Bengaluru(Kannada:Beṅgaḷūru),formerlycalledBangalore,is thecapitaland largest city of the southernIndian stateofKarnataka.As per the2011 census,the city had a population of 8.4 million, making it thethird most populous cityin India and the most populous inSouth India.The Bengaluru metropolitan area had a population of around 8.5 million, making it thefifth most populous urban agglomerationin the country. It is located near the center of theDeccan Plateau,at a height of 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level. The city is known as India's "Garden City", due to its parks and greenery.

Coordinates:12°58′44″N77°35′30″E/ 12.97889°N 77.59167°E/12.97889; 77.59167
DistrictsBengaluru Urban
Founded byKempe Gowda I
• TypeMunicipal Corporation
• BodyBruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike
• Corporation CommissionerTushar Giri Nath,IAS[1]
741 km2(286 sq mi)
• Metro
8,005 km2(3,091 sq mi)
Elevation920 m (3,020 ft)
• Rank3rd
• Density11,000/km2(30,000/sq mi)
• Rank
  • Bengalurian
  • Bengalurinavaru
Time zoneUTC+05:30(IST)
560 xxx
Area code+91-(0)80
Vehicle registrationKA:01-05, 41, 50-53, 57-61
GDP (PPP)$359.9 billion[7][8]
Official languageKannada[9]

Archaeological artifacts indicate that the human settlement in the region happened as early as 4000BCE.The first mention of the name "Bengalooru" is from an oldKannadastone inscription from 890CEfound at theNageshwara Temple.From 350 CE, it was ruled by theWestern Ganga dynasty,and in the early eleventh century, the city became part of theChola empire.In the lateMiddle Ages,the region was part of theHoysala Kingdomand then theVijayanagara Empire.In 1537 CE,Kempe Gowda I,a feudal ruler under the Vijayanagara Empire, established amud fortwhich is considered the foundation of the modern city of Bengaluru and its oldest areas, orpetes,which still exist. After the fall of the Vijayanagara Empire, Kempe Gowda declared independence, and the city was expanded by his successors. In 1638 CE, aAdil Shahiarmy defeated Kempe Gowda III, and the city became ajagir(feudal estate) ofShahaji Bhonsle.TheMughalslater captured Bengaluru and sold it toMaharajaChikkadevaraja Wodeyarof theKingdom of Mysore.After the death ofKrishnaraja Wodeyar IIin 1759 CE,Hyder Aliseized control of the kingdom, and the administration passed subsequently to his sonTipu Sultan.

The city was captured by theBritish East India Companyduring theAnglo-Mysore Wars,and became part of thePrincely State of Mysore.The administrative control of the city was returned toKrishnaraja Wadiyar III,then Maharaja of Mysore, and the old city developed under the dominions of the Mysore kingdom. In 1809 CE, the British shifted their military garrison to the city and established thecantonment,outside the old city. In the late 19th century CE, the city was essentially composed of two distinct urban settlements, the old pete and the new cantonment. FollowingIndia's independencein 1947, Bengaluru became the capital ofMysore State,and remained the capital when the state wasenlarged and unifiedin 1956 and subsequently renamed to Karnataka in 1973. The two urban settlements which had developed as independent entities, merged under a single urban administration in 1949. The city was officially known as Bangalore in English till 2006, when the official name was changed to its Kannada name, "Bengaluru".

Bengaluru is one of the fastest-growing metropolises in India. As of 2023,the metropolitan area had an estimatedGDPof $359.9 billion, and is one of themost productive metro areasof India. The city is a major center for information technology (IT), and is consistently ranked amongst the world's fastest growing technology hubs. It is widely regarded as the "Silicon Valleyof India ", as the largest hub and exporter of IT services in the country. Manufacturing is a major contributor to the economy and the city is also home to several state-owned manufacturing companies. Bengaluru also hosts several institutes ofnational importancein higher education.


The earliest known reference to the name "Bengalūru" was on a ninth-centuryhero stoneorvīra gallufound inBegur.The OldKannadainscription belonging to theWestern Ganga dynastymentions the place in a battle in 890CE.[10]However,Kempe Gowda Iused the name of a village nearKodigehalli,to name the city as Bengaluru during its foundation in 1537 CE. Bangalore is ananglicisedversion of the city's Kannada name. The city was also referred to as "Kalyānapura" or "Kalyānapuri" ( "Auspicious City" ) and "Dēvarāyapattana" during the laterVijayanagaraperiod in 16th century CE.[11]

Anapocryphalstory states that the twelfth-centuryHoysalakingVeera Ballala II,while on a hunting expedition, lost his way in the forest. Tired and hungry, he came across a poor old woman who served him boiled beans. The grateful king named the place "Benda-Kaal-uru" (literally, "town of boiled beans" ), which eventually evolved into "Bengalūru".[11][12]Suryanath Kamathhas hypothesised that the name was derived frombenga,the Kannada term forPterocarpus marsupium(also known as the Indian Kino Tree), a species of dry and moistdeciduous treesthat grows abundantly in the region.[13]Other theories include that the city was called as "Benkat-uru" because of theVenkateshwaratemples built by Kempe Gowda, and "Benacha kalluru" because of the abundance ofquartzstones ( "benacha kal" in Kannada) in the region.[11]

On 11 December 2005, theGovernment of Karnatakaaccepted a proposal byU. R. Ananthamurthyto officiallyrenamethe city from Bangalore to Bengaluru.[14]On 27 September 2006, theBruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palikepassed a resolution to implement the name change, and the government of Karnataka officially implemented the name change from 1 November 2014 after theUnion governmentapproved the request.[15][16][17]


Early and middle ages

Stone Ageartefacts discovered atJalahalli,Sidhapura and Jadigenahalli on Bengaluru's outskirts indicate human settlement around 4000 BCE.[18][19]Iron Agetools and burial mounds from around 800 BCE, have been found inKoramangalaandChikkajala.Coins of theRoman emperorsAugustus,Tiberius,Claudius,andCaligulafound atYeswanthpurandHALindicate the involvement of the region in trans-oceanic trade with theRomansand other civilisations in the first century CE.[11]

BegurNageshwara Templewas built aroundc. 860,during the reign of theWestern Ganga dynasty.

The region of modern-day Bengaluru was part of several successiveSouth Indiankingdoms. Between the fourth and tenth centuries CE, the region was ruled by theWestern Ganga dynasty,the first dynasty to set up effective control over the region.[20]According toEdgar Thurston,twenty-eight kings ruled Gangavadi from the start of the Common Era until its conquest by theCholasin the early eleventh century CE. The Western Gangas ruled as a sovereign power from 350 to 550 CE, and as feudatories of theChalukyas of Badami,and later theRashtrakutasuntil the tenth century.[13]The BegurNageshwara Templewas commissioned around 860 CE, during the reign of the Western Ganga King Ereganga Nitimarga I, and extended by his successor Nitimarga II.[21][22]Around 1004 CE, during the reign ofRaja Raja Chola I,the Cholas defeated the Western Gangas under the command of the crown princeRajendra Chola I,and captured the region.[21][23]During this period, the region witnessed the migration of many groups—warriors, administrators, traders, artisans, pastorals, cultivators, and religious personnel from the SouthernTamilspeaking regions and other Kannada-speaking parts of the region.[20]The Cholas built manytemples in the regionincluding theChokkanathaswamy temple,Mukthi Natheshwara Temple,Choleshwara Temple,andSomeshwara Temple.[21]

In 1117, theHoysalakingVishnuvardhanadefeated the Cholas in the Battle of Talakad in south Karnataka, and extended his rule over the region.[21][24]In the later part of the 13th century CE, Bengaluru was a source of contention between two warring cousins, the Hoysala rulerVeera Ballala IIIofHalebiduand Ramanatha, who administered the Hoysala held territory in the southern Tamil speaking regions.[21]Veera Ballala appointed a civic head at Hudi (suburb of the city) to administer the region, and promoted the village to the status of a town. After Veera Ballala's death in 1343, the region came underVijayanagara empire,which saw the rule of four consecutive dynasties –Sangamas(1336–1485),Saluvas(1485–1491),Tuluvas(1491–1565), andAravidu(1565–1646).[25]In the early 16th century CE,Achyuta Deva Rayabuilt a dam across theArkavatiriver nearHesaraghatta,whose reservoir was used to supply water to the region.[26]

Foundation and early modern history

Bangalore Fortin 1860 CE showing fortifications and barracks. The fort was originally built byKempe Gowda Ias a mud fort in 1537 CE.

The city proper was established in 1537 CE byKempe Gowda I,a local governor andchieftainaligned with theVijayanagara Empireunder emperorAchyuta Deva Raya.He led a campaign against Gangaraja, whom he defeated and expelled toKanchi,and built aa mud-brick fortat the site, which later became the central part of the modern city of Bengaluru. Kempe Gowda referred to the new town as his "Gandubhūmi" ( "Land of Heroes" ).[27]Within the fort, the town was divided into smaller divisions, each called apētē(Kannada pronunciation:[peːteː]).[28]The town had two main streets—Chikkapētē and Doddapētē, which intersected to form the Doddapētē Square in the heart of the town.[29]Kempe Gowda also built the temple atBasavanagudi,and expanded other temples. He also constructed various tanks such as Kempambudhi, Dharmambudhi, and Sampangi for water storage.[30]Vijayanagara literaturerefers the city by various names such as "Devarāyanagara" and "Kalyānapura" or "Kalyānapuri" ( "auspicious city" ).[31]

After the fall of the Vijayanagara Empire in 1565 CE in theBattle of Talikota,Kempe Gowda declared independence. His successor, Kempe Gowda II, built four towers to mark the boundary of the town.[32]In 1638 CE, aAdil Shahiarmy led byRanadulla KhanandShahaji Bhonsle(father ofShivaji) defeated Kempe Gowda III, and the region became ajagir(feudal estate) of Shahaji.[30]In 1639 CE, Shahaji ordered the reconstruction of the town and built large fortifications, and new reservoirs to solve the water shortage in the region.[30][31]In 1687 CE,Mughalgeneral Kasim Khan, under orders fromAurangzeb,defeatedEkoji I,the son of Shahaji, and leased the town toChikkadevaraja Wodeyar(1673–1704 CE), the then ruler of theKingdom of Mysore.[30]After the death ofKrishnaraja Wodeyar IIin 1759 CE,Hyder Ali,Commander-in-Chief of the Mysore Army, proclaimed himself the ruler of the Mysore kingdom. He built the Delhi and Mysore gates at the northern and southern ends of the city in 1760 CE.[33]The kingdom later passed to Hyder Ali's sonTipu Sultan,and theLal Baghgarden was established around 1760 CE.[34]During the period, the city developed into a commercial and military centre of strategic importance.[31]

Bengaluru Palace,built in 1887 inTudor architectural stylewas modelled onWindsor Castlein England.[35]

The Bengaluru fort was captured byBritish forcesunderCharles Cornwallison 21 March 1791 during theThird Anglo-Mysore Warand became the centre for British resistance against Tipu Sultan.[36]Following Tipu's death in theFourth Anglo-Mysore War(1799 CE), the Bengaluru pete was incorporated into thePrincely State of Mysore,whose administrative control remained with theMaharaja of Mysore.The city was further developed by the Maharaja of Mysore. TheResidency of Mysore State,established inMysorein 1799 was shifted to Bengaluru in 1804.[37]It was abolished in 1843 before being revived in 1881 and served till theIndian independencein 1947.[37][38]The British found the city as an appropriate place to station itsgarrisonand therefore it was moved in 1809 fromSeringapatamtoUlsoor,about 6 km (4 mi) northeast of the original pete. A town grew up around the surroundings by absorbing several villages in the area, and came to be known as Bengaluru cantonment. The new centre had its own municipal and administrative apparatus, though technically it was a British enclave within the territory of the princely state ofMysore.[39]Further developments such as the introduction of telegraph connections to other major Indian cities in 1853 and a rail connection toMadrasin 1864, contributed to the economic growth of the city.[40]

Later modern and contemporary history

A view ofBengaluru Peteduring the 1890s
A view ofBangalore Cantonment,c. 1895

In the late 19th century CE, Bengaluru was essentially composed of two cities, with the pete, whose residents were predominantlyKannadigasand the cantonment created by the British, whose residents were predominantlyTamilsandEnglish people.[41][42]Throughout the 19th century, the Cantonment, which was known as the Civil and Military Station of Bangalore, gradually expanded and acquired a distinct cultural and political salience. It had a large military presence and a cosmopolitan civilian population that came from outside the state of Mysore.[41]The British developed the infrastructure of the city, widened roads, and established new settlements. The city was divided into eight wards in 1862, and was expanding. The first exclusive residential area was established inChamarajpetin 1892, and a new wholesale market was established in Tharagupet in 1895.[43]The city was hit by aplagueepidemic in 1898 that claimed nearly 3,500 lives. The crisis caused by the outbreak led to the improvement in sanitation facilities, and establishment of new communication lines to co-ordinate anti-plague operations. Regulations for building new houses with proper sanitation facilities came into effect, a health officer was appointed, and the city was divided into four wards for better co-ordination.[44][45]New extensions inMalleswaramandBasavanagudiwere developed in the north and south of the pētē.[46]

Map of the city and environs,c. 1914

In 1906, Bengaluru became one of the first cities in India to have electricity.[47]In 1912, theBangalore torpedo,an offensive explosive weapon widely used inWorld War IandWorld War II,was devised in Bengaluru byBritish army officerCaptain McClintock of theMadras Sappers and Miners.[48]Bengaluru's reputation as the "Garden City of India" began in 1927 with thesilver jubileecelebrations of the rule ofKrishnaraja Wodeyar IV.Several projects such as the construction of parks, public buildings and hospitals were instituted to improve the city.[49]Bengaluru played an important role during theIndian independence movement.Mahatma Gandhivisited the city in 1927 and 1934 and addressed public meetings here.[18]In 1926, thelabour unrestinBinny Millsdue to demand by textile workers for payment of bonus resulted inlathi chargingand police firing, resulting in the death of four workers, and several injuries.[50]In July 1928, there were notablecommunal disturbancesin Bengaluru, like when aGaneshidol was removed from a school compound in the Sultanpet area of Bengaluru.[51]In 1940, the first flight between Bengaluru andMumbaitook off, which placed the city on India's urban map.[52]

After India's independence in August 1947, Bengaluru remained in the newly carvedMysore Stateof which the Maharaja of Mysore was theRajapramukh(appointed governor).[53]The "City Improvement Trust" was formed in 1945, and in 1949, the "City" and the "Cantonment" merged to form theBengaluru City Corporation.[54]TheGovernment of Karnatakalater constituted theBangalore Development Authorityin 1976 to coordinate the activities of these two bodies.[55]Public sector employment and education provided opportunities for Kannadigas from the rest of the state to migrate to the city. Bengaluru experienced rapid growth in the decades 1941–51 and 1971–81, which saw the arrival of many immigrants from northern Karnataka. By 1961, Bengaluru had become the sixth-largest city in India, with a population of 1,207,000.[31]In the following decades, Bengaluru's manufacturing base continued to expand with the establishment of various public and private companies.|[56]

Aerial view ofUB City,a business district in Bengaluru, 2019

By the 1980s, urbanisation had spilled over the current boundaries, and in 1986, theBangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority,was established to co-ordinate the development of the entire region as a single unit.[55]On 8 February 1981, amajor fire broke outat Venus Circus in Bengaluru, where more than 92 people died, the majority of them children.[57]Bengaluru experienced a growth in its real estate market in the 1980s and 1990s, spurred by capital investors from other parts of the country who converted Bengaluru's large plots and colonialbungalowsinto multi-storied apartments.[58]Since the late 1980s, many information technology companies were set up in the city and by the end of the 20th century, Bengaluru had established itself as theSilicon Valleyof India.[31]The population has increased significantly due to migration from other parts for work, and the city has become the third most populous city in 2011.[59][60]During the 21st century, Bengaluru has had major terrorist attacks in2008,2010,and2013.[61][62][63]


Bengaluru lies in the southeast of theSouth Indianstate of Karnataka in the heart of theMysore Plateau(a region of the largerDeccan Plateau) at an average elevation of 900 m (2,953 ft).[64][65]: 8 The city covers an area of 741 km2(286 sq mi).[66]TheBengaluru metropolitan regioncovers an area of 7,005 km2(2,705 sq mi) across three districts–Bengaluru urban,Bengaluru ruralandRamanagara.TheBangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority,established in 1985, is responsible for the planning of the metropolitan region.[67][68]The topography is generally flat, with the highest point atDoddabettahalli,located 962 m (3,156 ft) above sea level on a ridge on the western part of the city. Towards the south, the terrain is uneven, with small hills and rocks made ofgraniteandgneiss.[64]

The soil in the city consist of redlateriteand red, fineloamytoclayeysoils.[69]The vegetation in the eastern and northern parts consists of scrubs interspersed with various water bodies, and the southern hilly region consists of scrubs and forests.[70]The city had a forest cover of 68.3% in the early 1970s, which reduced to less than 15% in the 2010s.[71]Trees are frequently felled to pave way for infrastructure development.[72][73]Though the city has been classified as a part of the seismic zone II (a stable zone), it has experiencedearthquakesof magnitude as high as 4.5 on theRichter scale.[74]


Hesaraghatta Lakein north Bengaluru

There are no major rivers run in the city, though six rivers arise at theNandi Hills,about 60 km (37 mi) to the north.[64][75]TheVrishabhavathi,a tributary ofArkavathiflows through the city. Arkavathi,Dakshina Pinakiniand its tributary Chinnar, and Suvarnamukhi rivers water the fringes of the city.[64][76]Most of these rivers are polluted, and depleted due to sewage from the city.[77][78]Kaveriruns towards the southwest of the city, the water from which is used to cater to majority of the water requirements of the city.[79]The city has a considerable number of freshwater lakes andwater tanks,most of which are seasonal and rain-fed.[64]The city had 265 lakes in the 1960s, which shrunk to 98 by the late 2010s, and most of the city's lakes are polluted.[70][80][81][82]The government began revival and conservation efforts in 2020.[83]Groundwater occurs insiltytosandylayers of thealluvialsediments, and are extracted through open wells.[64]


Bengaluru has atropical savanna climate(Köppen climate classificationAw) with distinctwetanddryseasons. Due to its high elevation, Bengaluru usually enjoys a more moderate climate throughout the year, although occasionalheat wavescan make summer somewhat uncomfortable.[84]The dry season extends from December to February followed by the summer season from March to May. Themonsoonbrings most of the rainfall from June to September, followed by a post-monsoon season in October and November.[64]April is the hottest month with an average high of 34.1 °C (93.4 °F), and January is the coolest month with an average low temperature of 15.1 °C (59.2 °F).[85]The highest temperature ever recorded in Bengaluru was 39.2 °C (103 °F), recorded 24 April 2016, corresponding withthe strong El Niñoin that year.[86]The lowest ever recorded is 7.8 °C (46 °F) in January 1884.[87][88]Winter temperatures rarely drop below 14 °C (57 °F), and summer temperatures seldom exceed 36 °C (97 °F).[64]Bengaluru receives rainfall from both the northeast and the southwestmonsoons,and the wettest months is September, followed by October and August.[85]The summer heat is moderated by fairly frequentthunderstorms,which occasionally cause power outages and local flooding, such as in 2022.[89][90][91]Most of the rainfall occurs during the late afternoon or evening and rain before noon is infrequent.[92]The heaviest rainfall recorded in a 24-hour period is 179 mm (7 in) recorded on 1 October 1997.[93]

Climate data for Bengaluru (1991–2020, extremes 1901–present)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 32.8
Mean daily maximum °C (°F) 28.4
Daily mean °C (°F) 22.3
Mean daily minimum °C (°F) 16.1
Record low °C (°F) 7.8
Average rainfall mm (inches) 1.6
Average rainy days 0.2 0.3 1.1 4.0 7.5 6.8 8.0 10.2 9.5 9.6 4.2 1.3 62.7
Averagerelative humidity(%)(at 17:30IST) 41 32 29 35 47 62 65 67 64 65 61 53 52
Averagedew point°C (°F) 13
Mean monthlysunshine hours 262.3 247.6 271.4 257.0 241.1 136.8 111.8 114.3 143.6 173.1 190.2 211.7 2,360.9
Averageultraviolet index 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 12
Source 1:India Meteorological Department[94][95][96]Time and Date (dewpoints, 2005–2015)[97]
Source 2:NOAA(sun: 1971–1990),[98]Tokyo Climate Center (mean temperatures 1991–2020);[99]Weather Atlas[100]

March record high[101]


As per the2011 census,Bengaluru had a population of 8,443,675, which made it the thirdmost populous cityin India, and the largest inSouth India.[59]The urban agglomeration was home to 8,499,399 people, and was thefifth most populous urban agglomerationin India.[5][103]As per a 2016 estimate, the urban agglomeration had a population of about 10.45 million.[104]The city was amongst the fastest growing cities in the last two decades, with the population increasing substantially due to migration from rest of the country.[59][105]About 13.2% of the population belonged toscheduled castes,andscheduled tribes.[106]Residents of Bengaluru are referred to as "Bangaloreans" inEnglish,[107]BengaloorinavaruinKannada,[108][109]andBangloriinHindiorUrdu.[110]

There are about 597 slums in the city, housing roughly 16% of the city's population.[111][112]The city had aginiindex of 0.64, indicating significantinequality.[106][113]Various studies have also indicated various inequalities in the infrastructure development across different parts of the city, and other urbanisation problems such as mass displacements, proliferation of slums, and public health crisis due to water shortage and sewage problems in poor and working-class neighbourhoods.[114]In theEase of Living Index 2020published by theMinistry of Housing & Urban Affairs,the city was ranked the most livable Indian city with a population of over a million.[115]

Administration and politics


The Municipal office building, the seat ofBruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike,in the early 20th century

The city is governed by theBruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike(BBMP, "Greater Bengaluru Municipal Corporation" ). The Bangalore Municipal Board was established on 27 March 1862, with a separate board formed later to manage the cantonment area of the city. In 1881, these were organized into Bangalore city municipality and Bangalore civil and military station municipality respectively. The two municipalities were merged in 1949, into a single municipal corporation with 70 members. In 2007, BBMP was established by merging theBangalore Mahanagara Palike,with seven neighbouring city municipal councils, one town municipal council and 111 village panchayats around the city.[116]The Bengaluru corporation covers an area 741 km2(286 sq mi), divided into ten zones covering223 wards.[2][117]The corporation is headed by amayor,elected by thecouncillors,who are elected through apopular voteby the residents.[116][118]The municipal commissioner is responsible for daily administration.[119]

TheBangalore Development Authority(BDA) was established in 1976, and is the nodal agency responsible for the planning and development of the city.[120]The BBMP works in conjunction with the BDA and the Agenda for Bangalore's Infrastructure and Development Task Force (ABIDe) to design and implement civic and infrastructural projects in the city.[116][121]TheBangalore Metropolitan Region Development Authority,established in 1985, is responsible for the planning of the metropolitan region.[67]As the capital of the state of Karntaka, the city houses the state executive andlegislativeheadquarters in theVidhana Soudha,[122]state ministries atVikasa Soudha,[123][124]and the residence of theGovernoratRaj Bhavan.[125]

Law and order

Karnataka High Courtin Bengaluru is the highest judicial body in the state.

Karnataka High Courtin Bengaluru is the highestjudicialauthority in the state, and manages a series of sub-ordinate civil and criminal courts.[126][127]TheBengaluru City Police(BCP) is the primary law enforcement agency in the city and is headed by acommissioner of police.[128]The city is divided into eight zones, each of which is headed by anassistant commissioner.[129]There are separate crime, intelligence, and administration wings of the police.[130]The police also operate special and armed units.[131]As of February 2024,the city police consisted of 18,308 civilian police working across 113 police stations, and 6,999 armed reserve personnel. The city had 191 cops per hundred thousand people, well below theUnited Nationsstandard of 673.[132]Bengaluru City Traffic Police(BCTP) is responsible for the traffic management in the city.[133]The traffic police operates 48 stations across three zones, each of which is headed by a joint commissioner.[130][134]As of 2021,the crime rate in the city was 27.2 per hundred thousand people.[135]TheBangalore Central Prisonlocated at Parappana Agrahara, was established in 1997, and is the major prison in the city.[136][137]


Vikasa Soudhawhich houses multiple state ministries

The major part of the city falls under fourparliamentaryconstituencies–Bangalore Rural,Bangalore Central,Bangalore North,andBangalore South.[138]The city elects 28MLAsto theKarnataka Legislative Assembly.[139]The politics of the city and the state have been dominated by the two national parties–Indian National Congress,andBharatiya Janata Party(BJP). Contrary to other major South Indian cities, there are no major regional parties with a considerable influence in the region, with onlyJanata Dal (Secular)(JDS) having some influence.[140]In the2023 Karnataka Legislative Assembly election,the BJP won 15 seats, and the Congress won 13 seats in the city.[141]In the2024 Indian general elections,the BJP won all the fourLok Sabhaseats in the city.[142]The last elections to the BBMP was held in2015,in which the BJP won 100 seats, and the Congress won 76 seats. The Congress held the mayor post with the support of the JDS till 2019, after which the BJP captured power when the JDS switched its allegiance.[143][144]In 2020, the term of the council ended, and with no elections had since been conducted till 2024, the BBMP is managed by a government appointed administrator.[145][146]


Ethnicity and religion

Religion in Bengaluru (2011)[147]
Religion Percent

According to the 2011 census,Hinduismis the major religion with 78.9% of adherents.Muslimscomprisd 13.9% of the population, withChristiansandJainsaccounting for 5.4% and 1.0% of the population, respectively.[147]Muslims in the city consist ofDakhiniand Urdu-speaking Muslims,Kutchi Memons,Labbay,andMappilas.[148]Christians in Bengaluru includeRoman CatholicsincludingTamil Christians,Mangalorean Catholics,Kannadiga Christians,Malayali Syrian Christians,Protestants,andNortheast Indian Christians.[149][150][151]

Apart from theKannadigasnative to the region,Tamils,TelugusandDeccanis,form a significant population of the city.[152][153][154]In the 16th century, Tamil speakers, who also spoke Kannada, settled in the region for business.[155]Telugus came to the city on invitation of the Mysore royalty.[156]Since the late 20th century, there has been a steady migration of people from other states for study and work.[157]About 90% of the migrants came from the South Indian states, with the number of migrants from other parts of India increasing over the last few decades of the 20th century. Majority of the migration from non-South Indians states includedMaharashtrians,Punjabis,Rajasthanis,Gujaratis,Bengalis,and fromUttar Pradesh.[60]Migrant communities from within the state includeTuluvasandKonkanisof coastal Karnataka, andKodavasfrom the state'sKodagu district.[152]The city also had anAnglo-Indianpopulation of about 10,000 people in 2006.[158]

Bangalore Karagaor "Karaga Shaktyotsava" is a festival dedicated to the Hindu goddessDraupadi,and celebrated annually by theThigalacommunity over a period of nine days in March or April.[159][160]The Someshwara Car festival is held annually in April, when the idol of theHalasuru Someshwara Templeis taken for a procession on a flower chariot.[161]Otherpopular festivalsincludeUgadi,Ram Navami,Eid ul-Fitr,Ganesh Chaturthi,St. Mary's feast,Dasara,DeepawaliandChristmas.[162]


Pop. by mother tongue in Bengaluru (2011)[163]
Language Percent

Kannadais the official language of the government.[164]As per the 2011 census, Kannada is the mother tongue of 42.1% of the city's population with 3,574,226 speakers, followed byTamil(1,388,305)Telugu(1,166,338),Urdu(1,104,124),Hindi(476,673),Malayalam(268,780), andMarathi(174,451). Other languages with a sizeable numbers of speakers includeKonkani,Bengali,Marwari,Tulu,Odia,Gujarati,Kodagu,Punjabi,Lambadi,SindhiandNepali.[163]Bengaluru Kannadais the local dialect of Kannada spoken in the region.[165][166]Englishis widely spoken bywhite-collar workersand is the principal business language.[164][167]With a diverse population speaking multiple languages, the city has often seen controversies and issues with respect to the usage of English and other vernacular languages. In 2023, the government mandated the usage of Kannada in the sign boards of all businesses, which led to protests.[168][169]There have also been court cases, protests, and diverse public opinion on the usage of different languages in the city.[170][171]


Yakshagana,a theatre art ofcoastal Karnataka,played in the city

Bengaluru is a major centre ofIndian classical musicand dance.[172]The cultural scene features a diverse set of music concerts, dance performances and plays. Performances ofCarnaticandHindustanimusic, and dance forms likeBharat Natyam,Kuchipudi,Kathakali,Kathak,andOdissiare popular in the city.[173]Yakshagana,a theatre art indigenous to coastal Karnataka is often played in town halls.[174]The two main music seasons include April–May duringRam Navami,and September–October duringDusshera,when majority of the music activities are organised by various cultural organisations.[173]Rock music is popular in the urban parts of the city, and the city has its own subgenre of rock, "Bangalore Rock", an amalgamation ofclassic rock,hard rockandheavy metal,and somejazzandblues.[175]The city is home to several Indian bands, and is referred to as "PubCapital of India "and the" Rock/Metal Capital of India "because of its underground music scene.[176]

National Gallery of Modern Artin Bengaluru

Several art galleries including the government-establishedNational Gallery of Modern Artemerged in the 1990s.[177]TheKarnataka Chitrakala Parishathshowcases a collection of painting, sculptures, and various other forms of art.[178][179]The Indian Cartoon Gallery organised by theIndian Institute of Cartoonists,conducts periodic cartoon exhibitions.[180]"Art Bangalore" is an internationalart festival,held annually in the city since 2010.[181]Kannada Sahitya Parishatis a nonprofit organisation headquartered in Bengaluru that promotes the Kannada language and literature.[182]The "Bangalore Literature Festival" is an annual literary event organised since 2012.[183]Karnataka Rajyotsava,which marks the formation ofKarnatakastate on 1 November 1956, is celebrated on the same day annually and is a public holiday in the city.[184][185]Bengaluru is a major center of theKannada film industry,which released 224 Kannada feature films in 2018.[186]Art theatres that stages English and Kannada language plays in the city includeChowdiah Memorial Hall,Ranga Shankara,andRavindra Kalakshetra.[187][188]British Council,Alliance Française de Bangalore, and Max Müller Bhavan also organise foreign language plays including those of drama companies that tour India.[189][190]


Bengaluru's social and economic diversity is reflected in its cuisine.[191]The city has diverse food options including South Indian, North Indian,Chinese,and western fast food.[192]Udupi cuisinerestaurants are popular and serve predominantly vegetarian, regional cuisine.[193]The city has manyveganrestaurants, and vegan advocacy groups, and has been named as India's most vegan-friendly city byPETAIndia.[194][195]


UB Towerin theBengaluru Central Business District

Bengaluru is one of the fastest-growing metropolises in India.[196][197][198]As of 2023,Bengaluru metropolitan area had an estimatedGDPof $359.9 billion,[7]ranking it among themost productive metro areasin India.[199][200]According to theGlobalization and World Cities Research Network,Bengaluru is amongst the most integrated with the global economy, classified as anAlpha -city.[201]The city contributes to nearly one-third of the state GSDP, and has a diversified industrial base dependent onservices(39.5% contribution to GDP), manufacturing (36%), andagriculture(2.3%).[202][203]Bengaluru has the country's fourth largestfast-moving consumer goodsmarket.[204]The city also has the third highest number ofhigh-net-worth individualsin India.[205]Major industrial sectors includeinformation technology,automobiles,aerospace,textiles,heavy machinery,biotechnology,electronics,andcommunication,agriculture,andfood processing.[206]The industrial clusters are spread across the city and its suburbs.[207][208]As of 2016,the city had more than 75,000 industries including more than 2,000 information technology companies.[203]It hosted 87Fortune 500companies, the fifth highest number amongst the cities in India.[209]

World Trade Centerat Bengaluru

Bengaluru is a major center for information technology (IT), and is consistently ranked amongst the world's fastest growing technology hubs. [210][211]It is widely regarded as the "Silicon Valleyof India ", as the largest IT hub of the country.[212][213][214]The IT export from the city is estimated to be valued at $64 billion in 2024, and the city contributes to more than one third of India's total IT exports.[215][216]The IT industry in the city is divided into various business clusters andspecial economic zonessuch asElectronic City,International Tech Park,Software Technology Park,Bagmane Tech Park,Global Village Tech Park,World Trade Center,andManyata Embassy Business Parkamongst others.[217]The growth of IT industry has resulted in the migration of people from all over the country, which has resulted in the demand for improvement in the city's infrastructure and presented the city with other challenges.[210][218]The industry has been blamed for not favouring local employment development, increased land values, and closure of small enterprises.[219]The resistance from the city for further investments required to develop infrastructure, has forced some of the new and expanding businesses elsewhere.[220]

A train set manufactured atBEML

Bengaluru is also a major hub for Indian biotechnology-related industry, which was valued at nearly $25 billion in 2021–22.[221][222]The city is home to more than 40 biotech companies, and is termed as the "Biotech capital of India".[223][224]The city is a major export center for agricultural produce includingfruits,andpoultry.[225]Major crops includerice,maize,ragi,horse gram,oil seeds,coconuts,and fruits such asmango,papaya,banana,grapes,andpomegranate.Flowers such asrosesare grown commercially.[203]TheRail Wheel Factoryat Yelahanka is a major supplier of wheels and axles forIndian Railways.[226]State owned corporationsBEMLandBharat Electronicsare headquartered in the city, and manufacture aerospace components, power equipment, trainsets, armored vehicles, and electronics for both civilian and defence requirements.[203][227]


Water supply

The city draws majority of the water requirement from theKaveri River.

Water supplyis provided by theBangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board(BWSSB), which was established in 1964.[228]The city receives an average of 800 million liters of water per day from rainfall.[229]In the 16th century, Kempe Gowda constructed lakes such as the Kempambudhi Kere to store the rain water.[230]As of 2021,the city had a daily water demand of 2100 million liters, of which 1,450 million liters is catered to by the corporation. While the city drew water from theArkavathy Riverearlier, the increasing demands led to the establishment of the Cauvery water supply scheme in 1964. Majority of the water supply to the city is drawn from theKaveri,with the amount of water drawn increasing from 135 million liters in 1974 to 1,450 million liters per day in 2014.[231]A 2015 report indicated that one-third of theslum clearanceprojects lacked basic water service connections, 60% of slum dwellers lacked complete water supply lines and used a shared water supply.[232]The city does face water shortages, especially during summer and in years with low rainfall.[233]

Waste management and pollution

Waste collection and management is done by the city corporation. Pollution regulation and issuance of waste management guidelines is carried out by theKarnataka State Pollution Control Board(KSPCB), which comes under the aegis ofCentral Pollution Control Board(CPCB), and is headquartered in the city.[234][235]As of 2022, Bengaluru produced around 6000metric tonnesofsolid wasteper day.[236]The wastes are segregated, compacted, and transported to any of the three garbage processing plants in Bingipura,Mavallipura,orKudlu.[237]As per a 2024 study, the three garbage processing plants were found to be violating environmental regulations, and emitted high levels ofparticulate matter,causing damage to the local environment and increasing the pollution levels of the city.[238]As of 2024,the corporation operated seven wet waste processing plants, 13 biomethanegeneration plants, and a land fill.[239]The corporation earlier operated three more landfill sites atMavallipura,Mandur,andDoddaballapura,which were closed after complaints from local residents, and reports of diseases due to unsanitary conditions.[240]In 2024, the government identified four new locations for the construction of new landfill sites.[241]As part of the waste management guidelines, the government of Karnataka has authorised specific companies to managebiomedicalande-wastesin the city.[242]However, a report in October 2024 indicated that some of these companies were not disposing of the wastes in the prescribed manner, and are involved in re-selling.[243]

The city has considerable pollution due to vehicle and industrial exhausts, and unscientific waste disposal.[244][245]The pollution level varies across localities, with higher concentrations ofparticulate matterreported in industrial and high traffic zones. Arandom samplingof theair quality index(AQI) of twenty stations within the city suggested heavy to severe air pollution around areas of high traffic.[246]While the average air quality was at acceptable levels, thePM 2.5levels exceeded the 60 μg/m3threshold set by the CPCB in certain areas.[247]A evaluation of Bengaluru's physical, biological and socioeconomic parameters indicated that the city's air quality andnoise pollutionwere poor.[248]


In 1905, Bengaluru was among the first cities to have electric power.[249]The city was powered byhydro powergenerated by thehydroelectricplant inShivanasamudra.[47]Electricity in the city is regulated through theBangalore Electricity Supply Company(BESCOM).[250]The power consumption has steadily increased over the last decade and in 2022–23, the city had a peak demand of 3,632MW.[251][252]As of March 2024,the city had a daily power requirement of about 157 millionkWh,and consumed nearly 40% of the power in the state.[253]The city draws power from the state grid, which receives power from a mixture offossil fuelsandrenewablesources.[254]In 2024, BESCOM initiated the process of moving overhead lines to underground in the city.[255]

Health and sanitation

Victoria Hospitalopened in 1900.

In the early 19th century, healthcare services were provided by local physicians. In 1834, English doctors were appointed, to take care ofvaccination,and control the spread ofepidemics.The first public clinic was established in Bangalore Fort in 1835, and a small hospital was added in 1839 in Pete area. In 1846, a large hospital was opened, with aleper colonyadded in 1845, and amental hospitalin 1850.[256][257]TheVictoria Hospitalwas inaugurated in 1900.[45]As of 2024,the Bengaluru corporation managed one major general hospital, six referral hospitals, 26 maternity homes, and 230 outpatient clinics.[258][259]There are many private clinics, and tertiary care hospitals in the city.[260]The city has been growing as a center ofmedical tourismdue to the availability of more than 50 tertiary care hospitals.[261]Vaccination such aspolio vaccineis administered by the corporation on behalf of the government.[262]

Sanitationfacilities are provided by the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board.[228]The underground drainage and sewerage disposal system was introduced in 1922. As of 2024,about 1,400 million liters of waste water is generated daily, which flows through a network of nearly 8,387 km (5,211 mi) of sewage pipes to any of the 33 sewage treatment plants.[231]Encroachment, and damages to the sewerage system, has resulted in wastewater entering the lakes, and polluting the water sources.[231][263]As of 2024,the corporation operated 401public toiletsand 17 community toilets across the city.[239]


Bengaluru General Post Office was established in 1800.

The first post office in the city was established in 1800.[264]Postal services are provided by the government ownedIndia Post,which operated 247 post offices across four zones in 2024.[265][266]In 1853,telegraphwas introduced for long-distance communication and about 538 km (334 mi) of telegraph lines existed in the city by 1856.[256]Telephoneservices were introduced in 1928.[249]In the early 1990s,STPIprovided wiredinternet servicesfor offices, andVSNLstarted providingdial upconnections for individual homes in the city.[267][268]Bengaluru has a high internet usage and is amongst the top cities in India in terms of internet penetration.[269]

Bengaluru was the first city in India to have access tofourth generationcellularservices.[270]As of 2023,four mobile phone service companies operateGSMnetworks includingBharti Airtel,BSNL,Vodafone IdeaandReliance Jiooffered fourth andfifth generationmobile services. Wired broadband services are offered by five major operators and smaller local operators.[271]Namma Wifi is a freemunicipal wireless networklaunched on 24 January 2014 by the Government of Karnataka, and is available in select areas in the city.[272]


The firstprinting pressin Bengaluru was established in 1840 by theWesleyanChristian Mission.[273][274]Around 1860, the English newspaperBangalore Heraldand Kannada newspaperMysore Vrittanta Bodhinistarted circulation in Bengaluru.[256][249]P. R. Ramayya established the Bangalore Press in 1927 and launched the Kannada newspaperTayi Naduand English newspaperDaily Newslater.[275]Bengaluru has several newspapers and magazines published in various languages including Kannada, English, Urdu, and Tamil.[276]As of 2022,the major dailies with a circulation of more than 100,000 copies per day includeThe Times of India,Vijaya Karnataka,Prajavani,andVijayavani.[277]Several local newspapers, and periodicals also bring out editions from the city.[278]Local online news sites likeExplocityprovide local news updates.[279]

A 140 m (460 ft) high television tower was commissioned in 1985.

All India RadiostartedAMbroadcasting from its Bengaluru station on 2 November 1955.[280]In 2001,Radio Citybecame the first privateFMradio channel in the city.[281]As of 2020,major FM radio stations includedBIG FM,Radio Mirchi,Radio City, andRed FM.[282][283]The Bangalore Amateur Radio Club, anamateur radioclub was established in 1959.[284][285]

The government runDoordarshanbroadcasts terrestrial andsatellite televisionchannels from its Bengaluru centre set up on 1 November 1981. A production centre was established in the Doordarshan's Bengaluru office in 1983, thereby allowing the introduction of a news program in Kannada on 19 November 1983.[286]A 140 m (460 ft) high television tower was commissioned on 1 March 1985 for the broadcast of television programmes.[287]Doordarshan launchedDD Chandana,a Kannada satellite channel, on 15 August 1990.[286][288]In September 1991,Star TVwas the first private satellite channel to be launched in the city.[289]Since the late 2000s,Direct To Home(DTH) services became available in Bengaluru.[290]

Fire and rescue

Fire services are handled by theKarnataka Fire and Emergency Services,which operates 50 fire stations, five fire protection squads, and three special units.[291]



Kempegowda International AirportatDevanahalli

DuringWorld War II,Walchand Hirachandsought to build and repair planes in India, and partnered with American businessmanWilliam Pawleyto set up an airfield in Bengaluru. TheHAL Airportbegan operations in 1941 as a part ofHindustan Aircraft Limited.[292][293]The HAL airport was the major airport of the city till 2008, when the newBengaluru International Airportcame into existence.[294][295][296]The Kempegowda International Airport, located atDevanahalli,about 31 km (19 mi) from the city, started operations on 24 May 2008.[297]It is thethird-busiestairport in India in terms of passenger traffic.[298][299]Air-conditioned buses operated byBengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporationconnect the airport with the city.[300]

TheTraining Commandof theIndian Air Forceis headquartered in Bengaluru.[301]The Air Force operates an air base atYelahanka.[302]The city hostsAero India,a biennial air show takes at the Yelahanka air force station.[303][304]


Namma Metroserves the city.

The first railway line opened for traffic betweenBengaluru CantonmentandJolarpettaion 1 August 1864.[305][306]TheMadras-Bangalore Mailwas launched later the same year. Further railway connectivity toReniguntawas established in 1862, and toRaichurin 1871. TheYeshwantapur stationwas established in 1892, when a meter gauge railway line was established toDoddaballapur.The city was part of theMysore State Railway,which became part of theSouthern Railway zoneof theIndian Railwaysin April 1951. TheBangalore railway divisionwas established in 1971.[305]The city became part of theSouth Western Railway zonewas formed with headquarters inHubballiin 2003.[307]There are 18 railway stations in the city managed by the Indian Railways, and the major railway stations includeBengaluru City,Yesvantpur, Cantonment,KrishnarajapuramandBaiyappanahalli.[203][308][309]

As of 2024,Bengaluru does not have a suburban railway network. The first line ofBengaluru Suburban Railwayis expected to be operational in 2026.[310]Namma Metrois arapid transitrail system in the city that was opened in 2011, and was the first operational metro inSouth India.[311][312]As of 2024,the metro system consists two operational lines stretching 76.95 km (47.81 mi), and is thesecond-longestoperational metro network in India.[313][314]Three more lines are under construction as a part of expansion.[315][316]


Outer Ring Road,one of the peripheral ring roads in the city

Bengaluru has an extensive road network with about 14,000 km (8,700 mi) of roads as of 2024.[317]The 10 km (6.2 mi) longInner Ring RoadconnectsKoramangalawithIndira Nagar.[318]TheOuter Ring Roadis a 60 km (37 mi) long peripheral road, developed between 1996 and 2002.[319]ThePeripheral Ring Roadis a proposed 74 km (46 mi) semi-circular road, connecting major arterial roads.[320]TheM G Roadis the major arterial road in thecentral business district.[321][322]Bengaluru is part of theGolden Quadrilateralhighway network, and lies on the Chennai–Mumbai line.[323]TheNational Highwaysthat connect to the city include:NH-44,NH-48,NH-275,NH-75,NH-648,andNH-948.[324][325]TheBengaluru–Mysuru Expressway,operational since March 2023, connects the city with Mysuru.[326]TheBengaluru–Chennai Expresswayis under construction since August 2019.[327][328]Two other expressways—Pune–Bengaluru ExpresswayandNagpur–Hyderabad–Bengaluru Expressway—have been proposed.[329][330]

Air-conditioned buses were introduced in 2005.

Intra-citybus servicesis handled by theBengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation(BMTC), which was established in 1997.[331]As of 2024,BMTC operates 57,667 daily trips on 5,766 routes with a fleet of 6,340 buses. There are 48 bus stations, and 50 depots for intra-city bus services.[332]BMTC introduced air-conditioned buses in 2005, which operate on major routes and as shuttle services from various parts of the city to airport.[333]It also operates a fleet of more than 1,100 electric vehicles.[332]Apart from single journey tickets, BMTC issues various passes for frequent users.[334]Inter-city bus transport is handled by theKarnataka State Road Transport Corporation(KSRTC), owned by the Government of Karnataka. KSRTC operates various classes of services connecting other major cities in Karnataka, and other neighboring states.[335]The major bus stations in the city includeKempegowda Bus Station,Shantinagar Bus Station,andMysuru Road Bus Station.[336][337]The other means of road transport in the city include vans,auto rickshaws,on-call metered taxis and tourist taxis.[338][339]

Motor vehicles were introduced in Bengaluru in 1903.[340]As of March 2022,an average of 1,530 vehicles were registered daily inRegional Transport Offices(RTOs) in the city.[341][342]As of 2023,the city had nearly ten million vehicles including 7.5 million two-wheelers.[343]The rapid growth of vehicles and unplanned nature of growth has created several administrative problems relating totraffic congestionand infrastructure, resulting in massive trafficgridlocks.The flyovers and one-way traffic systems introduced to address the concerns, were only moderately successful.[344]The city also has considerable air pollution due to vehicle exhaust, and a 2016 study found that over 36% of diesel vehicles operating in the city exceeded the standard limit for emissions.[244][345]


Bengaluru is a major educational hub and home to some of the premium educational institutions in the country.[346]The city has a 90.33% literacy rate and ranks second among the major Indian metropolitan city centres.[347]As per the2011 national census,Bengaluru urban had a literacy rate of around 87.7%.[348][349]Until the early 19th century, education in Bengaluru was mainly run by religious leaders and restricted to students of that religion.[350]In 1841, two native language schools were established by a London mission, and in 1842,Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyarestablished the firstEnglish Schoolunder the Wesleyan mission, which expanded to five schools by 1954. In 1857, a public education department was established, and the education was formulated as per the Indian educational policy at the time.[256][249]TheBangalore Military Schoolwas established in 1945.[351]

An English school established by London mission in 1869

Bengaluru has a mix of public and private schools with the public school system managed by the school education department of Government of Karnataka.[352][353]Public schools run by the Bengaluru Corporation are all affiliated with the Karnataka Board of Secondary Education, while private schools may be affiliated with either of Karnataka Board of Secondary Education,Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE),Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations(ICSE) orNational Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS).[354]As of 2024,there are 142 public schools run by the Bengaluru Corporation.[355] The city also has a significant number ofinternational schoolsdue to cater to expats and people employed in the technology sector.[356]School education starts with two years of Kindergarten from age three onwards and then follows the Indian10+2 plan,ten years of school and two years ofpre-university courseorhigher secondaryeducation. After completing their secondary education, students either attend apre-university courseor continue an equivalent high school course in one of three streams –arts,commerceorscience– in various combinations.[357]Alternatively, students can enrol in diploma courses and upon completing the required coursework, students enroll in general or professional degrees in universities through lateral entry.[358][359]

Indian Institute of Science(left) andIndian Institute of Management Bangaloreare amongst the premier institutes of higher learning in India.

The oldest institution of higher learning in the city, theCentral College,was established as a high school affiliated toMadras Universityin 1858.[256][360]TheIndian Institute of Sciencewas established in 1909.[52][249]TheGovernment Engineering Collegewas established as an engineering school in 1913 byM. Visvesvaraya,and was became the first engineering college in the region in 1917, affiliated toMysore University.[361]As of 2016,the city had sixpublic universities,fourdeemed universities,eightprivate universities,26medical and dental colleges,84engineering colleges,67polytechnics,and 64 other institutes of higher learning.[203]TheBangalore Universitywas established in 1964, and had more than 600 affiliated colleges, before being trifurcated intoBengaluru City UniversityandBengaluru North Universityin 2017.[362][363][364]IIM Bangalorewas established as the thirdIndian Institute of Managementin 1972.[365]TheNational Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscienceswas established after the amalgamation of the All India Institute of Mental Health and hospital in 1974.[366]TheNational Law School of India Universitywas the first Indian law university to be established in 1986.[367]Other prominent research institutes in Bengaluru includeJawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,National Centre for Biological Sciences,andNational Institute of Advanced Studies.[368]There are 205 public libraries maintained by the department of public libraries. The libraries are divided across the five zones of the city, with a larger Central Public Library located in each of the zones.[369]

Parks and recreation

Cubbon Park,established in 1870, is a large park in the center of the city.

Bengaluru is known as the "Garden City of India" because of its greenery.[370][371]In May 2012,Lonely Planetlisted the city as one of the world's top ten cities to visit.[372]As of 2024, Bengaluru has 1,288 public parks maintained by the corporation.[373]TheLal Baghwas established in the 1760s, and was later expanded into a 240 acres (97 ha) botanical garden in the 19th century. It incorporates a hillock made ofgneiss,formed billions of years ago, and is a declared national geological monument. The garden has a watch tower built in the 16th century by Kempe Gowda, a glass house built in 1889 on the model ofThe Crystal Palacein London, oldhero stones,and houses many exotic species of plants.[374]Abiannualflowershow is held at the gardens during the weeks of India'sRepublic DayandIndependence Day.[375][376]

TheCubbon Parkis a large park spanning 300 acres (120 ha) in the heart of the city, and was established in 1870. It hosts theBangalore Aquarium,and theBangalore central library.[377][378]Bannerghatta National Parkis a 260.51 km2(100.58 sq mi)national park and protected area,located south of the city.[379]The old central prison was decommissioned in 2000 and was redeveloped in toFreedom Park.[380]

Elgin Talkies, built in 1896, was the first theatre in Bengaluru.[381]In the later half of the 20th century, the city had 149 single screens, most of them situated along the Kempegowda Road near theKempegowda Bus Station.[382]In the 21st century, large multiplexes with multiple screens began replacing the single screen theaters, and the city is now home to a large number of multiplexes.[383][384]Stage plays and dramas of different genres and languages are enacted in theatres across the city.[385][386]


Chinnaswamy Stadiumin 2017

Cricketis the most popular sport in the city and the parks in the city serve as venues for impromptu games.[387][388][389]M. Chinnaswamy Stadium,established in 1969, is a majorinternational cricketing venue,and has hosted matches during multipleICC Cricket World Cups.[390]TheKarnataka State Cricket Association,located in the stadium premises, is responsible for managing organised cricket in the state.[391]TheNational Cricket Academy,operated by theBoard of Control for Cricket in India,is based out of the city.[392]The city is home to theIndian Premier League(IPL) franchiseRoyal Challengers Bengaluru.[393]Notable international cricketers born in the city includeErapalli Prasanna,[394]Roger Binny,[395]Anil Kumble,[396]Venkatesh Prasad,[397]Lokesh Rahul,[398]Mayank Agarwal,[399]andStuart Binny.[400]

Sree Kanteerava Stadium

Sree Kanteerava Stadiumis a multi-purpose venue which hostsfootballandathletics.[401][402]Association football also has a significant following in the city, andBangalore Football Stadiumhosts football matches along with the Kanteerva stadium in the city.[402][403]The city is home to football clubsBengaluru FC,[404]FC Bengaluru United,[405]Ozone FC,[406]South United FC,[407]andSC Bengaluru.[408]Prominent international footballers from the city includeSattar Basheer,andArumainayagam.[409]TheKanteerava Indoor StadiumandKoramangala Indoor Stadiumareindoor arenasused to host indoor sports, and other events.[410][411]The Kanteerva arena hosted theSouth Asian Basketball Championshipin2015and2016.[412][413]The city is home toBengaluru Beastof theUBA Pro Basketball League,[414]andBengaluru Bullsof thePro Kabaddi League,who also play their home matches at the stadium.[415][416]

Bangalore Football Stadium

Bengaluru hosts theWTA Indian Open,andBengaluru Opentennistournaments annually.[417][418]Prominent international sports people from the city include tennisgrand slamchampionRohan Bopanna,[419]formerAll England OpenbadmintonchampionPrakash Padukone,[420]and former nationalswimmingchampionNisha Millet.[421]Other notable sportsmen who reside in the city include formerIndian cricket captainRahul Dravid,[422]world snooker championPankaj Advani,[423]and multiple tennisgrand slamchampionMahesh Bhupathi.[424]The city is home to several recreational and sports clubs such asBangalore Club,Bowring Institute,Bangalore Golf Club and Bangalore Turf Club.[425][426]

City based teams

City-based teams
Club Sport League Stadium Founded
HAL Bangalore[427] Football I-League 3 Bangalore Football Stadium 1950
Bangalore Hi-Fliers[428] Field hockey Premier Hockey League Bangalore Hockey Stadium 2005
Royal Challengers Bengaluru[393] Cricket Indian Premier League Chinnaswamy Stadium 2008
Bangalore rugby football club[429] Rugby All India & South Asia Rugby Tournament RBANMS College Ground 2009
Karnataka Lions[430] Field hockey World Series Hockey Bangalore Hockey Stadium 2011
Bangalore Warhawks[431] American football Elite Football League of India HAL Sports Complex 2012
South United FC[407] Football BDFA Super Division Bangalore Football Stadium 2013
Bengaluru FC[404] Football Indian Super League Sree Kanteerava Stadium 2013
Bengaluru Raptors[432] Badminton Premier Badminton League Koramangala Indoor Stadium 2013
Bengaluru Bulls[415] Kabaddi Pro Kabaddi League Kanteerava Indoor Stadium 2014
Bangalore Raptors[433] Tennis Champions Tennis League KSLTA Tennis Stadium 2014
Ozone FC[406] Football BDFA Super Division Bangalore Football Stadium 2015
Bengaluru Beast[414] Basketball UBA Pro Basketball League Kanteerava Indoor Stadium 2015
FC Bengaluru United[404] Football I-League 2 Bangalore Football Stadium 2018
Bengaluru Torpedoes[434] Volleyball Prime Volleyball League Koramangala Indoor Stadium 2021
SC Bengaluru[408] Football I-League Bangalore Football Stadium 2022

Foreign relations

Bengaluru has consulates of France,[435]Germany,[436]Israel,[437]and Japan,[438]and a virtual consulate of the United States.[439]The city also hosts a British deputy High Commission,[440]and honorary consulates of Finland,[441]Ireland,[442]Maldives,[443]Peru,[444]and Switzerland.[445]Canada has a trade office in the city.[446]

Bengaluru has asister cityrelationship with the following cities:

See also



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Further reading