Chasseur(/ʃæˈsɜːr/shass-UR,French:[ʃasœʁ]), aFrenchterm for "hunter", is the designation given to certain regiments ofFrenchandBelgianlight infantry(chasseurs à pied) orlight cavalry(chasseurs à cheval) to denote troops trained for rapid action.

Chasseurs à pied bugler,illustration byÉdouard DetailleinL'Armee Française(1885)
The Charging ChasseurbyThéodore Géricault,depicting an officer of theChasseurs à Cheval de la Garde Impériale
The Chasseur in the Forest byCaspar David Friedrich
Chasseur d'Afrique in 1914



This branch of theFrench Armyoriginated during theWar of the Austrian Successionwhen, in 1743,Jean Chrétien Fischerwas authorized by theMarshal de Belle-Isleto raise a 600 strong mixed force of infantry and cavalry. It was calledChasseurs de Fischer.[1]During the remainder of the 18th century various types of light troops (troupes légères) were employed within the French army, either as independent units or as companies within existing regiments. In 1788, there were 8 battalions of chasseurs, and in March 1793 this was expanded to 21 battalions. The first battalions of Chasseurs raised by 1788 included:[2]

Chasseurs à pied


Thechasseurs à piedwere the light infantrymen of the French Imperial army. They were armed the same as their counterparts in the regular line infantry (fusilier) battalions, but were trained to excel in marksmanship and in executing manoeuvres at high speed. From 1840, they wore a long-skirtedfrock coat.After 1850, however the chasseurs adopted auniformconsisting of a short frock coat with slits in the sides on the bottom edge to allow for better freedom of movement than the previous design. They also wore light blue baggy trousers (in contrast to the red of the line infantry)[3] tucked into jambières (leather gaiters).[4]The other light infantry unit type, thevoltigeurs,specialised asskirmishersand for advance screening of the main force. The chasseurs could also be called upon to form advance guards and scouting parties alongside the voltigeurs.

Following the Napoleonic Wars thechasseurs à piedcontinued to exist as a separate corps within the infantry. Initially a specially trained elite, their tactical role eventually came to match that of the ordinarylignards(line infantry). By the late 19th century the differences between the two branches were confined to uniform and insignia, although the chasseurs retained a strong esprit de corps. Immediately after theFranco-Prussian Warit was argued that the continued existence of a nominally elite class of infantry that was in fact armed and trained to the same standards as the ordinary soldier, was contrary to both military utility and the egalitarian principles of the new republic. However public opinion, influenced by the occasions on which the chasseurs had distinguished themselves during the war was opposed to the disbanding of this distinctive corps. Under the Third Republic thechasseurs à piedwere increased from 20 to 30 battalions. Of these, 4 saw active service in Tunisia, one in Indochina and one in Madagascar during the period 1880-1896. Twelve of the chasseur battalions were re-designated as mountain infantry (chasseurs alpins). The remaining chasseur battalions were deployed near the frontier with Germany as part of thetroupes de couverture,charged with covering the bulk of the army during mobilization.

World War I memorial to the chasseurs à pied inCharleroi

During World War I the French Army maintained 31 battalions of infantry chasseurs plus a varying number of reserve and territorial units. Each infantry division was expected to include at least one battalion of eitherchasseurs à piedorchasseurs alpine.Each battalion had an establishment of 1,300 to 1,500 men. They were reportedly nicknamedschwarze Teufel(black devils) by their German opponents, in reference to their dark colored uniforms. The chasseurs served mainly on theWestern Frontbut detachments were sent to reinforce the Italian front in 1917.

Chasseurs à cheval


Thechasseurs à cheval,a type of Frenchlight cavalry,date from 1743 when an independent unit (Fischer's Volunteer Company of Chasseurs) was raised during theWar of the Austrian Successionto counterTrenck's PandursandCroatsemployed as irregulars by the Austrian army. Originally a mixed corps of light infantry and horsemen, this force proved sufficiently effective to warrant the creation of a single corps:Dragoons-chasseurs de Conflans.In 1776 this and other volunteer "legions" had their mounted elements converted into 24 squadrons ofchasseurs à cheval,each of which was attached to one of the existing dragoon regiments of the royal cavalry. In 1779 these squadrons were amalgamated into six regiments, each of which was given a regional title (1stChasseurs des Alpes,2ndChasseurs des Pyrenees,etc.). In 1788, 6 dragoon regiments were converted tochasseurs à chevaland during the period of the Revolutionary Wars the number was again increased, to 25.[5]

Chasseurs à cheval in Paris, 1906

During their earlier history these regiments lacked the higher profile of the identically-armed (but much more lavishly uniformed)hussars.Distinguished by dark green uniforms and a bugle-horn badge, they were frequently used as advance scouting units providing valuable information on enemy movements. Both Napoleon'sImperial Guardand the Royal Guard of theRestorationeach included a regiment ofchasseurs à cheval.In addition Napoleon added a further 5 line regiments to those inherited from the Revolutionary period. At the beginning of theFranco-Prussian Warof 1870, the French Army had 12 regiments ofchasseurs à cheval,grouped with 8 hussar regiments to form the light branch of the cavalry and tasked with primarily reconnaissance duties.[6]This intended role continued through World War I and thechasseurs à chevalremained entirely horse mounted until the1erRChwas motorised in June 1940.[7]Disbanded after theBattle of France,these units were reconstituted in 1944–45 as light armor.

During the French occupation of Algeria, regiments ofchasseurs d'Afriquewere raised. These were light cavalry recruited originally from French volunteers and subsequently from the French settlers in North Africa doing their military service. As such they were the mounted equivalent of thezouaves.

Flanqueurs Chasseurs


In preparation for the invasion of Russia, Napoleon ordered the creation of additional units for the Guard that included theRégiment de Flanqueurs-Chasseurs de la Garde.Along with the regiment ofFlanqueues-Grenadiers,this was mainly recruited from the sons and nephews of forest service civil servants or made up of young men who wanted to obtain a position within the Waters and Forests Administration after concluding their military service.

The role of these light infantry soldiers was to flank the main army while on the march, in order to guard against any sudden attack.

Chasseurs Forestiers


Thechasseurs forestiers(forest huntsmen) were militarized units of theEaux et Forêts administration(Waters and Forests Administration). They were organized in 18 companies and many sections. Thechasseurs forestiersexisted between 1875 and 1924. Thechasseurs forestierswere classed as light infantry troops and could form advance guards and scouting parties due to their knowledge of natural fields and their ability to make or read maps.

Established by a decree of the newly establishedThird Republicdated 2 April 1875, theChasseurs Forestiersincorporated some personnel of the existing Water and Forest Administration into the French Army on a part-time basis. The purpose was to make use of trained and specialist manpower as part of the armed forces in time of war. The specific roles envisaged for theChasseurs Forestierswere to provide guides for the regular army and to work with the Engineers in obtaining stocks of timber for military use.

While provided with distinctive green and grey uniforms plus stocks of standard infantry weapons and equipment, theChasseurs Forestiersperformed their normal forestry service functions in peacetime with only limited involvement in army training and manoeuvers. Upon mobilisation in August 1914 personnel aged between 25 and 48 years saw front line service in theVosgesin northern France. Post-war policy changes led to the disestablishment of theChasseurs Forestiersas a military body in 1924.

Modern French Army


The modern French Army still maintainschasseurs à pied(mechanized infantry: 16eBC),chasseurs-alpins(mountain troops: 7e,13e,27eBCA) and regiments ofchasseurs à cheval(1er-2eRCh and 4eRCh: light armored regiments). In addition one regiment ofchasseurs d'Afrique(training unit: 1erRCA) has been re-raised to commemorate this branch of the French cavalry. Since May 1943 there has been a "Régiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes" (1erRCP).

All of these units have different traditions:

  • Bataillons de chasseursare light infantry units created after 1838. Some of these battalions were converted to specialized mountain units asBataillons deChasseurs Alpinsin 1888, as an answer to the Italian Alpine (Alpini) regiments stationed along the Alpine frontier.
  • Régiments de chasseursare units of the "Arme Blindée Cavalerie": armoured units. The basic organic unit is called regiment and not bataillon to avoid confusing cavalry and infantry chasseurs.
  • The airborne infantry units calledRégiments de chasseurs parachutisteswere created in 1943 with airborne troops from the French Airforce (GIA orGroupe d'Infanterie de l'Air), who were transferred into the Army.
  • Chasseurs Alpinsare the elite mountain infantry of the modern French Army. They are trained to operate in mountainous terrain and to undertake urban warfare.

Although the traditions of these different branches of the French Army are very different, there is still a tendency to confuse one with the other. For example, when World War I veteranLéon Weildied, the AFP press agency stated that he was a member of the 5th "Régiment de Chasseurs Alpins". It was in fact the 5th Bataillon.

Belgian army


From its creation as a permanent force in 1832 the Belgian army included regiments of both chasseurs à pied and chasseurs à cheval, performing the same roles as their French counterparts. Their lineage is a continuation of regiments of hussars and light-dragoons of the army of theKingdom of the United Netherlandsfrom which they were originated. At the outbreak of World War I in August 1914 there were 3 regiments of Chasseurs à pied, each of 3 battalions, and 3 regiments of mounted Chasseurs.[8]

In 1933 a new regiment of light infantry: theChasseurs Ardennais,was created to garrison the mountainous region of that name.

In 2011, the 1st Regiment of Chasseurs à cheval/Guides (result of the fusion of the 1st Chasseurs à Cheval and theRegiment of Guidesin 2004) was amalgamated with the 2nd/4th Regiment of Chasseurs à cheval, in order to form the Battalion Chasseurs à Cheval (Bataljon Jagers te Paard). The battalion is dedicated to the ISTAR missions and carries the standard of the 1st Chasseurs à Cheval.

U.S. Army


TheU.S.Federal Army adopted Chasseurs during the Civil War as a scouting and skirmishing force for use against theConfederate Army.Their uniform was patterned after the French style, with the short, vented coat, though they were issued greykepis.A notable unit of Civil War Chasseurs were the65th New York Volunteer Infantry(also known as the 1st United States Chasseurs). The Chasseurs were involved in thePeninsula campaign,as well as theAppomattox campaign,and lost a total of 146 men. They were distinct for choosing to wear M1858 uniform hats (more popularly known asHardee hats) rather than the kepis.[4][9]

The14th Brooklyn,one of the most famous regiments of the Civil War, wore a Chasseur uniform their whole term.

In 1862, following the capture of Confederate-heldNew Orleansby Federal soldiers, an all-black regiment named the Chasseurs d'Afrique was raised.[10]

Argentinian Army


In the Argentinian Army, the termCazador(Spanish for hunter, although in a military context it means chasseur or ranger) is used to designate certain special units trained to operate in specific geographical areas, such as mountain or jungle. Currently, there are two independent companies ofcazadores de montaña(mountain rangers) and three ofcazadores de monte(jungle rangers).

See also



  1. ^Gilman, D. C.;Peck, H. T.; Colby, F. M., eds. (1905)."Fischer, Jean Chrétien".New International Encyclopedia(1st ed.). New York: Dodd, Mead.
  2. ^Susane, Volume I, p. 311.
  3. ^Jouineau, Andre (19 February 2009).French Army 1914.Amber Books Limited. pp. 16–17.ISBN978-2-35250-104-6.
  4. ^abCoates, Earl J.; Mcafee, Michael J.; Troiani, Don (2006).Don Troiani's Civil War zouaves, chasseurs, special branches, & officers(1st ed.). Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books. p. 20.ISBN0-8117-3320-3.
  5. ^Ludovic Letrun and Jean-Marie Mongin, pages 4-5 "Chasseurs à cheval 1779-1815,ISBN978-2-35250-199-2
  6. ^Stephen Shann, page 16 "French Army 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War 1 Imperial Troops,ISBN1-85532-121-1
  7. ^Ian Sumner and Francois Vauvillier, page 15The French Army 1939–45 (1)ISBN1 85532 666 3
  8. ^P Lierneux, R Pawly (23 June 2009).The Belgian Army in World War I.Bloomsbury USA. p. 4.ISBN978-1-84603-448-0.
  9. ^"LETTER FROM THE FIRST UNITED STATES CHASSEURS".The New York Times.2 September 1861.Retrieved9 June2014.
  10. ^Jacques Sicard and Francois Vauvillier,Les Chasseurs d'Afrique.ISBN2-908182-87-4.p. 40.


  • Louis Susane,Historie de l'Ancienne Infanterie Français, Volume I,1849 Naval and Polytechnical Military Library of Paris, Paris, France.