfying given properties

Idempotence Commutative property Associative property Cancellation property OEIS sequence (labeled) OEIS sequence (isomorphism classes)
Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded A002489 A001329
Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded A090588 A030247
Unneeded Required Unneeded Unneeded A023813 A001425
Unneeded Unneeded Required Unneeded A023814 A001423
Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded Required A002860add a(0)=1 A057991
Required Required Unneeded Unneeded A076113 A030257
Required Unneeded Required Unneeded
Required Unneeded Unneeded Required
Unneeded Required Required Unneeded A023815 A001426
Unneeded Required Unneeded Required A057992
Unneeded Unneeded Required Required A034383add a(0)=1 A000001with a(0)=1 instead of 0
Required Required Required Unneeded
Required Required Unneeded Required a(n)=1 for n=0 and all odd n, a(n)=0 for all even n≥2
Required Unneeded Required Required a(0)=a(1)=1, a(n)=0 for all n≥2 a(0)=a(1)=1, a(n)=0 for all n≥2
Unneeded Required Required Required A034382add a(0)=1 A000688add a(0)=1
Required Required Required Required a(0)=a(1)=1, a(n)=0 for all n≥2 a(0)=a(1)=1, a(n)=0 for all n≥2

Category of magmas


The category of magmas, denotedMag,is thecategorywhose objects are magmas and whosemorphismsaremagma homomorphisms.The categoryMaghasdirect products,and there is aninclusion functor:Set→ Med ↪ Magas trivial magmas, withoperationsgiven byprojectionx T y=y.

An important property is that aninjectiveendomorphismcan be extended to anautomorphismof a magmaextension,just thecolimitof the (constantsequence of the)endomorphism.

Because thesingleton({*}, *)is theterminal objectofMag,and becauseMagisalgebraic,Magis pointed andcomplete.[12]

See also



  1. ^Bergman, Clifford (2011),Universal Algebra: Fundamentals and Selected Topics,CRC Press,ISBN978-1-4398-5130-2
  2. ^Hausmann, B. A.; Ore, Øystein (October 1937), "Theory of quasi-groups",American Journal of Mathematics,59(4): 983–1004,doi:10.2307/2371362,JSTOR2371362.
  3. ^Hollings, Christopher (2014),Mathematics across the Iron Curtain: A History of the Algebraic Theory of Semigroups,American Mathematical Society, pp. 142–143,ISBN978-1-4704-1493-1.
  4. ^Bergman, George M.; Hausknecht, Adam O. (1996),Cogroups and Co-rings in Categories of Associative Rings,American Mathematical Society, p. 61,ISBN978-0-8218-0495-7.
  5. ^Bourbaki, N. (1998) [1970],"Algebraic Structures: §1.1 Laws of Composition: Definition 1",Algebra I: Chapters 1–3,Springer, p. 1,ISBN978-3-540-64243-5.
  6. ^abMüller-Hoissen, Folkert; Pallo, Jean Marcel; Stasheff, Jim, eds. (2012),Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures: Tamari Memorial Festschrift,Springer, p. 11,ISBN978-3-0348-0405-9.
  7. ^Evseev, A. E. (1988), "A survey of partial groupoids", in Silver, Ben (ed.),Nineteen Papers on Algebraic Semigroups,American Mathematical Society,ISBN0-8218-3115-1.
  8. ^Weisstein, Eric W."Groupoid".MathWorld.
  9. ^Rowen, Louis Halle (2008),"Definition 21B.1.",Graduate Algebra: Noncommutative View,Graduate Studies in Mathematics,American Mathematical Society,p. 321,ISBN978-0-8218-8408-9.
  10. ^Kepka, T.; Němec, P. (1996),"Simple balanced groupoids"(PDF),Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,35(1): 53–60.
  11. ^ Ježek, Jaroslav; Kepka, Tomáš (1981),"Free entropic groupoids"(PDF),Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,22(2): 223–233,MR0620359.
  12. ^Borceux, Francis; Bourn, Dominique (2004).Mal'cev, protomodular, homological and semi-abelian categories.Springer. pp. 7, 19.ISBN1-4020-1961-0.

Further reading
