British Jewshave experiencedantisemitism–discriminationandpersecutionasJews– since a Jewish community was first established inEnglandin 1070.[1]They experienced a series of massacres in theMedievalperiod, which culminated in theirexpulsion from Englandin 1290. They were readmitted byOliver Cromwellin 1655. By the 1800s, an increasing toleration of religious minorities gradually helped to eliminate legal restrictions on public employment and political representation. However, Jewish financiers were seen by some as holding disproportionate influence on British government policy, particularly concerning theBritish Empireand foreign affairs.
Significant Jewish migration fromEastern Europein the years prior toWorld War Isaw some antisemitic opposition, which would result in increasingly restrictive immigration laws. An emergingfascist movementin the 1930s, which launchedantisemiticcampaigns, was accompanied by a government policy of restricting the inflow of Jewish refugees fromNazicontrolled territories. Notwithstanding sympathy for the Jews following theHolocaust,immigration controls toMandatory Palestinewere maintained, whileZionist attacks on British forces in Palestinecaused some resentment and would trigger anti-Jewish riots in 1947. In the second half of the 20th century, while the Jewish community became generally accepted, antisemitic sentiment persisted within Britishfascistand otherfar-rightgroups.
edit11th to 13th centuries: Persecution and expulsion
editJews arrived in theKingdom of Englandfollowing theNorman Conquestin 1066.[2]The earliest Jewish settlement was documented in about 1070.[3]Jews living in England from aroundKing Stephen's reign (reigned 1135–1154) experienced religious discrimination, while Jewish moneylending activity was strictly controlled and heavily taxed.[3]It is thought that theblood libelwhich accused Jews of ritual murder originated in England in the 12th century: examples includeHarold of Gloucester,Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln,Robert of BuryandWilliam of Norwich.In 1181, theAssize of Armsforbade Jews from owning ahauberkorchain mail.TheYork Massacreof 1190, one of a series of massacres of Jews across England, resulted in an estimated 150 Jews taking their own lives or being immolated.[4]The earliest recorded images ofantisemitismare found in the Royal tax records from 1233.[5]
In 1253,Henry IIIenacted theStatute of Jewry,placing a range of restrictions on Jews, including segregation and the wearing of ayellow badge.Its practical application is not recorded.[6]In 1264–7, theSecond Barons' Warincluded a further series of massacres of Jews, with the objective of destroying the records of debts held by moneylenders.[7][8]In 1275,Edward Ienacted the similarStatute of the Jewry,which included the outlawing ofusury.[9]The first dated portrait of an English Jew is the 1277 antisemitic caricatureAaron, Son of the Devil,[10]in which he wears the English yellow badge (two tablets) on his upper garments.[11]After being expelled from a number of towns during previous decades, this early Jewish presence in England ended withKing Edward I'sEdict of Expulsionin 1290.[12]Subsequently, converted Jews were allowed to live in theDomus Conversorum(house of the converted) with records up to at least 1551.
17th to 19th centuries: Readmittance and emancipation
editJews were readmitted to the United Kingdom byOliver Cromwellin 1655, though it is believed thatcrypto-Jewslived in England prior to then.[3]Jews were subjected to discrimination and humiliation, which waxed and waned over the centuries, gradually decreasing as Jews made commercial, philanthropic and sporting contributions to the country.[3]
However, Jews were restricted by laws aimed primarily at Catholics and nonconformists, such as theCorporation Act 1661and otherTest Acts,which restricted public offices in England to members of theChurch of England.TheJewish Naturalisation Act,which allowed Jews to becomenaturalisedby application to Parliament, receivedroyal assenton 7 July 1753 but was repealed in 1754 due to widespread opposition to its provisions.[13]For the purpose ofCatholic emancipation,the test acts were repealed in 1828 but replaced byGeorge IVwith the Oath of Abjuration Act, which declared an oath of abjuration, containing the words "upon the faith of a Christian," to be necessary for all officers, civil or military, under the crown or in the universities, and for all lawyers, voters, and members of Parliament.[14]
Despite these restrictions, it has been suggested byWilliam D. Rubinsteinthat antisemitism was lower in the United Kingdom than in a number of other European countries and that this was so for a number of reasons: Protestants shared with Jews an emphasis on theOld Testament,a self-perception as achosen peoplewith a directcovenantwith God, and a distrust ofCatholicism;with fewer Jews in the UK, Jews had a lesser commercial and financial role than in some other countries, reducing both real and perceived conflicts, and; Britain's early adoption ofconstitutional governmentwith liberal principles acted to promote individual and civil liberties.[15]In 1846, at the insistence of Irish leaderDaniel O'Connell,the obsolete 1275 law, "De Judaismo", was repealed.[16]There continued to be opposition to emancipation from figures such asThomas Carlylewho believed that all Jews should be expelled to Palestine, disliking what he perceived as Jews' materialism and archaic forms of religion.[17]In 1858, theJews Relief Act 1858removed the restriction of the oath of office for theParliamentto Christians, allowing Jews to become MPs. In 1871, theUniversities Tests Actabolished the requirement for university staff and students to be adherents of the Church of England. In 1890, under the Religious Disabilities Removal Bill, all restrictions for every position in theBritish Empirewere removed being thrown open to every British subject without distinction of creed, except for that ofmonarchand the offices ofLord High Chancellorand ofLord Lieutenant of Ireland.
1900s to 1920s: Finance and immigration
editDuring theSecond Boer War(1899–1902), some opposed to the war asserted thatJewish gold mining operatorsandfinancierswith their large stakes inSouth Africawere a driving force behind it, with Labour leaderKeir Hardieasserting that Jews were part of a secretive "imperialist" cabal that promoted war.[18]TheIndependent Labour Party,Robert Blatchford's newspaperThe Clarion,and theTrade Union Congressall blamed "Jewish capitalists" as "being behind the war and imperialism in general".[19]John Burns,a Liberal Party socialist, speaking in theHouse of Commonsin 1900, asserted that the British Army itself had become "ajanissaryof the Jews ".[20]Henry Hyndmanalso argued that "Jewish bankers" and "imperialist Judaism" were the cause of the conflict.[21]J. A. Hobsonheld similar views.[22][23][24]According to one historian, "The Jew baiting at the time of theBoer Warand theMarconi scandalwas linked to a broader protest, mounted in the main by the Radical wing of the Liberal Party, against the growing visibility of successful businessmen in national life and the challenges. What were seen as traditional English values. "[25]
From 1882 to 1919, Jewish numbers in Britain increased fivefold, from 46,000 to 250,000, due to the exodus fromRussian pogromsanddiscrimination,many of whom settled in theEast End of London.[3][26]By the turn of the century, a popular and media backlash had begun.[27]TheBritish Brothers' Leaguewas formed, with the support of prominent politicians, organising marches and petitions.[27]At rallies, its speakers said that Britain should not become "the dumping ground for the scum of Europe".[27]In 1905, an editorial in theManchester Evening Chronicle[27]wrote "that the dirty, destitute, diseased, verminous and criminal foreigner who dumps himself on our soil and rates simultaneously, shall be forbidden to land". Antisemitism broke out into violence in South Wales in 1902 and 1903 where Jews were assaulted.[28]One of the main objectives of theAliens Act in 1905was to control such immigration.[27]Restrictions were increased in theAliens Restriction Act 1914and theimmigration laws of 1919.[29]
In addition to anti-immigration campaigners, there were antisemitic groups, notablyThe Britons,launched in 1919,[30]which called for British Jews to be deported en masse to Palestine. In 1920, theMorning Postpublished over 17 or 18 articles a translation ofThe Protocols of the Elders of Zion,which subsequently formed the basis of a book,The Cause of World Unrest,to which half the paper's staff contributed. Later exposed as a forgery, they were initially accepted, with a leader inThe Timesblaming Jews forWorld War Iand theBolshevik regimeand calling them the greatest threat to theBritish Empire.[31]
editPopular sentiment against immigration was used by theImperial Fascist Leagueand theBritish Union of Fasciststo incite hatred against Jews in the 1930s. However, a planned fascist march through the east end of London, with its large Jewish population, had to be abandoned due to theBattle of Cable Streetin 1936, where police trying to ensure the march could proceed failed to clear barricades erected and defended by unionised dock workers, socialists, anarchists, communists, Jews and other anti-fascists.[32][33]Other antisemitic organisations in the 1930s included theMilitant Christian Patriotsand theRight Club.TheÉvian Conferencein 1938, attended by 32 countries, failed to reach agreement on accepting Jewish refugees fromNazi Germany.While Britain eventually accepted 70,000 up to the outbreak ofWorld War II,in addition to the 10,000 children on theKindertransport,there were, according to British Jewish associations, more than 500,000 case files of Jews who were not admitted. Louise London, author ofWhitehall and the Jews, 1933–1948,stated that "The (British immigration) process...was designed to keep out large numbers of European Jews – perhaps 10 times as many as it let in."[34]
It was difficult for the refugees to find work, regardless of their education, except as domestics.[35]This also meant that Jewish refugees who were physicians could not practise medicine, even though there was a shortage of health care providers.[36]Some of the concern was economic. During a period of high unemployment, the British were concerned about losing job opportunities due to the influx of refugees.[34]German Jewish refugeeswere discouraged from speaking German and encouraged to assimilate into the culture, which was often accomplished at the expense of their personal history and identity. A law was enacted in the 1930s to ensure that no more than 5% of the total students in a school were Jewish, limiting the rate at which Jewish children could be admitted to state schools. The press, which was generally not supportive of refugees, incorrectly reported that there were more Jews in Britain than had been in Germany in the summer of 1938.[34]Kushner and Katharine Knox state in their bookRefugees in an Age of Genocide,"Of all the groups in the 20th century, refugees from Nazism are now widely and popularly perceived as 'genuine', but at the time German, Austrian and Czechoslovakian Jews were treated with ambivalence and outright hostility as well as sympathy."[34]
World War II and its aftermath
editWhen war was declared, Britain no longer allowed immigration from Nazi-controlled countries.[35]TheBermuda Conferenceof theAlliesheld in April 1943 held to consider the issue of European Jews, whether liberated or under Nazi rule,[37]by which time it was known that the Nazi regime intended toexterminate them where it could,did not result in agreement on practical steps, with the overriding focus remaining on winning the war.[38]Nevertheless, 10,000 Jews managed to find their way into Britain during the war.[35]Britain did not allow Jews toimmigrate to Palestine,though some did so illegally.[37]
During the war,Ministry of Informationintelligence reports found examples of prejudice against Jews, including refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe, in almost all parts of the country, with Jews being a "scapegoat as an outlet for emotional disturbances".[39]Immediately following the war, a large number of refugees entered the UK, but few were Jewish Holocaust survivors as immigration policy barred Jews because it did not consider them easily assimilable. A cabinet minister argued in 1945 that "the admission of a further batch of refugees, many of whom would be Jews, might provoke strong reactions from certain sections of public opinion. There was a real risk of a wave of anti-semitic feeling in this country".[40]Nevertheless, in the aftermath ofthe Holocaust,undisguised, racial hatred ofJewsbecame unacceptable inBritish society.[1][better source needed]
editAnti-Jewish sentiments became widespread around 1947 in response tofightingbetween theBritish ArmyandZionistgroups in theBritish Mandate for Palestine.[41]In August 1947, after thehanging of two abducted British sergeantsby theIrgun,there was widespread anti-Jewish rioting across the United Kingdom.[42]Antisemitic activity fromfascist groups,Jeffrey Hamm'sBritish League of Ex-Servicemenand, later,Oswald Mosley's newfascistparty, theUnion Movement,included antisemitic speeches in public places, and from the rank-and-file fascists, attacks on Jews and Jewish property.[43]This resulted in the formation of the43 Group,led by Jewish ex-servicemen, which, from 1945 to 1950, broke upfar rightmeetings, infiltrated fascist groups, and attacked the fascists instreet fighting.[44]In the 1960s, groups such as theBritish National Party,founded in 1960, and theNational Socialist Movement,founded in 1962, maintained a far right tradition.
After lobbying by theBoard of Deputies of British Jews,[45]Jews, along with other groups, received formal legal protection from theRace Relations Act 1965,which outlaweddiscriminationon the "grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins" in public places inGreat Britain,and from successor legislation.[46]However, far right groups, such as theNational Front,founded in 1967, and a newBritish National Party,founded in 1982, continued to express antisemitic views.[47][48]
21st century
editAntisemitic attitudes in the UK are higher amongst those on the far-right, and religious Muslims. Contemporary antisemitism is also prevalent on the political left.
Holocaust denialandantisemitic conspiracy theoriesremain core elements of far-right ideology.[48]A study into contemporary antisemitism in Britain by theInstitute for Jewish Policy Researchin September 2017 found that "The most antisemitic group on the political spectrum consists of those who identify as very right-wing: the presence of antisemitic attitudes in this group is 2 to 4 times higher compared to the general population."[50]The study stated that in "surveys of attitudes towards ethnic and religious minorities... The most consistently found pattern across different surveys is heightened animosity towards Jews on the political right..."[51]TheCommunity Security Trustin 2018 found that far-right motivation or beliefs accounted for nearly one third of the 16% of incidents reported to them as antisemitic and with an identifiable political or ideological motivation.[52]According to a European Union Fundamental Rights Agency survey in 2018, victims in the UK, in instances where they ascribed a political viewpoint, perceived 20% of the perpetrators of the most serious attack or threat they had experienced to be "someone with a right-wing political view".[53] In 2016, research by theWorld Jewish Congressfound that 90% of antisemitic posts on social media in the UK were made by white males under the age of 40 with affiliations to extreme right-wing groups.[54]
Some British Muslims, particularlyIslamists,significantly contribute to antisemitism. The underlying roots are complex and include historic attitudes, domestic and political tensions, theIsraeli–Palestinian conflict,and globalisation of theMiddle East conflict.[55][56]According toMehdi Hasan,"anti-Semitism isn't just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it's routine and commonplace".[57]A 2016 survey by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research found that the prevalence of antisemitic views among Muslims was two to four times higher than the rest of the population[58]and that there was a positive correlation between Muslim religiosity and antisemitism.[59]According to the Community Security Trust, in incidents where a physical description of the perpetrator was provided, 9% were described as being of Arab or North African appearance and a further 13% of south Asian appearance. However, very few incidents included Islamist expressions.[52]According to a European Union Fundamental Rights Agency survey in 2018, victims in the UK, in instances where they ascribed a political viewpoint, perceived 38% of the perpetrators of the most serious attack or threat they had experienced to be "someone with a Muslim extremist view".[60][53]
Contemporary antisemitism also manifests on the political left.[61][62]Anti-Zionism,principally, though not exclusively, from the left as well as from Muslims, has been associated with antisemitic attitudes and incidents. TheCommunity Security Trustin 2018 found that references to Israel accounted for nearly two-thirds of the 16% of antisemitic incidents with an identifiable political or ideological motivation.[52]For some, contemporary anti-Zionism is itselfa form of antisemitism.[63]A study by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research in September 2017 found that "Levels of antisemitism among those on the left-wing of the political spectrum, including the far-left, are indistinguishable from those found in the general population. Yet, all parts of those on the left of the political spectrum exhibit higher levels of anti Israelism than average."[50]The report found that "...anti-Israel attitudes are not, as a general rule, antisemitic; but the stronger a person's anti-Israel views, the more likely they are to hold antisemitic attitudes. A majority of those who hold anti-Israel attitudes do not espouse any antisemitic attitudes, but a significant minority of those who hold anti-Israel attitudes hold them alongside antisemitic attitudes. Therefore, antisemitism and anti-Israel attitudes exist both separately and together."[64]The study stated that in "surveys of attitudes towards ethnic and religious minorities...The political left, captured by voting intention or actual voting for Labour, appears in these surveys as a more Jewish-friendly, or neutral, segment of the population."[51]According to a European Union Fundamental Rights Agency survey in 2018, victims in the UK in instances where they ascribed a political viewpoint, perceived 43% of the perpetrators of the most serious attack or threat they had experienced to be "someone with a left-wing view".[60][53]In 2022, 17% of hate crimes were against Jews, which account for 0.5% of the British population.[65]
Between the2023 Gaza War's outbreak and March 2024, the police in England and Wales have recorded 140,561 hate crimes, 70% of which were racially motivated,[66]while the spike in hate crimes was caused by a bump in antisemitic offences.[66][67]In England and Wale alone, 3,282 antisemitic offences have been recorded, more than doubled vis-à-vis the previous year, while allegedly anti-Muslim offences rose by 13%.[68]
editThe majority of reports of antisemitic incidents are from areas where most Jews live: MetropolitanLondon,Greater ManchesterandHertfordshire.[69]Over 2014–18, around one fifth of the reported incidents occurred on social media. The level typically rises following events related to Israel or the wider Middle East.[70]TheCommunity Security Trustreported a large rise after the2014 Israel-Gaza conflict,2021 Israel-Palestine crisis,and the ongoingIsrael-Hamas war(2023-ongoing). Incidents connected to the conflict have included a convoy of cars with Palestinian flags driving through East Finchley, an area of London with a sizeable Jewish community, and the driver of one of the cars being recorded yelling "fuck their [Jews] mothers, rape their daughters".[71]The sharp rise in the number of reported incidents from 2016 onwards followed increased media coverage of antisemitism and may be an increase in actual incidents, or in reporting, or both. Around a quarter of reported incidents in 2018 took place on social media. The largest increases are in threats and abusive behaviour. The Trust believes that the total number of incidents is significantly higher than that reported.[72]
Category | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
Extreme violence | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Assault | 19 | 17 | 33 | 51 | 40 | 42 | 54 | 79 | 80 | 108 | 116 | 87 | 121 | 114 | 93 | 67 | 69 | 80 | 83 | 109 | 149 | 122 |
Damage & desecration | 58 | 31 | 25 | 73 | 90 | 55 | 72 | 53 | 48 | 70 | 65 | 76 | 89 | 83 | 64 | 53 | 49 | 81 | 65 | 81 | 93 | 78 |
Threats | 19 | 16 | 31 | 39 | 37 | 18 | 22 | 93 | 25 | 27 | 24 | 28 | 45 | 32 | 30 | 39 | 38 | 91 | 79 | 107 | 98 | 109 |
Abusive behaviour | 86 | 136 | 127 | 196 | 122 | 216 | 211 | 272 | 273 | 365 | 336 | 317 | 609 | 391 | 412 | 467 | 374 | 899 | 717 | 1059 | 1065 | 1300 |
Literature | 33 | 36 | 54 | 44 | 20 | 14 | 16 | 31 | 27 | 20 | 19 | 37 | 62 | 25 | 7 | 12 | 5 | 30 | 12 | 19 | 15 | 42 |
Total | 219 | 236 | 270 | 405 | 310 | 350 | 375 | 532 | 455 | 594 | 561 | 546 | 931 | 646 | 609 | 650 | 535 | 1182 | 960 | 1375 | 1420 | 1652 |
Graphs are unavailable due to technical issues. Updates on reimplementing the Graph extension, which will be known as the Chart extension, can be found onPhabricatorand |
In 2017–18 the police in England and Wales (excluding Lancashire) recorded 1191 antisemitic hate crimes, which excludes some behaviours recorded by the CST. Taking theMetropolitan Policedata alone, the number rose by 15% in the following year, from 519 to 597. Comparisons with theCrime Survey for England and Walessuggest that less than half of hate crime is reported to the police.[74]A 2018 survey by theEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rightsfound that about a quarter of Jews in the UK had felt offended or threatened over the last year, increasing to one third over the last five years.[75]In the same survey, 24% of British Jews had witnessed other Jews being verbally insulted or harassed and/or physically attacked in the past 12 months, of whom 18% were family members. Only about one fifth of incidents were reported.[76]In 2023, there were 4,103 antisemitic incidents in 2023 compared to 1,510 in 2022.[77][78]In October 2024, a Swastika and antisemitic slogans were graffitied at a golf club in a Jewish area of London. London police are investigating the incident and a hate crime.[79]Community Security Trust tallied 272 antisemitic incidents during the 2023-2024 school year, over five times the number in the previous year. In one example, theUniversity of LeedsJewish chaplain received threats to rape and kill his wife and murder his children. The surge mirrored the previous peak which was during the 2021 Israel-Hamas conflict.[80]According to the Community Security Trust, nearly 2,000 antisemitic incidents were recorded in the first half of 2024, marking the highest number ever documented in a six-month period.[81]
editGraphs are unavailable due to technical issues. Updates on reimplementing the Graph extension, which will be known as the Chart extension, can be found onPhabricatorand |
Research published in June 2015 by thePew Research Centershowed that of, six countries participating, the population of the UK had almost the most favourable views of Jews. While 78% of these six European countries have a favourable opinion of Jewish people and 13% did not, 83% of the UK population hold positive views, and only 7% hold unfavourable opinions.[87]In 2017 theInstitute for Jewish Policy Researchconducted what it called "the largest and most detailed survey of attitudes towards Jews and Israel ever conducted in Great Britain." The survey found that the levels of antisemitism in Great Britain were among the lowest in the world, with 2.4% expressing multiple antisemitic attitudes, and about 70% having a favourable opinion of Jews. However, only 17% had a favourable opinion of Israel, with 33% holding an unfavourable view.[88][89]Half of young Brits aged 18-24 hold antisemitic views according to polls.[90]46% of British adults believe an antisemitic allegation.[90]
Age differences
editRecent survey findings have suggested that certain attitudes which have been defined as antisemitic may be more common among younger generations in Britain than older ones. For instance, a poll conducted by theCampaign Against Antisemitismin 2023 indicated that, compared to the general population (one in twenty), double the proportion of 18-24 year olds in Britain (almost one in ten) do not believe that Jewish people are just as loyal to Britain as other British people.[91][92]A year prior, in 2022, a survey conducted byHope Not Hatereportedly indicated that, while only 12% of Brits aged 75+ agreed Jews have an 'unhealthy control over the world banking system', 34% of 18-24 year olds agreed this was 'probably' or ‘definitely’ true.[93]
editWhere a motivation was evident, incidents reported to the Community Security Trust split roughly between one third which are far-right and two-thirds which are anti-Israel. In other cases, the motivation is unclear because the perpetrator either did not communicate a clear rationale or used a combination of some or all of classicanti-semitic canards,Nazireferences and anti-Israel expressions.[52]Someexpressions criticising Israelare regarded by many as antisemitic. For some, criticism of Israel and anti-Zionism is itselfa form of antisemitism.
editIn 2006, a group of BritishMembers of Parliamentheld an inquiry into antisemitism at the time of theSecond Intifada.Its report stated that "until recently, the prevailing opinion both within the Jewish community and beyond [had been] that antisemitism had receded to the point that it existed only on the margins of society." It found a reversal of this progress since 2000. The inquiry was reconstituted following a surge in antisemitic incidents in Britain during the summer of 2014, at the time of the2014 Israel-Gaza conflictand published its report in 2015, making recommendations for reducing antisemitism.[94]In 2016, theHome Affairs Select Committeeheld an inquiry into antisemitism in the UK.[95]The inquiry called party leaders and others to give evidence. Its report was critical of theConservative Party,theLabour Party,theChakrabarti Inquiry,theLiberal Democrats,theNational Union of Students(particularly its then presidentMalia Bouattia),Twitterandpolice forcesfor variously exacerbating or failing to address antisemitism. The report made a series of recommendations, including the formal adoption by the UK government, with additional caveats (for example, on free speech),[96]of theInternational Holocaust Remembrance Alliance(IHRA)'sWorking Definition of Antisemitism.[97]
Political parties
editIn 2015, 2016 and 2017, theCampaign Against Antisemitism(CAA) commissionedYouGovto survey British attitudes towards Jews.[98]The 2017 survey found that 30% of supporters of theLiberal Democratsendorsed at least one "antisemitic attitude", as defined by the CAA, compared with 32% ofLaboursupporters, 39% ofUK Independence Party(UKIP) supporters and 40% ofConservative Partysupporters.[98][99]The 2016 Select Committee enquiry found that, although the threat that the far right posed to Jews had fallen, "Holocaust denial and Jewish conspiracy theories remain core elements of far-right ideology" and theBritish National Party(BNP) continues to stir up trouble and damages societal cohesion. The report also provided evidence of antisemitism in the Conservative Party, including an alleged "toxic environment" in theUCLConservative Society.[97]
Complaints of antisemitism in the Labour Party have been, especially in the period after its members electedJeremy Corbynas leader in 2015. In 2016 Labour commissioned theChakrabarti Inquiry,which found "no evidence" of systemic antisemitism in Labour, though there was an "occasionally toxic atmosphere".[100]The Select Committee in 2016 concluded that "...there exists no reliable, empirical evidence to support the notion that there is a higher prevalence of antisemitic attitudes within the Labour Party than any other political party". It also found that Jeremy Corbyn had shown a "lack of consistentleadership",which" has created what some have referred to as a 'safe space' for those with vile attitudes towards Jewish people "and that" The failure of the Labour Party to deal consistently and effectively with anti-Semitic incidents in recent years risks lending force to allegations that elements of the Labour movement are institutionally anti-Semitic. "[97][101]In April 2018, Terry Couchman, an election candidate of the party, was suspended over his use of "ZioNazi" in a post criticising Israel.[102][103]Tony Greenstein,another then-member of the party, was accused of antisemitism and expelled from the party in 2018 for using the term "Zios"[104]among other allegations.[105][106]
Antisemitism is also claimed to exist in theConservativeandLiberal Democratparties. For example, since the start in July 2019 ofBoris Johnson's leadership of the Conservative party,senior Conservative politicians have been accused of antisemitism – includingJacob Rees-Mogg,[107]Priti Patel,[108]Crispin Blunt,[109]Michael Gove,[110]James Cleverly,[111]Theresa May,[112]andJohnson's advisorDominic Cummings,[113]as have Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidates.[114]In an interview with theSunday Timesin January 2020, former House of Commons speakerJohn Bercownoted that, while he had never faced antisemitic abuse from Labour Party members, "I did experience antisemitism from members of the Conservative Party."[115]
In April 2024, Mick Greenhough, who was set to stand as a parliamentary candidate forReform UKin the constituency ofOrpington,was sacked by the party when it emerged that he had tweeted in 2019, "Most Jews are reasonable people. Their problem is theAshkenazi Jewswho have caused the world massive misery. "[116]Greenhough had also claimed thatJustin Welby,theArchbishop of Canterbury,was "a Jew and closer to Cultural Marxism than Christianity. Is his aim to destroy Christianity?".[116]A spokesman for Reform said that, while the party defended its "candidates' right to freedom of speech", they "act fast when we find that individuals' statements' fall beneath our standards."[117]In August 2024, Jewish members of the Labour Party sent a letter to Prime MinisterKeir Starmer,accusing him and his party of actions worsening antisemitism.[118]
editTheHome Officehas provided 'The Jewish Community Protective Security Grant' for the security of synagogues, schools and other Jewish centres, with theCommunity Security Trustas the Grant Recipient. It was introduced in 2015 andHome Secretary,Sajid Javidpledged to increase funding, bringing the total amount allocated from 2015 to 2019 to £65.2 million.[119][120]
The Holocaust is the only compulsory subject in the national history curriculum in secondary schools.[121]TheDepartment for Educationprovides significant funding to theHolocaust Educational Trust,including programmes for schools and universities. The Government also funds the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. TheHeritage Lottery Fundin 2018 and 2019 provided significant funding for conservation and a religious, educational and cultural centre forBevis Marks Synagogue,[122]to openWillesden Jewish Cemeteryas a place of heritage for the public,[123]to open a Holocaust Education and Learning Centre in Huddersfield[124]and to refresh and expand theBeth Shalom Holocaust Centrein Nottinghamshire.[125]In August 2019, theImperial War Museumannounced plans to spend over £30m on a new set of galleries over two floors at its London site covering the Holocaust and its importance in World War II. The galleries are set to open in 2021 and will replace the existing permanent Holocaust exhibition.[126]The government is contributing £75m to the plannedUK Holocaust Memorial.
The government is funding the anti-prejudice charities, the Anne Frank Trust andKick it Out[74]and has provided significant funding via theOffice for Studentsto tackle religious-based hate crime in higher education.[127]In September 2019, the government announced a grant of £100,000 to the Antisemitism Policy Trust to produce videos to combat antisemitism online.[128]In September 2019,Robert Jenrick,the newly appointedSecretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Governmentsaid "I will use my position as Secretary of State to write to all universities and local authorities to insist that they adopt theIHRAdefinitionat the earliest opportunity...and use it when considering matters such as disciplinary procedures. Failure to act in this regard is unacceptable. "[129]
According to a survey conducted by the Campaign Against Antisemitism in June 2024, 84% of British Jews believe that authorities are not doing enough to address antisemitic incidents and to penalize those responsible.[81]In September 2024, UK Prime MinisterKeir Starmerannounced a mandatory Holocaust education program.[130]In October 2024, the UKDepartment for Educationannounced it was allocating £7 million to fighting antisemitism in schools and universities.[131]
editAccording to surveys conducted by theInstitute for Jewish Policy Research,the proportion of British Jews who had contemplated emigration due to antisemitism at some point in the previous five years was 18% in 2012, and 29% five years later in 2017. In the latter survey, three-quarters of those who had contemplated leaving said that they were considering moving to Israel. However, emigration to Israel fell by 11% between the two five-year periods and was much lower than the contemplated level, at 2899 people in total during 2008–2012 and 2579 in total during 2013–2017, or about 1% of the community during each five-year period.[132]In December 2023, a poll conducted by theCampaign Against Antisemitismshowed that nearly half[133]of British Jews have considered leaving the UK in response to increased antisemitism following theOctober 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel.[134]A survey conducted by the Campaign Against Antisemitism in June 2024 found that only a third of British Jews believe they have a long-term future in the country, and just 48% feel welcome in the UK.[81]
See also
edit- ^abSchoenberg, Shira."United Kingdom Virtual Jewish History Tour."Jewish Virtual Library.26 July 2017.
- ^Cardaun 2015,p. 37.
- ^abcde"ENGLAND - JewishEncyclopedia".jewishencyclopedia.Retrieved17 October2016.
- ^"BBC – Religions – Judaism: York pogrom, 1190"
- ^Lipton, Sara (6 June 2016)."The First Anti-Jewish Caricature?".New York Review of Books.Retrieved30 November2017.
- ^Stacey 2003,p. 52
- ^Jacobs, Joseph (1906)."England".Jewish Encyclopedia.JewishEncyclopedia.
- ^Mundill 2010,pp. 88–99
- ^Prestwich, Michael. Edward I p 345 (1997)Yale University Press.ISBN0-300-07157-4.
- ^Jacobs, Joseph; Wolf, Lucien (20 September 2012).Catalogue of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, Royal Albert Hall, London, 1887.Cambridge University Press.p. 8.ISBN978-1-108-05504-8.
- ^Jacobs, Joseph."AARON, SON OF THE DEVIL".jewishencyclopedia.Jewish Encyclopedia.Retrieved7 February2016.
- ^"BBC – Religions – Judaism: Readmission of Jews to Britain in 1656".Retrieved17 October2016.
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a Jew is bad but what is a Sham-Jew, a Quack-Jew? And how can a real Jew... try to be Senator, or even Citizen of any Country, except his own wretched Palestine, whither all his thoughts and steps and efforts tend,-where, in the Devil's name, let him arrive as soon as possible, and make us quit of him!
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Further reading
editExternal links
editMedia related toAntisemitism in the United Kingdomat Wikimedia Commons