Cornelius Crane"Chevy "Chase(/ˈɛvi/;born October 8, 1943) is an American comedian, actor, and writer. He became the breakout cast member in the first season ofSaturday Night Live(1975–1976), where his recurringWeekend Updatesegment became a staple of the show. As both a performer and a writer on the series, he earned twoPrimetime Emmy Awardsout of four nominations.[2][3]

Chevy Chase
Chase in 2010
Birth nameCornelius Crane Chase
Born(1943-10-08)October 8, 1943(age 81)[1]
New York City, U.S.
Alma materBard College(BA)
Years active1967–present
  • Suzanne Hewitt
  • Jacqueline Carlin
  • Jayni Luke
Relative(s)Miles Browning(maternal grandfather)
Frank Swift Chase(granduncle)
Cornelius Vanderbilt Crane(adoptive maternal grandfather)
Edward Leigh Chase(paternal grandfather)

After leavingSaturday Night Liveearly in its second season, he established himself as aleading man,starring in some of the most successful comedy films of the 1980s, starting with hisGolden Globe–nominated role in the romantic comedyFoul Play(1978).[3]Most famously, he portrayed Ty Webb inCaddyshack(1980) andCaddyshack II(1988), Clark Griswold in fiveNational Lampoon's Vacationfilms, and Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher inFletch(1985) andFletch Lives(1989). He also starred inOh! Heavenly Dog(1980),Modern Problems(1981),Spies Like Us(1985) and¡Three Amigos!(1986).

He has hosted theAcademy Awardstwice (1987and1988) and briefly had his own late-night talk show,The Chevy Chase Show(1993). Chase had a popularity resurgence with his role asPierce Hawthorneon theNBCsitcomCommunity(2009–2014).[4][5]

Early life and education




Cornelius Crane Chase was born inLower Manhattanon October 8, 1943,[6]and grew up inWoodstock, New York.[7]He has an older brother, Ned Jr.[8]

His father, Edward Tinsley "Ned" Chase (1919–2005),[9]was aPrinceton-educated Manhattan book editor and magazine writer.[10]Chase's paternal grandfather was artist and illustratorEdward Leigh Chase,and his great-uncle was painter and teacherFrank Swift Chase.His mother, Cathalene Parker (née Browning; 1923–2005), was a concert pianist andlibrettist,whose father,Rear AdmiralMiles Browning,served as AdmiralRaymond A. Spruance's Chief of Staff on the aircraft carrierUSSEnterpriseat theBattle of MidwayinWorld War II.Cathalene was adopted as a child by her stepfather,Cornelius Vanderbilt Crane,heir toThe Crane Company,and took the name Catherine Crane.[11]Her mother, also named Cathalene, was an opera singer who performed several times atCarnegie Hall.[12]

Chase was named for his adoptive grandfather, Cornelius, while the nickname "Chevy" was bestowed by his grandmother from the medieval English ballad "The Ballad of Chevy Chase".As a descendant of the ScottishClan Douglas,she thought the name appropriate.[13]Chase is a 14th-generation New Yorker, and was listed in theSocial Registerat an early age. His mother's ancestors arrived in Manhattan starting in 1624 — among those ancestors are:

According to his step-brother John:

[Chevy] once told me that people who defined themselves in terms of their ancestry were like potatoes—the best parts of them were underground. He disdained the pretension of his mother's side of the family, as embodied by her mother, Cattie.[13]

Early life


As a child, Chase vacationed atCastle Hill,the Cranes' summer estate inIpswich, Massachusetts.[15]Chase's parents divorced when he was four; his father remarried into theFolgerscoffee family, and his mother remarried twice. He has stated that he grew up in anupper middle classenvironment and that his adoptive maternal grandfather did not bequeath any assets to Chase's mother when he died.[16]In a 2007 biography, Chase stated that he was physically and psychologicallyabusedas a child by his mother and stepfather, Dr. John Cederquist, a psychoanalyst.[17]In that biography, he said, "I lived in fear all the time, deathly fear." Abuse he was subjected to as a child included being awoken in the middle of the night by his mother to be slapped repeatedly across the face, lashes to the backs of his legs, punches to the head by his stepfather, and being locked in a bedroom closet for hours. As a punishment for being suspended from school at the age of 14, Chase was locked in a basement for several days.[18]Both of his parents died in 2005.[citation needed]

Chase was educated atRiverdale Country School,[19]anindependentday school in theRiverdaleneighborhood ofThe Bronx,New York City, before being expelled. He ultimately graduated as valedictorian in 1962 from theStockbridge School,[20]an independent boarding school in the town ofStockbridge,Massachusetts.At Stockbridge, he was known as a practical joker with an occasional mean streak. He attendedHaverford Collegeduring the 1962–1963 term, where he was noted forslapstickcomedy and an absurd sense of physical humor, including his signaturepratfallsand "sticking forks into his orifices".[21]During a 2009 interview on theTodayshow, he ostensibly verified the oft-publicizedurban legendthat he wasexpelledfor harboring a cow in his fourth floor room,[22]although his former roommate David Felsen asserted in a 2003 interview that Chase left for academic reasons.[21]Chase transferred toBard CollegeinAnnandale-on-Hudson, New York,where he studied apre-med curriculumand graduated in 1967 with a Bachelor of Arts in English.[23]

Chase did not entermedical school,which meant he was subject tothe military draft.Chase was not drafted, and when he appeared in January 1989 as the first guest of the just-launched late-nightThe Pat Sajak Show,he said he had "convinced" his draft board he deserved a4-F classificationby "'falsely' claiming, among other things, that he had homosexual tendencies".[24]

He played drums with the college band The Leather Canary, headed by school friendsWalter BeckerandDonald Fagen.Chase has called the group "a badjazzband "; Becker and Fagen later founded the successful groupSteely Dan.Chase hasperfect pitch.[13]He played drums and keyboards for a rock band calledChamaeleon Church,which recorded one album forMGM Recordsbefore disbanding in 1969. To give the album a more soft-rock sound, producerAlan Lorbermade several alterations in the mi xing, including the muting of Chase's bass drum, and Chase was reportedly incensed when he heard the final mix.[25]



1967–1974: Early career


Chase was a member of an early underground comedy ensemble called Channel One, which he co-founded in 1967. He also wrote a one-page spoof ofMission: ImpossibleforMadmagazinein 1970 and was a writer for the short-livedSmothers BrothersTV show comeback in the spring of 1975. Chase made the move to comedy as a full-time career by 1973, when he became a writer and cast member ofThe National Lampoon Radio Hour,a syndicated satirical radio series.The National Lampoon Radio Houralso featuredJohn Belushi,Gilda Radner,Bill Murray,andBrian Doyle-Murray,all of whom later became the "Not-Ready-For-Prime Time Players" onNBC Saturday Night(later re-titledNBC's Saturday Nightand finallySaturday Night Live). Chase and Belushi also appeared in National Lampoon'soff-BroadwayrevueLemmings,a sketch and musical send-up of popularyouth culture,in which Chase also played the drums and piano during the musical numbers. He appeared in the movieThe Groove Tube(1974), which was directed by another co-founder of Channel One,Ken Shapiro,featuring several Channel One sketches.[citation needed]

1975–1976:Saturday Night Live

The original cast ofSaturday Night LivewithPresident Gerald Fordin 1976

Chase was one of the original cast members ofSaturday Night Live(SNL),NBC's late-night comedy television show, beginning in October 1975. During the first season, he introduced every show except two, with "Live from New York, it'sSaturday Night!"The remark was often preceded by apratfall,known as "The Fall of the Week". Chase became known for his skill atphysical comedy.In onecomedy sketch,he mimicked a real-life incident in which PresidentGerald Fordaccidentally tripped while disembarking fromAir Force OneinSalzburg,Austria.[26][27]This portrayal of President Ford as a bumbling klutz became a favorite device of Chase's, and helped form the popular concept of Ford as being a clumsy man despite Ford having been a "star athlete" during his university years.[28]In later years, Chase met and became friendly with President Ford.[28][29]

Chase was the original anchor for theWeekend Updatesegment ofSNL,and his catchphrase introduction, "I'm Chevy Chase… and you're not" became well known. His trademark conclusion, "Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow" was later resurrected byJane CurtinandTina Fey.Chase also wrote comedy material forWeekend Update.For example, he wrote and performed "The News for the Hard of Hearing". In this skit, Chase read the top story of the day, aided byGarrett Morris,who repeated the story by loudly shouting it. Chase claimed that his version ofWeekend Updatewas the inspiration for laternews satireshows such asThe Daily ShowandThe Colbert Report.[30]Weekend Updatewas later revived as a segment onThe Chevy Chase Show,[31]a short-lived late-night talk show produced by Chase and broadcast byFox Broadcasting Company.

Chase was committed contractually toSNLfor only one year as a writer and became a cast member during rehearsals just before the show's premiere. He received twoEmmy Awardsand aGolden Globe Awardfor his comedy writing and live comic acting on the show. InRolling Stone's February 2015 appraisal of all 141SNLcast members to date, Chase was ranked tenth in overall importance. "Strange as it sounds, Chase might be the mostunder-ratedSNLplayer, "they wrote." It took him only one season to define the franchise…without thatdeadpanarrogance, the wholeSNLstyle of humor would fall flat. "[32]

In a 1975New Yorkmagazine cover story, which called him "The funniest man in America", NBC executives referred to Chase as "The first real potential successor toJohnny Carson"and claimed he would begin guest-hostingThe Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carsonwithin six months of the article. Chase dismissed rumors that he could be the next Carson by tellingNew York,"I'd never be tied down for five years interviewing TV personalities." Chase did not appear on the program until May 4, 1977, when he was promoting a prime-time special for NBC. Carson later said of Chase: "He couldn't ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner."[33]

Chase acknowledgedErnie Kovacs's influence on his work inSaturday Night Live,[34]and he thanked Kovacs during his acceptance speech for his Emmy Award.[35]In addition, Chase spoke of Kovacs's influence on his work in an appearance in the 1982 documentary calledErnie Kovacs: Television's Original Genius.[citation needed]

1976–1989: Film stardom and acclaim

Chevy Chase at the private party after the premiere of the movieA Star Is Born,December 1976

In late 1976, in the middle ofSNL'ssecond season, Chase became the first member of the original cast to leave the show. While he landed starring roles in several films on the strength of hisSNLfame, he asserted that the principal reason for his departure was the reluctance of his girlfriend, Jacqueline Carlin, to move toNew York.[36]Chase moved toLos Angeles,married Carlin, and was replaced by Bill Murray, although he made a fewcameo appearanceson the show during the second season.

Chase hostedSNLeight times from 1978 to 1997.[37]In regard to Chase's 1997 appearance as a host,SNLcreator and show-runnerLorne Michaelsdisputed reports that he was shocked by Chase's behavior or had banned him as a result, claims which he calls "idiotic".[38]While Chase has not returned toSNLto host since 1997, he appeared on the show's 25th anniversary special in 1999 and was interviewed for a 2005 NBC special on the first five years ofSNL.Later appearances included aCaddyshackskit featuring Bill Murray, a 1997 episode with guest hostChris Farley,as the Land Shark in aWeekend Updatesegment in 2001, anotherWeekend Updatesegment in 2007, and inJustin Timberlake's monologue in 2013 as a member of theFive-Timers Club,where he was reunited with hisThree Amigosco-starsSteve MartinandMartin Short.He also participated in the 40th anniversary special in February 2015.[39]

Chevy Chase at the premiere of the movieSeems Like Old Times,December 10, 1980

Chase's early film roles includedTunnel Vision(1976);Foul Play(1978, a box-office hit that made more than $44 million[40]and earned Chase aGolden Globenomination); andOh! Heavenly Dog(1980). The role of Eric "Otter" Stratton inNational Lampoon's Animal Housewas written with Chase in mind, but he turned the role down to work onFoul Play.[16]The role went toTim Mathesoninstead. Chase said in an interview that he chose to doFoul Playso he could do "real acting" for the first time in his career instead of just "schtick".[41]

Chase followedFoul Playin 1980 by portraying Ty Webb in theHarold RamiscomedyCaddyshack.A major box office success that pulled in $39 million off a $6 million budget,[42]the movie has become a classic. It reached a 73% approval rate onRotten Tomatoes,with critics saying: "Though unabashedly crude and juvenile, Caddyshack nevertheless scores with its classic slapstick, unforgettable characters, and endlessly quotable dialogue".[43]That same year, he reunited withFoul Playco-starGoldie HawnforNeil Simon'sSeems Like Old Times,a box-office success that earned more than $43 million.[44]He then released a self-titled record album, co-produced by Chase and Tom Scott, with novelty and cover versions of songs byRandy Newman,Barry White,Bob Marley,the Beatles,Donna Summer,Tennessee Ernie Ford,The Troggs,andThe Sugarhill Gang.

Ronald Reaganand Chevy Chase, 1985

Chase narrowly escaped death byelectrocutionduring the filming ofModern Problemsin 1980. During a sequence in which Chase's character wears "landing lights" as he dreams that he is an airplane, the lights malfunctioned and an electric current passed through Chase's arm, back, and neck muscles. Thenear-death experiencefollowed the end of his marriage to Carlin, and Chase experienced a period of deepdepression.He married Jayni Luke in 1982. Chase continued his film career by playing Clark Griswold in 1983'sNational Lampoon's Vacation.Directed by Ramis and written byJohn Hughes,the movie grossed $61 million[45]on a $15 million budget—his most successful movie at the time.

In 1985, Chase played Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher inFletch,based onGregory Mcdonald'sFletchbooks, which grossed more than $50 million off an $8 million budget.[46]That same year, he appeared in a sequel toVacation,National Lampoon's European Vacation,which pulled in just shy of $50 million at the box office,[47]and co-starred with fellowSNLalumDan AykroydinSpies Like Us,which made $60 million.[48]In 1986, Chase joinedSNLveterans Steve Martin and Martin Short in the Lorne Michaels–produced comedy¡Three Amigos!that made nearly $40 million,[49]with Chase declaring in an interview that makingThree Amigoswas the most fun he had making a film.[50]He also appeared alongsidePaul Simon,one of his best friends, in Simon's 1986 second video for "You Can Call Me Al",in which he lip-syncs all of Simon's lyrics.[51]

Gerald Fordwith Chase before the Conference on Humor and the Presidency held at the Gerald R. Ford Museum in 1986

In 1987, his Cornelius Productions company signed a non-exclusive, first-refusal deal to develop four feature projects at theWarner, and set up a fifth project atUniversal Pictures.[52]Chase hosted theAcademy Awardsin 1987 and 1988, opening the telecast in 1988 with the quip, "Good evening, Hollywood phonies!" In 1988, he starred alongsideMadolyn SmithinFunny Farm,a sizeable hit at $25 million[53]that reached 64% approval rate on Rotten Tomatoes.[54]That same year, he appeared (albeit via a glorified cameo) in a sequel toCaddyshack,Caddyshack II,which made less than $12 million,[55]becoming one of his few flops at the time.[56]

In 1989, Chase starred in a sequel toFletch,Fletch Lives,which went on to gross more than $35 million,[57]and made a thirdVacationfilm,National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation,which pulled in $71 million and, thanks to its holiday theme, has become one of his more durable films.[58]At the height of his career in the late 1980s, Chase earned around US$7 million per film and was a highly visible celebrity.

1990–2009: Career fluctuations


Chase played saxophone onstage at Simon's free concert at the Great Lawn inCentral Parkin the summer of 1991. Later in 1991, he helped record and appeared in the music video "Voices That Care"to entertain and support U.S. troops involved inOperation Desert Storm,and supported theInternational Red Cross.Chase had three consecutive film flops:Razzie Award-nominatedNothing but Trouble(1991),Memoirs of an Invisible Man(1992), andCops & Robbersons(1994). The three releases had a combined gross of $34 million in the United States.

In September 1993, Chase hostedThe Chevy Chase Show,a weeknight talk show, for theFox Broadcasting Company.Although it had high commercial expectations, the show was cancelled by Fox after five weeks. Chase later appeared in a commercial forDoritos,airing during theSuper Bowl,in which he made humorous reference to the show's failure.[citation needed]

Chase found success with some of his subsequent movies.Man of the House(1995), co-starringFarrah Fawcett,was relatively successful, grossing $40 million,[59]andVegas Vacation(1997, his fourthVacationfilm) was a box office success, grossing $36.4 million.[60]Snow Day(2000), in which Chase appeared, was also successful grossing over $60 million,[61]as well asOrange County(2002), grossing more than $40 million.[62]Chase wasHasty Pudding's1993 Man of the Year, and received a star on theHollywood Walk of Famein that same year.[63]He also receivedThe Harvard Lampoon's Lifetime Achievement Award in 1996. In 1998, a Golden Palm Star on thePalm Springs, California,Walk of Starswas dedicated to him.[64]

He wasroastedby theNew York Friars Clubfor aComedy Centraltelevision special in 2002. This roast was noted for being unusually vitriolic, even by the standards of a roast.[65]Some of the more recent films starring Chase (e.g.,Vacuums,Rent-a-Husband,Goose!) have not been widely released in the United States. He returned to mainstream movie-making in 2006, co-starring withTim AllenandCourteney Coxin the comedyZoom,though it was both a critical and commercial failure. Chaseguest-starredas ananti-Semiticmurder suspect in "In Vino Veritas",the November 3, 2006, episode ofLaw & Order.He also guest-starred in theABCdrama seriesBrothers & Sistersin two episodes as a former love interest ofSally Field's character. Chase appeared in a prominent recurring role as villainous software magnateTed Roarkon the NBC spy-comedyChuck.In 2009, Chase andDan Aykroydvoiced themselves in theFamily Guyepisode "Spies Reminiscent of Us".

Donald Glover,Danny Pudi,Gillian Jacobsand Chase atSan Diego Comic-Conin 2010

2009–2014: Return to television


Starting in 2009, Chase returned toNBCin the sitcomCommunity,as aging moist-towelette tycoonPierce Hawthorne.The show was created byDan Harmonand starredJoel McHale,Alison Brie,Gillian Jacobs,Donald Glover,Danny Pudi,andYvette Nicole Brown.The series received critical acclaim for its acting and writing, appeared on numerous critics' year-end "best-of" lists and developed acult following.[66][67]The New York Timescritic Alessandra Stanley praised the casting of Chase writing, "Jeff has the kind of sardonic repartee and slapdash nonchalance that the comedian Chevy Chase had when he was the young star of the ’Fletch’ movies, "while adding," Even that is an inside casting joke: Mr. Chase, who is farcically loopy and delightful in the pilot.”[68]

In 2010, Chase appeared in an onlineVacationshort filmHotel Hell Vacation,featuring the Griswold parents, and in theFunny or Dieoriginal comedy sketch "Presidential Reunion",where he played President Ford alongside other current and formerSNLpresident impersonators. That same year, Chase appeared in the filmHot Tub Time Machinewhich received some praise,[69][70]and asequel.

Throughout the filming ofCommunityseasons one through four, Chase became increasingly angry and uncomfortable with the direction of his character, Pierce, who is a bigot. It was reported that in 2012 Chase "snapped and launched the tirade, airing his frustration and suggesting that the way things with Pierce are going, he may next be asked to call Troy (Glover) or Shirley (Brown) theN-word".While Chase apologized for his outburst, he proceeded to leave the show[71][72]due to increasing disagreements with his character and the show's creatorDan Harmon.After a mutual agreement with the network, his character was abruptly written out of the fourth season ofCommunity.[71]Chase later claimed that his exit was due to his personal opinions of the show rather than the outburst, claiming that it "wasn't funny enough".[73]His departure was cemented by the writers, who made the creative decision to kill off Pierce in thethird episodeofCommunity'sfifth season.[74]



In 2015, Chase reprised his role as Clark Griswold in the fifthVacationinstallment, titledVacation.Unlike the previous four films in which Clark is the main protagonist, he only has a brief though pivotal cameo appearance. In spite of largely negative critical reception, the film proved to be a financial success, grossing over $107 million worldwide.[75]

In 2019, Chase was in theNetflixmovieThe Last Laughwhere he starred alongsideRichard Dreyfuss,and in 2024, he was in the filmThe Christmas LetterwithRandy QuaidandBrian Doyle-Murray.

Personal life

Chase in 1990

Marriage and family


Chase married Susan Hewitt inNew York Cityon February 23, 1973. They divorced on February 1, 1976. His second marriage, to Jacqueline Carlin, was formalized on December 4, 1976, and ended in divorce on November 14, 1980; they had no children.[76]

Chase resided inPacific Palisades, Los Angelesfrom 1980 until 1995 in aTudor-style home.He was theHonorary Mayor of Pacific Palisadesbetween 1986 and 1988.[77][78]

He married his third wife, Jayni Luke, inPacific Palisadeson June 19, 1982.[79]He and Luke have three daughters, Cydney, Caley, and Emily.[8]The couple reside inBedford, New York.[80]

Substance abuse


In 1986, Chase was admitted to theBetty Ford Centerfor treatment of a prescription painkiller addiction. His use began after he experienced ongoingback painrelated to the pratfalls he took during hisSaturday Night Liveappearances.[81]In 2010, he said that his drug abuse had been "low level."[82]

He entered theHazelden Clinicin September 2016 to receive treatment foralcoholism.[83]

Political views


An activeenvironmentalistandphilanthropist,Chase is apolitical liberal.He campaigned forBill Clintonin the 1990s, and forJohn Kerryin the2004 presidential election.[84][85]

In 2004, he mocked PresidentGeorge W. Bushduring a speech at aPeople for the American Waybenefit at theJohn F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,where he referred to Bush as an "uneducated, real lying schmuck" and a "dumb fuck", which upset the organizers and the crowd, leadingNorman Learto categorize the statements as "utterly untoward."[86]

Fight with Bill Murray


While filming an episode ofSaturday Night Livein 1978, Chase got into a fistfight withBill Murrayin John Belushi's dressing room. Murray and Chase's backstage brawl took place when Chase returned to host the show after his exit as a full-time cast member in 1976. Murray had reportedly made a derogatory comment about Chase's troubled marriage to Jacqueline Carlin, leading Chase to criticize Murray's physical appearance.SNLcast membersJane Curtin,Laraine Newman,andGilda Radnerwitnessed the incident.[87][citation needed]

In a talk show appearance in 2021, Newman noted of the altercation, "it was very sad and painful and awful". She went on to say, "I think they both knew the one thing that they could say to one another that would hurt the most and that's what I think incited it." Chase and Murray would later reconcile to star together inCaddyshackin 1980.[88]




Year Title Role Notes
1968 Walk... Don't Walk Pedestrian Short film
1974 The Groove Tube The Fingers/Geritan/Four Leaf Clover
1976 Tunnel Vision Himself
1978 Foul Play Tony Carlson
1980 Oh! Heavenly Dog Browning
Caddyshack Ty Webb
Seems Like Old Times Nicholas Gardenia
1981 Under the Rainbow Bruce Thorpe
Modern Problems Max Fiedler
1983 National Lampoon's Vacation Clark Griswold
Deal of the Century Eddie Muntz
1985 Fletch Irwin 'Fletch' Fletcher
National Lampoon's European Vacation Clark Griswold
Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird Newscaster Cameo
Spies Like Us Emmett Fitz-Hume
1986 ¡Three Amigos! Dusty Bottoms
1988 The Couch Trip Condom Father Cameo
Funny Farm Andy Farmer
Caddyshack II Ty Webb
1989 Fletch Lives Irwin 'Fletch' Fletcher
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Clark "Sparky" Griswold
1991 Nothing but Trouble Chris Thorne
L.A. Story Carlo Christopher Cameo
1992 Memoirs of an Invisible Man Nick Halloway
Hero Deke Uncredited
1993 Last Action Hero Himself Cameo
1994 A Century of Cinema Documentary
Cops & Robbersons Norman Robberson
1995 Man of the House Jack Sturgess
1997 Vegas Vacation Clark Griswold
1998 Dirty Work Dr. Farthing
2000 Snow Day Tom Brandston
Pete's Pizza Narrator Voice; Short film
The One Armed Bandit Cop Short film
2002 Orange County Principal Harbert
2003 Vacuums Mr. Punch
Bitter Jester Himself Darren Watkins
2004 Our Italian Husband Paul Parmesan
Bad Meat Congressman Bernard P. Greely Direct-to-DVD
2005 Ellie Parker Dennis Swartzbaum
2006 Funny Money Henry Perkins
Doogal Train Voice
Goose on the Loose Congreve Maddox Direct-to-DVD
Zoom Dr. Grant
2007 Cutlass Stan Short film[89]
2009 Stay Cool Principal Marshall
Jack and the Beanstalk Antipode
2010 Hot Tub Time Machine Repairman
Hotel Hell Vacation Clark Griswold Short film
2011 Not Another Not Another Movie Max Storm
2013 Before I Sleep Gravedigger
2014 Lovesick Lester
Shelby Grandpa Geoffrey Direct-to-DVD
2015 Hot Tub Time Machine 2 Repairman
Vacation Clark Griswold
2017 The Last Movie Star Sonny
Hedgehogs ThinkMan Voice; Direct-to-DVD
2019 The Last Laugh Al Hart
2020 The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee Chevy
2021 Panda vs. Aliens King Karoth Voice; Direct-to-DVD
2023 Zombie Town Mezmarian
Glisten and the Merry Mission Santa Claus Voice
2024 The Christmas Letter Norm De Plume


Year Title Role Notes
1975 The Smothers Brothers Show Writer
1975–2025 Saturday Night Live Various characters / Himself (host) 39 episodes; also writer; 8 episodes
1977 The Chevy Chase Show Himself Television special;also writer
The Paul Simon Special
1979 The Chevy Chase National Humor Test
1987 59thAcademy Awards Himself (co-host) Television special
1988 60thAcademy Awards Himself (host)
Untitled Dan Aykroyd Project Adin A. Oss Pilot
1990 The Earth Day Special Vic's Buddy Television special
1993 The Chevy Chase Show Himself (host) 25 episodes; also writer and producer
1995 The Larry Sanders Show Himself Episode: "Roseanne's Return"
1997 The Nanny Episode: "A Decent Proposal"
2002 America's Most Terrible Things Andy Potts Pilot
2003 Freedom: A History of US Various characters 5 episodes
2004 The Karate Dog Cho-Cho Voice;Television film
2006 The Secret Policeman's Ball General Nuisance Television special
Law & Order Mitch Carroll Episode: "In Vino Veritas"
2007, 2009 Family Guy Clark Griswold / Himself (voices) Episodes: "Blue Harvest"
"Spies Reminiscent of Us"
2007 Brothers & Sisters Stan Harris 2 episodes
2009 Hjälp! Dan Carter 8 episodes
Chuck Ted Roark 3 episodes
2009–2014 Community Pierce Hawthorne 83 episodes
2014 Hot in Cleveland Ross Episode: "People Feeding People"
Wishin' and Hopin' Adult Felix (voice) Television film
2015 Chevy Chase Pilot
2016 A Christmas in Vermont Preston Bullock Television film

Awards and nominations

Year Association Category Title Result Ref.
1976 Writers Guild of America Writing for a Variety Series The Smothers Brothers Show Nominated
1976 Primetime Emmy Award Individual Performance in a Variety Program Saturday Night Live Won
Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series Won
1977 Individual Performance in a Variety Program Nominated
Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series Nominated
1978 Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special The Paul Simon Special Won
1978 Golden Globe Award Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy Foul Play Nominated
New Star of the Year Nominated
1992 Saturn Award Best Actor Memoirs of an Invisible Man Nominated [90]

On September 23, 1993, Chase received a star on theHollywood Walk of Fameat 7021 Hollywood Boulevard.[63]


  1. ^"Famous birthdays for Oct. 8: Bella Thorne, Chevy Chase".UPI.October 8, 2022.Archivedfrom the original on October 8, 2022.RetrievedJanuary 27,2023.
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  3. ^ab"Golden Globe Awards for 'Chevy Chase'".Goldenglobes.Archivedfrom the original on October 2, 2017.RetrievedJune 21,2017.
  4. ^Guerrero, Danger (November 21, 2012)."Chevy Chase is leaving" Community "".Uproxx.Archivedfrom the original on November 28, 2012.RetrievedNovember 21,2012.
  5. ^Andreeva, Nellie (November 21, 2012)."Chevy Chase Leaving NBC's" Community "".Deadline.Archivedfrom the original on June 11, 2016.RetrievedNovember 21,2012.
  6. ^"Chevy Chase biography".Biography.Archivedfrom the original on April 3, 2019.RetrievedOctober 17,2013.
  7. ^"Is Chevy Chase a Potential Successor to Johnny Carson?".New York Magazine.June 26, 2008.Archivedfrom the original on September 19, 2020.RetrievedDecember 30,2020.
  8. ^ab"Chevy Chase is 74, sober and ready to work. The problem? Nobody wants to work with him".Washington Post.Archivedfrom the original on February 18, 2021.RetrievedJune 30,2021.
  9. ^"Edward Chase, 86, Longtime Book Editor, Is Dead (Published 2005)".The New York Times.June 17, 2005.Archivedfrom the original on November 19, 2020.RetrievedDecember 30,2020.
  10. ^"Edward Tinsley Chase '41 | Princeton Alumni Weekly".Archived fromthe originalon July 27, 2020.RetrievedSeptember 20,2018.
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  12. ^Martha Burgin; Maureen Holtz (2009).Robert Allerton: the private man & the public gifts.The News-Gazette. p. 132.ISBN978-0-9798420-7-8.
  13. ^abcFruchter, Rena.I'm Chevy Chase...and You're Not.Virgin Books, 2007.
  14. ^Cornelius Crane "Chevy" Chase, Edward Tinsley "Ned" Chase, Edward Leigh Chase, Charles Dennison Chase, Henry Seymour Chase, Jarvis Brown Chase, Paul Chase m. Betty Kinnicutt, John Kinnicutt m. Hannah Gorham, Jabez Gorham Jr., Jabez Gorham Sr., John Gorham m. Desire Howland, daughter of John Howland & Elizabeth Tilley.
  15. ^New York Magazine.August 23, 1993. p. 32.ISSN0028-7369.{{cite book}}:|website=ignored (help)
  16. ^abChase, Chevy, interview onHoward Stern Show,Sirius Satellite Radio, September 18, 2008.
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Further reading

  • I'm Chevy Chase...and You're Not(The Authorized Biography) by Rena Fruchter. Virgin Books, 2007.ISBN1-85227-346-1.
  • Who's Who in Comedyby Ronald L. Smith. Pp. 102–103. New York: Facts on File, 1992.ISBN0-8160-2338-7.
  • Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Liveby Tom Shales and James Andrew Miller. Back Bay Books.