Anapplication programming interface(abbreviatedAPI) is a way for two or morecomputer programsor components to communicate with each other. It is a type ofsoftware interface,offering a service to other pieces ofsoftware.[1]A document or standard that describes how to build or use such a connection or interface is called anAPI specification.A computer system that meets this standard is said toimplementorexposean API. The term API may refer either to the specification or to the implementation. Whereas a system'suser interfacedictates how its end-users interact with the system in question, its API dictates how to write code that takes advantage of that system's capabilities.

Screenshot ofWeb APIdocumentation written byNASAdemonstrating the use ofAPOD

In contrast to a user interface, which connects a computer to a person, an application programming interface connects computers or pieces of software to each other. It is not intended to be used directly by a person (theend user) other than a computerprogrammerwho is incorporating it into the software. An API is often made up of different parts which act as tools or services that are available to the programmer. A program or a programmer that uses one of these parts is said tocallthat portion of the API. The calls that make up the API are also known assubroutines,methods, requests, orendpoints.An API specificationdefinesthese calls, meaning that it explains how to use or implement them.

One purpose of APIs is tohide the internal detailsof how a system works, exposing only those parts that a programmer will find useful, and keeping them consistent even if the internal details change later. An API may be custom-built for a particular pair of systems, or it may be a shared standard allowinginteroperabilityamong many systems.

There are APIs forprogramming languages,software libraries,computeroperating systems,andcomputer hardware.APIs originated in the 1940s, though the term did not emerge until the 1960s and 1970s. Contemporary usage of the term API often refers toWeb APIs,[2]which allow communication between computers that are joined by theInternet.Recent developments in APIs have led to the rise in popularity ofmicroservices,which are loosely coupled services accessed through public APIs.[3]

APIs should beversioned.There are two common versioning strategies:[4]

  • Additive change strategy: new features are added without modifying existing ones. Any update must bebackward compatible.This strategy is suitable for small projects with low rate of change.
  • Explicit version strategy: this strategy allows making any changes including breaking changes. This strategy is suitable for complex applications and complex changes.



In building applications, an API simplifies programming byabstractingthe underlying implementation and only exposing objects or actions the developer needs. While a graphical interface for anemail clientmight provide a user with a button that performs all the steps for fetching and highlighting new emails, an API for fileinput/outputmight give the developer afunctionthat copies a file from one location to another without requiring that the developer understand thefile systemoperations occurring behind the scenes.[5]

History of the term

A diagram from 1978 proposing the expansion of the idea of the API to become a general programming interface, beyondapplication programsalone[6]

The termAPIinitially described an interface only for end-user-facing programs, known asapplication programs.This origin is still reflected in the name "application programming interface." Today, the term is broader, including alsoutility softwareand evenhardware interfaces.[7]

1940s and 1950s


The idea of the API is much older than the term itself. British computer scientistsMaurice WilkesandDavid Wheelerworked on a modularsoftware libraryin the 1940s forEDSAC,an early computer. Thesubroutinesin this library were stored onpunched tapeorganized in afiling cabinet.This cabinet also contained what Wilkes and Wheeler called a "library catalog" of notes about each subroutine and how to incorporate it into a program. Today, such a catalog would be called an API (or an API specification or API documentation) because it instructs a programmer on how to use (or "call" ) each subroutine that the programmer needs.[7]

Wilkes and Wheeler's 1951 bookThe Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computercontains the first published API specification.Joshua Blochconsiders that Wilkes and Wheeler "latently invented" the API because it is more of a concept that is discovered than invented.[7]

Although the people who coined the term API were implementing software on aUnivac 1108,the goal of their API was to makehardware independentprograms possible.[8]

1960s and 1970s


The term "application program interface" (without an‑ingsuffix) is first recorded in a paper calledData structures and techniques for remotecomputer graphicspresented at anAFIPSconference in 1968.[9][7]The authors of this paper use the term to describe the interaction of an application—a graphics program in this case—with the rest of the computer system. A consistent application interface (consisting ofFortransubroutine calls) was intended to free the programmer from dealing with idiosyncrasies of the graphics display device, and to providehardware independenceif the computer or the display were replaced.[8]

The term was introduced to the field ofdatabasesbyC. J. Date[10]in a 1974 paper calledTheRelationalandNetworkApproaches: Comparison of the Application Programming Interface.[11]An API became a part of theANSI/SPARC frameworkfordatabase management systems.This framework treated the application programming interface separately from other interfaces, such as the query interface. Database professionals in the 1970s observed these different interfaces could be combined; a sufficiently rich application interface could support the other interfaces as well.[6]

This observation led to APIs that supported all types of programming, not just application programming.



By 1990, the API was defined simply as "a set of services available to a programmer for performing certain tasks" by technologistCarl Malamud.[12]

The idea of the API was expanded again with the dawn ofremote procedure callsandWeb APIs.Ascomputer networksbecame common in the 1970s and 1980s, programmers wanted to call libraries located not only on their local computers but on computers located elsewhere. These remote procedure calls were well supported by theJavalanguage in particular. In the 1990s, with the spread of theinternet,standards likeCORBA,COM,andDCOMcompeted to become the most common way to expose API services.[13]



Roy Fielding's dissertationArchitectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software ArchitecturesatUC Irvinein 2000 outlinedRepresentational state transfer(REST) and described the idea of a "network-based Application Programming Interface" that Fielding contrasted with traditional "library-based" APIs.[14]XMLandJSONWeb APIs saw widespread commercial adoption beginning in 2000 and continuing as of 2022. The Web API is now the most common meaning of the term API.[2]

TheSemantic Webproposed byTim Berners-Leein 2001 included "semantic APIs" that recasts the API as anopen,distributed data interface rather than a software behavior interface.[15]Proprietaryinterfaces and agents became more widespread than open ones, but the idea of the API as a data interface took hold. Because Web APIs are widely used to exchange data of all kinds online, API has become a broad term describing much of the communication on the internet.[13]When used in this way, the term API has overlap in meaning with the termcommunication protocol.



Libraries and frameworks


The interface to asoftware libraryis one type of API. The API describes and prescribes the "expected behavior" (a specification) while the library is an "actual implementation" of this set of rules.

A single API can have multiple implementations (or none, being abstract) in the form of different libraries that share the same programming interface.

The separation of the API from its implementation can allow programs written in one language to use a library written in another. For example, becauseScalaandJavacompile to compatiblebytecode,Scala developers can take advantage of any Java API.[16]

API use can vary depending on the type of programming language involved. An API for aprocedural languagesuch asLuacould consist primarily of basic routines to execute code, manipulate data or handle errors while an API for anobject-oriented language,such as Java, would provide a specification of classes and itsclass methods.[17][18]Hyrum's law states that "With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody."[19]Meanwhile, several studies show that most applications that use an API tend to use a small part of the API.[20]

Language bindingsare also APIs. By mapping the features and capabilities of one language to an interface implemented in another language, a language binding allows a library or service written in one language to be used when developing in another language.[citation needed]

Tools such asSWIGand F2PY, aFortran-to-Pythoninterface generator, facilitate the creation of such interfaces.[21]

An API can also be related to asoftware framework:a framework can be based on several libraries implementing several APIs, but unlike the normal use of an API, the access to the behavior built into the framework is mediated by extending its content with new classes plugged into the framework itself.

Moreover, the overall program flow of control can be out of the control of the caller and in the framework's hands byinversion of controlor a similar mechanism.[22][23]

Operating systems


An API can specify the interface between an application and theoperating system.[24]POSIX,for example, provides a set of common API specifications that aim to enable an application written for a POSIX conformant operating system to becompiledfor another POSIX conformant operating system.

LinuxandBerkeley Software Distributionare examples of operating systems that implement the POSIX APIs.[25]

Microsofthas shown a strong commitment to a backward-compatible API, particularly within itsWindows API(Win32) library, so older applications may run on newer versions of Windows using an executable-specific setting called "Compatibility Mode".[26]

An API differs from anapplication binary interface(ABI) in that an API is source code based while an ABI isbinarybased. For instance,POSIXprovides APIs while theLinux Standard Baseprovides an ABI.[27][28]

Remote APIs


Remote APIs allow developers to manipulate remote resources through communication protocols, specific standards for communication that allow different technologies to work together, regardless of language or platform. For example, the Java Database Connectivity API allows developers to query many different types ofdatabaseswith the same set of functions, while theJava remote method invocationAPI uses the Java Remote Method Protocol to allowinvocationof functions that operate remotely but appear local to the developer.[29][30]

Therefore, remote APIs are useful in maintaining the object abstraction inobject-oriented programming;amethod call,executed locally on aproxyobject, invokes the corresponding method on the remote object, using the remoting protocol, and acquires the result to be used locally as a return value.

A modification of the proxy object will also result in a corresponding modification of the remote object.[31]

Web APIs


Web APIs are a service accessed from client devices (mobile phones, laptops, etc.) to aWeb serverusing theHypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP). Client devices send a request in the form of an HTTP request, and are met with a response message usually in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. Developers typically use Web APIs to query a server for a specific set of data from that server.

An example might be a shipping company API that can be added to an eCommerce-focused Web site to facilitate ordering shipping services and automatically include current shipping rates, without the site developer having to enter the shipper's rate table into a Web database. While "Web API" historically has been virtually synonymous withWeb service,the recent trend (so-calledWeb 2.0) has been moving away from Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based Web services andservice-oriented architecture(SOA) towards more directrepresentational state transfer(REST) styleWeb resourcesandresource-oriented architecture(ROA).[32]Part of this trend is related to theSemantic Webmovement towardResource Description Framework(RDF), a concept to promote web-basedontology engineeringtechnologies. Web APIs allow the combination of multiple APIs into new applications known asmashups.[33]

In the social media space, Web APIs have allowed Web communities to facilitate sharing content and data between communities and applications. In this way, content that is created in one place dynamically can be posted and updated to multiple locations on the Web.[34]For example, Twitter's REST API allows developers to access core Twitter data and the Search API provides methods for developers to interact with Twitter Search and trends data.[35]



The design of an API has a significant impact on its usage.[5]First of all, the design of programming interfaces represents an important part ofsoftware architecture,the organization of a complex piece of software.[36]The principle ofinformation hidingdescribes the role of programming interfaces as enablingmodular programmingby hiding the implementation details of the modules so that users of modules need not understand the complexities inside the modules.[37] Aside from the previous underlying principle, other metrics for measuring the usability of an API may include properties such as functional efficiency, overall correctness, and learnability for novices.[38]One straightforward and commonly adopted way of designing APIs is to followNielsen's heuristicevaluation guidelines. TheFactory method patternis also typical in designing APIs due to their reusable nature.[39]Thus, the design of an API attempts to provide only the tools a user would expect.[5]

Synchronous versus asynchronous


An application programming interface can besynchronous or asynchronous.A synchronous API call is a design pattern where the call site is blocked while waiting for the called code to finish.[40]With an asynchronous API call, however, the call site is not blocked while waiting for the called code to finish, and instead the calling thread is notified when the reply arrives.



API security is very critical when developing a public facing API. Common threats includeSQL injection,Denial-of-service attack(DoS), broken authentication, and exposing sensitive data.[41]Without ensuring proper security practices, bad actors can get access to information they should not have or even gain privileges to make changes to your server. Some common security practices include proper connection security usingHTTPS,content security to mitigate data injection attacks, and requiring an API key to use your service.[42]Many public facing API services require you to use an assigned API key, and will refuse to serve data without sending the key with your request.[43]

Release policies


APIs are one of the more common ways technology companies integrate. Those that provide and use APIs are considered as being members of a business ecosystem.[44]

The main policies for releasing an API are:[45]

  • Private:The API is for internal company use only.
  • Partner:Only specific business partners can use the API. For example,vehicle for hirecompanies such asUberandLyftallow approved third-party developers to directly order rides from within their apps. This allows the companies to exercise quality control by curating which apps have access to the API and provides them with an additional revenue stream.[46]
  • Public:The API is available for use by the public. For example,Microsoftmakes theWindows APIpublic, andApplereleases its APICocoaso that software can be written for theirplatforms.Not all public APIs are generally accessible by everybody. For example, Internet service providers like Cloudflare or Voxility, useRESTfulAPIs to allow customers and resellers access to their infrastructure information, DDoS stats, network performance, or dashboard controls.[47]Access to such APIs is granted either by "API tokens", or customer status validations.[48]

Public API implications


An important factor when an API becomes public is its "interface stability". Changes to the API—for example adding new parameters to a function call—could break compatibility with the clients that depend on that API.[49]

When parts of a publicly presented API are subject to change and thus not stable, such parts of a particular API should be documented explicitly as "unstable". For example, in theGoogle Guavalibrary, the parts that are considered unstable, and that might change soon, are marked with theJava annotation@Beta.[50]

A public API can sometimes declare parts of itself asdeprecatedor rescinded. This usually means that part of the API should be considered a candidate for being removed, or modified in a backward incompatible way. Therefore, these changes allow developers to transition away from parts of the API that will be removed or not supported in the future.[51]

On February 19, 2020,Akamaipublished their annual "State of the Internet" report, showcasing the growing trend of cybercriminals targeting public API platforms at financial services worldwide. From December 2017 through November 2019, Akamai witnessed 85.42 billion credential violation attacks. About 20%, or 16.55 billion, were against hostnames defined as API endpoints. Of these, 473.5 million have targeted financial services sector organizations.[52]



API documentation describes the services an API offers and how to use those services, aiming to cover everything a client would need to know for practical purposes.

Documentation is crucial for the development and maintenance of applications using the API.[53] API documentation is traditionally found in documentation files but can also be found in social media such as blogs, forums, and Q&A websites.[54]

Traditional documentation files are often presented via a documentation system, such as Javadoc or Pydoc, that has a consistent appearance and structure. However, the types of content included in the documentation differ from API to API.[55]

In the interest of clarity, API documentation may include a description of classes and methods in the API as well as "typical usage scenarios, code snippets, design rationales, performance discussions, and contracts", but implementation details of the API services themselves are usually omitted.

Reference documentation for a REST API can be generated automatically from an OpenAPI document, which is a machine-readable text file that uses a prescribed format and syntax defined in theOpenAPI Specification.The OpenAPI document defines basic information such as the API's name and description, as well as describing operations the API provides access to.[56]

API documentation can be enriched with metadata information likeJava annotations.This metadata can be used by the compiler, tools, and by therun-timeenvironment to implement custom behaviors or custom handling.[57]


In 2010, Oracle Corporation sued Google for having distributed a new implementation of Java embedded in the Android operating system.[58]Google had not acquired any permission to reproduce the Java API, although permission had been given to the similar OpenJDK project. Google had approached Oracle to negotiate a license for their API, but were turned down due to trust issues. Despite the disagreement, Google chose to use Oracle's code anyway. JudgeWilliam Alsupruled in theOracle v. Googlecase that APIs cannot becopyrightedin the U.S and that a victory for Oracle would have widely expanded copyright protection to a "functional set of symbols" and allowed the copyrighting of simple software commands:

To accept Oracle's claim would be to allow anyone to copyright one version of code to carry out a system of commands and thereby bar all others from writing its different versions to carry out all or part of the same commands.[59][60]

Alsup's ruling was overturned in 2014 on appeal to theCourt of Appeals for the Federal Circuit,though the question of whether such use of APIs constitutesfair usewas left unresolved.[61][62]

In 2016, following a two-week trial, a jury determined that Google's reimplementation of the Java API constitutedfair use,but Oracle vowed to appeal the decision.[63]Oracle won on its appeal, with the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruling that Google's use of the APIs did not qualify for fair use.[64]In 2019, Google appealed to theSupreme Court of the United Statesover both the copyrightability and fair use rulings, and the Supreme Court granted review.[65]Due to theCOVID-19 pandemic,the oral hearings in the case were delayed until October 2020.[66]

The case was decided by the Supreme Court in Google's favor with a ruling of 6–2. JusticeStephen Breyerdelivered the opinion of the court and at one point mentioned that "The declaring code is, if copyrightable at all, further than are most computer programs from the core of copyright." This means the code used in APIs are more similar to dictionaries than novels in terms of copyright protection.[67]



See also



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  66. ^vkimber (2020-09-28)."Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc".LII / Legal Information Institute.Archivedfrom the original on 2021-04-15.Retrieved2021-03-06.
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Further reading
