Adversus Haereses

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Adversus Haeresesis the commonly used Latin title for a book by theChurch FatherIrenaeus,Bishop of Lyon in Gaul (now France). It is also often cited asAgainst HeresiesorOn the Detection and Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis.It is a five-volume work againstGnosticismand otherChristian heresies,written around 180 CE.

It is sometimes confused with:

  • Panarion(medicine-chest), also a work in opposition to heresies, written in the 4th century byEpiphanius of Salamis.
  • Adversus omnes haereses,an appendix to the workDe praescriptionem haereticorumbyTertullian,who lived c. 160–c. 225. Most scholars believe that the appendix is not by Tertullian but was added later; it is therefore attributed to aPseudo-Tertullian.