Greek language

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Greek(Modern Greek:Ελληνικά,romanized:Elliniká,pronounced[eliniˈka];Ancient Greek:Ἑλληνική,romanized:Hellēnikḗ) is anIndo-Europeanlanguage, constituting an independent branch of it, native toGreece,Cyprus,Italy(inCalabriaandSalento), southernAlbania,and other regions of theBalkans,Caucasus,theBlack Seacoast,Asia Minor,and theEastern Mediterranean.It has thelongest documented historyof any Indo-European language, spanning at least 3,400 years of written records.[10]Its writing system is theGreek Alpha bet,which has been used for approximately 2,800 years;[11][12]previously, Greek was recorded in writing systems such asLinear Band theCypriot syllabary.[13]The Alpha bet arose from thePhoenician scriptand was in turn the basis of theLatin,Cyrillic,Coptic,Gothic,and many other writing systems.

Native to
Native speakers
13.5 million (2012)[1]
Early form
Greek Alpha bet
Official status
Official language in
Recognised minority
language in
Language codes
ISO 639-1el
ISO 639-2gre(B)
ISO 639-3Variously:
ellModern Greek
grcAncient Greek
cpgCappadocian Greek
gmyMycenaean Greek
  • 56-AAA-a
  • 56-AAA-aato-am(varieties)
Areas where Modern Greek is spoken (Dark blue represents areas where it is the official language.)[note 1]
This article containsIPAphonetic symbols.Without properrendering support,you may seequestion marks, boxes, or other symbolsinstead ofUnicodecharacters. For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, seeHelp:IPA.

The Greek language holds a very important place in the history of the Western world. Beginning with the epics ofHomer,ancient Greek literatureincludes many works of lasting importance in theEuropean canon.Greek is also the language in which many of the foundational texts in science and philosophy were originally composed. TheNew Testamentof theChristian Biblewas also originally written in Greek.[14][15]Together with theLatintexts and traditions of theRoman world,the Greek texts and Greek societies of antiquity constitute the objects of study of the discipline ofClassics.

Duringantiquity,Greek was by far the most widely spokenlingua francain theMediterranean world.[16]It eventually became the official language of theByzantine Empireand developed intoMedieval Greek.[17]In itsmodern form,Greek is the official language of Greece and Cyprus and one of the 24official languages of the European Union.It is spoken by at least 13.5 million people today in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Albania,Turkey,and the many other countries of theGreek diaspora.

Greekrootshave been widely used for centuries and continue to be widely used to coin new words in other languages;Greek and Latinare the predominant sources ofinternational scientific vocabulary.

Idealised portrayal of the authorHomer



Greek has been spoken in theBalkan peninsulasince around the 3rd millennium BC,[18]or possibly earlier.[19]The earliest written evidence is aLinear Bclay tabletfound inMesseniathat dates to between 1450 and 1350 BC,[20]making Greek the world'soldest recordedliving language.[21]Among the Indo-European languages, its date of earliest written attestation is matched only by the now-extinctAnatolian languages.


Proto-Greek-speaking area according to linguistVladimir I. Georgiev

The Greek language is conventionally divided into the following periods:

Distribution of varieties of Greek inAnatolia,1910.Demoticin yellow.Ponticin orange.Cappadocian Greekin green, with green dots indicating individual Cappadocian Greek villages.[24]
  • Medieval Greek(also known asByzantine Greek): the continuation of Koine Greek up to the demise of theByzantine Empirein the 15th century.Medieval Greekis a cover phrase for a whole continuum of different speech and writing styles, ranging from vernacular continuations of spoken Koine that were already approaching Modern Greek in many respects, to highly learned forms imitating classical Attic. Much of the written Greek that was used as the official language of the Byzantine Empire was an eclectic middle-ground variety based on the tradition of written Koine.
  • Modern Greek(also known asNeo-Hellenic):[25]Stemming from Medieval Greek, Modern Greek usages can be traced in the Byzantine period, as early as the 11th century. It is the language used by the modern Greeks, and, apart from Standard Modern Greek, there are severaldialectsof it.



In the modern era, the Greek language entered a state ofdiglossia:the coexistence of vernacular and archaizing written forms of the language. What came to be known as theGreek language questionwas a polarization between two competing varieties of Modern Greek:Dimotiki,the vernacular form of Modern Greek proper, andKatharevousa,meaning 'purified', a compromise between Dimotiki andAncient Greekdeveloped in the early 19th century that was used for literary and official purposes in the newly formed Greek state. In 1976, Dimotiki was declared the official language of Greece, after having incorporated features of Katharevousa and thus giving birth toStandard Modern Greek,used today for all official purposes and ineducation.[26]

Historical unity

The distribution of major modern Greek dialect areas

The historical unity and continuing identity between the various stages of the Greek language are often emphasized. Although Greek has undergone morphological and phonological changes comparable to those seen in other languages, never since classical antiquity has its cultural, literary, and orthographic tradition been interrupted to the extent that one can speak of a new language emerging. Greek speakers today still tend to regard literary works of ancient Greek as part of their own rather than a foreign language.[27]It is also often[citation needed]stated that the historical changes have been relatively slight compared with some other languages. According to one estimation, "Homeric Greekis probably closer toDemoticthan 12-centuryMiddle Englishis tomodern spoken English".[28]

Geographic distribution

Geographic distribution of Greek language in the Russian Empire (1897 census)

Greek is spoken today by at least 13 million people, principally in Greece and Cyprus along with a sizableGreek-speaking minority in Albanianear the Greek-Albanian border.[25]A significant percentage of Albania's population has knowledge of the Greek language due in part to the Albanian wave of immigration to Greece in the 1980s and '90s and the Greek community in the country. Prior to theGreco-Turkish Warand the resultingpopulation exchange in 1923a very large population of Greek-speakers also existed inTurkey,though very few remain today.[10]A small Greek-speaking community is also found inBulgarianear the Greek-Bulgarian border. Greek is also spoken worldwide by the sizableGreek diasporawhich has notable communities in theUnited States,Australia,Canada,South Africa,Chile,Brazil,Argentina,Russia,Ukraine,theUnited Kingdom,and throughout theEuropean Union,especially inGermany.

Historically, significant Greek-speaking communities and regions were found throughout theEastern Mediterranean,in what are todaySouthern Italy,Turkey,Cyprus,Syria,Lebanon,Israel,Palestine,Egypt,andLibya;in the area of theBlack Sea,in what are today Turkey,Bulgaria,Romania,Ukraine,Russia,Georgia,Armenia,andAzerbaijan;and, to a lesser extent, in the WesternMediterraneanin and aroundcoloniessuch asMassalia,Monoikos,andMainake.It was also used as the official language of government and religion in theChristian Nubian kingdoms,for most of their history.[29]

Official status


Greek, in its modern form, is theofficial languageof Greece, where it is spoken by almost the entire population.[30]It is also the official language of Cyprus (nominally alongsideTurkish) and theBritish Overseas TerritoryofAkrotiri and Dhekelia(alongsideEnglish).[31]Because of the membership of Greece and Cyprus in the European Union, Greek is one of the organization's24 official languages.[32]Greek is recognized as aminority languagein Albania, and used co-officially in some of its municipalities, in the districts ofGjirokastërandSarandë.[33]It is also an official minority language in the regions ofApuliaandCalabriain Italy. In the framework of theEuropean Charter for Regional or Minority Languages,Greek is protected and promoted officially as a regional and minority language in Armenia,Hungary,Romania, and Ukraine.[34]It is recognized as a minority language and protected in Turkey by the 1923Treaty of Lausanne.[4][5][6][7]



Thephonology,morphology,syntax,andvocabularyof the language show both conservative and innovative tendencies across the entire attestation of the language from the ancient to the modern period. The division into conventional periods is, as with all such periodizations, relatively arbitrary, especially because, in all periods, Ancient Greek has enjoyed high prestige, and the literate borrowed heavily from it.


SpokenModern Greek

Across its history, the syllabic structure of Greek has varied little: Greek shows a mixed syllable structure, permitting complex syllabic onsets but very restricted codas. It has onlyoral vowelsand a fairly stable set of consonantalcontrasts.The main phonological changes occurred during the Hellenistic and Roman period (seeKoine Greek phonologyfor details):

  • replacement of thepitch accentwith astress accent.
  • simplification of the system ofvowelsanddiphthongs:loss of vowel length distinction, monophthongisation of most diphthongs and several steps in achain shiftof vowels towards/i/(iotacism).
  • development of thevoicelessaspiratedplosives/pʰ/and/tʰ/to the voicelessfricatives/f/and/θ/,respectively; the similar development of/kʰ/to/x/may have taken place later (the phonological changes are not reflected in the orthography, and both earlier and later phonemes are written withφ,θ,andχ).
  • development of thevoicedplosives/b/,/d/,and/ɡ/to their voiced fricative counterparts/β/(later/v/),/ð/,and/ɣ/.



In all its stages, themorphologyof Greek shows an extensive set ofproductivederivational affixes,a limited but productive system ofcompounding[35]and a richinflectionalsystem. Although its morphological categories have been fairly stable over time, morphological changes are present throughout, particularly in thenominaland verbal systems. The major change in the nominal morphology since the classical stage was the disuse of thedative case(its functions being largely taken over by thegenitive). The verbal system has lost theinfinitive,thesynthetically-formed future, andperfect tensesand theoptative mood.Many have been replaced byperiphrastic(analytical) forms.

Nouns and adjectives


Pronouns show distinctions inperson(1st, 2nd, and 3rd),number(singular,dual,and plural in the ancient language; singular and plural alone in later stages), andgender(masculine, feminine, and neuter), anddeclineforcase(from six cases in the earliest forms attested to four in the modern language).[note 3]Nouns, articles, and adjectives show all the distinctions except for a person. Bothattributiveandpredicativeadjectivesagreewith the noun.



The inflectional categories of the Greek verb have likewise remained largely the same over the course of the language's history but with significant changes in the number of distinctions within each category and their morphological expression. Greek verbs havesyntheticinflectional forms for:

Ancient Greek Modern Greek
Person first, second and third alsosecond person formal
Number singular,dualand plural singular and plural
tense present,pastandfuture past and non-past (future is expressed by aperiphrastic construction)
aspect imperfective,perfective(traditionally calledaorist) andperfect(sometimes also calledperfective;seenote about terminology) imperfective and perfective/aorist (perfect is expressed by a periphrastic construction)
mood indicative,subjunctive,imperativeandoptative indicative, subjunctive,[note 4]and imperative (other modal functions are expressed by periphrastic constructions)
Voice active,medio-passive,andpassive activeandmedio-passive



Many aspects of thesyntaxof Greek have remained constant: verbs agree with their subject only, the use of the surviving cases is largely intact (nominative for subjects and predicates, accusative for objects of most verbs and many prepositions, genitive for possessors), articles precede nouns, adpositions are largely prepositional, relative clauses follow the noun they modify and relative pronouns are clause-initial. However, the morphological changes also have their counterparts in the syntax, and there are also significant differences between the syntax of the ancient and that of themodern form of the language.Ancient Greek made great use of participial constructions and of constructions involving the infinitive, and the modern variety lacks the infinitive entirely (employing a raft of new periphrastic constructions instead) and uses participles more restrictively. The loss of the dative led to a rise of prepositional indirect objects (and the use of the genitive to directly mark these as well). Ancient Greek tended to be verb-final, but neutral word order in the modern language is VSO or SVO.



Modern Greek inherits most of its vocabulary from Ancient Greek, which in turn is an Indo-European language, but also includes a number ofborrowingsfrom the languages of the populations that inhabited Greece before the arrival of Proto-Greeks,[36]some documented inMycenaean texts;they include a large number of Greektoponyms.The form and meaning of many words have changed.Loanwords(words of foreign origin) have entered the language, mainly from Latin,Venetian,andTurkish.During the older periods of Greek, loanwords into Greek acquired Greek inflections, thus leaving only a foreign root word. Modern borrowings (from the 20th century on), especially from French and English, are typically not inflected; other modern borrowings are derived fromAlbanian,South Slavic(Macedonian/Bulgarian) andEastern Romance languages(AromanianandMegleno-Romanian).

Loanwords in other languages


Greek words have been widely borrowed into other languages, including English. Example words include:mathematics,physics,astronomy,democracy,philosophy,athletics,theatre,rhetoric,baptism,evangelist,etc. Moreover, Greek words andword elementscontinue to be productive as a basis for coinages:anthropology,photography,telephony,isomer,biomechanics,cinematography,etc. Together withLatin words,they form thefoundation of international scientific and technical vocabulary;for example, all words ending in-logy('discourse'). There are manyEnglish words of Greek origin.[37][38]



Greek is an independent branch of theIndo-Europeanlanguage family. The ancient language most closely related to it may beancient Macedonian,which, by most accounts, was a distinctdialect of Greekitself.[39][40][41][42]Aside from the Macedonian question, current consensus regardsPhrygianas the closest relative of Greek, since they share a number of phonological, morphological and lexicalisoglosses,with some being exclusive between them.[39][43][44]Scholars have proposed aGraeco-Phrygiansubgroup out of which Greek and Phrygian originated.[39][45][46][47]

Among living languages, some Indo-Europeanists suggest that Greek may be most closely related toArmenian(seeGraeco-Armenian) or theIndo-Iranian languages(seeGraeco-Aryan), but little definitive evidence has been found.[48][49]In addition,Albanianhas also been considered somewhat related to Greek and Armenian, and it has been proposed that they all form a higher-order subgroup along with otherextinct languagesof the ancient Balkans; this higher-order subgroup is usually termedPalaeo-Balkan,and Greek has a central position in it.[50][51]

Writing system


Linear B


Linear B,attested as early as the late 15th century BC, was the first script used to write Greek.[52]It is basically asyllabary,which was finally deciphered byMichael VentrisandJohn Chadwickin the 1950s (its precursor,Linear A,has not been deciphered and most likely encodes a non-Greek language).[52]The language of the Linear B texts,Mycenaean Greek,is the earliest known form of Greek.[52]

Cypriot syllabary

Greek inscription in Cypriot syllabic script

Another similar system used to write the Greek language was theCypriot syllabary(also a descendant of Linear A via the intermediateCypro-Minoan syllabary), which is closely related to Linear B but uses somewhat different syllabic conventions to represent phoneme sequences. The Cypriot syllabary is attested in Cyprus from the 11th century BC until its gradual abandonment in the late Classical period, in favor of the standard Greek Alpha bet.[53]

Greek Alpha bet

Ancient epichoric variants of the Greek Alpha bet fromEuboea,Ionia,Athens, andCorinthcomparing to modern Greek

Greek has been written in the Greek Alpha bet since approximately the 9th century BC. It was created by modifying thePhoenician Alpha bet,with the innovation of adopting certain letters to represent the vowels. The variant of the Alpha bet in use today is essentially the lateIonicvariant, introduced for writing classicalAtticin 403 BC. In classical Greek, as in classical Latin, only upper-case letters existed. The lower-case Greek letters were developed much later by medieval scribes to permit a faster, more convenient cursive writing style with the use ofinkandquill.

The Greek Alpha bet consists of 24 letters, each with an uppercase (majuscule) and lowercase (minuscule) form. The lettersigmahas an additional lowercase form (ς) used in the final position of a word:

upper case
lower case
α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ
τ υ φ χ ψ ω



In addition to the letters, the Greek Alpha bet features a number ofdiacritical signs:three different accent marks (acute,grave,andcircumflex), originally denoting different shapes ofpitch accenton the stressed vowel; the so-called breathing marks (roughandsmooth breathing), originally used to signal presence or absence of word-initial /h/; and thediaeresis,used to mark the full syllabic value of a vowel that would otherwise be read as part of a diphthong. These marks were introduced during the course of the Hellenistic period. Actual usage of the grave inhandwritingsaw a rapid decline in favor of uniform usage of the acute during the late 20th century, and it has only been retained intypography.

After the writing reform of 1982, most diacritics are no longer used. Since then, Greek has been written mostly in the simplifiedmonotonic orthography(or monotonic system), which employs only the acute accent and the diaeresis. The traditional system, now called the polytonic orthography (or polytonic system), is still used internationally for the writing ofAncient Greek.



In Greek, the question mark is written as the English semicolon, while the functions of the colon and semicolon are performed by a raised point (•), known as theano teleia(άνω τελεία). In Greek thecommaalso functions as asilent letterin a handful of Greek words, principally distinguishingό,τι(ó,ti,'whatever') fromότι(óti,'that').[54]

Ancient Greek texts often usedscriptio continua('continuous writing'), which means that ancient authors and scribes would write word after word with no spaces or punctuation between words to differentiate or mark boundaries.[55]Boustrophedon,or bi-directional text, was also used in Ancient Greek.

Latin Alpha bet


Greek has occasionally been written in theLatin script,especially in areas underVenetian ruleor byGreek Catholics.The termFrankolevantinika/Φραγκολεβαντίνικαapplies when the Latin script is used to write Greek in the cultural ambit of Catholicism (becauseFrankos/Φράγκοςis an older Greek term for West-European dating to when most of (Roman Catholic Christian) West Europe was under the control of theFrankish Empire).Frankochiotika/Φραγκοχιώτικα(meaning 'Catholic Chiot') alludes to the significant presence of Catholic missionaries based on the island ofChios.Additionally, the termGreeklishis often used when the Greek language is written in a Latin script in online communications.[56]

The Latin script is nowadays used by theGreek-speakingcommunities ofSouthern Italy.

Hebrew Alpha bet


TheYevanicdialect was written byRomanioteand Constantinopolitan Karaite Jews using theHebrew Alphabet.[57]

Arabic Alpha bet


SomeGreek Muslimsfrom Cretewrote theirCretan Greekin theArabic Alpha bet.The same happened among Epirote Muslims inIoannina.This usage is sometimes calledaljamiado,as whenRomance languagesare written in the Arabic Alpha bet.[58]

Example text


Article 1 of theUniversal Declaration of Human Rightsin Greek:

Όλοι οι άνθρωποι γεννιούνται ελεύθεροι και ίσοι στην αξιοπρέπεια και τα δικαιώματα. Είναι προικισμένοι με λογική και συνείδηση, και οφείλουν να συμπεριφέρονται μεταξύ τους με πνεύμα αδελφοσύνης.[59]

Transcriptionof the example text intoLatin Alpha bet:

Óloi oi ánthropoi gennioúntai eléftheroi kai ísoi stin axioprépeia kai ta dikaiómata. Eínai proikisménoi me logikí kai syneídisi, kai ofeíloun na symperiférontai metaxý tous me pnévma adelfosýnis.

Article 1 of theUniversal Declaration of Human Rightsin English:

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."[60]

See also



  1. ^The map does not indicate where the language is majority or minority.
  2. ^A comprehensive overview in J.T. Hooker'sMycenaean Greece;[22]for a different hypothesis excluding massive migrations and favoring an autochthonous scenario, see Colin Renfrew's "Problems in the General Correlation of Archaeological and Linguistic Strata in Prehistoric Greece: The Model of Autochthonous Origin"[23]inBronze Age Migrationsby R.A. Crossland and A. Birchall, eds. (1973).
  3. ^The four cases that are found in all stages of Greek are the nominative, genitive, accusative, and vocative. The dative/locative of Ancient Greek disappeared in the late Hellenistic period, and the instrumental case of Mycenaean Greek disappeared in the Archaic period.
  4. ^There is no particular morphological form that can be identified as 'subjunctive' in the modern language, but the term is sometimes encountered in descriptions even if the most complete modern grammar (Holton et al. 1997) does not use it and calls certain traditionally-'subjunctive' forms 'dependent'. Most Greek linguists advocate abandoning the traditional terminology (Anna Roussou and Tasos Tsangalidis 2009, inMeletes gia tin Elliniki Glossa,Thessaloniki, Anastasia Giannakidou 2009 "Temporal semantics and polarity: The dependency of the subjunctive revisited", Lingua); seeModern Greek grammarfor explanation.


  1. ^GreekatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)(subscription required)
    Ancient GreekatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)(subscription required)
    Cappadocian GreekatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)(subscription required)
    Mycenaean GreekatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)(subscription required)
    PonticatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)(subscription required)
    TsakonianatEthnologue(18th ed., 2015)(subscription required)
    (Additional references under 'Language codes' in the information box)
  2. ^2006 Census Table: Language Spoken at Home by Sex – Time Series Statistics (1996, 2001, 2006 Census Years)
  3. ^Αυστραλία: Τηλεδιάσκεψη «Μιλάμε Ελληνικά τον Μάρτιο»
  4. ^abTsitselikis 2013,pp. 287–288.
  5. ^abToktaş, Şule (2006)."EU enlargement conditions and minority protection: a reflection on Turkey's non-Muslim minorities".East European Quarterly.40(4): 489–519.ISSN0012-8449.p. 514:This implies that Turkey grants educational right in minority languages only to the recognized minorities covered by the Lausanne who are the Armenians, Greeks and the Jews.
  6. ^abBayır, Derya (2013).Minorities and nationalism in Turkish law.Cultural Diversity and Law. Farnham:Ashgate Publishing.pp. 89–90.ISBN978-1-4094-7254-4.Archivedfrom the original on 14 October 2023.Oran farther points out that the rights set out for the four categories are stated to be the 'fundamental law' of the land, so that no legislation or official action shall conflict or interfere with these stipulations or prevail over them (article 37). [...] According to the Turkish state, only Greek, Armenian and Jewish non-Muslims were granted minority protection by the Lausanne Treaty. [...] Except for non-Muslim populations – that is, Greeks, Jews and Armenians – none of the other minority groups' language rights have beende jureprotected by the legal system in Turkey.
  7. ^abQuestions and Answers: Freedom of Expression and Language Rights in Turkey.New York: Human Rights Watch. 19 April 2002.Archivedfrom the original on 20 October 2023.The Turkish government accepts the language rights of the Jewish, Greek and Armenian minorities as being guaranteed by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.
  8. ^"Language Use in the United States: 2011"(PDF).United States Census.Retrieved17 October2015.
  9. ^"gree1276".Council of Europe.Retrieved8 December2008.
  10. ^ab"Greek language".Encyclopædia Britannica.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.Retrieved29 April2014.
  11. ^Haviland, William A.;Prins, Harald E. L.;Walrath, Dana;McBride, Bunny(2013)."Chapter 15: Language and Communication".Anthropology: The Human Challenge.Cengage Learning.p. 394.ISBN978-1-285-67758-3.Most of the Alpha bets used today descended from the Phoenician one. The Greeks adopted it about 2,800 years ago, modifying the characters to suit sounds in their own language.
  12. ^Comrie, Bernard(1987).The World's Major Languages.Routledge(published 2018).ISBN978-1-317-29049-0.... the Greek Alpha bet has served the Greek language well for some 2,800 years since its introduction into Greece in the tenth or ninth century BC.
  13. ^Adrados, Francisco Rodríguez (2005).A history of the Greek language: from its origins to the present.Leiden: Brill.ISBN978-90-04-12835-4.OCLC59712402.
  14. ^Kurt Aland, Barbara Aland The text of the New Testament: an introduction to the critical 1995 p. 52.
  15. ^Archibald Macbride Hunter Introducing the New Testament 1972 p. 9.
  16. ^Malkin, Irad (2011).A small Greek world: networks in the Ancient Mediterranean.Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199734818.001.0001.ISBN9780199918553.
  17. ^Manuel, Germaine Catherine (1989).A study of the preservation of the classical tradition in the education, language, and literature of the Byzantine Empire.HVD ALEPH.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  18. ^Renfrew 2003,p. 35;Georgiev 1981,p. 192.
  19. ^Gray & Atkinson 2003,pp. 437–438;Atkinson & Gray 2006,p. 102.
  20. ^"Ancient Tablet Found: Oldest Readable Writing in Europe".Culture.1 April 2011. Archived fromthe originalon 25 July 2021.Retrieved20 January2022.
  21. ^Tulloch, A. (2017).Understanding English Homonyms: Their Origins and Usage.Hong Kong University Press. p. 153.ISBN978-988-8390-64-9.Retrieved30 November2023.Greek is the world's oldest recorded living language.
  22. ^Hooker 1976,Chapter 2: "Before the Mycenaean Age", pp. 11–33 and passim
  23. ^Renfrew 1973,pp. 263–276, especially p. 267
  24. ^Dawkins & Halliday 1916.
  25. ^ab"Greek".Ethnologue.Retrieved12 April2020.
  26. ^Peter, Mackridge (1985).The modern Greek language: a descriptive analysis of standard modern Greek.Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-815770-0.OCLC11134463.
  27. ^Browning 1983,pp. vii–viii.
  28. ^Alexiou 1982,p. 161.
  29. ^Burstein, Stanley(2 November 2020)."When Greek was an African Language".Center for Hellenic Studies.The revelation of the place of Greek cultural elements in the lives of these kingdoms has been gradual and is still ongoing, but already it is clear that Greek was the official language of government and religion for most of their history.... Greek remained the official language of Nubian Christianity right to the end of its long and remarkable history.... But these three factors do suggest how Greek and Christianity could have become so intimately intertwined and so entrenched in Nubian life and culture by the seventh century AD that Greek could resist both Coptic and Arabic and survive for almost another millennium before both disappeared with the conversion of Nubia to Islam in the sixteenth century AD.
  30. ^"Greece".The World Factbook.Central Intelligence Agency.Retrieved23 January2010.
  31. ^"The Constitution of Cyprus, App. D., Part 1, Art. 3".Archived fromthe originalon 7 April 2012.states thatThe official languages of the Republic are Greek and Turkish.However, the official status of Turkish is only nominal in the Greek-dominated Republic of Cyprus; in practice, outside Turkish-dominatedNorthern Cyprus,Turkish is little used; see A. Arvaniti (2006): Erasure as a Means of Maintaining Diglossia in Cyprus,San Diego Linguistics Papers2: pp. 25–38 [27].
  32. ^"The EU at a Glance – Languages in the EU".Europa.European Union. Archived fromthe originalon 21 June 2013.Retrieved30 July2010.
  33. ^Bytyçi, Enver (2022).In the Shadows of Albania-China Relations (1960–1978).Cambridge Scholars Publishing.p. 20.ISBN978-1-5275-7909-5.Albania's official language is Albanian, but in municipalities where minorities reside, the languages of these minorities are also used, including Greek in several municipalities in Gjirokastra and Saranda, and Macedonian in a municipality in the East of the country.
  34. ^"List of Declarations Made with Respect to Treaty No. 148".Council of Europe.Archivedfrom the original on 10 April 2020.Retrieved8 December2008.
  35. ^Ralli 2001,pp. 164–203.
  36. ^Beekes 2009.
  37. ^Scheler 1977.
  38. ^"Πόσο" ελληνικές "είναι οι ξένες γλώσσες".NewsIt.18 November 2019.
  39. ^abcOlander 2022,pp. 12, 14;van Beek 2022,pp. 190–191, 193
  40. ^Crespo, Emilio (2018). "The Softening of Obstruent Consonants in the Macedonian Dialect". In Giannakis, Georgios K.; Crespo, Emilio; Filos, Panagiotis (eds.).Studies in Ancient Greek Dialects: From Central Greece to the Black Sea.Walter de Gruyter. p. 329.ISBN978-3-11-053081-0.
  41. ^Hatzopoulos, Miltiades B. (2018)."Recent Research in the Ancient Macedonian Dialect: Consolidation and New Perspectives".In Giannakis, Georgios K.; Crespo, Emilio; Filos, Panagiotis (eds.).Studies in Ancient Greek Dialects: From Central Greece to the Black Sea.Walter de Gruyter. p. 299.ISBN978-3-11-053081-0.
  42. ^Babiniotis 1992,pp. 29–40;Dosuna 2012,pp. 65–78
  43. ^Woodhouse 2009,p. 171: "This question is of course only just separable from the question of which languages within Indo-European are most closely related to Phrygian, which has also been hotly debated. A turning point in this debate was Kortlandt's (1988) demonstration on the basis of shared sound changes that Thraco-Armenian had separated from Phrygian and other originally Balkan languages at an early stage. The consensus has now returned to regarding Greek as the closest relative."
  44. ^Obrador-Cursach 2020,pp. 238–239: "To the best of our current knowledge, Phrygian was closely related to Greek. This affirmation is consistent with the vision offered by Neumann (1988: 23), Brixhe (2006) and Ligorio and Lubotsky (2018: 1816) and with many observations given by ancient authors. Both languages share 34 of the 36 features considered in this paper, some of them of great significance:... The available data suggest that Phrygian and Greek coexisted broadly from pre-historic to historic times, and both belong to a common linguistic area (Brixhe 2006: 39–44). "
  45. ^Obrador-Cursach 2020,p. 243: "With the current state of our knowledge, we can affirm that Phrygian is closely related to Greek. This is not a surprising conclusion: ancient sources and modern scholars agree that Phrygians did not live far from Greece in pre-historic times. Moreover, the last half century of scientific study of Phrygian has approached both languages and developed the hypothesis of a Proto-Greco-Phrygian language, to the detriment to other theories like Phrygio-Armenian or Thraco-Phrygian."
  46. ^Ligorio & Lubotsky 2018,pp. 1816–1817: "Phrygian is most closely related to Greek. The two languages share a few unique innovations,... It is therefore very likely that both languages emerged from a single language, which was spoken in the Balkans at the end of the third millennium BCE. "
  47. ^Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017)."Graeco-Phrygian".Glottolog 3.0.Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
  48. ^van Beek 2022,pp. 193–197
  49. ^Renfrew 1990;Gamkrelidze & Ivanov 1990,pp. 110–116;Renfrew 2003,pp. 17–48;Gray & Atkinson 2003,pp. 435–439
  50. ^Olsen & Thorsø 2022,pp. 209–217;Hyllested & Joseph 2022,pp. 225–226, 228–229, 231–241
  51. ^Holm 2008,pp. 634–635
  52. ^abcHooker, J. T. (1980).Linear B: an introduction.Bristol: Bristol Classical Press.ISBN978-0-906515-69-3.OCLC7326206.
  53. ^"Cypriot syllabary".Britannica Academic.Retrieved1 August2017.
  54. ^Nicolas, Nick (2005)."Greek Unicode Issues: Punctuation".Archived fromthe originalon 6 August 2012.Retrieved7 October2014.
  55. ^Hugoe, Matthews Peter (March 2014).The concise Oxford dictionary of linguistics.Oxford University Press. (Third ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-967512-8.OCLC881847972.
  56. ^Androutsopoulos 2009,pp. 221–249.
  57. ^"Yevanic Alpha bet, pronunciation and language".Omniglot.Retrieved18 April2020.
  58. ^Kotzageorgis, Phokion (2010). Gruber, Christiane J.; Colby, Frederick Stephen (eds.).The Prophet's Ascension: Cross-cultural Encounters with the Islamic Mi'rāj Tales.Indiana University Press. p. 297.ISBN978-0-253-35361-0.The element that makes this text aunicumis that it is written in Greek script. In the Ottoman Empire, the primary criterion for the selection of an Alpha bet in which to write was religion. Thus, people who did not speak—or even know—the official language of their religion used to write their religious texts in the languages that they knew, though in the Alpha bet where the sacred texts of that religion were written. Thus, the Grecophone Catholics of Chios wrote using the Latin Alpha bet, but in the Greek language (frangochiotika); the Turcophone Orthodox Christians of Cappadocia wrote their Turkish texts using the Greek Alpha bet (karamanlidika); and the Grecophone Muslims of the Greek peninsula wrote in Greek language using the Arabic Alpha bet (tourkogianniotika,tourkokretika). Our case is much stranger, since it is a quite early example for that kind of literature and because it is largely concerned with religious themes. "; p. 306. The audience for the GreekMi'rājnāmawas most certainly Greek-speaking Muslims, in particular the so-calledTourkogianniotes(literally, the Turks of Jannina). Although few examples have been discovered as yet, it seems that these people developed a religious literature mainly composed in verse form. This literary form constituted the mainstream of GreekAljamiadoliterature from the middle of the seventeenth century until thepopulation exchange between Greece and Turkeyin 1923. Tourkogianniotes were probably of Christian origin and were Islamized sometime during the seventeenth century. They did not speak any language other than Greek. Thus, even their frequency in attending mosque services did not provide them with the necessary knowledge about their faith. Given their low level of literacy, one important way that they could learn about their faith was to listen to religiously edifying texts such as the GreekMi'rājnāma.
  59. ^"Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
  60. ^"Universal Declaration of Human Rights".United Nations.



Further reading

General background
Language learning