Australian Human Rights Commission

TheAustralian Human Rights Commissionis thenational human rights institutionof theCommonwealth of Australia,established in 1986 as theHuman Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission(HREOC) and renamed in 2008. It is a statutory body funded by, but operating independently of, theAustralian Government.It is responsible for investigating alleged infringements of Australia'santi-discrimination legislationin relation to federal agencies.

Australian Human Rights Commission
Commission overview
Preceding commission
  • Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Minister responsible
Commission executives
  • Hugh de Kretser, President[2]
  • Katie Kiss, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner[2]
  • Rosemary Kayess,Disability Discrimination Commissioner[2]
  • Lorraine Finlay, Human Rights Commissioner[2]
  • Giridharan Sivaraman, Race Discrimination Commissioner[2]
  • Anna Cody, Sex Discrimination Commissioner[2]
  • Robert Fitzgerald, Age Discrimination Commissioner[2]
Key documents

TheAustralian Human Rights Commission Act 1986articulates the Australian Human Rights Commission's role and responsibilities. Matters that can be investigated by the Commission under theAustralian Human Rights Commission Regulations 2019include discrimination on the grounds of age,medical record,an irrelevantcriminal record;disability;maritalorrelationshipstatus;nationality;sexual orientation;ortrade unionactivity.

Commission officebearers


The Commission falls under the portfolio of theAttorney-General of Australia.

Commission presidents


The following individuals have been appointed as President of the Human Rights Commission, and its precedent organisation:[2]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Marcus Einfeld President, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1986–1990
2 Sir Ronald Wilson 1990–1998
3 Alice Tay 1998–2003
4 John von Doussa 2003–2008
5 Catherine Branson President, Australian Human Rights Commission 2008–2012
6 Gillian Triggs 2012–2017
7 Ros Croucher 2017–2024
8 Hugh de Kretser 2024–present

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioners


The following individuals have been appointed as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner:[2]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Mick Dodson Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner 1993–1998
2 Zita Antonios 1998–1999 (acting)
3 Bill Jonas 1999–2004
4 Tom Calma 2004–2010
5 Mick Gooda 2010–2016
6 June Oscar 2017–2024
7 Katie Kiss 2024–present

Disability Discrimination Commissioners


The following individuals have been appointed as a Disability Discrimination Commissioners:[2]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Elizabeth Hastings Disability Discrimination Commissioner 1993–1997
2 Chris Sidoti 1998 (acting)
3 Susan Halliday 1999 (acting)
4 Sev Ozdowski 2000–2005 (acting)
5 Graeme Innes 2005–2014
6 Susan Ryan 2014–2016 (acting)
7 Alastair McEwin 2016–2019
8 Ben Gauntlett 2019–2023
9 Rosemary Kayess 2024–present

Human Rights Commissioners


The following individuals have been appointed as a Human Rights Commissioner:[2][3]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Brian Burdekin Human Rights Commissioner 1986–1994
2 Chris Sidoti 1995–2000
3 Sev Ozdowski 2000–2005
4 Graeme Innes 2005–2009
5 Catherine Branson 2009–2012
6 Tim Wilson 2013–2016
7 Edward Santow 2016–2021
8 Lorraine Finlay 2021–present

Race Discrimination Commissioners


The following individuals have been appointed as a Race Discrimination Commissioner:[2]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Irene Moss Race Discrimination Commissioner 1986–1994
2 Zita Antonios 1994–1999
3 Bill Jonas 1999–2004
4 Tom Calma 2004–2009
5 Graeme Innes 2009–2011
6 Helen Szoke 2011–2013
7 Gillian Triggs 2013 (acting)
8 Tim Soutphommasane 2013–2018
9 Chin Tan 2018–2023
10 Giridharan Sivaraman 2024–present

Sex Discrimination Commissioners


The following individuals have been appointed as a Sex Discrimination Commissioner:[2]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Pam O'Neil Sex Discrimination Commissioner 1984–1988
2 Quentin Bryce 1988–1993
3 Susan Walpole 1993–1997
4 Moira Scollay 1997–1998 (acting)
5 Susan Halliday 1998–2001
6 Pru Goward 2001–2007
7 John von Doussa 2007 (acting)
8 Elizabeth Broderick 2007–2015
9 Kate Jenkins 2016–2023
10 Ros Croucher 2023 (acting)
11 Anna Cody 2023–present

Age Discrimination Commissioner


The following individuals have been appointed as an Age Discrimination Commissioner, or precedent titles:[2]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Pru Goward Commissioner Responsible for Age Discrimination 2005–2007
2 John von Doussa 2007 (acting)
3 Elizabeth Broderick 2007–2011
4 Susan Ryan Age Discrimination Commissioner 2011–2016
5 Kay Patterson 2016–2023
6 Robert Fitzgerald 2024–present

National Children's Commissioner


The following individuals have been appointed as a National Children's Commissioner:[2]

Order Official Official title Term
1 Megan Mitchell National Children's Commissioner 2013–2020
2 Anne Hollonds 2020–present

Privacy Commissioner


The following have served as Privacy Commissioner, initially at HREOC and then at two other Offices:

Order Official Official title Term
1 Kevin O’Connor, AM Privacy Commissioner(at HREOC) 1989–1996
2 Moira Scollay 1997–1999
3 Malcolm Crompton Privacy Commissioner (at HREOC until July 2000, then at OPC) 1999–2004
4 Karen Curtis Privacy Commissioner (at OPC) 2004–2010
5 Timothy PilgrimPSM Privacy Commissioner (at OAIC)
Acting Australian Information Commissioner (from 2015)
6 Angelene Falk Privacy Commissioner (at OAIC)
Australian Information Commissioner
7 Carly Kind Privacy Commissioner (at OAIC) 2024–present

On 1 January 1989 thePrivacy Act 1988established thePrivacy Commissionerwithin the commission. The Privacy Commissioner continued in the commission until 1 July 2000, when a new Office of the Privacy Commissioner was established by the federal Parliament, and the Privacy Commissioner was separated from the commission.

In 2010, theOffice of the Australian Information Commissioner(OAIC) was established and the previously independent Office of the Privacy Commissioner was subsumed into it. The Privacy Commissioner now came under the supervision of the new Australian Information Commissioner, who could exercise the Privacy Commissioner's powers.

From 2014, the incoming Australian government under PM Tony Abbott attempted to abolish the OAIC, succeeding in having the Australian Information Commissioner (John McMillan) unexpectedly retire early and FOI Commissioner (James Popple) resign,[4]and cutting OAIC's budget. But the Senate failed to pass the necessary legislation (Freedom of Information Amendment (New Arrangements) Bill 2014). Several former judges suggested this pursuit of the abolition of a body created by Parliament without its support for that abolition raises constitutional and rule of law concerns.[5]Then-Privacy CommissionerPilgrimwas appointed Acting Australian Information Commissioner in July 2015 for three months, filling all three OAIC roles on a part-time basis (and now also administering theFreedom of Information Act 1982(Cth) and theAustralian Information Commissioner Act 2010(Cth)). He was reappointed as Acting Australian Information Commissioner in October 2015for three months,and again on 19 January 2016until 19 April 2016.[6]

In early 2016, it remained unclear whether the Privacy Commissioner role would be returned to the Commission if the abolition of the OAIC were to succeed.

On 18 March 2016, the Commonwealth Attorney-General advertised for expressions of interest in the positions, to commence in July, of Age Discrimination Commissioner, Disability Discrimination Commissioner and Human Rights Commissioner;[7]these positions were filled accordingly.



From its introduction until 2000, the Commission hosted the Commissioner administering thePrivacy Act 1988(Cth).

The Commission investigates alleged infringements under the following federal legislation:[8]

TheAustralian Human Rights Commission Act 1986articulates the Australian Human Rights Commission's role and responsibilities. It gives effect to Australia's obligations under the following:[8][9]

Matters that can be investigated by the Commission under theAustralian Human Rights Commission Regulations 2019include discrimination on the grounds of age,medical record,an irrelevantcriminal record;disability;maritalorrelationshipstatus;nationality;sexual orientation;ortrade unionactivity.[10]

Public inquiries


One of the more visible functions of the commission is to conduct public inquiries. Some examples of inquiries conducted include:

  • Homeless Children Inquiry (1989)[11]
  • National Inquiry into Racist Violence in Australia (1989-1991)[12]
  • Inquiry into the Accessibility of electronic commerce and new service and information technologies for older Australians and people with a disability (2000)[13]
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Inquiry (2000)[14][15]
  • Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Inquiry into financial and workplace discrimination against same-sex couples[16]
  • Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families (Bringing Them HomeReport (1997)[17])
  • National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention (2004)[18]The report,A Last Resort?was published in April 2004.[19]
  • National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention (2014)[20]The Forgotten Childrenreport was submitted by Gillian Triggs in November 2014.[21]
  • Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review (2014)[22]



On 30 July 2020, the Australian Human Rights Commission announced that they would conduct a review of the country'sgymnasticsprogram, following complaints of physical and mental abuse from some of the former athletes. Former Australian gymnasts had reported being assaulted by coaches,fat-shamedand made to train and compete while injured.[23][24]

Gender identity and sexuality


Private members' bills introduced from both theAustralian Greensand theAustralian Democratstried to addsexualityand/orgender identityto the list of matters that can be investigated by the commission, which always failed to pass at least one house of parliament between 1995 and June 2007, because of a lack of support from both theAustralian Labor Partyand theCoalitionin the federal parliament.[25]

Relevant legislation was later passed in Acts such as theSex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Act 2013.[26]

Human Rights Awards and Medals


Since 1987, theHuman Rights Awardshave been presented at the commission's annual Human Rights Medal and Awards ceremony.[27]

International status


The Commission is one of some 70 national human rights institutions (NHRIs) accredited by theGlobal Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions(GANHRI), a body sponsored by theOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights(OHCHR). The Commission's full ( "A status" ) accreditation has allowed it special access to the United Nations human rights system, including speaking rights at theHuman Rights Counciland other committees. The Commission has been able to present parallel reports ( "shadow reports" ) to UN treaty committees examining Australia's compliance withinternational human rights instruments.It has been very active in developing NHRIs throughout the Asia-Pacific region, and is a leading member of theAsia Pacific Forum of NHRIs,one of four regional sub-groups of NHRIs.

In April 2022, GANHRI informed the Commission that it has lost its "A status" and that its status would be reviewed after approximately 18 months. GANHRI found that recent government decisions to appoint Commissioners had not been made with appropriate transparency. It was also concerned about accumulated reductions in funding.[28]

See also



  1. ^"Table 2".APS Statistical Bulletin 2014-15(Report). Australian Public Service Commission. Archived fromthe originalon 23 April 2016.
  2. ^abcdefghijklmno"Commissioners and Executive".Australian Human Rights Commission. Retrieved 9 November 2024
  3. ^Ed Santow, head of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, will succeedTim Wilsonas Human Rights Commissioner:Sydney Law School e-News 31 May 2016.
  4. ^"The slow death of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner",Canberra Times,1 September 2015
  5. ^Tim Smith, David Harper, Stephen Charles,"Senate's last chance to save FOI watchdog and protect the rule of law",Canberra Times,22 June 2015
  6. ^Commissioner Pilgrimwas reported to have recognisedthe implications of uncertain tenure: "This has, naturally, created uncertainty and speculation particularly amongst administrative law and open government advocacy circles about the ability of the OAIC to be effective and perform the important role that it holds for the community in the privacy and FOI spaces."
  7. ^AHRC Commissioners, expressions of interest, March 2016
  8. ^ab"Legislation".Australian Human Rights Commission.Retrieved25 August2020.Text was copied from this source, which is available under anAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)licence.
  9. ^"Australian Government".Federal Register of Legislation.6 December 1986.Retrieved25 August2020.Text available under aAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)licence.
  10. ^"Australian Human Rights Commission Regulations 2019".Federal Register of Legislation.13 September 2019.Retrieved25 August2020.Text was copied from this source, which is available under aAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)licence.
  11. ^"Our Homeless Children".Australian Human Rights Commission.1 January 1989.Retrieved3 August2020.
  12. ^Moss, Irene (1 April 1991)."The Report of the National Inquiry into Racist Violence" [1991] ".Aboriginal Law Bulletin 4.1(49).Retrieved22 May2022– viaAustralasian Legal Information Institute(AustLII).
  13. ^"Accessibility of electronic commerce and new service and information technologies for older Australians and people with a disability".Australian Human Rights Commission.31 March 2000.Retrieved3 August2020.
  14. ^"Report of the National Inquiry into Pregnancy and Work - HREOC assessment of Government Responses to Recommendations".Australian Human Rights Commission.1 November 2000.Retrieved3 August2020.
  15. ^"Pregnancy and Work Inquiry".Australian Human Rights Commission.1 November 2000.Retrieved3 August2020.
  16. ^"Same Sex: Same Entitlements".Australian Human Rights Commission.1 January 2006. Archived fromthe originalon 30 December 2014.Retrieved3 August2020.
  17. ^"Bringing them Home Report (1997)".Australian Human Rights Commission.Retrieved3 August2020.
  18. ^"National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2004".Australian Human Rights Commission. 13 May 2004.Retrieved9 January2015.
  19. ^A last resort? National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention.Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. 1 April 2004.ISBN0-642-26989-0.Retrieved3 August2020.PDF
  20. ^"National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014".Australian Human Rights Commission.3 February 2014.Retrieved3 August2020.
  21. ^The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention.Australian Human Rights Commission. 2014.ISBN978-1-921449-56-7.PDFText is available under aAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)licence.
  22. ^"Supporting Working Parents: Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review - Report".Australian Human Rights Commission.25 July 2014.Retrieved3 August2020.
  23. ^"Gymnastics: Australia human rights body to probe abuse complaints".Reuters.30 July 2020.Retrieved30 July2020.
  24. ^"Information: Independent Cultural Review of Gymnastics in Australia 2020".Australian Human Rights Commission.30 July 2020.Retrieved4 August2020.
  25. ^"Australian Democrats Press Releases".Archived fromthe originalon 22 March 2012.Retrieved26 July2007.
  26. ^"Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Act 2013".Federal Register of Legislation.10 July 2013.Retrieved3 August2020.
  27. ^"Australian Human Rights Commission".Human Rights Awards.2021.Archivedfrom the original on 26 October 2021.Retrieved15 May2022.
  28. ^"Statement on international accreditation of the Australian Human Rights Commission".Australian Human Rights Commission.20 April 2022.Retrieved20 April2022.