Inlinguistics,aspectis agrammatical categorythat expresses how averbalaction, event, or state, extends over time. For instance,perfective aspectis used in referring to an event conceived asboundedand unitary, without reference to any flow of time during the event ( "I helped him" ).Imperfective aspectis used for situations conceived as existing continuously or habitually as time flows ( "I was helping him"; "I used to help people" ).

Further distinctions can be made, for example, to distinguishstatesand ongoing actions (continuous and progressive aspects) from repetitive actions (habitual aspect).

Certain aspectual distinctions express a relation between the time of the event and the time of reference. This is the case with theperfect aspect,which indicates that an event occurred prior to (but has continuing relevance at) the time of reference: "I have eaten"; "I had eaten"; "I will have eaten".[1]

Different languages make different grammatical aspectual distinctions; some (such asStandard German;seebelow) do not make any. The marking of aspect is often conflated with the marking oftenseandmood(seetense–aspect–mood). Aspectual distinctions may be restricted to certain tenses: inLatinand theRomance languages,for example, the perfective–imperfective distinction is marked in thepast tense,by the division betweenpreteritesandimperfects.Explicit consideration of aspect as a category first arose out of study of theSlavic languages;here verbs often occur in pairs, with two related verbs being used respectively for imperfective and perfective meanings.

The concept of grammatical aspect (orverbal aspect) should not be confused withperfectandimperfectverb forms;the meanings of the latter terms are somewhat different, and in some languages, the common names used for verb forms may not follow the actual aspects precisely.

Basic concept




The Indian linguistYaska(c. 7th century BCE) dealt with grammatical aspect, distinguishing actions that are processes (bhāva), from those where the action is considered as a completed whole (mūrta). This is the key distinction between the imperfective and perfective. Yaska also applied this distinction to a verb versus an action nominal.[citation needed]

Grammarians of the Greek and Latin languages also showed an interest in aspect, but the idea did not enter into the modern Western grammatical tradition until the 19th century via the study of the grammar of theSlavic languages.The earliest use of the term recorded in theOxford English Dictionarydates from 1853.[2]

Modern usage


Aspect is often confused with the closely related concept oftense,because they both convey information about time. While tense relates the time ofreferentto some other time, commonly the speech event, aspect conveys other temporal information, such as duration, completion, or frequency, as it relates to the time of action. Thus tense refers totemporally whenwhile aspect refers totemporally how.Aspect can be said to describe the texture of the time in which a situation occurs, such as a single point of time, a continuous range of time, a sequence of discrete points in time, etc., whereas tense indicates its location in time.

For example, consider the following sentences: "I eat", "I am eating", "I have eaten", and "I have been eating". All are in thepresent tense,indicated by the present-tense verb of each sentence (eat,am,andhave). Yet since they differ in aspect each conveys different information or points of view as to how the action pertains to the present.

Grammatical aspect is aformalproperty of alanguage,distinguished through overtinflection,derivational affixes, or independent words that serve as grammatically requiredmarkersof those aspects. For example, theKʼicheʼ languagespoken in Guatemala has the inflectional prefixesk- andx- to mark incompletive and completive aspect;[3][4]Mandarin Chinesehas the aspect markers -le,-zhe,zài- ở, and -guòQuá to mark the perfective, durative stative, durative progressive, and experiential aspects,[5]and also marks aspect withadverbs;[6]and English marks thecontinuous aspectwith the verbto becoupled withpresent participleand theperfectwith the verbto havecoupled withpast participle.Even languages that do not mark aspectmorphologicallyor throughauxiliary verbs,however, can convey such distinctions by the use of adverbs or othersyntacticconstructions.[7]

Grammatical aspect is distinguished fromlexical aspectorAktionsart,which is an inherent feature of verbs or verb phrases and is determined by the nature of the situation that the verb describes.

Common aspectual distinctions


The most fundamental aspectual distinction, represented in many languages, is betweenperfectiveaspect andimperfectiveaspect. This is the basic aspectual distinction in the Slavic languages.

It semantically corresponds to the distinction between themorphological formsknown respectively as theaoristand imperfect inGreek,the preterite and imperfect in Spanish, thesimple past(passé simple) and imperfect in French, and the perfect and imperfect in Latin (from the Latinperfectus,meaning "completed" ).

Language Perfective Aspect Imperfective Aspect
Latin Perfect Imperfect
Spanish Preterite
French Passé simple
Greek Aorist
Portuguese Preterite perfect

Essentially, the perfective aspect looks at an event as a complete action, while the imperfective aspect views an event as the process of unfolding or a repeated or habitual event (thus corresponding to the progressive/continuous aspect for events of short-term duration and to habitual aspect for longer terms).

For events of short durations in the past, the distinction often coincides with the distinction in the English language between the simple past "X-ed," as compared to the progressive "was X-ing". Compare "I wrote the letters this morning" (i.e. finished writing the letters: an action completed) and "I was writing the letters this morning" (the letters may still be unfinished).

In describing longer time periods, English needs context to maintain the distinction between the habitual ( "I called him often in the past" – a habit that has no point of completion) and perfective ( "I called him once" – an action completed), although the construct "used to" marks both habitual aspect and past tense and can be used if the aspectual distinction otherwise is not clear.

Sometimes, English has a lexical distinction where other languages may use the distinction in grammatical aspect. For example, the English verbs "to know" (the state of knowing) and "to find out" (knowing viewed as a "completed action" ) correspond to the imperfect and perfect forms of the equivalent verbs in French and Spanish,savoirandsaber.This is also true when the sense of verb "to know" is "to know somebody", in this case opposed in aspect to the verb "to meet" (or even to the construction "to get to know" ). These correspond to imperfect and perfect forms ofconocerin Spanish, andconnaîtrein French. In German, on the other hand, the distinction is also lexical (as in English) through verbskennenandkennenlernen,although the semantic relation between both forms is much more straightforward sincekennenmeans "to know" andlernenmeans "to learn".

Aspect vs. tense


TheGermanic languagescombine the concept of aspect with the concept oftense.Although English largely separates tense and aspect formally, its aspects (neutral, progressive, perfect, progressive perfect, and [in the past tense] habitual) do not correspond very closely to the distinction ofperfective vs. imperfectivethat is found in most languages with aspect. Furthermore, the separation of tense and aspect in English is not maintained rigidly. One instance of this is the alternation, in some forms of English, between sentences such as "Have you eaten?" and "Did you eat?".

In European languages, rather than locating an event time, the way tense does, aspect describes "the internal temporal constituency of a situation", or in other words, aspect is a way "of conceiving the flow of the process itself".[8]English aspectual distinctions in the past tense include "I went, I used to go, I was going, I had gone"; in the present tense "I lose, I am losing, I have lost, I have been losing, I am going to lose"; and with the future modal "I will see, I will be seeing, I will have seen, I am going to see". What distinguishes these aspects within each tense is not (necessarily) when the event occurs, but how the time in which it occurs is viewed: as complete, ongoing, consequential, planned, etc.

In most dialects of Ancient Greek, aspect is indicated uniquely by verbal morphology. For example, the very frequently usedaorist,though a functionalpreteritein the indicative mood, conveys historic or 'immediate' aspect in the subjunctive and optative. The perfect in all moods is used as an aspectual marker, conveying the sense of a resultant state. E.g.ὁράω– I see (present);εἶδον– I saw (aorist);οἶδα– I am in a state of having seen = I know (perfect). Turkish has a same/similar aspect, such as inGörmüş bulunuyorum/durumdayım,wheregörmüşmeans "having seen" andbulunuyorum/durumdayımmeans "I am in the state".[citation needed]

In many Sino-Tibetan languages, such asMandarin,verbs lack grammatical markers of tense, but are rich in aspect (Heine, Kuteva 2010,[full citation needed]p. 10). Markers of aspect are attached to verbs to indicate aspect. Event time is inferred through use of these aspectual markers, along with optional inclusion of adverbs.[9]

Lexical vs. grammatical aspect


There is a distinction between grammatical aspect, as described here, andlexical aspect.Other terms for the contrastlexical vs. grammaticalinclude:situation vs. viewpointandinner vs. outer.[10][11]Lexical aspect, also known asAktionsart,is an inherent property of a verb or verb-complement phrase, and is not marked formally. The distinctions made as part of lexical aspect are different from those of grammatical aspect. Typical distinctions are between states ( "I owned" ), activities ( "I shopped" ), accomplishments ( "I painted a picture" ), achievements ( "I bought" ), and punctual, orsemelfactive,events ( "I sneezed" ). These distinctions are often relevant syntactically. For example, states and activities, but not usually achievements, can be used in English with a prepositionalfor-phrase describing a time duration: "I had a car for five hours", "I shopped for five hours", but not "*I bought a car for five hours". Lexical aspect is sometimes calledAktionsart,especially by German andSlaviclinguists. Lexical or situation aspect is marked inAthabaskan languages.

One of the factors in situation aspect istelicity.Telicity might be considered a kind of lexical aspect, except that it is typically not a property of a verb in isolation, but rather a property of an entire verbphrase.Achievements, accomplishments andsemelfactiveshave telic situation aspect, while states and activities have atelic situation aspect.

The other factor in situation aspect is duration, which is also a property of a verb phrase. Accomplishments, states, and activities have duration, while achievements and semelfactives do not.

Indicating aspect


In some languages, aspect and time are very clearly separated, making them much more distinct to their speakers. There are a number of languages that mark aspect much more saliently than time. Prominent in this category are Chinese andAmerican Sign Language,which both differentiate many aspects but rely exclusively on optional time-indicating terms to pinpoint an action with respect to time. In other language groups, for example in most modernIndo-European languages(exceptSlavic languagesand some Indo-Aryan languages likeHindi[12]), aspect has become almost entirely conflated, in the verbal morphological system, with time.

InRussian,aspect is more salient than tense in narrative. Russian, like other Slavic languages, uses different lexical entries for the different aspects, whereas other languages mark themmorphologically,and still others withauxiliaries(e.g., English).

InHindi,the aspect marker is overtly separated from the tense/mood marker.PeriphrasticHindi verb forms consist of two elements. The first of these two elements is the aspect marker and the second element (the copula) is the common tense/mood marker.

Inliterary Arabic(الْفُصْحَىal-fuṣḥā) the verb has two aspect-tenses: perfective (past), and imperfective (non-past). There is some disagreement among grammarians whether to view the distinction as a distinction in aspect, or tense, or both. The past verb (الْفِعْل الْمَاضِيal-fiʿl al-māḍī) denotes an event (حَدَثḥadaṯ) completed in the past, but it says nothing about the relation of this past event to present status. For example,وَصَلَwaṣala,"arrived", indicates that arrival occurred in the past without saying anything about the present status of the arriver – maybe they stuck around, maybe they turned around and left, etc. – nor about the aspect of the past event except insofar as completeness can be considered aspectual. This past verb is clearly similar if not identical to the Greek aorist, which is considered a tense but is more of an aspect marker. In the Arabic, aorist aspect is the logical consequence of past tense. By contrast, the "Verb of Similarity" (الْفِعْل الْمُضَارِعal-fiʿl al-muḍāriʿ), so called because of its resemblance to the active participial noun, is considered to denote an event in the present or future without committing to a specific aspectual sense beyond the incompleteness implied by the tense:يَضْرِبُ(yaḍribu,he strikes/is striking/will strike/etc.). Those are the only two "tenses" in Arabic (not countingأَمْرamr,command or imperative, which is traditionally considered as denoting future events.) To explicitly mark aspect, Arabic uses a variety of lexical and syntactic devices.

Contemporary Arabic dialects are another matter. One major change from al-fuṣḥā is the use of a prefix particle (بِbiin Egyptian and Levantine dialects—though it may have a slightly different range of functions in each dialect) to explicitly mark progressive, continuous, or habitual aspect:بيكتب,bi-yiktib,he is now writing, writes all the time, etc.

Aspect can mark the stage of an action. Theprospective aspectis a combination of tense and aspect that indicates the action is in preparation to take place. The inceptive aspect identifies the beginning stage of an action (e.g.Esperantousesek-,e.g.Mi ekmanĝas,"I am beginning to eat".) and inchoative and ingressive aspects identify a change of state (The flowers started blooming) or the start of an action (He started running). Aspects of stage continue through progressive, pausative, resumptive, cessive, and terminative.

Important qualifications:

  • Although the perfective is often thought of as representing a "momentary action", this is not strictly correct. It can equally well be used for an action that took time, as long as it isconceived ofas a unit, with a clearly defined start and end, such as "Last summer I visited France".
  • Grammatical aspect represents a formal distinction encoded in the grammar of a language. Although languages that are described as having imperfective and perfective aspects agree in most cases in their use of these aspects, they may not agree in every situation. For example:
    • Some languages have additional grammatical aspects. Spanish and Ancient Greek, for example, have aperfect(not the same as the perfective), which refers to a state resulting from a previous action (also described as a previous action with relevance to a particular time, or a previous action viewed from the perspective of a later time). This corresponds (roughly) to the "have X-ed" construction in English, as in "I have recently eaten". Languages that lack this aspect (such as Portuguese, which is closely related to Spanish) often use the past perfective to render the present perfect (compare the roughly synonymous English sentences "Have you eaten yet?" and "Did you eat yet?" ).
    • In some languages, the formal representation of aspect is optional, and can be omitted when the aspect is clear from context or does not need to be emphasized. This is the case, for example, in Mandarin Chinese, with the perfective suffixleand (especially) the imperfectivezhe.
    • For some verbs in some languages, the difference between perfective and imperfective conveys an additional meaning difference; in such cases, the two aspects are typically translated using separate verbs in English. In Greek, for example, the imperfective sometimes adds the notion of "try to do something" (the so-calledconative imperfect); hence, the same verb, in the imperfective (present or imperfect) and aorist, respectively, is used to conveylookandsee,searchandfind,listenandhear.(For example, ἠκούομεν (ēkouomen,"we listened" ) vs. ἠκούσαμεν (ēkousamen,"we heard" ).) Spanish has similar pairs for certain verbs, such as (imperfect and preterite, respectively)sabía( "I knew" ) vs.supe( "I found out" ),podía( "I was able to" ) vs.pude( "I succeeded (in doing something)" ),quería( "I wanted to" ) vs.quise( "I tried to" ), andno quería( "I did not want to" ) quise( "I refused (to do something)" ). Such differences are often highly language-specific.

By language


Germanic languages




TheEnglish tense–aspect systemhas two morphologically distinct tenses,pastandnon-past,the latter of which is also known as thepresent-futureor, more commonly and less formally, simply thepresent.No marker of a distinct future tense exists on the verb in English; the futurity of an event may be expressed through the use of theauxiliary verbs"will"and"shall",by a non-past form plus anadverb,as in "tomorrow we go to New York City", or by some other means. Past is distinguished from non-past, in contrast, with internal modifications of the verb. These two tenses may be modified further forprogressive aspect(also calledcontinuousaspect), for theperfect,or for both. These two aspectual forms are also referred to as BE +ING[13]and HAVE +EN,[14]respectively, which avoids what may be unfamiliar terminology.

Aspects of the present tense:

(While many elementary discussions of English grammar classify the present perfect as a past tense, it relates the action to the present time. One cannot say of someone now deceased that they "have eaten" or "have been eating". The present auxiliary implies that they are in some waypresent(alive), even when the action denoted is completed (perfect) or partially completed (progressive perfect).)

Aspects of the past tense:

Aspects can also be marked onnon-finiteforms of the verb: "(to) be eating" (infinitivewith progressive aspect), "(to) have eaten" (infinitive with perfect aspect), "having eaten" (present participleorgerundwith perfect aspect), etc. The perfect infinitive can further be governed bymodal verbsto express various meanings, mostly combining modality with past reference: "I should have eaten" etc. In particular, the modalswillandshalland their subjunctive formswouldandshouldare used to combine future or hypothetical reference with aspectual meaning:

The uses of the progressive and perfect aspects are quite complex. They may refer to the viewpoint of the speaker:

I was walking down the road when I met Michael Jackson's lawyer. (Speaker viewpoint in middle of action)
I have traveled widely, but I have never been toMoscow.(Speaker viewpoint at end of action)

But they can have otherillocutionary forcesor additional modal components:

You are being stupid now. (You are doing it deliberately)
You are not having chocolate with your sausages! (I forbid it)
I am having lunch with Mike tomorrow. (It is decided)

English expresses some other aspectual distinctions with other constructions.Used to+ VERB is a pasthabitual,as in "I used to go to school," andgoing to/ gonna+ VERB is aprospective,a future situation highlighting current intention or expectation, as in "I'm going to go to school next year."

African American Vernacular English


The aspectual systems of certain dialects of English, such asAfrican-American Vernacular English(see for examplehabitual be), and ofcreolesbased on English vocabulary, such asHawaiian Creole English,are quite different from those of standard English, and often reflect a more elaborate paradigm of aspectual distinctions (often at the expense of tense).[15]The following table, appearing originally in Green (2002)[16]shows the possible aspectual distinctions in AAVE in their prototypical, negative andstressed/emphatic affirmative forms:

Aspectual Marking in AAVE
Aspect/Tense Prototypical Stressed / Emphatic Affirmative Negative
Habitual 'be eating'

(seeHabitual be)

'DO be eating' 'don('t) be eating'
Remote Past 'BIN eating'


'HAVE BIN eating' 'ain('t)/haven't BIN eating'
Remote Past Completive 'BIN ate' 'HAD BIN ate' 'ain('t)/haven't BIN ate'
Remote Past Perfect 'had BIN ate' 'HAD BIN ate' 'hadn't BIN ate'
Resultant State 'dən ate' 'HAVE dən ate' 'ain('t) dən ate'
Past Perfect Resultant State 'had dən ate' 'HAD dən ate' 'hadn't dən ate'
ModalResultant State 'should'a dən ate' -- --
Remote Past Resultant State 'BIN dən ate' 'HAVE BIN dən ate' 'ain('t)/haven't BIN dən ate'
Remote Past Perfect Resultant State 'had BIN dən ate' -- --
Future Resultant State/Conditional ' 'a be dən ate' 'WILL be dən ate' 'won't be dən ate'
Modal Resultant State 'might/may be dən ate' 'MIGHT/MAY be dən ate' 'might/may not be dən ate'

German vernacular and colloquial


AlthoughStandard Germandoes not have aspects, manyUpper Germanand allWest Central Germandialects,[citation needed]and some more vernacular forms of German do make an aspectual distinction which partly corresponds with the Englishcontinuous form:alongside the standard present tenseIch esse('I eat') and pastIch aß('I ate') there is the formIch bin/war am essen/Essen('I am/was at the eating'; capitalization varies). This is formed by the conjugated auxiliary verbsein( "to be" ) followed by the preposition and articleam(=an dem) and the infinitive, which German uses in many constructions as a verbal noun.

In the Tyrolean and other Bavarian regiolect the prefix *da can be found, which form perfective aspects. "I hu's gleant" (Ich habe es gelernt = I learnt it) vs. "I hu's daleant" (*Ich habe es DAlernt = I succeeded in learning).[citation needed]



InDutch(aWest Germanic language), two types ofcontinuous formare used. Both types are considered Standard Dutch.

The first type is very similar to the non-standard German type. It is formed by the conjugated auxiliary verbzijn( "to be" ), followed byaan hetand thegerund(which in Dutch matches the infinitive). For example:

The second type is formed by one of the conjugated auxiliary verbsliggen( "to lie" ),zitten( "to sit" ),hangen( "to hang" ),staan( "to stand" ) orlopen( "to walk" ), followed by the prepositionteand the infinitive. The conjugated verbs indicate the stance of the subject performing or undergoing the action.

  • Present progressive:Ik zit te eten( "I am eating [while sitting]" ),De was hangt te drogen( "The laundry is drying [while hanging]" )
  • Past progressive:Ik lag te lezen( "I was reading [while lying]" ),Ik stond te kijken( "I was watching [while standing]" )
  • Future progressive:Ik zal zitten te werken( "I will be working [while sitting]" )

Sometimes the meaning of the auxiliary verb is diminished to 'being engaged in'. Take for instance these examples:

  • De leraar zit steeds te zeggen dat we moeten luisteren( "The teacher keeps telling us to listen" )
  • Iedereen loopt te beweren dat het goed was( "Everyone keeps on saying that it was good" )
  • Zit niet zo te zeuren( "Stop whining" )

In these cases, there is generally an undertone of irritation.

Slavic languages


TheSlavic languagesmake a clear distinction between perfective and imperfective aspects; it was in relation to these languages that the modern concept of aspect originally developed.

In Slavic languages, a given verb is, in itself, either perfective or imperfective. Consequently, each language contains many pairs of verbs, corresponding to each other in meaning, except that one expresses perfective aspect and the other imperfective. (This may be considered a form oflexical aspect.) Perfective verbs are commonly formed from imperfective ones by the addition of a prefix, or else the imperfective verb is formed from the perfective one by modification of the stem or ending.Suppletionalso plays a small role. Perfective verbs cannot generally be used with the meaning of a present tense – their present-tense forms in fact have future reference. An example of such a pair of verbs, fromPolish,is given below:

  • Infinitive (anddictionary form):pisać( "to write", imperfective);napisać( "to write", perfective)
  • Present/simple future tense:pisze( "writes" );napisze( "will write", perfective)
  • Compound future tense (imperfective only):będzie pisać( "will write, will be writing" )
  • Past tense:pisał( "was writing, used to write, wrote", imperfective);napisał( "wrote", perfective)

In at least the East Slavic and West Slavic languages, there is a three-way aspect differentiation for verbs of motion with the determinate imperfective, indeterminate imperfective, and perfective. The two forms of imperfective can be used in all three tenses (past, present, and future), but the perfective can only be used with past and future. The indeterminate imperfective expresseshabitual aspect(or motion in no single direction), while the determinate imperfective expressesprogressive aspect.The difference corresponds closely to that between the English "I (regularly) go to school" and "I am going to school (now)". The three-way difference is given below for theRussian basic (unprefixed) verbs of motion.

Whenprefixesare attached to Russian verbs of motion they become more or less normal imperfective/perfective pairs, with the indeterminate imperfective becoming the prefixed imperfective and the determinate imperfective becoming the prefixed perfective. For example, prefixпри-pri-+ indeterminateходи́тьkhodít'=приходи́тьprikhodít'(to arrive (on foot), impf.); and prefixпри-pri-+ determinateидти́idtí=прийтиprijtí(to arrive (on foot), pf.).

Russian verbs of motion
Imperfective Perfective Translation
Indeterminate Determinate
to go by foot (walk)
to go by transport (drive, train, bus, etc.)
to run
to stroll, to wander
to chase, to drive (cattle, etc.)
to climb
to fly
to swim, to sail
to crawl
to carry (by vehicle)
to carry, to wear
to lead, to accompany, to drive (a car)
to drag, to pull
to roll

Romance languages


Modern Romance languages merge the concepts of aspect and tense but consistently distinguish perfective and imperfective aspects in the past tense. This derives directly from the way theLatin languageused to render both aspects andconsecutio temporum.



Italian language example using the verbmangiare( "to eat" ):

Tense Italian English Explanation
io mangio "I eat", "I'm eating" merges habitual and continuous aspects, among others
Passato prossimo
(Recent past)
io ho mangiato "I ate", "I have eaten" merges perfective and perfect
io mangiavo "I was eating", "I usually ate" merges habitual and progressive aspects
Trapassato prossimo
(Recent pluperfect)
io avevo mangiato "I had eaten" tense, not ordinarily marked for aspect
Passato remoto
(Far past)
io mangiai "I ate" perfective aspect
Trapassato remoto
(Far pluperfect)
io ebbi mangiato "I had eaten" tense
Futuro semplice
(Simple future)
io mangerò "I shall eat" tense
Futuro anteriore
(Future perfect)
io avrò mangiato "I shall have eaten" future tense and perfect tense/aspect

Theimperfetto/trapassato prossimocontrasts with thepassato remoto/trapassato remotoin thatimperfettorenders an imperfective (continuous) past whilepassato remotoexpresses an aorist (punctual/historical) past.

Other aspects in Italian are rendered with other periphrases, likeprospective(io sto per mangiare"I'm about to eat",io starò per mangiare"I shall be about to eat" ), orcontinuous/progressive(io sto mangiando"I'm eating",io starò mangiando"I shall be eating" ).



Hindihas three aspects,habitual aspect,perfective aspectand theprogressive aspect.Each of these three aspects are formed from their participles. The aspects of Hindi when conjugated into their personal forms can be put into five grammatical moods:indicative,presumptive,subjunctive,contrafactual,andimperative.In Hindi, the aspect marker is overtly separated from the tense/mood marker.PeriphrasticHindi verb forms consist of two elements. The first of these two elements is the aspect marker. The second element (the copula) is the common tense/mood marker.[12]

There are a couple of verbs which can be used as the copula to the aspectual participles: होना (honā) [to be, happen], रहना (rêhnā) [to stay, remain], आना (ānā) [to come], and जाना (jānā) [to go]. Each of these copulas provide a unique nuance to the aspect. The default (unmarked) copula is होना (honā) [to be]. These copulas can themselves be conjugated into an aspectual participle and used with another copula, hence forming subaspects. (SeeːHindi verbs)[12][18]











हुआ होना

huā honā

हुआ रहना

huā rêhnā

हुआ जाना

huā jānā

होता होना

hotā honā

होता रहना

hotā rêhnā

होता आना

hotā ānā

होता जाना

hotā jānā

हो रहा होना

ho rahā honā

हो रहा रहना

ho rahā rêhnā

to happen


किया होना

kiyā honā

किया रहना

kiyā rêhnā

किया जाना

kiyā jānā

करता होना

kartā honā

करता रहना

kartā rêhnā

करता आना

kartā ānā

करता जाना

kartā jānā

कर रहा होना

kar rahā honā

कर रहा रहना

kar rahā rêhnā

to do


मरा होना

marā honā

मरा रहना

marā rêhnā

मरा जाना

marā jānā

मरता होना

martā honā

मरता रहना

martā rêhnā

मरता आना

martā ānā

मरता जाना

martā jānā

मर रहा होना

mar rahā honā

मर रहा रहना

mar rahā rêhnā

to die

Finnic languages


FinnishandEstonian,among others, have a grammatical aspect contrast oftelicitybetween telic and atelic. Telic sentences signal that the intended goal of an action is achieved. Atelic sentences do not signal whether any such goal has been achieved. The aspect is indicated by thecaseof the object:accusativeis telic andpartitiveis atelic. For example, the (implicit) purpose of shooting is to kill, such that:

  • Ammuin karhun-- "I shot the bear (succeeded; it is done)" i.e., "I shot the bear dead".
  • Ammuin karhua-- "I shot at the bear" i.e. the bear may have survived.

In rare cases corresponding telic and atelic forms can be unrelated by meaning.

Derivational suffixes exist for various aspects. Examples:

  • -ahta-( "once" ), as inhuudahtaa( "to yell once" ) (used for emotive verbs like "laugh", "smile", "growl", "bark"; is not used for verbs like "shoot", "say", "drink" )
  • -ele-"repeatedly" as inammuskella"to go shooting around"

There are derivational suffixes for verbs, which carryfrequentative,momentane,causative,andinchoativeaspect meanings. Also, pairs of verbs differing only intransitivityexist.

Austronesian languages


Reo Rapa


TheRapa language(Reo Rapa) is a mixed language that grew out ofTahitianand Old Rapa among monolingual inhabitants ofRapa Iti.Old Rapa words are still used for grammar and sentence structure, but most common words were replaced byTahitianwords.[19]Rapa is similar toEnglishas they both have specific tense words such asdidordo.

  • Past negative:ki’ere/kiʔere/[20]















ki’erevau i haere i te fare


'I did not go to a house.'

  • Non-past negative(Regular negative)kāre/kaːre/[20]







kāretā-koe puta


'You don't have your book.' (Lit.'Your book doesn't exist')



TheHawaiian languageconveys aspect as follows:[21][22][23]

  • The unmarked verb, frequently used, can indicate habitual aspect or perfective aspect in the past.
  • ke+ verb +neiis frequently used and conveys the progressive aspect in the present.
  • e+ verb +anaconveys the progressive aspect in any tense.
  • ua+ verb conveys the perfective aspect but is frequently omitted.



Wuvulu language is a minority language in Pacific. The Wuvulu verbal aspect is hard to organize because of its number of morpheme combinations and the interaction of semantics between morphemes.[24]Perfective, imperfective negation, simultaneous and habitual are four aspects markers in Wuvulu language.

  • Perfective:The perfective marker-liindicates the action is done before other action.











maʔua ʔi=na-li-ware-fa-rawani ʔaʔa roʔou, Barafi

but 3SG=REAL-PERF-talk-CAUS-good with them Barafi

'But, Barafi had already clearly told them.'


  • Imperfect negation:The markerta-indicates the action has not done and also doesn't show anything about the action will be done in the future.





'It has not yet come.'


  • Simultaneous:The markerfiindicates the two actions are done at the same time or one action occurs while other action is in progress.















ʔi=na-panaro-puluʔi-na ruapalo ʔei pani Puleafo ma ʔi=fi-unu

3SG=REAL-hold-together-TR two the.PL hand Puleafo and 3SG=SIM-drink

'He held together the two hands of Puleafo while drinking.' (Note: markerta-is only for singular subject. When the subject is dual or plural, the markerʔeiandi-are used in same situation.)[25]

  • Habitual:The marker fane- can indicate a habitual activity, which means "keep doing something" in English. Example:

























ʔi=na-fane-naranara fei nara Faninilo ba, ʔaleʔena ba ini liai mei ramaʔa mei

3SG=REAL-HAB-think(REDUP) the thought Faninilo COMP like COMP who again the person the

'And the thought kept occurring to Faninilo, "who is this particular person?" '[26]



There are three types of aspects one must consider when analyzing the Tokelauan language: inherent aspect, situation aspect, and viewpoint aspect.[20]

The inherent aspect describes the purpose of a verb and what separates verbs from one another. According to Vendler, inherent aspect can be categorized into four different types: activities, achievements, accomplishments, and states. Simple activities include verbs such as pull, jump, and punch. Some achievements are continue and win. Drive-a-car is an accomplishment while hate is an example of a state. Another way to recognize a state inherent aspect is to note whether or not it changes. For example, if someone were to hate vegetables because they are allergic, this state of hate is unchanging and thus, a state inherent aspect. On the other hand, an achievement, unlike a state, only lasts for a short amount of time. Achievement is the highpoint of an action.[20]

Another type of aspect is situation aspect. Situation aspect is described to be what one is experiencing in his or her life through that circumstance. Therefore, it is his or her understanding of the situation. Situation aspect are abstract terms that are not physically tangible. They are also used based upon one's point of view. For example, a professor may say that a student who comes a minute before each class starts is a punctual student. Based upon the professor's judgment of what punctuality is, he or she may make that assumption of the situation with the student. Situation aspect is firstly divided into states and occurrences, then later subdivided under occurrences into processes and events, and lastly, under events, there are accomplishments and achievements.[20]

The third type of aspect is viewpoint aspect. Viewpoint aspect can be likened to situation aspect such that they both take into consideration one's inferences. However, viewpoint aspect diverges from situation aspect because it is where one decides to view or see such event. A perfect example is the glass metaphor:Is the glass half full or is it half empty.The choice of being half full represents an optimistic viewpoint while the choice of being half empty represents a pessimistic viewpoint. Not only does viewpoint aspect separate into negative and positive, but rather different point of views. Having two people describe a painting can bring about two different viewpoints. One may describe a situation aspect as a perfect or imperfect. A perfect situation aspect entails an event with no reference to time, while an imperfect situation aspect makes a reference to time with the observation.[20]



Aspect in Torau is marked with post-verbal particles or clitics. While the system for marking the imperfective aspect is complex and highly developed, it is unclear if Torau marks the perfective and neutral viewpoints. The imperfective clitics index one of the core arguments, usually the nominative subject, and follow the rightmost element in a syntactic structure larger than the word. The two distinct forms for marking the imperfective aspect are(i)sa-ande-.While more work needs to be done on this language, the preliminary hypothesis is that(i)sa-encodes the stative imperfective ande-encodes the active imperfective. Reduplication always cooccurs withe-,but it usually does not with(i)sa-.This example below shows these two imperfective aspect markers giving different meanings to similar sentences.







Pita ma-to mate=sa-la.

Peter RL.3SG-PST be.dead=IPFV-3SG

'Peter was dead.'Unknown glossing abbreviation(s) (help);







Pita ma-tomaa≈mate=e-la.

Peter RL.3SG-PST {REDUP}≈be.dead=IPFV-3SG

'Peter was dying.'Unknown glossing abbreviation(s) (help);

In Torau, the suffix -to,which must attach to a preverbal particle, may indicate similar meaning to the perfective aspect. In realis clauses, this suffix conveys an event that is entirely in the past and no longer occurring. When-tois used in irrealis clauses, the speaker conveys that the event will definitely occur (Palmer, 2007). Although this suffix is not explicitly stated as a perfective viewpoint marker, the meaning that it contributes is very similar to the perfective viewpoint.[27]



Like manyAustronesian languages,the verbs of theMalay languagefollow a system of affixes to express changes in meaning. To express the aspects, Malay uses a number ofauxiliary verbs:

  • sudah:perfective,'saya sudah makan' = 'I have [already] eaten'
  • baru:near perfective, 'saya baru makan' = 'I have just eaten'
  • belum:imperfective,'saya belum makan' = 'I have not eaten'
  • sedang:progressivenot implicating an end
  • masih:progressive implicating an end
  • pernah:semelfactive

Philippine languages


Like manyAustronesian languages,the verbs of thePhilippine languagesfollow a complex system of affixes to express subtle changes in meaning. However, the verbs in this family of languages are conjugated to express the aspects and not the tenses. Though many of thePhilippine languagesdo not have a fully codified grammar, most of them follow the verb aspects that are demonstrated byFilipinoorTagalog.

Creole languages


Creole languages[28]typically use the unmarked verb for timeless habitual aspect, or for stative aspect, or for perfective aspect in the past. Invariant pre-verbal markers are often used. Non-stative verbs typically can optionally be marked for the progressive, habitual, completive, or irrealis aspect. The progressive in English-basedAtlantic Creolesoften usesde(from English "be" ).Jamaican Creoleusesa(from English "are" ) ordefor the present progressive and a combination of the past time marker (did,behn,ehnorwehn) and the progressive marker (aorde) for the past progressive (e.g.did aorwehn de).Haitian Creoleuses the progressive markerap.Some Atlantic Creoles use one marker for both the habitual and progressive aspects. InTok Pisin,the optional progressive marker follows the verb. Completive markers tend to come from superstrate words like "done" or "finish", and some creoles model the future/irrealis marker on the superstrate word for "go".

American Sign Language


American Sign Language(ASL) is similar to many other sign languages in that it has no grammatical tense but many verbal aspects produced by modifying the base verb sign.

An example is illustrated with the verbTELL.The basic form of this sign is produced with the initial posture of the index finger on the chin, followed by a movement of the hand and finger tip toward the indirect object (the recipient of the telling). Inflected into the unrealized inceptive aspect ( "to be just about to tell" ), the sign begins with the hand moving from in front of the trunk in an arc to the initial posture of the base sign (i.e., index finger touching the chin) while inhaling through the mouth, dropping the jaw, and directing eye gaze toward the verb's object. The posture is then held rather than moved toward the indirect object. During the hold, the signer also stops the breath by closing the glottis. Other verbs (such as "look at", "wash the dishes", "yell", "flirt" ) are inflected into the unrealized inceptive aspect similarly: The hands used in the base sign move in an arc from in front of the trunk to the initial posture of the underlying verb sign while inhaling, dropping the jaw, and directing eye gaze toward the verb's object (if any), but subsequent movements and postures are dropped as the posture and breath are held.[citation needed]

Other aspects in ASL include the following: stative, inchoative ( "to begin to..." ), predispositional ( "to tend to..." ), susceptative ( "to... easily" ), frequentative ( "to... often" ), protractive ( "to... continuously" ), incessant ( "to... incessantly" ), durative ( "to... for a long time" ), iterative ( "to... over and over again" ), intensive ( "to... very much" ), resultative ( "to... completely" ), approximative ( "to... somewhat" ), semblitive ( "to appear to..." ), increasing ( "to... more and more" ). Some aspects combine with others to create yet finer distinctions.

Aspect is unusual in ASL in that transitive verbs derived for aspect lose their grammatical transitivity. They remain semantically transitive, typically assuming an object made prominent using a topic marker or mentioned in a previous sentence. SeeSyntax in ASLfor details.

Terms for various aspects


The following aspectual terms are found in the literature. Approximate English equivalents are given.

  • Perfective:'I struck the bell' (an event viewed in its entirety, without reference to its temporal structure during its occurrence)
  • Momentane:'The mouse squeaked once' (contrasted to 'The mouse squeaked / was squeaking')
  • Perfect(a common conflation of aspect and tense): 'I have arrived' (brings attention to the consequences of a situation in the past)
  • Discontinuous past:In English a sentence such as "I put it on the table" is neutral in implication (the object could still be on the table or not), but in some languages such asChichewathe equivalent tense carries an implication that the object is no longer there. It is thus the opposite of the perfect aspect.
  • Prospective(a conflation of aspect and tense): 'He is about to fall', 'I am going to cry "(brings attention to the anticipation of a future situation)
  • Imperfective(an activity with ongoing nature: combines the meanings of both the continuous and the habitual aspects): 'I was walking to work' (continuous) or 'I walked (used to walk, would walk) to work every day' (habitual).
    • Habitual:'I used to walk home from work', 'I would walk home from work every day', 'I walk home from work every day' (a subtype of imperfective)
    • Continuous:'I am eating' or 'I know' (situation is described as ongoing and either evolving or unevolving; a subtype of imperfective)
      • Progressive:'I am eating' (action is described as ongoing and evolving; a subtype of continuous)
      • Stative:'I know French' (situation is described as ongoing but not evolving; a subtype of continuous)
  • Gnomic/generic:'Fish swim and birds fly' (general truths)
  • Episodic:'The bird flew' (non-gnomic)
  • Continuative aspect:'I am still eating'
  • Inceptive/ingressive:'I started to run' (beginning of a new action: dynamic)
  • Inchoative:'The flowers started to bloom' (beginning of a new state: static)
  • Terminative/cessative:'I finished eating/reading'
  • Defective:'I almost fell'
  • Pausative:'I stopped working for a while'
  • Resumptive:'I resumed sleeping'
  • Punctual:'I slept'
  • Durative/Delimitative:'I slept for a while'
  • Protractive:'The argument went on and on'
  • Iterative:'I read the same books again and again'
  • Frequentative:'It sparkled', contrasted with 'It sparked'. Or, 'I run around', vs. 'I run'
  • Experiential: 'I have gone to school many times' (see for exampleChinese aspects)
  • Intentional:'I listened carefully'
  • Accidental:'I accidentally knocked over the chair'
  • Intensive:'It glared'
  • Attenuative:'It glimmered'
  • Segmentative:'It is coming out in successive multitudes'[29]

See also



  1. ^Henk J. Verkuyl, Henriette De Swart, Angeliek Van Hout,Perspectives on Aspect,Springer 2006, p. 118.
  2. ^ Robert I. Binnick (1991).Time and the verb: a guide to tense and aspect.Oxford University Press US. pp. 135–6.ISBN978-0-19-506206-9.Retrieved12 August2011.
  3. ^Pye, Clifton (2008). Stacey Stowers; Nathan Poell (eds.). "Mayan Morphosyntax".Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics.26.University of Kansas.
  4. ^Pye, Clifton (2001). "The Acquisition of Finiteness in Kʼicheʼ Maya".BUCLD 25: Proceedings of the 25th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development,pp. 645–656. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
  5. ^Li, Charles, and Sandra Thompson (1981). "Aspect".Mandarin Chinese: A Functional Reference Grammar.Los Angeles: University of California Press. pp. 184–237.
  6. ^Zhang, Yaxu; Zhang, Jingting (2 July 2008). "Brain responses to agreement violations of Chinese grammatical aspect".NeuroReport.19(10): 1039–43.doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e328302f14f.PMID18580575.S2CID35873020.
  7. ^Gabriele, Alison (2008). "Transfer and Transition in the L2 Acquisition of Aspect".Studies in Second Language Acquisition:6.
  8. ^Bernard Comrie, 1976.Aspect.Cambridge University Press
  9. ^Liu, Meichun (1 April 2015). Wang, William S-Y; Sun, Chaofen (eds.)."Tense and Aspect in Mandarin Chinese".The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics.doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199856336.001.0001.ISBN978-0-19-985633-6.Retrieved14 August2021.
  10. ^MacDonald, Jonathan Eric. (2006).The Syntax of Inner Aspect (Doctoral dissertation)(p. 1). Stony Brook University.
  11. ^Kiyota, Masaru. (2008).Situation aspect and viewpoint aspect: From Salish to Japanese (Doctoral dissertation).University of British Columbia.
  12. ^abcVAN OLPHEN, HERMAN (1975)."Aspect, Tense, and Mood in the Hindi Verb".Indo-Iranian Journal.16(4): 284–301.doi:10.1163/000000075791615397.ISSN0019-7246.JSTOR24651488.S2CID161530848.
  13. ^See, for example,Gabriele, Allison; McClure, William (2003)."Whyswimmingis just as difficult asdyingfor Japanese learners of English "(PDF).ZAS Papers in Linguistics.29:1.doi:10.21248/zaspil.29.2003.170.[dead link]
  14. ^See, for example,Partee, Barbara H (1973). "Some Structural Analogies between Tenses and Pronouns in English".Journal of Philosophy.70(18): 601–609.doi:10.2307/2025024.JSTOR2025024.
  15. ^Green, L. (1998). Aspect and predicate phrases in African-American vernacular English.African-American English: Structure, history, and use,37-68.
  16. ^Green, Lisa J. (8 August 2002).African American English: A Linguistic Introduction(1 ed.). Cambridge University Press.doi:10.1017/cbo9780511800306.ISBN978-0-521-81449-2.
  17. ^Harris, Alysia and Jim Wood. 2013. Stressed BIN.Yale Grammatical Diversity Project: English in North America.(Available online at on 2020-06-10). Updated by Tom McCoy (2015) and Katie Martin (2018).
  18. ^Shapiro, Michael C. (1989).A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi.New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 216–246.ISBN81-208-0475-9.
  19. ^Walworth, Mary (2017). "Reo Rapa: A Polynesian Contact Language Contact".Journal of Language:119.
  20. ^abcdefHooper, Robin (1994).Studies in Tokelauan syntax.Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International. pp. 137–143.
  21. ^Östen Dahl,Tense and Aspect Systems,Blackwell, 1985: ch. 6.
  22. ^Schütz, Albert J.,All about Hawaiian,Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1995: pp. 23–25.
  23. ^Pukui, Mary Kawena, and Elbert, Samuel H.,New Pocket Hawaiian Dictionary,Univ. of Hawaii Press, 1992: pp. 228–231.
  24. ^abHafford, James (2015). "Verb Morphology".Wuvulu Grammar and Vocabulary:91.
  25. ^abHafford, James (2015). "Verb Morphology".Wuvulu Grammar and Vocabulary:92.
  26. ^Hafford, James (2015). "Verb Morphology".Wuvulu Grammar and Vocabulary:93.
  27. ^Palmer, Bill (December 2007). "Imperfective Aspect and the Interplay of Aspect, Tense, and Modality in Torau".Oceanic Linguistics.46(2): 499–519.doi:10.1353/ol.2008.0000.hdl:1959.13/803129.JSTOR20172325.S2CID145227019.
  28. ^Holm, John,An Introduction to Pidgins and Creoles,Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000: pp. 173–189.
  29. ^Whorf, Benjamin Lee (1936). "The punctual and segmentative aspects of verbs in Hopi".Language.12(2): 127–131.doi:10.2307/408755.JSTOR408755.

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