Deep Throat (Watergate)

Deep Throatis thepseudonymgiven to the secret informant who provided information in 1972 toBob Woodward,who shared it withCarl Bernstein.Woodward and Bernstein were reporters forThe Washington Post,and Deep Throat provided key details about the involvement ofU.S. presidentRichard Nixon's administration in what came to be known as theWatergate scandal.In 2005, 31 years after Nixon's resignation and 11 years after Nixon's death,Mark Feltrevealed through an attorney that he was Deep Throat. By then, Felt was suffering from dementia and had previously denied being Deep Throat, but Woodward and Bernstein then confirmed the attorney's claim.

Mark Felt(1913–2008), known by the pseudonym "Deep Throat"



Deep Throat was first introduced to the public in the February 1974 bookAll the President's MenbyThe Washington PostreportersBob WoodwardandCarl Bernstein.According to the authors, Deep Throat was a key source of information behind a series of articles that introduced the misdeeds of the Nixon administration to the general public. The scandal eventually led to the resignation of President Nixon, as well as to prison terms forWhite House Chief of StaffH. R. Haldeman,G. Gordon Liddy,Egil Krogh,White House CounselCharles Colson,former United States Attorney GeneralJohn N. Mitchell,former White House CounselJohn Dean,and presidential adviserJohn Ehrlichman.Thefilm based on the bookwas released two years later; nominated for eightAcademy Awards,it won four.

Howard Simonswas the managing editor of thePostduring Watergate. He dubbed the secret informant "Deep Throat", alluding to both the deep background status of his information and the widely publicized 1972 pornographic filmDeep Throat.[1]For more than 30 years, Deep Throat's identity was one of the biggest mysteries of American politics and journalism and the source of much public curiosity and speculation. Woodward and Bernstein insisted that they would not reveal his identity until he died or consented to reveal it.J. Anthony Lukasspeculated that Deep Throat was W. Mark Felt in his bookNightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years(1976), based on threeNew York Times Sunday Magazinearticles, but he was widely criticized. According to an article inSlateon April 28, 2003, Woodward had denied that Deep Throat was part of the "intelligence community" in a 1989Playboyinterview with Lukas.[2]

On May 31, 2005,Vanity Fairrevealed that Felt was Deep Throat in an article on its website by John D. O'Connor, an attorney acting on Felt's behalf. Felt reportedly said, "I'm the guy they used to call Deep Throat." After theVanity Fairstory broke, Woodward, Bernstein, andBenjamin C. Bradlee,thePost's executive editor during Watergate, confirmed Felt's identity as Deep Throat.[3]L. Patrick Gray,former acting Director of the FBI and Felt's overseer, disputed Felt's claim in his bookIn Nixon's Web,co-written with his son Ed. Gray and others have argued that Deep Throat was a compilation of sources characterized as one person to improve sales of the book and movie. Woodward and Bernstein, however, defended Felt's claims and detailed their relationship with him in Woodward's bookThe Secret Man: The Story of Watergate's Deep Throat.

Role in the Watergate scandal


On June 17, 1972, police arrested five men inside the offices of theDemocratic National Committeein theWatergate ComplexinWashington, D.C.In their possession were $2,300 (equivalent to $16,800 today), plastic gloves to hide fingerprints, burglary tools, a walkie-talkie and radio scanner capable of listening to police frequencies, cameras with 40 rolls of film, tear gas guns, multiple electronic devices which they intended to plant in the Democratic Committee offices, and notebooks containing the telephone number of White House officialE. Howard Hunt.One of the men wasJames W. McCord Jr.;[4]a formerCentral Intelligence Agencyemployee and a security man for Nixon'sCommittee for the Re-Election of the President,later notoriously mocked with the acronym "CREEP".

Washington Postreporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward pursued the story for two years. The scandal eventually implicated many members of Nixon's White House, culminating in Nixon becoming the first United States president to resign. Woodward and Bernstein wrote inAll the President's Menthat key information in their investigation had come from an anonymous informant whom they dubbed "Deep Throat".

Methods of communication


Woodward, inAll the President's Men,first mentions "Deep Throat" on page 71. Earlier in the book, he reports calling "an old friend and sometimes source who worked for the federal government and did not like to be called at his office". Later, he describes him as "a source in the Executive Branch who had access to information at CRP as well as at the White House". The book also calls him "an incurable gossip" and states "in a unique position to observe the Executive Branch", and as a man "whose fight had been worn out in too many battles".

Historical marker in front of the parking garage in Rosslyn, Virginia, where Woodward and Felt met during theWashington Post's Watergate scandal investigation

Woodward claimed that he would signal to "Deep Throat" that he desired a meeting by moving a flowerpot with a red flag on the balcony of his apartment. When "Deep Throat" wanted a meeting, he would make special marks on page 20 of Woodward's copy ofThe New York Times;he would circle the page number and draw clock hands to indicate the hour. They often met "on the bottom level of an undergroundgaragejust over theKey BridgeinRosslyn",at 2:00 a.m. The garage is located at 1401 Wilson Boulevard and has a historical marker that was erected in 2011. In 2014, the garage was scheduled to be demolished, though the county decided to save the historical marker, and the landowner promised to design a memorial commemorating the Watergate scandal.[5]As of 2024,the garage had not been demolished.[6]

Many were skeptical of thesecloak and daggermethods. Adrian Havill investigated these claims for his 1993biographyof Woodward and Bernstein and found them to be factually impossible. He noted that Woodward's apartment 617 at 1718 P Street, Northwest, in Washington faced an interior courtyard and was not visible from the street. Havill said that anyone regularly checking the balcony, as "Deep Throat" was said to have done daily, would have been spotted. Havill also said that copies ofThe New York Timeswere not delivered to individual apartments but delivered in an unaddressed stack to the building's reception desk. There would have been no way to know which copy was intended for Woodward. Woodward, however, has stated that in the early 1970s the interior courtyard was an alleyway and had not yet been bricked off and that his balcony was visible from street level to passing pedestrians. It was also visible, Woodward conjectured, to anyone from the FBI in surveillance of nearby embassies. Also revealed was the fact that Woodward's copy ofThe New York Timeshad his apartment number indicated on it. Former neighbor Herman Knippenberg stated that Woodward would sometimes come to his door looking for his marked copy of theTimes,claiming, "I like to have it in mint condition and I like to have my own copy."[7]

Further, while Woodward stressed these precautions in his book, he also admits to having called "Deep Throat" on the telephone at his home. Felt's wife recalls answering Woodward's telephone calls for Felt.[8]

Controversy over motives


In public statements following the disclosure of his identity, Felt's family called him an "American hero", stating that he leaked information about the Watergate scandal toThe Washington Postfor moral and patriotic reasons. Other commentators, however, have speculated that Felt may have had more personal reasons for leaking information to Woodward.

In his bookThe Secret Man,Woodward describes Felt as a loyalist to and admirer ofJ. Edgar Hoover.After Hoover's death, Felt became angry and disgusted whenL. Patrick Gray,a career naval officer and lawyer from theCivil Divisionof theDepartment of Justice,had no law enforcement experience and was appointed as Director of the FBI over Felt, a 30-year veteran of the FBI. Felt was particularly unhappy with Gray's management style at the FBI, which was markedly different from Hoover's. Felt aided Woodward and Bernstein because he knew Woodward personally, having met him years before when Woodward was in the navy. Over the course of their acquaintance, Woodward would often call Felt for advice. Instead of seeking out prosecutors at the Justice Department, or the House Judiciary Committee charged with investigating presidential wrongdoing, Felt was methodically solicited by Woodward to guide their investigation while keeping his own identity and involvement safely concealed.

Some conservatives who worked for Nixon, such asPat BuchananandG. Gordon Liddy,castigated Felt and asserted their belief that Nixon was unfairly hounded from office,[9]often claiming it a "witch hunt".[10]

Speculation concerning Mark Felt


Speculation within the White House


Although Deep Throat's identity was unconfirmed for over 30 years, there were suspicions that Felt was indeed the reporters' mysterious source long before the public acknowledgment in 2005. In 2012'sLeak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat,Max Hollandreports that Felt leaked information toThe Washington PostandTime.While thePostreporters did not reveal their source,Timecorrespondent Sandy Smith toldTime's lawyer,Roswell Gilpatric,a partner ofCravath, Swaine & Moore.[11]Gilpatric then passed the information toHenry E. Petersen,theAssistant Attorney Generalin the Criminal Division of theDepartment of Justice.In turn, Petersen revealed the information toWhite House CounselJohn W. Dean,[12]who finally reported it toPresidentRichard Nixon.[11]

Nixon did not publicly acknowledge learning Deep Throat's identity. Nixon claimed that if he had done so, Felt would have publicly revealed information that would damage the FBI, as well as other powerful people and institutions. In the"smoking gun" tape,Nixon's chief of staff,H. R. Haldeman,stated that Felt "knows everything there is to know in the FBI."[13]Haldeman implied that Nixon's motives for not outing Felt were not entirely altruistic, especially because Nixon himself may have been damaged by Felt's revelations.

Speculation in the press and the public


It had previously been revealed publicly that Deep Throat was definitely a man.[citation needed]Using this and other widespread clues, real or perceived, some members of the press and the public came to suspect Felt of being Deep Throat. For instance,George V. Higginswrote in 1975: "Mark Felt knows more reporters than most reporters do, and there are some who think he had aWashington Postalias borrowed from a dirty movie. "[14]However, Woodward and Bernstein were tight-lipped concerning their informant's identity. Before Felt was revealed to be Deep Throat, only Woodward, Bernstein,Elsa WalshandBen Bradleeknew of his identity.[15]WriterNora Ephronbecame obsessed with figuring out the secret of Deep Throat's identity and eventually correctly concluded that he was Mark Felt.[16]

In 1999, a 19-year-old college student, Chase Culeman-Beckman, claimed that Bernstein's son, Jacob, told him Mark Felt was Deep Throat. According to Culeman-Beckman, Jacob Bernstein had said that he was, "100 percent sure that Deep Throat was Mark Felt. He's someone in the FBI."[17]Jacob reportedly made this claim approximately 11 years prior, when he and Culeman-Beckman were classmates. Ephron explained that Jacob overheard her "speculations"; Carl Bernstein himself also immediately stepped forward to reject the claim, as he and Woodward did for many others.[17]James Mann, who had worked at thePostat the time ofWatergate scandaland was close to the investigation, brought a great deal of evidence together in a 1992 article inThe Atlantic Monthly.[18]Mann recalled that before the Watergate scandal, Woodward had made references to a high-placed source he had in the FBI. Mann argued that the information that Deep Throat gave Woodward could only have come from FBI files. Felt was also embittered at having been passed over for director of the FBI and believed that the FBI, in general, was hostile to the Nixon administration. In previous unrelated articles, Woodward made clear he had a highly placed source at the FBI, and there is some evidence he was friends with Felt.[19]

Woodward kept in close touch with Felt over the years, even showing up unexpectedly at the house where he was staying with his daughter, Joan, inSanta Rosa, Californiain 1999 after Felt'sdementiabegan. Some suspected at that time that Woodward might have asked Felt to reveal his identity, though Felt, when asked directly by others, had consistently denied being Deep Throat. In 2002,Timothy Noahcalled Felt "the best guess going about the identity of Deep Throat".[20]In 1976, Assistant Attorney GeneralJohn Stanley Pottingerhad convened agrand juryto investigate a series of potentially illegal break-ins Felt authorized against various dissident groups. Felt was testifying before the jury when a juror asked him, out of the blue, "Were you Deep Throat?"[21]Pottinger reports that Felt, "went white with fear".[21]Pottinger explained to Felt that he was under oath and would have to answer truthfully. However, since Pottinger felt the question was outside the purview of the investigation, he offered to withdraw it if Felt wished.

Author Ronald Kessler interviews W. Mark Felt

According to authorRonald Kessler's bookThe Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,Felt's daughter Joan, who was caring for her father, told Kessler in an interview for his book in August 2001 that back in the summer of 1999, Woodward showed up unexpectedly at their Santa Rosa home and took Felt to lunch.[22]Joan told Kessler that she recalled her father greeting Woodward like an old friend. Their meeting appeared to be more of a celebration than an interview. "Woodward just showed up at the door and said he was in the area," Joan Felt was quoted as saying in Kessler's book, which was published in 2002. "He came in a white limousine, which parked at a schoolyard about ten blocks away. He walked to the house. He asked if it was okay to have a martini with my father at lunch, and I said it would be fine."[22]

External videos
Presentation by Kessler onThe Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,June 5, 2002,C-SPAN

Kessler said in his book that while Felt denied to him that he was Deep Throat, the measures Woodward took to conceal his meeting with Felt lent "credence" to the notion that Felt was Deep Throat. Woodward confirmed that Felt was Deep Throat in 2005. "There are plenty of people claiming they knew Deep Throat was actually former FBI man Mark Felt..." theNew York Postreported. "On May 3, 2002, PAGE SIX reported that Ronald Kessler, author ofThe Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI,says that all the evidence points to former top FBI official W. Mark Felt. "[23]

In February 2005, Nixon's formerWhite House Counsel,news columnistJohn Dean,reported that Woodward had recently informed Bradlee that "Deep Throat" was ailing and Bradlee had written Deep Throat's obituary. Both Woodward and the then-current editor ofThe Washington Post,Leonard Downie,denied these claims. Felt was a suspect for Deep Throat, especially after the mysterious meeting that occurred between Woodward and Felt in the summer of 1999. But others had received more attention over the years, such asPat Buchanan,Henry Kissinger,then-Associate JusticeWilliam Rehnquist,GeneralAlexander Haig,and, before "Deep Throat" was confirmed a man,Diane Sawyer.

Felt's confirmation of his identity


On May 31, 2005,Vanity Fairreported that Felt, then aged 91, claimed to be the man once known as "Deep Throat".[24]Later that day, Woodward, Bernstein, and Bradlee released a statement throughThe Washington Postconfirming that the story was true. On June 2, 2005,The Washington Postran a lengthy front-page column by Woodward in which he detailed his friendship with Felt in the years before Watergate.[25]Woodward wrote that he first met Felt by chance in 1970 when Woodward was a Navy lieutenant in his mid-20s. Woodward was dispatched to deliver a package to the White House's West Wing. Felt arrived soon after for a separate appointment and sat next to Woodward in the waiting room. Woodward struck up a conversation and eventually learned of Felt's position in the upper echelon of the FBI. Woodward, who was about to exit the Navy at the time and was unsure about his future direction in life, became determined to use Felt as amentorand career advisor. Therefore, he asked for Felt's phone number and kept in touch with him.

After deciding to try a career as a reporter, Woodward eventually joinedThe Washington Postin August 1971. Felt, who had long had a dim view of the Nixon administration, began passing pieces of information to Woodward, although he insisted that Woodward keep the FBI and Justice Department out of anything he wrote based on the information. The first time Woodward used information from Felt in aWashington Poststory was in mid-May 1972, a month before the Watergate burglary, when Woodward was reporting onArthur Bremer,who had attempted to assassinate presidential candidateGeorge C. Wallace.Nixon had put Felt in charge of investigating the would-be assassin. A month later, just days after the Watergate break-in, Woodward called Felt at his office, which marked the first time Woodward spoke with Felt about Watergate.

Commenting on Felt's motivations for serving as Deep Throat, Woodward wrote, "Felt believed he was protecting the bureau by finding a way, clandestine as it was, to push some of the information from the FBI interviews and files out to the public, to help build public and political pressure to make Nixon and his people answerable. He had nothing but contempt for the Nixon White House and their efforts to manipulate the Bureau for political reasons."[25]

Composite character theory


Prior to Felt's revelation and Woodward's confirmation, part of the reason historians and other scholars had so much difficulty in identifying the real Deep Throat is that no single person seemed to truly fit the character described inAll the President's Men.This had caused some scholars and commentators to come to the conclusion that Deep Throat could not possibly be a single person, and must be a composite of several sources. Woodward and Bernstein consistently denied the theory.[26]

From a literary business perspective, this theory was further supported byDavid Obst,the agent who originally marketed the draft forAll the President's Men,who stated that the initial typescript of the book contained no reference to Deep Throat.[26]Obst believed that Deep Throat was invented by Woodward and Bernstein for dramatic purposes.[26]It also led to speculation that the authors condensed history.[26]

Ed Gray, the son ofL. Patrick Gray III,stated inIn Nixon's Web: A Year in the Crosshairs of Watergatethat his examination of Woodward's interview notes pertaining to Deep Throat at theHarry Ransom Centerat theUniversity of Texas at Austinprovided "convincing evidence that 'Deep Throat' was indeed a fabrication".[27]According to Gray, the file contained notes regarding four interviews that were attributed to either Felt, "X", or "my friend", and a fifth interview dated March 24, 1973, that was unattributed.[27]He said he discovered that he had already seen the paper in 2006 after Woodward released interview files with people who were not Deep Throat.[27]Gray wrote that he contacted Stephen Mielke, the archivist who oversees the Woodward-Bernstein collection at the University of Texas, who said that a carbon copy of the paper contained a note in Woodward's handwriting attributing the interview to Donald Santarelli, an official with the Department of Justice during the Watergate era.[27]Gray wrote that he contacted Santarelli who confirmed that the March 24 meeting was with him.[27]Other interview notes attributed to "X" were interpreted by Gray as containing content that could not have been known by Felt.[27]

Regarding Gray's allegations, Woodward wrote that the March 24 notes were obviously not from an interview with Felt because Felt is referred to by name twice in quotes from the source and that he never stated or wrote that he met with Deep Throat on that date.[28]According to Woodward, Mielke said the page was likely misfiled under Felt due to a lack of source.[28]

Other suspected candidates


Fred Fielding


Another leading candidate was White House Associate CounselFred F. Fielding.In April 2003 Fielding was presented as a potential candidate as a result of a detailed review of source material byWilliam Gainesand his journalism students, as part of a class at theUniversity of Illinoisjournalism school.[29][30]Fielding was the assistant to John Dean and as such had access to the files relating to the affair. Gaines believed that statements by Woodward ruled out Deep Throat's being in the FBI and that Deep Throat often had information before the FBI did. H. R. Haldeman himself suspected Fielding as being Deep Throat.

Dean had been one of the most dedicated hunters of Deep Throat. Both he andLeonard Garmentdismissed Fielding as a possibility, reporting that he had been cleared by Woodward in 1980 when Fielding was applying for an important position in the Reagan administration. However, this assertion, which comes from Fielding, has not been corroborated.

One reason that many experts believed that Deep Throat was Fielding and not Felt was due to Woodward's apparent denial in an interview that Deep Throat worked in the intelligence community:

LUKAS: Do you resent the implication by some critics that your sources on Watergate – among them the fabled Deep Throat – may have been people in the intelligence community?
WOODWARD: I resent it because it's untrue.[31]

Other credible candidates


Any candidate who died before the Felt admission ceased to fit Woodward's criteria at that time since Woodward had stated that he was free to reveal Deep Throat's identity once the person had died.

Less credible candidates

  • William Rehnquist:He had a position in the Department of Justice early in the Nixon administration, working forAttorney GeneralJohn N. Mitchell.More than five months before the Watergate break-in, he was appointed as theAssociate Justiceof theSupreme Courtand it would have been almost impossible for him to have had access to much of the information attributed to Deep Throat. In February 2005, Dean reported that Deep Throat was ailing, and Rehnquist, now the Chief Justice, was known to be suffering from cancer, which caused his death later that year. The report caused a resurgence of speculation that Rehnquist was Deep Throat. However, Woodward later stated that the notion that Deep Throat was ailing had been a misunderstanding.
  • Henry Kissinger:Nixon'sNational Security AdvisorandSecretary of State,was out of the country on some of the dates Woodward reported to have met with Deep Throat.
  • George H. W. Bush:In 1972, Bush was theUnited States Ambassador to the United Nations.He was nominated in February 2005 byAdrian Havill– author of a 1993 biography of Woodward and Bernstein,Deep Truth(ISBN1-55972-172-3) – following the unveiling of Woodward's notes at theUniversity of Texas.Havill had argued in his biography that Deep Throat was a composite figure, but stated in a letter toPoynter Onlinethat based on more recent events and research, he now believed Deep Throat was George H. W. Bush.
  • GeneralAlexander Haig:Authors Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin speculated in their 1991 bookSilent Coup: The Removal of a Presidentthat Haig may have been Deep Throat. Haig died in 2010.
  • Diane Sawyer:She was hired by White House press secretary Ron Ziegler to serve in the Nixon administration. On his deathbed, Nixon supporterBaruch Korffwrongly claimed that Sawyer was Deep Throat.
  • Ben Stein:A Nixon speechwriter and the son of Nixon economic advisorHerbert Stein;later an actor, political commentator, andgame show host.
  • Gerald Ford:Suggestion that Ford may have been Deep Throat as he wasnext in line for the presidency,although in 1972 he was still theHouse Minority Leaderand yet to becomevice president.
  • Pat Buchanan:Served as special assistant to the president, was nominated as a potential candidate by Dean in his 2002 bookUnmasking Deep Throatand initially suspected by the University of Illinois journalism class which eventually blamed Fielding. Buchanan, who repeatedly denied the theory, personally believed that Deep Throat was Connecticut SenatorLowell Weicker,an anti-Nixon Republican who served on the Senate Watergate Committee.[34]
  • Richard Nixonhimself: There was some suggestion that Nixon had used back-channels to communicate with Woodward in a bizarre attempt to showcase his persecution by the media, which backfired. This theory was largely discredited.
  • J. Fred Buzhardt:White House counsel to President Nixon.
  • G. Gordon Liddy:Member of theWhite House Plumbers.Largely dismissed.
  • Hal Holbrookportrayed Deep Throat in the film adaptation ofAll the President's Men(1976), in which he uttered the catchphrase, "Follow the money"(which was not referred to in the book).
  • In the video gameMetal Gear Solid(1998) the characterGrey Foxuses the codename "Deepthroat" in reference to Watergate to provide advice to the main characterSolid Snake.
  • In the comedy filmDick(1999), Deep Throat is revealed as being two teenage Washingtonian girls who worked as Nixon's dog walkers.
  • In thespythriller filmMark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House(2017),Liam Neesonportrays Mark Felt.
  • In the coming-of-age supernatural comedy horror television seriesWednesday(2022), Episode 6,Jenna Ortegaportrays the characterWednesday Addamsand makes the remark "Seems like our wannabe Deep Throat is already here."[35]
  • In the comedy filmDazed and Confused,Mike and Tony are jokingly referred to as "Woodward and Bernstein", prompting Mike to retort "I guess that makes you Deep Throat".
  • InThe X-Files,Fox Mulderuses some of the same techniques as Woodward to communicate with a government informant nicknamed "Deep Throat". It is left unclear if this character is supposed to be the same as the Watergate informant.
  • InArthurS9E9B, "Buster the Myth Maker," Arthur and Buster visit an ice cream parlor to meet with a disguised informant named "DeepFloat,"who is quickly revealed to be Brain, the son of the shop’s owner.
  • InThe Fairly OddParentsmovie "Channel Chasers," Tootie takes on an undercover identity known as "Deep Toot" to leak information about Vicky being a bad babysitter to Mr. and Mrs. Turner. This is a parody of Deep Throat.
  • InAmerican DadS11E19, "Garfield and Friends," Roger the Alien adopts a persona based on Deep Throat, using the same name.


  1. ^McDermott, Annette (May 10, 2018)."How 'Deep Throat' Took Down Nixon From Inside the FBI".History.Archived fromthe originalon December 6, 2020.RetrievedJanuary 24,2021.
  2. ^Noah, Timothy."Was Fred Fielding Deep Throat?",Slate,April 28, 2003.
  3. ^Woodward, Bob.The Secret Man: The Story of Watergate's Deep Throat,Simon & Schuster, 2005.ISBN0-7432-8715-0
  4. ^Langer, Emily; Smith, Harrison; Morgan, Kate."Watergate conspirator James McCord Jr. died two years ago. His death was never announced"– via washingtonpost.
  5. ^"'Deep Throat' garage from U.S. Watergate scandal to be razed ".Reuters.15 June 2014.Retrieved16 June2014.
  6. ^Massimo, Rick (2023-06-02)."Time Could Be Up for Rosslyn's 'Deep Throat' Parking Garage".Northern Virginia Magazine.Retrieved2023-06-14.
  7. ^"New Zealand man's Deep Throat mystery solved".The New Zealand Herald.June 3, 2005. Archived fromthe originalon April 10, 2005.RetrievedSeptember 27,2011.
  8. ^O'Connor, John (17 October 2006)."'I'm the Guy They Called Deep Throat'".Vanity Fair.Archivedfrom the original on 17 September 2020.Retrieved17 September2020.
  9. ^Morgan, Dan (June 1, 2005)."Contemporaries Have Mixed Views",The Washington Post,May 31, 2005.
  10. ^"1973-07-22 – Witch Hunt".The Los Angeles Times.July 22, 1973. p. 19 – via newspapers.
  11. ^abMax Holland (2012).Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat.Univ Pr of Kansas. p. 119.ISBN978-0700618293.
  12. ^Michael Dobbs (June 27, 2005)."Revenge Was Felt's Motive, Former Acting FBI Chief Says".Washington Post.
  13. ^Neikirk, William; Dorning, Mike (2 June 2005)."President Called Felt a 'Traitor' in '73".Chicago Tribune.Retrieved24 January2020.
  14. ^George V. Higgins(1975),The Friends of Richard Nixon,1976 reprint, New York: Ballantine, Ch. 14, p. 147,ISBN978-0-345-25226-5.
  15. ^"Woodward and Bernstein on Imus".NBC News.June 2, 2005. Archived fromthe originalon December 2, 2022.Retrieved2022-12-03.
  16. ^Ephron, Nora (May 9, 2010)."Deep Throat and Me: Now It Can Be Told and Not for the First Time Either".Huffington Post.Archived fromthe originalon June 3, 2005.
  17. ^abDaley, David (28 July 1999)."Deep Throat".The Hartford Courant.Retrieved24 January2020.
  18. ^Mann, James."Deep Throat: An Institutional Analysis",The Atlantic Monthly,May 1992.
  19. ^Guardian Staff (2005-06-03)."Bob Woodward who exposed Watergate scandal reveals story of friendship that brought down US president".The Guardian.ISSN0261-3077.Retrieved2020-04-10.
  20. ^Noah, Timothy."Why Did Bob Woodward Lunch With Mark Felt in 1999?",Slate,May 2, 2002.
  21. ^abWoodward, Bob (2012).The Secret Man: The Story of Watergate's Deep Throat.Simon and Schuster. p. 133.ISBN978-1-4711-0470-1.OCLC958065472.
  22. ^abKessler, Ronald (2016).The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI.St. Martin's Press. p. 201.ISBN978-1250111265.
  23. ^New York Post,June 3, 2005
  24. ^O'Connor, John D. (May 31, 2005)."I'm the Guy They Called Deep Throat".VanityFair.RetrievedNovember 28,2008.
  25. ^abWoodward, Bob(June 2, 2005)."How Mark Felt Became 'Deep Throat'".The Washington Post.RetrievedNovember 28,2008.
  26. ^abcdGreenberg, David (June 1, 2005)."Throat Clearing; Watergate conspiracy theories that still won't die".Slate.RetrievedJuly 21,2014.
  27. ^abcdefGray III, L. Patrick;Gray, Ed (2008)."The Watergate Books: Fact and Fiction"(PDF).In Nixon's Web: A Year in the Crosshairs of Watergate.New York: Times Books. pp.291–300.ISBN9780805089189.
  28. ^abWoodward, Bob."Full Biography".bobwoodward.Bob Woodward. Archived fromthe originalon July 16, 2014.RetrievedJuly 24,2014.
  29. ^Deep Throat: Uncovered(archived), Department of Journalism, University of Illinois
  30. ^Who Was Deep Throat?,Smithsonian Magazine,December 2003
  31. ^Noah, Timothy."Deep Throat, Antihero: His unmasking makes everybody look a little less noble",Slate,May 31, 2005. Quote fromPlayboyinterview, 1979.
  32. ^Wedge: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11 – How the Secret War between the FBI and CIA Has Endangered National Security,(2002) TouchstoneISBN0-7432-4599-7[page needed]
  33. ^Deborah Davis (1987)[1979].Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington Post.Sheridan Square Press. p. xiii.ISBN0-941781-14-3.
  34. ^Noah, Timothy (2003-04-28)."Was Fred Fielding Deep Throat?".Slate.ISSN1091-2339.Retrieved2024-11-02.
  35. ^"Quid Pro Woe".Wednesday.Episode 6. 23 November 2022.Netflix.