Aseptic meningitisis the inflammation of themeninges,a membrane covering thebrainandspinal cord,in patients whosecerebral spinal fluidtest result is negative with routine bacterial cultures. Aseptic meningitis is caused byviruses,mycobacteria,spirochetes,fungi,medications,andcancermalignancies.[1]The testing for both meningitis and aseptic meningitis is mostly the same. A cerebrospinal fluid sample is taken bylumbar punctureand is tested for leukocyte levels to determine if there is an infection and goes on to further testing to see what the actual cause is. The symptoms are the same for bothmeningitisand aseptic meningitis but the severity of the symptoms and the treatment can depend on the certain cause.
Aseptic meningitis is a disease that can depend on the patient's age, however, research has shown some distinct symptoms that indicate the possibility of aseptic meningitis. A variety of patients notice a change in body temperatures (higher than normal temperatures 38-40 °C), marked with the possibility of vomiting, headaches, firm neck pain, and evenlack of appetite.In younger patients, like babies, a meningeal inflammation can be noticed along with the possibility ofhepatic necrosisandmyocarditis.In serious cases, a multiple organ failure can also signal aseptic meningitis and oftentimes, in babies, seizures and focal neurological deficits can be early symptoms of aseptic meningitis. In fact, in newborns, the mortality rate is 70%. The next set of age group, like children, have similar but varying symptoms of sore throat, rashes, and diarrhea. In adults, symptoms and the harshness of them tend to be less in duration. Additionally, the probability of developing aseptic meningitis increases when patients have a case of mumps or herpes.[2]
Symptoms of meningitis caused by an acute viral infection last between one and two weeks. When aseptic meningitis is caused bycyt Omega lovirus20 percent of individuals face mortality or morbidity. If left untreated it can affect an individual's hearing and learning abilities.[3]
Irritation of the meninges from drugs administered directly to the spinal canal or subarachnoid space.[5]The hypersensitivity to the drug results in an immune response.[5]
Lumbar puncture procedure for diagnosing aseptic meningitis
The termasepticcan be misleading, implying a lack ofinfection.On the contrary, many cases of aseptic meningitis represent infection with viruses ormycobacteriathat cannot be detected with routine methods. Medical professionals will take into consideration the season of the year, the medical history of the individual and family, physical examination, and laboratory results when diagnosing aseptic meningitis.[3]
One common medical test used when diagnosing aseptic meningitis is lumbar puncture.[3]A medical professional inserts a needle between two vertebrae to remove cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the spinal cord.[6]The cerebrospinal fluid collected from the lumbar puncture is analyzed by microscope examination or by culture to distinguish between bacterial and aseptic meningitis. Samples of CSF undergo cell count, Gram stains, and viral cultures, andpolymerase chain reaction(PCR). Polymerase chain reaction has increased the ability of clinicians to detect viruses such asenterovirus,cyt Omega lovirus,andherpes virusin the CSF, but many viruses can still escape detection. Other laboratory tests include blood, urine, and stool collection. Medical professionals also have the option of performing acomputed tomographic(CT) scan ormagnetic resonance imaging(MRI), these tests help observe calcifications or abscesses.[3]
If CSF levels are irregular among individuals, they will undergo hospitalization where they receive antiviral therapy. If aseptic meningitis was caused byherpessimplex virus (HSV), the individual will receive acyclovir, an antiviral drug.[3]
Aseptic meningitis was first described by Wallgren in 1925.[7]Aseptic meningitis cases have varied historically. Aseptic meningitis caused by mumps has declined in the United States due to the increased use of vaccination which prevents mumps cases from occurring.[2]
^abcdeNorris CM, Danis PG, Gardner TD (May 1999). "Aseptic meningitis in the newborn and young infant".American Family Physician.59(10):2761–70.PMID10348069.