Celery(Apium graveolensDulce GrouporApium graveolensvar.dulce)[1]is a cultivated plant belonging to the speciesApium graveolensin the familyApiaceaethat has been used as avegetablesince ancient times. Celery has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves. Celery seed powder is used as a spice.Celeriacandleaf celeryare differentgroups of cultivarsofApium graveolens.

Celery for sale
SpeciesApium graveolens
Cultivar groupDulce Group



Celery leaves arepinnateto bipinnate with rhombic leaflets3–6 centimetres (1–2+12inches) long and2–4 cm (1–1+12in) broad. The flowers are creamy-white,2–3 mm (33218in) in diameter, and are produced in dense compoundumbels.The seeds are broad ovoid to globose,1.5–2 mm (116564in) long and wide. Moderncultivarshave been selected for either solidpetioles,leaf stalks, or a large hypocotyl.[2]A celery stalk readily separates into "strings" which are bundles of angularcollenchymacells exterior to thevascular bundles.[3]



First attested and printed in English as "sellery" byJohn Evelynin 1664,[4]the modern English word "celery" derives from theFrenchcéleri,in turn fromItalianseleri,the plural ofselero,which comes fromLate Latinselinon,[5]thelatinisationof theAncient Greek:σέλινον,romanized:selinon,"celery".[6][7]The earliest attested form of the word is theMycenaean Greekse-ri-no,written inLinear Bsyllabic script.[8]


Cross-section of a 'Pascal' celery rib, the petiole

The speciesApium graveolenswas described byCarl Linnaeusin Volume One of hisSpecies Plantarumin 1753.[9]Cultivated celery has been calledApium graveolensvar.dulceorApium graveolensDulce Group.[1]



The plants are raised from seed, sown either in a hot bed or in the open garden according to the season of the year, and, after one or two thinnings and transplantings, they are, on attaining a height of 15–20 cm (6–8 in), planted out in deep trenches for convenience of blanching, which is effected by earthing up to exclude light from the stems. Development of self-blanching varieties of celery, which do not need to be earthed up, dominate both the commercial and amateur market.[10]

Celery was first grown as a winter and early spring vegetable.[11]It was considered a cleansingtonicto counter thedeficienciesof a winter diet based on salted meats without fresh vegetables.[11]By the 19th century, the season for celery inEnglandhad been extended, to last from the beginning of September to late in April.[12]

In North America, commercial production of celery is dominated by the cultivar called 'Pascal' celery.[2]Gardeners can grow a range of cultivars, many of which differ from the wild species, mainly in having stouter leaf stems. They are ranged under two classes, white and red. The stalks grow in tight, straight, parallel bunches, and are typically marketed fresh that way. They are sold without roots and only a small amount of green leaf remaining.[13]

The stalks can be eaten raw, or as an ingredient in salads, or as a flavouring in soups, stews, and pot roasts.[14]

Harvesting and storage

Celery tissue under 400x magnification of a light microscope

Harvesting occurs when the average size of celery in a field is marketable; due to extremely uniform crop growth, fields are harvested only once. Thepetiolesand leaves are removed and harvested; celery is packed by size and quality (determined by colour, shape, straightness and thickness of petiole, stalk and midrib[clarification needed]length and absence of disease, cracks, splits, insect damage and rot). During commercial harvesting, celery is packaged into cartons which contain between 36 and 48 stalks and weigh up to 27 kg (60 lb).[15]Under optimal conditions, celery can be stored for up to seven weeks from 0–2 °C (32–36 °F). Inner stalks may continue growing if kept at temperatures above 0 °C (32 °F). Shelf life can be extended by packaging celery in anti-fogging, micro-perforated shrink wrap.[16]Freshly cut petioles of celery are prone to decay, which can be prevented or reduced through the use of sharp blades during processing, gentle handling, and proper sanitation.[17]

Celery stalk may be preserved throughpicklingby first removing the leaves, then boiling the stalks in water before finally adding vinegar, salt, and vegetable oil.[18]



In the past, restaurants used to store celery in a container of water with powdered vegetable preservative, but it was found that thesulfitesin the preservative caused allergic reactions in some people.[19]In 1986, the U.S.Food and Drug Administrationbanned the use of sulfites on fruits and vegetables intended to be eaten raw.[20]




Celery seed (Apium graveolens) essential oil

Celery is eaten around the world as a vegetable. In North America and Europe the crisppetiole(leaf stalk) is used. In Europe thehypocotylis also used as a root vegetable. The leaves are strongly flavoured and are used less often, either as a flavouring in soups and stews or as a dried herb. Celery, onions, and bell peppers are the"holy trinity"ofLouisiana CreoleandCajun cuisine.Celery, onions, and carrots make up the Frenchmirepoix,often used as a base for sauces and soups. Celery is a staple in many soups.[21]It is used in the Iranian stewkhoresh karafs.



Celery leaves are frequently used in cooking to add a mild spicy flavour to foods, similar to, but milder than black pepper. Celery leaves are suitable dried and sprinkled on baked, fried or roasted fish or meats, or as part of a blend of fresh seasonings suitable for use in soups and stews. They may also be eaten raw, mixed into a salad or as a garnish.[22]



In temperate countries, celery is also grown for its seeds. Actually very small fruit, these "seeds" yield a valuableessential oilthat is used in the perfume industry. The oil contains thechemical compoundapiole.Celery seeds can be used as flavouring or spice, either as whole seeds or ground.[23]

Celery salt


Celery seeds can be ground and mixed with salt to producecelery salt.Celery salt can be made from an extract of the roots or by using dried leaves. Celery salt is used as a seasoning, in cocktails (commonly to enhance the flavour ofBloody Marycocktails), on theChicago-style hot dog,and inOld Bay Seasoning.Similarly, combinations of celery powder and salt are used to flavour and preserve cured pork[24]and other processed meats as an alternative to industrialcuring salt.[25]The naturally occurringnitrates in celerywork synergistically with the added salt to cure food.[26]

Celery seeds

Celery juice


In 2019, a trend of drinking celery juice was reported in the United States, based on "detoxification"claims posted on ablog.The claims have no scientific basis, but the trend caused a sizable spike in celery prices.[27][28]


Celery, raw (Apium graveolens)
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy67 kJ (16 kcal)
2.97 g (including fibre)
Starch0.00 g
Sugars1.34 g
Dietary fibre1.6 g
0.17 g
Saturated0.042 g
Monounsaturated0.032 g
Polyunsaturated0.079 g
0.69 g
Vitamins and minerals
Vitamin A equiv.
22 μg
Thiamine (B1)
0.021 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.057 mg
Niacin (B3)
0.320 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
0.246 mg
Vitamin B6
0.074 mg
Folate (B9)
36 μg
Vitamin B12
0.00 μg
6.1 mg
Vitamin C
3.1 mg
Vitamin D
0 IU
Vitamin E
0.27 mg
Vitamin K
29.3 μg
40 mg
0.035 mg
0.20 mg
11 mg
0.103 mg
24 mg
260 mg
0.4 μg
80 mg
0.13 mg
Other constituentsQuantity
Water95.43 g

Percentages estimated usingUS recommendationsfor adults,[29]except for potassium, which is estimated based on expert recommendation fromthe National Academies.[30]

Raw celery is 95% water, 3%carbohydrates,0.7%protein,and contains negligiblefat(table). A100-gram (3+12-ounce) reference serving provides 16caloriesoffood energy,and is a rich source ofseleniumandvitamin K,providing 73% and 24% of theDaily Value,respectively, with no othermicronutrientsin significant content (table).



Celery is among a small group of foods that may provoke allergic reactions; for people with celery allergy, exposure can cause potentially fatalanaphylactic shock.[31]Cases of allergic reaction to ingestion of celery root have also been reported in pollen-sensitive individuals resulting ingastrointestinal disordersand other symptoms, although in most cases, celery sensitivity is not considered clinically significant.[32]In theEuropean Unionand the United Kingdom, foods that contain or may contain celery, even in trace amounts, must be clearly marked.[33]

TheApium graveolensplant has anOPALS allergy scalerating of 4 out of 10, indicating moderate potential to cause allergic reactions, exacerbated by over-use of the same plant throughout a garden.[34]Celery has caused skin rashes and cross-reactions withcarrotsandragweed.[34]



The main chemicals responsible for the aroma and taste of celery arebutylphthalideandsedanolide.[35]


Selinuntedidrachmcoin bearing aselinon(celery) leaf, c. 515–470 BC

Daniel Zohary and Maria Hopf[36]note that celery leaves andinflorescenceswere part of the garlands found in the tomb of pharaohTutankhamun(died 1323 BC), and celerymericarpsdated to the seventh century BC were recovered in theHeraion of Samos.However, they noteA. graveolensgrows wild in these areas, it is hard to decide whether these remains represent wild or cultivated forms. "Only byclassical antiquityis it thought that celery was cultivated.[37]

M. Fragiska mentions an archeological find of celery dating to the 9th century BC, atKastanas;however, the literary evidence forancient Greeceis far more abundant. InHomer'sIliad,the horses of theMyrmidonsgraze on wild celery that grows in the marshes ofTroy,and inOdyssey,there is mention of the meadows of violet and wild celery surroundingCalypso's Cave.[38]

In theCapitularyofCharlemagne,compiled c. 800,apiumappears, as doesolisatum,oralexanders,among medicinal herbs and vegetables the Frankish emperor desired to see grown.[39]At some later point inmedieval Europe,celery displaced alexanders.[40]

The name "celery" retraces the plant's route of successive adoption in European cooking, as the English "celery" (1664) is derived from the Frenchcélericoming from theLombard term,seleri,from the Latinselinon,borrowed from Greek.[41]

Celery's late arrival in the English kitchen is an end-product of the long tradition of seed selection needed to reduce the sap's bitterness and increase its sugars. By 1699,John Evelyncould recommend it in hisAcetaria. A Discourse ofSallets:"Sellery, apium Italicum, (and of the Petroseline Family) was formerly a stranger with us (nor very long since in Italy) is a hot and more generous sort ofMacedonian PersleyorSmallage... and for its high and grateful Taste is ever plac'd in the middle of the Grand Sallet, at our Great Men's tables, and Praetors feasts, as the Grace of the whole Board ".[42]

Celery makes a minor appearance in colonial American gardens; its culinary limitations are reflected in the observation by the author ofA Treatise on Gardening, by a Citizen of Virginiathat it is "one of the species ofparsley".[43]Its first extended treatment in print was inBernard M'Mahon'sAmerican Gardener's Calendar(1806).[44]

After the mid-19th century, continued selections for refined crisp texture and taste brought celery to American tables, where it was served in celery vases to be salted and eaten raw. Celery was so popular in the United States during the 19th century and early 20th century that theNew York Public Library'shistorical menu archiveshows that it was the third most popular dish in New York City menus during that time, behind onlycoffeeandtea.In those days, celery cost more thancaviar,as it was difficult to cultivate. There were also many varieties of celery back then that are no longer around because they are difficult to grow and do not ship well.[45]

Cultural depictions

Apiumillustration from Barbarus Apuleius'Herbarium,c. 1400

Achthoniansymbol among the ancient Greeks, celery was said to have sprouted from the blood ofKadmilos,father of theCabeiri,chthonian divinities celebrated inSamothrace,Lemnos,andThebes.[citation needed]The spicy odor and dark leaf colour encouraged this association with the cult of death. In classical Greece, celery leaves were used as garlands for the dead, and the wreaths of the winners at theIsthmian Gameswere first made of celery before being replaced by crowns made ofpine.According toPliny the Elderin[46]Achaea,the garland worn by the winners of the sacredNemean Gameswas also made of celery.[38]The Ancient Greek colony ofSelinous(Ancient Greek:Σελινοῦς,Selinous), onSicily,was named after wild parsley that grew abundantly there; Selinountian coins depicted a parsley leaf as the symbol of the city.[citation needed]

The fifth incarnationofthe Doctorin theBritishscience fictionshowDoctor Whowore a decorative stick of celery on his lapel. In the show, the Doctor would state that the celery would turn purple when exposed to certain gases in the praxis range, in which case he wouldeatthe celery.Ironically,Peter Davisondid not like celery.

See also



  1. ^ab"Apium graveolensDulce Group ".NCBI Taxonomy Browser.National Center for Biotechnology Information.Retrieved2024-05-28.
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