Hyacinthoides non-scripta

(Redirected fromCommon Bluebell)

Hyacinthoides non-scripta/ˌhəsɪnˈθɔɪdznɒnˈskrɪptə/(formerlyEndymion non-scriptusorScilla non-scripta) is abulbousperennial plantfound in Atlantic areas from the north-western part of the Iberian Peninsula to the British Isles, and also frequently used as agarden plant.It is known in English as thecommon bluebellor simplybluebell,a name which is used in Scotland to refer to the harebell,Campanula rotundifolia.In spring,H. non-scriptaproduces a nodding, one-sided inflorescence of 5–12 tubular, sweet-scented violet–blue flowers, with strongly recurvedtepals,and 3–6 long, linear, basal leaves.

Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Asparagaceae
Subfamily: Scilloideae
Genus: Hyacinthoides
H. non-scripta
Binomial name
Hyacinthoides non-scripta
  • Hyacinthus non-scriptusL.
  • Scilla festalisSalisb.(nom. illeg.)
  • Scilla nutansSm.inSowerby & Smith(nom. illeg.)
  • Scilla non-scripta(L.) Link & Hoffmanns.
  • Endymion nutansDumort.(nom. illeg.)
  • Agraphis nutansLink.(nom. illeg.)
  • Endymion non-scriptus(L.) Garcke
  • Hyacinthus cernuusL.
  • Scilla cernua(L.) Hoffmanns. & Link
  • Endymion cernuus(L.) Dumort.

H. non-scriptais particularly associated withancient woodlandwhere it may dominate the understorey to produce carpets of violet–blue flowers in "bluebell woods",but also occurs in more open habitats in western regions. It is protected under UK law, and in some other parts of its range. A related species,H. hispanicahas also been introduced to Britain and Ireland andhybridiseswithH. non-scriptato produce intermediates known asH.×massartiana.



Hyacinthoides non-scriptawasfirst describedbyCarl Linnaeusin his 1753 workSpecies Plantarum,as a species in the genusHyacinthus.[2]Thespecific epithetnon-scriptameans "unlettered" or "unmarked" and was intended to distinguish this plant from the classical hyacinth ofGreek mythology.This mythical flower, which was almost certainly not the modern hyacinth,[3]sprang up from the blood of the dying princeHyacinthus.His lover, the godApollo,shed tears that marked the new flower's petals with the letters "AIAI" ( "alas" ) as a sign of his grief.[4]

In 1803,Johann Centurius von HoffmannseggandJohann Heinrich Friedrich Linktransferred the species to the genusScilla,and in 1849Christian August Friedrich Garcketransferred it to the genusEndymion(now a synonym ofHyacinthoides); it is still widely known as "Scilla non-scripta"or"Endymion non-scriptus".[5]In 1934,Pierre Chouardtransferred the species to its current placement in the genusHyacinthoides.[6]Scillawas the original Greek name for the sea squill,Drimia maritima;Endymionis a character fromGreek mythology;Hyacinthoidesmeans "like a hyacinth".[7]

Thetype speciesofHyacinthoidesisH. hispanica,while that ofEndymionis "Scilla nutans",described byJames Edward SmithinEnglish Botanyin 1797, but now treated as asynonymofH. non-scripta.[1]Smith had argued thatnutans( "nodding" ) is a more fitting epithet thannon-scriptus,which makes no sense once separated fromHyacinthus,but theInternational Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plantsrequires the oldest name to be used, regardless of meaning.[1]

Common namesforHyacinthoides non-scriptainclude bluebell,[8]common bluebell, English bluebell, British bluebell,[9]wild hyacinth, wood bell, fairy flower and bell bottle.[10]In Scotland, the term "bluebell" is used for the harebell,Campanula rotundifolia.[4]


Hyacinthoides non-scriptaforms acladewith three other species –H. hispanica,H. paivaeandH. cedretorum– centred on theIberian Peninsula.[1]H. paivaeis restricted to a small area of north-western Iberia (Galiciaand neighbouring parts of Portugal), whileH. cedretorumis found in mountainous areas of westernNorth Africa(MoroccoandAlgeria).[1]Within Iberia,H. non-scriptaandH. hispanicaare geographically separated by theDueroriver.[1]The genus also contains seven further species, mostly distributed further east in theMediterranean Basin.[1]


Comparison ofH. non-scriptaandH. hispanica
H. non-scriptahas dark flowers in one-sided, nodding racemes, with strongly recurved petals and white pollen.
H. hispanicahas paler flowers produced on all sides of the upright stem, less recurved petals and blue pollen.

Hyacinthoides non-scriptais aperennial plantthat grows from abulb.[8]It produces 3–6 linear leaves, all growing from the base of the plant, and each 7–16 millimetres (0.28–0.63 in) wide.[11]Aninflorescenceof 5–12 (exceptionally 3–32) flowers is borne on a stem up to 500 mm (20 in) tall, which droops towards the tip;[2]the flowers are arranged in a 1-sided noddingraceme.[8]Each flower is 14–20 mm (0.55–0.79 in) long, with two bracts at the base, and the sixtepalsare strongly recurved at their tips.[8]The tepals are violet–blue.[12]The threestamensin the outer whorl are fused to theperianthfor more than 75% of their length, and bear cream-colouredpollen.[8]The flowers are strongly and sweetly scented.[8]The seeds are black, and germinate on the soil surface.[13]

The bulbs produce contractile roots; when these roots contract, they draw the bulbs down into deeper layers of the soil where there is greater moisture, reaching depths of 10–12 cm (3.9–4.7 in).[13]This may explain the absence ofH. non-scriptafrom some thin soils over chalk inSouth East England,since the bulbs are unable to penetrate into sufficiently deep soils.[13]

H. non-scriptadiffers fromH. hispanica,which occurs as an introduced species in Britain and Ireland, in a number of ways.H. hispanicahas paler flowers which are borne in radially symmetrical racemes; their tepals are less recurved, and are only faintly scented.[8]The outer stamens are fused with the tepals for less than 75% of their length, and the anthers are the same colour as the tepals.[8]These two species are thought to have diverged 8000 years ago.[1]The two specieshybridisereadily to produce fertile offspring known asHyacinthoides×massartiana;the hybrids are intermediate between the parental species, forming a spectrum of variation which connects the two.[8]

Distribution and ecology

Bluebell habitats
Bluebells inPryor's Wood,Hertfordshire
In the west of its range,H. non-scriptalives in open habitats, here onUlvain theHebrides,Scotland

Hyacinthoides non-scriptais native to the western parts of Atlantic Europe, from north-westernSpainand north-westernPortugal,to theNetherlands,Great Britain,andIreland.[2]It is found inBelgium,Great Britain,France,Ireland,Portugal, the Netherlands and Spain, and also occurs as a naturalized species inGermany,ItalyandRomania.[14]It has also been introduced (and can be highly invasive) into various parts of North America, in both thePacific Northwest(British Columbia,WashingtonandOregon), the Great Lakes region (Ontario,New York,OhioandPennsylvania) and other parts of the United States (the Virginias,KentuckyandIndiana)[15]it has been introduced as well toNew Zealand.

Despite the wide distribution ofH. non-scripta,it reaches its greatest densities in Britain and Ireland,[9]where "bluebell woods"(woodland with the understory dominated byH. non-scriptain spring) are a familiar sight.H. non-scriptais found throughout Britain and Ireland, with the exception of the northernOuter Hebrides(Lewis and Harris),OrkneyandShetland,[8]and it is estimated that 25%–50% of all common bluebells may be found in Britain and Ireland.[16]

Bluebells are a species of deciduous woodland over much of their range, flowering and leafing early before the canopy closes in late spring. They may also be found growing underbrackenorJapanese knotweed,perennial plants which also form stands with a dense summer canopy.[17]They are most successful on slightly acid soils; the same niche in alkaline conditions may be occupied by other species such asMercurialis perennis.[18]As a species adapted to woodlands, the young shoots are able to penetrate through a thick layer ofleaf litter,[19]and bluebells are often used as anindicator speciesto identifyancient woodland.[20]Bluebells are also frequently found in hedgerows, and in the west of their range they can be found growing in open habitats, including coastal meadows.[21]Bluebell flowers are rich inpollenandnectar,and are chiefly pollinated bybumblebees,although they are also visited by various other insects.[22]They are a host species for the parasitic fungusUromyces muscari,which causes bluebell rust.[23]The ability ofH. non-scriptato take upphosphorusfrom the soil is greatly enhanced by the presence ofarbuscular mycorrhizaein its roots.[24]



Hyacinthoides non-scriptais not protected underinternational law,such asCITESor the EUHabitats Directive.[25]

In theUnited Kingdom,H. non-scriptais a protected species under theWildlife and Countryside Act 1981.Landowners are prohibited from removing common bluebells on their land for sale and it is a criminal offence to remove the bulbs of wild common bluebells.[26]This legislation was strengthened in 1998 under Schedule 8 of the Act making any trade in wild common bluebell bulbs or seeds an offence, punishable by fines of up to £5,000 per bulb.[10][27]The species is not protected in theIsle of Manor theRepublic of Ireland.[28]

In France,H. non-scriptais largely confined to the northern half of the country.[29]It is not legally protected at the national level, but it is protected in many of thedépartementstowards the edge of its range (Corrèze,Loiret,Gironde,Lot-et-Garonne,Dordogne,Cher,Eure-et-Loir,Indre-et-LoireandLoir-et-Cher).[29]InWallonia,H. non-scriptais protected underAnnexe VIIof theLoi sur la conservation de la nature.[30]


Opened seed pod with seeds inside

Bluebells have had numerous uses over the centuries. There is little evidence of widespread medicinal use, but the bulbs contain muselage and inulin, a starchy substance which was used as a glue for bookbinding. The Elizabethans also used the starch from the bluebell bulb to stiffen the fabrics of ruffs and collars.[31]

Bluebells are widely planted asgarden plants,either among trees or inherbaceous borders.[22]They flower at the same time ashyacinths,Narcissusand sometulips.[32]They produce seed andreproduce vegetativelyusing bulb offsets, so can spread rapidly, and may need to be controlled asweeds.[33]

In common with other members of their genus, bluebells - particularly their bulbs - are normally considered to be toxic. Bluebells synthesise a wide range of chemicals with potential medicinal properties: they contain at least 15 biologically active compounds that may provide them with protection against insects and animals. Certain extracts – water-solublepyrrolidinealkaloids– are similar to compounds tested for use in combating HIV and cancer.[34][35]The bulbs of bluebells are used infolk medicineas a remedy forleucorrhoea,and as adiureticorstyptic,[36]while the sap can be used as anadhesive.[32][36]

In culture


The bluebell may be regarded as the United Kingdom's "favourite flower". When the wild plant charityPlantlifeorganised a survey in 2004 to find a favourite flower for each county in the United Kingdom, it decided to ban voters from choosing the bluebell because it had been by far the top choice in an earlier poll for the nation's favourite flower.[37]A stylised bluebell is used as thelogofor theBotanical Society of Britain and Ireland.[38]

In and Out the Dusting Bluebells,also known as In and Out the Dusty Bluebells, is a children'splayground songand dance.[39]


  1. ^abcdefghMichael Grundmann; Fred J. Rumsey; Stephen W. Ansell; Stephen J. Russell; Sarah C. Darwin; Johannes C. Vogel; Mark Spencer; Jane Squirrell; Peter M. Hollingsworth; Santiago Ortiz; Harald Schneider (2010). "Phylogeny and taxonomy of the bluebell genusHyacinthoides,Asparagaceae [Hyacinthaceae] ".Taxon.59(1):68–82.doi:10.1002/tax.591008.
  2. ^abcS. Ortiz (2011). "Hyacinthoides Heist. ex Fabr.".Flora Iberica, Volume 20: Liliaceae - Agavaceae(PDF).Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.ISBN9788400097455.
  3. ^J. E. Raven (2000).Plants and Plant Lore in Ancient Greece.Oxford: Leopard Head Press. pp.26–27.ISBN978-0-904920-40-6.
  4. ^abRichard Mabey(1996).Flora Britannica.London:Sinclair-Stevenson.pp.412–416.ISBN978-1-85619-377-1.
  5. ^Martyn Rix (2004). "Plate 481.Hyacinthoides non-scriptaHyacinthaceae ".Curtis's Botanical Magazine.21(1):20–25.doi:10.1111/j.1467-8748.2004.00406.x.
  6. ^Pierre Chouard (1934)."Les noms linnéens des Scilla et des Endymion et leur véritable signification"[The Linnaean names inScillaandEndymionand their true identities](PDF).Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France(in French).81(4):620–630.Bibcode:1934BSBF...81..620C.doi:10.1080/00378941.1934.10834006.Archived fromthe original(PDFexcerpt)on 2014-08-09.Retrieved2012-03-28.
  7. ^Allen J. Coombes (1985).The Collingridge Dictionary of Plant Names.Collingridge.ISBN978-0-600-35770-4.
  8. ^abcdefghijClive A. Stace(2010). "HyacinthoidesHeist.exFabr. (EndymionDumort.) – bluebells ".New Flora of the British Isles(3rd ed.). Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.pp.920–921.ISBN978-0-521-70772-5.
  9. ^abFred Rumsey."Hyacinthoides non-scripta(British bluebell) > Distribution and ecology ".Species of the day.Natural History Museum.Archived fromthe originalon February 21, 2012.RetrievedMarch 25,2012.
  10. ^abSteve Davis; Anna Trias-Blasi."Hyacinthoides non-scripta(bluebell) ".Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.Archived fromthe originalon March 23, 2012.RetrievedMarch 25,2012.
  11. ^John Poland; Eric J. Clement (2009).The Vegetative Key to the British Flora.Botanical Society of the British Isles.p. 140.ISBN978-0-9560144-0-5.
  12. ^A. R. Clapham,T. G. Tutin&E. F. Warburg(1981). "Liliaceae".Excursion Flora of the British Isles(3rd ed.). Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.pp.388–394.ISBN978-0-521-23290-6.
  13. ^abcPeter Thomas; John R. Packham (2007).Ecology of Woodlands and Forests: Description, Dynamics and Diversity.Cambridge University Press.ISBN978-0-521-83452-0.
  14. ^"Hyacinthoides".Flora Europaea.Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.Archived fromthe originalon February 15, 2012.RetrievedMarch 28,2012.
  15. ^"Hyacinthoides non-scripta(L.) Chouard ex Rothm., English bluebell ".PLANTS Profile.United States Department of Agriculture.RetrievedMarch 30,2012.
  16. ^Deborah D. Kohn; Philip E. Hulme; Peter M. Hollingsworth; Adam Butler (2009)."Are native bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) at risk from alien congenerics? Evidence from distributions and co-occurrence in Scotland "(PDF).Biological Conservation.142(1):61–74.Bibcode:2009BCons.142...61K.doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.09.030.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2020-01-14.Retrieved2012-03-24.
  17. ^"Bluebells".Sheffield Wildlife Trust. Archived fromthe originalon July 24, 2011.RetrievedMarch 28,2012.
  18. ^"Woodland plants".Field Studies Council.2009. Archived fromthe originalon June 26, 2018.RetrievedApril 22,2012.
  19. ^J. R. Packham (1992)."Soils, climate and zonation".Functional Ecology of Woodlands and Forests.Springer.pp.97–140.ISBN978-0-412-43950-6.
  20. ^Jack Watkins (April 30, 2009)."Bluebells hold clue to ancient forests".Daily Telegraph.Archived fromthe originalon May 14, 2009.RetrievedMarch 27,2012.
  21. ^"Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) ".Species Action Plans.Cheshire Regional Biodiversity Partnership. Archived fromthe originalon April 8, 2012.RetrievedMarch 28,2012.
  22. ^abJill, Duchess of Hamilton;Penny Hart; John Simmons (2006)."Hyacinthoides non-scripta,bluebell ".The Gardens of William Morris.Frances Lincoln. p. 131.ISBN978-0-7112-2609-8.
  23. ^Stefan Buczacki; Keith Harris (1998). "Diseases".Pests, Diseases & Disorders of Garden Plants(2nd ed.). HarperCollins. p. 389.ISBN978-0-00-220063-9.
  24. ^Michael Begon; Colin R. Townsend; John L. Harper (2006)."Symbiosis and mutualism".Ecology: from Individuals to Ecosystems(4th ed.).John Wiley & Sons.pp.381–409.ISBN978-1-4051-1117-1.
  25. ^"BluebellHyacinthoides non-scriptaspecies action plan "(PDF).Caerphilly County Borough Council.RetrievedMarch 29,2012.
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  31. ^"Facts about bluebells | Nature".National Trust.Retrieved2024-06-26.
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  35. ^Michael Kent (2000).Advanced Biology.Oxford University Press.p. 334.ISBN978-0-19-914195-1.
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  37. ^Paul Brown (5 May 2004)."Fans pick the flowers that have grown on them".The Guardian.
  38. ^Gabriel E. Hemery (2005)."A new image for the society"(PDF).BSBI News.100.Botanical Society of the British Isles:5–6.
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