Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood

ACertificate of Degree of Indian BloodorCertificate of Degree of Alaska Native Blood(both abbreviated CDIB) is an officialU.S.document that certifies an individual possesses a specific fraction ofNative American ancestryof afederally recognizedIndian tribe, band, nation,pueblo,village, or community.[1]They are issued by theBureau of Indian Affairsafter the applicant supplies a completedgenealogywith supporting legal documents such as birth certificates, showing their descent, through one or both birth parents, from an enrolled Indian or an Indian listed in a base roll such as theDawes Rolls.Blood degree cannot be obtained through adoptive parents.[1]The blood degree on previously issued CDIBs or on the base rolls in the filer's ancestry are used to determine the filer's blood degree (unless they challenge them as inaccurate). Information collected for the filing is held confidential by privacy laws, except if the CDIB is related to assigned duties.[1]

A CDIB can show only the blood degree of one tribe or the total blood degree from all tribes in the filer's ancestry. Some tribes require a specific minimum degree of tribal ancestry for membership, which might require the first type of certificate, while some federal benefits programs require a minimum total Indian blood degree so an individual might require the second type of certificate to qualify. For example, theEastern Band of Cherokee Indiansrequires at least 1/16 degree of Eastern Cherokee blood for tribal membership, whereas the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Higher Education Grant for college expenses requires a 1/4 degree minimum.[2]

A Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood does not establish membership in a tribe. Tribal membership is determined by tribal laws and may or may not require a CDIB or may require a separate tribal determination of ancestry or blood degree.[3]

The CDIB is controversial, from aracial politicsperspective,[4]and because non-federally recognized tribes are neither eligible for the card nor for the benefits which require one. Some groups, such as theCherokee freedmen,were often not eligible for a CDIB because they are not Native American by blood or their degree of blood was not recorded in the base rolls (where Freedman was used instead of stating a degree).[5]

Certificate Degree of Indian Royalty Dawn Dreamer November 23 1985

See also



  1. ^abc"Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood Instructions."ArchivedFebruary 28, 2011, at theWayback MachineBureau of Indian Affairs.July 31, 2011 (retrieved February 6, 2011)
  2. ^"Federally Funded Programs".Citrus College.RetrievedFebruary 6,2011.
  3. ^"Native American Tribal Enrollment."ArchivedNovember 26, 2010, at theWayback MachineNative American Rights Fund: National Indian Law Library.(retrieved February 6, 2011)
  4. ^Sturm, Circe (2002).Blood Politics: Race, Culture, and Identity in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.University of California Press.ISBN978-0-520-23096-5.JSTOR10.1525/j.ctt1pp3fr.
  5. ^"Sample Freedman Documents."African-Native American Genealogy.(retrieved February 6, 2011)