1802 United Kingdom general election

The1802 United Kingdom general electionwas the first general election after theActs of Union 1800,held from 5 July 1802 to 28 August 1802, to elect members of theHouse of Commons,thelower houseof the newParliament of the United Kingdom.Thefirst Parliamenthad been composed of members of the former Parliaments of theKingdom of Great Britainand theKingdom of Ireland.

1802 United Kingdom general election

1796 (GB)
1797 (IR)
5 July – 28 August 1802(1802-07-051802-08-28) 1806

All658 seatsin theHouse of Commons
330 seats needed for a majority
First party Second party Third party
Leader Henry Addington Charles James Fox William Pitt
Party Tory (Addingtonian) Whig (Foxite) Pittite
Leader's seat Devizes Westminster Cambridge University
Seats won 383 269 6

Composition of theHouse of Commonsafter the election

Prime Ministerbefore election

Henry Addington

Prime Minister after election

Henry Addington

TheParliament of Great Britainheld its lastgeneral election in 1796.The final election for theParliament of Irelandwas held in1797.

The first united Parliament wasdissolvedon 29 June 1802. The new Parliament was summoned to meet on 31 August 1802, for a maximum seven-year term from that date. (The maximum term could be and normally was curtailed, by the monarch dissolving the Parliament, before its term expired.)

Political situation


ToryPrime MinisterHenry Addingtonled a war-time administration of pro-governmentWhigsand Tories, collectively referred to as the "Addingtonians",[1]in office during part of theNapoleonic Wars.

The previous Prime Minister,William Pitt the Younger,had been out of office since 1801.King George IIIhad forced Pitt to resign by refusing to agree toCatholic emancipation(allowing Catholics to sit in Parliament) following the Union. His faction in Parliament was generally supportive of theAddington ministry,but was semi-detached from it.

On 25 March 1802 theTreaty of Amiensbrought about peace with France, with which Great Britain had been at war since 1792. The international situation remained uneasy and a renewal of war was still possible.

In the election the combination of the followers of Addington and Pitt comfortably defeated the Opposition Whigs ofCharles James Fox.

Dates of election


At this period there was not one election day. After receiving a writ (a royal command) for the election to be held, the localreturning officerfixed the election timetable for the particular constituency or constituencies he was concerned with. Polling in seats with contested elections could continue for many days.

The election took place over a period of almost two months. The time between the first and last contested elections was 5 July to 28 August 1802.

Summary of the constituencies


Monmouthshire(1 County constituency with 2 MPs and one single member Borough constituency) is included in Wales in these tables. Sources for this period may include the county in England.

Table 1: Constituencies and MPs, by type and country

Country BC CC UC Total C BMP CMP UMP Total MPs
England 202 39 2 243 404 78 4 486
Wales 13 13 0 26 13 14 0 27
Scotland 15 30 0 45 15 30 0 45
Ireland 33 32 1 66 35 64 1 100
Total 263 114 3 380 467 176 5 658

Table 2: Number of seats per constituency, by type and country

Country BCx1 BCx2 BCx4 CCx1 CCx2 UCx1 UCx2 Total C
England 4 196 2 0 39 0 2 243
Wales 13 0 0 12 1 0 0 26
Scotland 15 0 0 30 0 0 0 45
Ireland 31 2 0 0 32 1 0 66
Total 63 198 2 42 72 1 2 380

See also





  • British Electoral Facts 1832–1999,compiled and edited by Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher (Ashgate Publishing Ltd 2000).Source: Dates of Elections – Footnote to Table 5.02
  • British Historical Facts 1760–1830,by Chris Cook and John Stevenson (The Macmillan Press 1980).Source: Types of constituencies – Great Britain
  • His Majesty's Opposition 1714–1830,by Archibald S. Foord (Oxford University Press 1964)
  • Parliamentary Election Results in Ireland 1801–1922,edited by B.M. Walker (Royal Irish Academy 1978).Source: Types of constituencies – Ireland