TheAboriginal Tent Embassyis a permanentprotest occupationsite as a focus for representing the political rights ofAboriginal AustraliansandTorres Strait Islander people.Established on 26 January (Australia Day) 1972, and celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022, it is the longest continuous protest forIndigenous land rightsin the world.
Aboriginal Tent Embassy | |
Indigenous land rights in Australia Part ofHistory of Indigenous Australians | |
From top: Billy Craigie, Bert Williams,Ghillar Michael Andersonand Tony Coorey, first day of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, January 1972; Police question protesters, January 1972,Bobbi SykesandGordon Briscoe,July 1972; January 2015;Australia Day2010 | |
Date | 26/27 January 1972 |
Location | Canberra, Australia 35°18′04″S149°07′48″E/ 35.30111°S 149.13000°E |
Caused by | Dispossession of Indigenous Australians |
Goals | Land rights, self-determination and reassertion of Indigenous sovereignty |
Methods | Nonviolent resistance,civil disobedience,peaceful protest |
Status | Ongoing |

First established in 1972 under a beach umbrella as a protest against theMcMahon government's approach toIndigenous Australian land rights,the Aboriginal Tent Embassy is made up of signs and tents. Since 1992 it has been located on thelawnoppositeOld Parliament HouseinCanberra,the Australian capital. It is not considered an officialembassyby theAustralian Government.The Embassy has been a site of protest and support for grassroots campaigns for the recognition ofIndigenous land rights in Australia,Aboriginal deaths in custody,self-determination,andIndigenous sovereignty.
editChicka Dixonsaid that he had attended apolitical rallyin 1946 where the initial idea and inspiration for the Embassy was raised byJack Patten,President and co-founder of theAborigines Progressive Association.Patten had called for an Aboriginalmission stationto be placed in front of Parliament House, where the eyes of the world could see the plight of the land's First Peoples.[1]
In 1967, Australians voted inan historic referendumto amend theAustralian Constitutionto allow theCommonwealth Governmentto include Aboriginal people in official population counts for constitutional purposes, and to be able to make separate laws for them; however, young urban Aboriginal people were not happy with progress since then. There had been many years of conservative governments in Australia, and during the 1960s there were also largeprotests against Australian involvement in the Vietnam Waras well as againstapartheidin South Africa. This energy was tapped into by Indigenous rights protesters.[2]
On 26 January 1972 (Australia Day), then prime ministerWilliam McMahonissued a new policy relating to Aboriginal land use.[2]Under this new legislation by theCoalitiongovernment, which had refused to recogniseAboriginal land rightsornative title in Australia,Indigenous people would be granted leases. They offered 50-year general-purpose leases for Aboriginal people which would be conditional upon their "intention and ability to make reasonable economic and social use of land", while reserving for the Crownrights to mineralsandforestry.[3][4]
1972: establishment
editOn 26 January 1972, four Aboriginal men,Michael Anderson,Billy Craigie, Tony Coorey andBertie Williams(son of singerHarry Williams;[5]later Kevin "Bert" Johnson[6]), arrived in Canberra fromSydney,to establish an Aboriginal Embassy by planting abeach umbrellaon the lawn in front of Parliament House (now Old Parliament House).[7][8]
Williams suggested calling the tiny protest, at that point just a camp with a fewplacards,anembassy.[9]The term "embassy" was deliberately chosen to draw attention to the fact Aboriginal people had never ceded sovereignty, and that there had never been any kind of treaty process withthe Crown;they were the only cultural group in Australia who did not have an embassy to represent them.[10]DrGary Foleylater wrote in his 2014 book about the embassy that the term "tent embassy" was intended to serve as a reminder that Aboriginal people were living insubstandardconditions, and treated "like aliens in their own land".[11]
On 6 February 1972 the Aboriginal Tent Embassy presented a list of demands to Parliament:[12][9][10]
- Control of theNorthern Territoryas a State within theCommonwealth of Australia;the parliament in the Northern Territory to be predominantly Aboriginal withnative titleandmining rightsto all land within the Territory.
- Legal title and mining rights to all other presently existingAboriginal reservelands and settlements throughout Australia.
- The preservation of allsacred sitesthroughout Australia.
- Legal title and mining rights to areas in and around all Australian capital cities.
- Compensation money for lands not returnable to take the form of a down-payment ofA$6billion and an annual percentage of thegross national income.
Leader of theAustralian Labor Party(thenin opposition)Gough Whitlamspoke at the Embassy on 8 February 1972, as didBobbi Sykesand Frank Roberts Jnr, father of theatre directorRhoda Roberts.[13][14]
The beach umbrella was soon replaced by several tents and Aboriginal people, including activists such asGary Foley,Isabel Coe,John Newfong,Chicka Dixon,andGordon Briscoe,[10]and non-Indigenous supporters came from all parts of Australia to join the protest.[15]The occupiers were told byKep Enderbythat they were legally entitled to camp outside Parliament since it was Commonwealth land. Dixon said that he became the "Minister for Defence" and they all assigned themselves portfolios. They painted the gutter "No Parking – Aboriginal Staff Only", and then introduced the(Aboriginal) flag.[15]Support grew around the world too.[10]
In May 1972, with winter approaching, embassy spokesman Sammy Watson Jnr announced that it would be cutting down its staff to four people over winter. A new accounting system would be introduced, with their bookkeeping open to inspection. Any donations superfluous to the needs of running the embassy would be given to community projects. Watson and Gary Foley said that the aim of the embassy was "to develop awareness among urban Blacks, in particular, ofBlack nationalism,and to unite all Aborigines despite cultural or language difficulties in the fight for their rights ". They also expressed solidarity with other oppressed groups, and class struggles. Michael Anderson resigned as High Commissioner for the embassy at this time as he wished to turn his attention to avoter registrationamong Aboriginal people in ruralNew South Wales.[16]
The demands were rejected, and following an amendment to theTrespass on Commonwealth Lands Ordinance 1932(which made the occupation a squat which could then be evicted), police moved in without notice on 20 July 1972.[15]They removed the tents and arrested eight people.[17]Three days later, on 23 July, 200 activists returned to the site and were prevented from reoccupying it by 200 police,[15]who dismantled the embassy.[11]Chicka Dixon commented "we decided to fight the coppers, so we armed ourselves with little sticks". The police did not intervene, and after listening to speeches the crowd dispersed peacefully.[15]The clash was later described by Anderson as "a bloody battle", which caused 36 police to be taken to hospital and 18 protesters to be sent to jail.[11]A week later on 30 July, around 2000 people turned up, and the tents were re-erected afterwards removed by the protesters, in a peaceful demonstration.[18]
During the first six months of its life in 1972 the Embassy succeeded in uniting Aboriginal people throughout Australia in demanding uniform national land rights, and mobilised widespread non-Indigenous support for the cause.[19]Humour was used to engage ordinary Australians.[2]Other people associated with the Embassy demonstration in 1972 includeGary Williams,Sam Watson(aka Sammy Watson Jnr),Pearl Gibbs,Roberta Sykes,Alana Doolan,Cheryl Buchanan(later partner of poet and activistLionel Fogarty,and mother of six children[19]),Pat Eatock,Kevin Gilbert,Denis Walker,andShirley Smith( "Mum Shirl" ).[20]
Many of the main participants in the Embassy, including John Newfong, Cheryl Buchanan, Gary Foley and Michael Anderson, also produced Indigenous newspapers, which published alternative information from that found in mainstream newspapers.[21]The Embassy also began to attract attention in the international press such asThe New York TimesandBBC News,and comparisons were made with apartheid in South Africa. Some of the protesters in the Aboriginal rights movement had been involved in theBlack theatre,and performedstreet theatreas well as being heard on the stage.[2]
TheACT Supreme Courtruled in September 1972 that the amendment to theTrespass on Commonwealth Lands Ordinance 1932did not allow for the eviction of the Embassy. A Bill was quickly added to make the Ordinance retrospective, and the Embassy was evicted again the next day,[22]after it had been symbolically re-erected.[18]
1970s–1990s: temporary relocation
editIn October 1973, around 70 Aboriginal protesters staged asit-inon the steps of Parliament House and the Tent Embassy was re-established. The sit-in ended whenLaborPrime MinisterGough Whitlamagreed to meet with protesters.[12][18]
On 30 May 1974 the embassy was destroyed in a storm, but its contents were safeguarded by theDepartment of the Capital Territory,and it was re-established on 30 October by the Organisation of Aboriginal Unity (OAU), who staged asit-inin at theDepartment of Aboriginal Affairsand on the steps of Parliament House and temporarily renamed it the Canberra Aboriginal Reserve. They charged Whitlam with forgetting his earlier promises. On 21 November the OAU said that the "mission" would remain on the Parliament House lawns until "The Department of Aboriginal Affairs was abolished; all reserves and land on which blacks were now living were handed back to them in full ownership; compensation for land lost was paid plus a percentage of the annual gross income; an Aboriginal commission was formed to handle Aboriginal affairs and distribute all funds; all budget submissions were met and approved in time to enable all black organisations to function at the requirement of the people".[23]
In February 1975 Aboriginal activistCharles Perkinsnegotiated the "temporary" removal of the Embassy with the Government, pending Government action on land rights. In December 1976 the embassy was dismantled after the passing of theAboriginal Land Rights Act 1976with bipartisan support by theFraser government,having been introduced by theWhitlam governmentin mid-1975. The protest site was then relocated to various sites in Canberra until 1992. In March 1976, the Embassy was established in a house in the nearby suburb ofRed Hill;however, this closed in 1977.[18]For a short period in 1979, the embassy was re-established byLyall Munro Jnr,Cecil Patten,andPaul Coe,as the "National Aboriginal Government" onCapital Hill,site of the proposednew Parliament House.[24]
On the 20th anniversary of its founding in 1992, the Aboriginal Tent Embassy was re-established at the original site on the lawns ofOld Parliament House.Despite being a continual source of controversy, with many calls for its removal, it has existed on the site since that time.[17]
In 1993, the ashes of the poetKevin Gilbert,who had been involved in the early days, were buried at the site.[25]
The site of the Tent Embassy was added to theAustralian Register of the National Estatein 1995, after being registered in 1987, as the only Aboriginal site in Australia that is recognised nationally as representing political struggle for allAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.[22]
editIn the leadup to the2000 Sydney Olympics,Isabel Coe from theWiradjuriNation set up a Peace Camp and combined ashes from Canberra's sacred fire to the fire atVictoria ParkinCamperdown, New South Walesto promote reconciliation.[26]This sacred fire was originally made byKevin Buzzacottand lit by Wiradjuri manPaul Coeat the embassy in 1998.[27]
The 30th anniversary was celebrated in January 2002, when at which time a group ofAboriginal elders,including UncleKevin Buzzacott,reclaimed the sacredtotemsof thekangarooandemu(which come with cultural obligations) from theAustralian Coat of Arms,which was put on public display in front of the ceremonial fire. Police were called, and Buzzacott was charged with "dishonestly appropriating a bronze coat of arms with the intention of permanently depriving the Commonwealth of its property". Buzzacott also made an unsuccessful attempt to charge the Australian Government withgenocide,but this was turned down by theAttorney-General.[28]
There have been a number of suspicious fires at the site.[17]The most devastating fire took place in June 2003, when 31 years of records were lost.[29]Police again attempted to remove protesters from the site after this.[10]
Someeldersof the localNgunnawal peoplecalled for the eviction of the Tent Embassy in 2005, viewing it as an eyesore.[30]
In August 2005, the Federal Government (then the fourth term of theHoward government) announced a review into the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.[31]A non-Indigenous professionalmediationfirm, Mutual Mediations, was appointed by theTerritories Minister,Jim Lloyd,to meet tent residents and Aboriginal leaders to develop a plan.[32][33]They reached a decision on the Embassy's future early in December 2005. The key recommendation was that there should be an "evolving concept of the tent embassy without permanent camping", with seven other main recommendations which, according toGary Foley,were designed "to bring the anarchistic embassy site effectively under government control and direction", which "would be the total antithesis of the concept of the embassy and its significance to Indigenous communities Australia wide".[34]
2012: 40th anniversary
editOnAustralia Day,26 January 2012, the Embassy celebrated its fortieth anniversary. TheNational Congress of Australia's First Peoplesplanned a series of events over two days, to celebrate the struggle for Aboriginal land rights and the theatre of political protest.[15]TheACT Governmenthelped to fund the event, which included coachloads of attendees coming from the country, and aSkypesession with Gary Foley on stage. Ghillar Michael Anderson was the only one of the original four founders still alive at this time.[25]
What became known as theAustralia Day 2012 protestsoccurred when Prime MinisterJulia Gillardand Opposition LeaderTony Abbottwent to the Lobby Restaurant, close to the embassy site. That morning Abbott had been asked whether he found the Embassy "still relevant" and he had replied "I think the Indigenous people of Australia can be very proud of the respect in which they are held by every Australian and, yes, I think a lot has changed since then and I think it probably is time to move on from that".[35]
These comments angered activists since they felt Abbott was proposing that the Embassy should be evicted. Gillard and Abbott were hastily escorted from the restaurant under the protection of police officers, and during the scramble Gillard lost one of her shoes, which was collected by protesters. At first the Embassy posted on itsFacebookpage that the shoe would be returned only in exchange for stolen land, but the shoe was later returned to her.[36][37][38][39][40]
editIn December 2021 and January 2022, "Sovereign Citizens"along withanti-vaxxers,[4]staged rival protests, and set fire to the door of Old Parliament House (now housing theMuseum of Australian Democracy), causing more than $4 million worth of damage.Ngunnawalelder Aunty Matilda House-Williams, who was there when the embassy was founded in 1972, condemned the fire and said the protest did not represent the embassy or Canberran Indigenous people. Some of the outsiders have been charged.[9]
2022: 50th anniversary
editOn 26 January 2022, at 50 years old, the Tent Embassy has become the longest continuous protest for Indigenous land rights in the world. Organisers said that the week of the anniversary is a chance for First Nations people to "honour and mourn our past, celebrate our survival and strategise for the next 50 years".[8]
The day was marked by cultural events and speeches,[41]with a focus onreparatory justiceand moving forward in the future.[42]Around 2,500 people, including Ngalan Gilbert, grandson of Kevin Gilbert, attended the main march which finished at the site of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy. At a separate event, a crowd was addressed by the only surviving member of the original embassy,Ghillar Michael Anderson,and early participantCheryl Buchanan.[43]The filmNingla A-Na,a documentary film charting Black activism in South-East Australia made in 1972, was screened at the event.[11]
In film
editNingla A-Na
editThe filmNingla A-Na,a documentary film charting Black activism in South-East Australia made in 1972, documents the events, including the eviction by police.[11]The film, whose title means "hungry for land" (inArrernte[44]),[45]is held in theNational Film and Sound Archiveowing to its heritage value. Directed and produced byAlessandro Cavadini(brother of producerFabio Cavadini,[45]with whom he later madeProtected(1975), aboutPalm Island[46]), the film contains interviews withFred Hollows,Mum Shirl,Bob Maza,Carole JohnsonandPaul Coe.[47]
The term "Ningla A-na" was also used for theBlack Moratoriummarches on 14 July 1972.[44]
Still We Rise
editStill We Riseis a featuredocumentary filmabout Aboriginal activism of the 1970s and since, marking the 50th anniversary of the Tent Embassy. The film was written and directed by Indigenous filmmakerJohn Harvey,who is fromSabaiin theTorres Strait Islands.It premiered onABC Televisionon 8 December 2022.[2]It features interviews withPaul Coe,Gary Foley,Bobbi Sykes,Chicka Dixon,andDenis Walker,and music byKing Stingray,Dan Sultan,Miieshaand others.[48]Billy Craigie,Bertie Williams,Tony Coorey,andGhillar Michael Andersonalso appear in the film,[2]which celebrates their activism and asks the question why they are not better known today. It was made by Tamarind Tree Pictures in association withVicScreen,with some financing byScreen Australia,and developed and produced in association with theAustralian Broadcasting Corporation.[49]Harvey was informed by talks with Gary Foley, now an academic and historian.[50]Still We Risehas a special screening atACMIinMelbourneon 18 December 2022 which includes a Q&A with Harvey and Gary Foley,[48]and is freely available to Australian viewers onABC iview.[51]Harvey has produced and directed several other short films and television series.[52]
Significance and commentary
editAt the time, the Tent Embassy focused international attention on injustices in Australia, which had gone largely unnoticed hitherto.[2]
According to Australian scholar Lynda-June Coe, who is a niece of two of the co-founders, the Aboriginal activist movement traces its origins back to Aboriginal warriors who resistedEuropean colonisationduring thefrontier wars.Coe also stated that the Tent Embassy serves as a symbol which extends back to the arrival of theFirst Fleetin 1788, as Aboriginal Australians never signed a treaty with European colonists nor ceded any of their land; reflecting on the five decades of the Tent Embassy's existence, Coe argued that the aims of the Aboriginal activist movement as they were formulated in the 1970s are still relevant to young Aboriginal people today.[8]
TheCEOof theNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services,Jamie McConnachie, sees the Tent Embassy as a kind of "anchor", which has "created a sea of activism in their communities and beyond". Some of these issues includethe high proportion of Indigenous Australians in prison,Aboriginal deaths in custody,theage of criminal responsibility in Australia,and thedebate around Australia Day.[8]
Ken Wyatt,Minister for Indigenous Australians,said on the occasion of the 50th anniversary in 2022 that he did not think that the embassy was redundant.[4]
It's a powerful symbol that has left a legacy to remind all Australians that it took four men sitting under an umbrella to heighten an awareness of many of the challenges that exist within the Aboriginal communities across the geographic diversity of this nation.
Federal MPLinda Burneysaid on the 50th anniversary that it was just as relevant now as it had ever been:[4] still says something very powerful to the Australian public, and that is that Aboriginal Australia has been here for a very long time, and will continue to be here into the future... it's a symbol that has come to represent to me personally, the struggle, the political struggle, in particular, of Aboriginal Australia.
Other Aboriginal tent embassies
editIn 2012, there were six other tent embassies dotted around the nation.[53]
The Redfern Tent Embassy was set up in 2014 byLyall Munro Jnr,his wifeJenny Munro,and other activists, to protest against a planned redevelopment ofThe Blockin theSydneysuburb ofRedfern.[54]
See also
edit- ^"The Aboriginal Tent Embassy".The Commons.29 March 2019.Retrieved21 January2021.
- ^abcdefgGbogbo, Mawunyo (7 December 2022)."Still We Rise tracks the names and stories behind 50-year-old Aboriginal tent embassy protest in Canberra".ABC News.Retrieved10 December2022.
- ^McMahon, William."Australian Aborigines, Commonwealth policy and achievements statement by the prime minister — The Rt Hon. William McMahon, C.H., M.P."(PDF).Collaborating for Indigenous Rights.National Museum Australia.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 22 September 2020.Retrieved29 May2019.
- ^abcdBourchier, Dan (25 January 2022)."Aboriginal Tent Embassy - 'the guys who woke up Australia' - marks its 50th anniversary".ABC News.Australian Broadcasting Corporation.Retrieved27 January2022.
- ^Korff, Jens (21 December 2018)."Black Fire (Blackfire) (Film)".Creative Spirits.Retrieved3 November2022.
- ^Quinn-Bates, Jennetta (20 January 2022)."A milestone for Black sovereignty in this country: celebrating 50 years of the Tent Embassy".IndigenousX.Retrieved25 January2022.
- ^Dow, Coral (4 April 2000)."Aboriginal Tent Embassy: Icon or Eyesore?".Parliament of Australia.Canberra: Parliamentary Library. Archived fromthe originalon 17 October 2013.Retrieved31 May2010.
- ^abcdWellington, Shahni (23 January 2022)."Indigenous activism heads online as the Aboriginal Tent Embassy celebrates 50 years".ABC News.Australian Broadcasting Corporation.Retrieved25 January2022.
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- ^abcdeAllam, Lorena (26 January 2022)."'Fifty years of resistance': Aboriginal Tent Embassy began with an umbrella and became a symbol of sovereignty ".The Guardian.Retrieved27 January2022.
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- ^"Item 680: Tribune negatives including speakers at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, 8 February 1972, and Wendy Bacon".State Library of New South Wales.Manuscripts, oral history and pictures catalogue (old catalogue).Retrieved2 September2024.
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- ^Ross, Isabella (25 January 2022)."Rhoda Roberts: the heartbreak and triumphs of her life"(audio (55m) + text).Mamamia.Retrieved2 September2024.
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- ^"Australia Day under a beach umbrella".Collaborating for Indigenous Rights.National Museum Australia.22 July 2008. Archived fromthe originalon 17 March 2012.
- ^Burrows, Elizabeth Anne (2010).Writing to be heard: the Indigenous print media's role in establishing and developing an Indigenous public sphere(PhD).Griffith University.p. 227.doi:10.25904/1912/3292.Retrieved28 September2022.PDF
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- ^Fire of the LandArchived8 July 2018 at theWayback Machine(2002 documentary)
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- ^"Kevin Buzzacott: Aboriginal Tent Embassy"(Video + text).Bella Belle. 2005.Retrieved27 January2022– viaInternet Archive.
- ^Yaxley, Louise (19 June 2003)."Aboriginal Tent Embassy burnt out".The World Today.Australian Broadcasting Corporation.Retrieved31 May2010.
- ^"The Future of the Tent Embassy".Message Stick.Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 25 November 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 27 April 2016.Retrieved31 May2010.
- ^Truscott, Marilyn."Reconciling two settings: responding to threats to social and scenic heritage values"(PDF).International Council on Monuments and Sites. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 25 February 2012.Retrieved31 May2010.
- ^Khadem, Nassim (10 December 2005)."Tents stay, people to go at 'embassy'".The Age.Retrieved26 January2022.
- ^"Government announces tent embassy rethink".ABC News.Australian Broadcasting Corporation.1 August 2005.Retrieved26 January2022.
- ^Foley, Gary (19 December 2005)."Why the tent embassy shouldn't pack up camp".Crikey.Retrieved26 January2022.
- ^Wright, Jessica; Harrison, Dan; Welch, Dylan (27 January 2012)."Australia Day Turns Ugly".The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved29 May2019.
- ^"Aboriginal protesters overreacted to Tony Abbott, says Warren Mundine".Australian Associated Press. 29 May 2019.Retrieved27 September2023.
- ^"Riot police rescue Gillard, Abbott from protesters" January 2012.Retrieved13 April2018.
- ^Packham, Ben; Vasek, Lanai (27 January 2012)."Gillard, Abbott escorted under guard amid Aboriginal Tent Embassy protest".The Australian.
- ^Martin, Lisa; Curtis, Katina (26 January 2012)."Gillard and Abbott rescued after being trapped by protesters in Canberra".The Herald Sun.Archived fromthe originalon 7 February 2012.Retrieved3 April2021.
- ^Medhora, Shalailah (27 January 2012)."Gillard's shoe returned after protest".SBS.Retrieved7 April2014.
- ^Evans, Steve (25 January 2022)."Old Parliament House Aboriginal Tent Embassy marks 50 anniversary on January 26".The Canberra Times.Retrieved25 January2022.
- ^Aboriginal Tent Embassy marks its 50th anniversaryonYouTubeABC News, 26 January 2022.
- ^Gleeson, Ashleigh (25 January 2022)."Huge crowds march on 50th anniversary of Aboriginal Tent Embassy".news.Retrieved27 January2022.
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- ^MacBean, James Roy (Spring 1983)."The theory and practice of ethnographic film".Film Quarterly– via Red Dirt Films.
- ^McNiven, Liz."Video Overview Ningla A-Na (1972)".Australian Screen.NFSA.Retrieved28 September2022.
- ^ab"Still We Rise – screening and talk - Sun 18 Dec 2022".Australian Centre for the Moving Image.Retrieved10 December2022.
- ^Perry, Kevin (7 December 2022)."Still We Rise: Bold documentary explores the history of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy".TV Blackbox.Retrieved10 December2022.
- ^Ruben, Emma (7 December 2022)."Still We Rise reflects on revolutionary Aboriginal Tent Embassy 50 years on".National Indigenous Times.Retrieved10 December2022.
- ^"Still We Rise".ABC iview.8 December 2022.Retrieved10 December2022.
- ^"John Harvey".AIDC.18 February 2019.Retrieved10 December2022.
- ^"'Intercontinental Cry' Article on Australian Sovereignty movement ".Sovereign Union:First Nations Asserting Sovereignty.1 January 2010.Retrieved20 July2020.
- ^Pen, Justin (6 July 2014)."'The long haul'".Honi Soit.
The Redfern Tent Embassy is not just fighting for affordable housing, but Aboriginal autonomy and self-determination.
Further reading
edit- "Aboriginal Tent Embassy".National Museum of Australia.Defining Moments. 13 April 2018.
- Cowan, Greg."Nomadic Resistance: Tent Embassies and Collapsible Architecture".Archived fromthe originalon 24 July 2010.
- Cowan, Gregory (2001)."Collapsing Australian Architecture: the Aboriginal Tent Embassy"(PDF).Journal of Australian Studies.25(67):30–36.doi:10.1080/14443050109387636.S2CID53313887.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 30 September 2012.
- Foley, Gary (5 October 2001)."Black Power in Redfern: 1968–1972".Archived fromthe originalon 30 April 2019.Retrieved18 February2011.
- Lothian, Kathy (December 2007). "Moving Blackwards: Black Power and the Aboriginal Embassy". In Hannah, Mark; Macfarlane, Ingereth (eds.).Transgressions: Critical Australian Indigenous histories.Aboriginal History Monographs 16.doi:10.22459/T.12.2007.ISBN9781921313431.
{{cite book}}
ignored (help) - Midena, Kate; Bourchier, Dan (28 June 2020)."Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra still 'the ground zero for First Nations people' nearly 50 years on".ABC News.Australian Broadcasting Corporation.Retrieved29 June2020.
- Robinson, Scott (1994)."The Aboriginal Embassy: An Account of the Protests of 1972"(PDF).Aboriginal History.18(1):49–63.
- "Timeline: Aboriginal Tent Embassy".SBS News.1 January 1970.
External links
edit- Aboriginal EmbassyOfficial website
- Clips from the filmNingla-A-Na(1972),NFSA,including footage of police marching on protesters in June 1972
- Koori History page,with links
- Speechesrecorded at the Embassy, 30 July 1972 (part 1)
- Speechesrecorded at the Embassy, 30 July 1972 (part 2)