Hajj(/hɑː/;[1]Arabic:حَجّ,romanized:Ḥajj;also spelledHadj,HajorHaji) is an annualIslamicpilgrimagetoMecca,Saudi Arabia,[2]theholiest cityforMuslims.Hajj is amandatory religious dutyfor capable Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey, and of supporting their family during their absence from home.[3][4][5]

Pilgrims at theAl-Masjid Al-Haram Mosquein Mecca on Hajj in 2010
GenreReligious pilgrimage
Begins8th day ofDhu al-Hijja
Ends12th or 13th day of Dhu al-Hijja
Coordinates21°25′22.3″N39°49′32.6″E/ 21.422861°N 39.825722°E/21.422861; 39.825722
CountrySaudi Arabia
Muhammad(current form)
Attendance2,489,406 (2019)
(10,000 limit in 2020due to COVID-19)
(60,000 limit in 2021 due to COVID-19)
1,000,000 (2022)
1,845,045 (2023)
Organised byMinistry of Hajj and Umrah (Saudi Arabia)
Air-conditioned tents for Hajj pilgrims inMina,Saudi Arabia,2 kilometres (1.2 mi) away from Mecca

In Islamic terminology, Hajj is a pilgrimage made to theKaaba,the "House of Allah," in the sacred city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It is one of theFive Pillars of Islam,alongsideShahadah(oath that one believes there is no god but Allah (God)),[6]salat(prayer),zakat(almsgiving), andsawm(fasting during Ramadan). The Hajj is an annual practice when Muslim brotherhood is on display and their solidarity with fellow Muslim people and submission toGod(Allah) is fulfilled.[7][8]The word Hajj means "pilgrimage made to the Kaaba", a long pious journey taken by Muslims to cleanse their souls of all worldly sins, which connotes both the outward act of a journey after death and the inward act of good intentions.[9]The rites of pilgrimage are performed over five to six days, extending from the 8th to the 12th or 13th[10]ofDhu al-Hijjah,the last month of theIslamic calendar.[11]Because the Islamic calendar islunarand the Islamic year is about eleven-twelve days shorter than theGregorianyear, the Gregorian date of Hajj changes from year to year. In 2024 AD (1445AH), Dhu al-Hijjah extends from 7 June to 6 July. In 2025 AD (1446AH), Dhu al-Hijjah will extend from 28 May to 25 June; and in 2026 AD (1447AH), Dhu al-Hijjah will extend from 18 May to 15 June.

The Hajj is associated with the life of theIslamic prophetMuhammadfrom the 7th century AD, but the ritual of pilgrimage to Mecca stated in Muslim sources stretches back to the time ofAbraham.During Hajj, pilgrims join processions of millions of Muslim people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of pre-Islamic rituals (reformed by Muhammad): each person wears a single piece of unstitched white clothing (Ihram), walks counter-clockwise seven times around theKaaba(a cube-shaped building and thedirection of prayerfor Muslims), kisses theblack stonemounted on the corner wall ofKaaba,walks briskly back and forth between the hills ofSafa and Marwahseven times, then drinks from theZamzam Well,goes to the plains ofMount Arafatto stand in vigil, spends a night in the plain ofMuzdalifa,and performs symbolicStoning of the Devilby throwing stones at three pillars. After the sacrifice of cattle (which can be accomplished by using a voucher), the pilgrims then are required to either shave or trim their heads (if male) or trim the ends of their hair (if female). A celebration of the four-day global festival ofEid al-Adhaproceeds afterwards.[12][13][14]Muslims may also undertake anUmrah(Arabic:عُمرَة), or "lesser pilgrimage" to Mecca at other times of the year. However, the Umrah is not a substitute for the Hajj and Muslims are still obliged to perform the Hajj at some other point in their lifetime if they have the means to do so.[15]

According to the official published statistics between 2000 and 2019,[16][17][18]the average number of attendees is 2,269,145 per year, of which 1,564,710 come from outside Saudi Arabia and 671,983 are local. The year 2012 marks the highest number of participants with 3,161,573.[19]In June 2020, while not cancelling the Hajj outright, the Saudi Government announced that they would only welcome"very limited numbers" of pilgrimswho are residents of Saudi Arabia due to the globalCOVID-19 pandemic.[20]Similar restrictions applied in 2021, but women were permitted to attend without a male guardian (mahram) provided they went in a trustworthy group.[21]



The word inArabic:حجḥajjis similar to theHebrew:חגḥag,which means "festival", from the triliteralSemitic rootح-ج-ج.The term was used to refer to thethree pilgrimage festivalsIsraelites would make to theTemple in Jerusalemeach year.[22]Similarly, theArabic:حجḥajjin Islam refers to act of traveling to Mecca to perform the various rituals associated with the pilgrimage.


A Hajj certificate dated 602 AH (1205 CE).
A 1907 photograph of people praying near the Kaaba in theGreat Mosque of Mecca
TheKaabaduring Hajj

The present pattern of Hajj was established byMuhammad.[23]However, according to theQuran,elements of Hajj trace back to the time ofAbraham.According to Islamic tradition, Abraham was ordered by God to leave his wifeHajarand his sonIshmaelalone in the desert of ancient Mecca. In search of water, Hajar desperately ran seven times between the two hills ofSafa and Marwahbut found none. Returning in despair to Ishmael, she saw the baby scratching the ground with his leg and a water fountain sprang forth underneath his foot.[24]Later, Abraham was commanded to build theKaaba(which he did with the help of Ishmael) and to invite people to perform pilgrimage there.[25]TheQuranrefers to these incidents in verses2:124–127and22:27–30.[n 1]According to the tafsir of Zamakhshari (d. 1144 C.E.), the archangelGabrielbrought theBlack Stonefrom Heaven to be attached to the Kaaba when it was built by the Prophet Abraham.[26]

In pre-Islamic Arabia, a time known asAge of Ignorance(Jahiliyya), the Kaaba became surrounded bypagan idols.[27]In AD 630, Muhammad led his followers fromMedinato Mecca, cleansed the Kaaba by destroying all the pagan idols, and then consecrated the building to God.[28]In AD 632, Muhammad performed his only and last pilgrimage with a large number of followers, and instructed them on the rites of Hajj.[29]It was from this point that Hajj became one of the five pillars of Islam.

During medieval times, pilgrims would gather in the big cities of Syria, Egypt, and Iraq to go to Mecca in groups and caravans comprising tens of thousands of pilgrims,[30]often under state patronage.[31]Hajj caravans, particularly with the advent of theMamluk Sultanateand its successor, theOttoman Empire,were escorted by a military force accompanied by physicians under the command of anamir al-hajj.[32][33]This was done to protect the caravan fromBedouinrobbers or natural hazards,[n 2][32][33]and to ensure that the pilgrims were supplied with the necessary provisions.[32]Muslim travelers likeIbn JubayrandIbn Battutahave recorded detailed accounts of Hajj journeys in medieval times.[34]The caravans followed well-established routes called in Arabicdarb al-hajj,lit. "pilgrimage road", which usually followed ancient routes such as theKing's Highway.

Timing of Hajj


The date of Hajj is determined by theIslamic calendar(known as the Hijri calendar or AH), which is based on thelunar year.[35][36]Every year, the events of Hajj take place in a ten-day period, starting on 1 and ending on 10Dhu al-Hijjah,the twelfth and last month of the Islamic calendar. Among these ten days, the 9th Dhul-Hijjah is known asDay of Arafah,and this day is called the day of Hajj. Because the Islamic calendar islunarand the Islamic year is about eleven days shorter than the Gregorian year, the Gregorian date for Hajj changes from year to year. Thus, each year in the Gregorian calendar, the pilgrimage starts eleven days (sometimes ten days) earlier.[36][37]This makes it possible for the Hajj season to fall twice in one Gregorian year, and it does so every 33 years. The last time this phenomenon occurred was in 2006.[38]

The table below shows the Gregorian dates of Hajj in recent years (the dates correspond to 9 Dhul-Hijjah of the Hijri calendar). Prospective dates are approximate:

AH Gregorian date
1432 2011, 5 November[39]
1433 2012, 25 October
1434 2013, 14 October[40][41]
1435 2014, 3 October[42]
1436 2015, 23 September[43]
1437 2016, 11 September[44][45]
1438 2017, 31 August[46]
1439 2018, 20 August[47]
1440 2019, 10 August[47]
1441 2020, 30 July[47]
1442 2021, 19 July[47]
1443 2022, 8 July[47]
1444 2023, 27 June[47]
1445 2024, 15 June[47]


Diagram of the locations and rites of Hajj

Fiqhliterature describes in detail the manners of carrying out the rites of Hajj, and pilgrims generally follow handbooks and expert guides to successfully fulfill the requirements of Hajj.[48]In performing the rites of Hajj, the pilgrims not only follow the model of Muhammad, but also commemorate the events associated with Abraham.[49]



Ihramis the name given to the special spiritual state, state of holiness, which marks the start of the ritual of Hajj for each person.[7][50]Ihram is initiated upon the arrival to theMiqator prior to reaching it, depending on where they have come from.

When pilgrims enter into the state of Ihram, they are required to abstain from certain actions.[51]While in ihram, males are required to wear two white seamless cloths, with one wrapped around the waist reaching below the knee and the other draped over the left shoulder and tied at the right side. For females this involves wearing ordinary dress that fulfills theIslamic condition of public dresswith hands and face uncovered;[52][page needed].Other prohibitions include refraining from clipping nails, shaving any part of the body, having sexual relations; usingperfumes,damaging plants, killing animals, covering the head (for men) or the face and hands (for women); getting married; or carrying weapons.[7][50]

TheIhramis meant to show equality of all pilgrims in front of God, with no difference between the rich and the poor.[49]Donning such unsewn white garments entirely is believed to distance man from material ostentation, and engross him in a world of purity and spirituality, since clothes are believed to show individuality and distinction and create superficial barriers that separate individuals. The garments of Ihram are seen as the antithesis of that individualism.Ihramclothing is also a reminder of shrouds worn after death.[53]


Direction of thetawafaround the Kaaba

The ritual oftawafinvolves walking seven times counterclockwise around the Kaaba.[54]Upon arriving atAl-Masjid Al-Ḥarām,pilgrims perform an arrivaltawafeither as part ofUmrahor as a welcometawaf.[55]Duringtawaf,pilgrims also include Hateem – an area at the north side of the Kaaba – inside their path. Each circuit starts and ends with the kissing or touching of the Black Stone. Pilgrims also point to the stone and recite a prayer known asTalbiyah.[56]If kissing or touching the stone is not possible because of crowds, pilgrims may simply point towards the stone with their right hand on each circuit. Eating is not permitted but the drinking of water is permitted and encouraged, because of the risk of dehydration. Men are encouraged to perform the first three circuits at a hurried pace, known asRamal,and the following four at a more leisurely pace.[52][page needed][56]

The completion ofTawafis followed by twoRakaatprayers at thePlace of Abraham(Muqam Ibrahim), a site near the Kaaba inside the mosque.[56][57]However, again because of large crowds during the days of Hajj, they may instead pray anywhere in the mosque. After prayer, pilgrims also drink water from the Zamzam well, which is made available in coolers throughout the Mosque.[58]

Although the circuits around the Kaaba are traditionally done on the ground level,tawafis now also performed on the first floor and roof of the mosque because of the large crowds.

This rite is said to be the manifestation ofTawhid,the Oneness of God. The heart and soul of the pilgrim should move around Kaaba, the symbol of the House of God, in a way that no worldly attraction distracts him from this path. Only Tawhid should attract him.Tawafalso represents Muslims' unity. Duringtawaf,everyone encircles Kaaba collectively.[53]

Tawafis followed bysa'ay,running or walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah, located near the Kaaba.[54][57]Previously in the open air, the place is now entirely enclosed by the Sacred Mosque, and can be accessed via air-conditioned tunnels.[59]Pilgrims are advised to walk the circuit, though two green pillars mark a short section of the path where they run. There is also an internal "express lane" for elderly or disabled people. Aftersa'ay,male pilgrims shave or trim their hair and women generally clip a portion of their hair, which completes theUmrah.

First day of Hajj: 8th Dhu al-Hijjah (Tarwiyah Day)


On the 8th Dhu al-Hijjah, the pilgrims are reminded of their duties. They again don the Ihram garments and confirm their intention to make the pilgrimage. The prohibitions of Ihram start now.

The name of Tarwiyah refers to a narration ofJa'far al-Sadiq.He described the reason that there was no water atMount Arafaton the 8th day of Dhu al-Hijjah. If pilgrims wanted to stay at Arafat, they would have prepared water from Mecca and carried it by themselves there. So they told each other to drink enough. Finally, this day called Tarwiyah[60]that means to quench thirst in the Arabic language.[61] Tarwiyah Day is the first day of Hajj ritual. Also on this day,Husayn ibn Alibegan to go toKarbalafromMecca.[62]Muhammadnominated to Tarwiyah Day as one of the four chosen days.[61]


Pilgrims wearing Ihram near Mount Arafat on the day of Hajj
Mount Arafat during Hajj

After themorningprayer on the 8th of Dhu al-Hijjah, the pilgrims proceed toMinawhere they spend the whole day and offernoon(Note: On Friday,Friday Prayeris Offered, instead of Dhuhr Prayer, at Mina),afternoon,evening,andnightprayers.[63]The next morning after morning prayer, they leave Mina to go to Arafat.

Second day: 9th Dhu al-Hijjah (Arafah Day)


The 9th Dhul-Hijjah is known asDay of Arafah,and this day is called the Day of Hajj.[45]



On 9th Dhu al-Hijjah before noon, pilgrims arrive atArafat,a barren and plain land some 20 kilometres (12 mi) east of Mecca,[64]where they stand in contemplative vigil: they offer supplications, repent on and atone for their past sins, and seek the mercy ofGod,and listen to the sermon from theIslamic scholarswho deliver it from near Jabal al-Rahmah (The Mount of Mercy)[63]from where Muhammad is said to have deliveredhis last sermon.Lasting from noon through sunset,[64]this is known as 'standing before God' (wuquf), one of the most significant rites of Hajj.[7]AtMasjid al-Namirah,pilgrims offernoonandafternoonprayers together at noontime.[63]A pilgrim's Hajj is considered invalid if they do not spend the afternoon on Arafat.[64]


Pilgrims at Muzdalifah

Pilgrims must leave Arafat forMuzdalifahafter sunset without performing theirmaghrib(sunset) prayer at Arafat.[65]Muzdalifah is an area between Arafat and Mina. Upon reaching there, pilgrims perform Maghrib and Isha prayer jointly, spend the night praying and sleeping on the ground with open sky, and gather pebbles for the next day's ritual of the stoning of theDevil(Shaytan).[66]

Third day: 10th Dhu al-Hijjah (Qurban Day)


After the morning prayer, the Pilgrims move from Muzdalifah to Mina.

Ramy al-Jamarat

Pilgrims performing "Ramy Al-Jamarat" (Stoning of the Devil) ceremony during the 2006 Hajj

At Mina, the pilgrims perform symbolicStoning of the Devil(Ramy al-Jamarat) by throwing seven stones from sunrise to sunset at only the largest of the three pillars, known as Jamrat al-Aqabah.[67][self-published source?]The remaining two pillars (jamarah) are not stoned on this day.[68]These pillars are said to represent Satan.[69]Pilgrims climb ramps to the multi-levelledJamaraat Bridge,from which they can throw their pebbles at the jamarat. Because of safety reasons, in 2004 the pillars were replaced by long walls, with catch basins below to collect the pebbles.[70][71]

Animal sacrificing


After the stoning of the Devil,cattle (Surah 22:34-36)aresacrificedto commemorate the story of Ibrahim and Ismael. Traditionally the pilgrims slaughtered the animal themselves or oversaw the slaughtering. Today many pilgrims buy a sacrifice voucher in Mecca before the greater Hajj begins, which allows an animal to be slaughtered in the name of God (Allah) on the 10th, without the pilgrim being physically present. Modern abattoirs complete the processing of the meat, which is then sent as a charity to poor people around the world.[59]At the same time as the sacrifices occur at Mecca, Muslims worldwide perform similar sacrifices, in a three-day global festival calledEid al-Adha.[13]

Hair removal


After sacrificing an animal, another important rite of Hajj is the shaving or trimming of head hair (known as Halak). All male pilgrims shave their head or trim their hair on the day ofEid al Adhaand female pilgrims cut the tips of their hair.[72][73][74]

Tawaf Ziyarat/Ifadah

Pilgrims performing Tawaf around the Kaaba

On the same or the following day, the pilgrims re-visit the Sacred Mosque in Mecca for anothertawaf,known asTawaf al-Ifadah,an essential part of Hajj.[73]It symbolizes being in a hurry to respond to God and show love for Him, an obligatory part of Hajj. The night of the 10th is spent back at Mina.

Fourth day: 11th Dhu al-Hijjah


Starting from noon to sunset on the 11 Dhu al-Hijjah (and again the following day), the pilgrims again throw seven pebbles at each of the three pillars in Mina. This is commonly known as the "Stoning of the Devil".[67]

Fifth day: 12th Dhu al-Hijjah


On 12 Dhu al-Hijjah, the same process of the stoning of the pillars as of 11 Dhu al-Hijjah takes place.[67]Pilgrims may leave Mina for Mecca before sunset on the 12th.

Last day at Mina: 13th Dhu al-Hijjah


If unable to leave on the 12th before sunset or opt to stay longer, they must perform the stoning ritual again on the 13th before returning to Mecca.[67]

Tawaf al-Wadaa


Finally, before leaving Mecca, pilgrims perform a farewell tawaf called the Tawaf al-Wadaa. 'Wadaa' means 'to bid farewell'. The pilgrims circle the Kaaba seven times counter-clockwise, and if they can, attempt to touch or kiss the Kaaba.[75]

Journey to Medina


During their journey for Hajj, pilgrims traditionally also travel to the city of Medina (approximately 450 kilometres (280 mi) to the northeast), in particular to pray at theAl-Masjid an-Nabawi(Mosque of the Prophet),[76]which contains the tomb ofMuhammad.[59]TheQuba MosqueandMasjid al-Qiblataynare also usually visited.[77]



To Muslims, Hajj is associated with religious as well as social significance.[78]The obligation for performing this pilgrimage is only fulfilled if it is done on the eighth to twelfth day of the last month of theIslamic calendar.If in a given year, an adult Muslim is in good health and their life and wealth are safe, they must perform the Hajj in the same year. Delaying it is considered sinful unless the delay is caused by reasons beyond their control.[79]

Apart from being an obligatory religious duty, the Hajj is seen to have a spiritual merit that provides Muslims with an opportunity of self-renewal.[78]Hajj serves as a reminder of theDay of Judgmentwhen Muslims believe people will stand before God.[80]Hadithliterature (sayings of Muhammad) lists various merits a pilgrim achieves upon successful completion of their Hajj.[n 3]After successful pilgrimage, pilgrims can prefix their names with the title 'Al-Hajji', and are held with respect in Muslim society.[81]However, Islamic scholars suggest Hajj should signify a Muslim's religious commitment, and should not be a measurement of their social status.[81]Hajj brings together and unites the Muslims from different parts of the world irrespective of their race, colour, and culture, which acts as a symbol of equality.[7][72]

A 2008 study on the impact of participating in the Islamic pilgrimage found that Muslim communities become more positive and tolerant after Hajj. TitledEstimating the Impact of the Hajj: Religion and Tolerance in Islam's Global Gatheringand conducted in conjunction withHarvard University'sJohn F. Kennedy School of Government,the study noted that the Hajj "increases belief in equality and harmony among ethnic groups and Islamic sects and leads to more favourable attitudes toward women, including greater acceptance of female education and employment" and that "Hajjis show increased belief in peace, equality and harmony among adherents of different religions."[82]

Malcolm X,an American activist during theCivil Rights Movement,describes the sociological atmosphere he experienced at his Hajj in the 1960s as follows:

There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and the non-white. America needs to understand Islam because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. You may be shocked by these words coming from me. But on this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced me to rearrange much of my thought-patterns previously held.[83]

Differences between Hajj and Umrah

  • Both are Islamic pilgrimages, the main difference is their level of importance and the method of observance.[84]
  • Hajj is one of theFive Pillars of Islam.It is obligatory for every Muslim once in their lifetime, provided they are physically fit and financially capable.[85]
  • Hajj is performed over specific days during a designatedIslamic month.However, Umrah can be performed at any time.
  • Although they share common rites, Umrah can be performed in less than a few hours while Hajj is more time-consuming, and involves more rituals.

Arrangement and facilities

A Saudi security officer on vigil

Most of the Hajj-related issues are handled by theMinistry of Hajj and Umrah.Making necessary arrangements each year for the growing number of pilgrims poses a logistic challenge for the government ofSaudi Arabia,which has, since the 1950s, spent more than $100 billion to increase pilgrimage facilities.[31][35]Major issues like housing, transportation, sanitation, and health care have been addressed and improved greatly by the government by introducing various development programs, with the result that pilgrims now enjoy modern facilities and perform various rites at ease.[59]The Saudi government often sets quotas for various countries to keep the pilgrims' number at a manageable level, and arranges huge security forces and CCTV cameras to maintain overall safety during Hajj.[31][35][86][87]Various institutions and government programs, such as theHaj subsidyoffered in Pakistan or theTabung Hajibased in Malaysia assist pilgrims in covering the costs of the journey.[88]For the 2014 Hajj, special Hajj information desks were set up atPakistani airportsto assist the pilgrims.[89]For the benefit of pilgrims fromIndiaandPakistan,Urdusigns were also introduced at the mosques.[90]

Technology solutions


The Saudi government employs technology to protect the safety, and enhance the experience, of the pilgrim's journey. Recently, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has introduced the Hajj pilgrims' e-bracelet program that stores pilgrims' essential data and which helps to provide them with the necessary support.[91]In 2018,SAFCSPorganized the Hajj Hackathon event inJeddah,with 2,950 participants from over 100 countries. The event aims at exploring the use of technology to provide solutions for Hajj pilgrims.[92][93]In 2019, the "Fatwa Robot" service was launched to provide pilgrims withfatwasand other religious advice.[94]Two interactive apps were launched by Hajj authorities to provide pilgrims with a range of services through their smartphones. The services, which are available in nine languages, help pilgrims in finding emergency service centres, holy sites, currency exchanges, restaurants, and accommodation.[95]

Visa requirements


To enter Saudi Arabia to participate in the Hajj as a Muslim, visa requirements have to be satisfied.[96][97]Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Hajj and Umrah is planning to ease visas issuance by enabling Hajj and Umrah pilgrims to obtaine-visawithin minutes through campaigns and companies.[98]For the upcoming Umrah season, visas can be electronically issued within 24 hours via a special platform established by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.[99]For passengers traveling from the United States, they must purchase a package from a licensed Hajj agency. People fromGulf Cooperation Councilcountries do not need a visa to enter Saudi Arabia and vice versa. People with Saudi visas are not allowed to enter the site unless they are Muslim.

Makkah Route Initiative


Makkah Route Initiative is an initiative made by the Saudi government to facilitate the pilgrims entries to Saudi Arabia by completing it in the airports of their countries. The initiative has been implemented since 2018 byThe Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[100]In 2019, the initiative is planned to provide service to around 225,000 pilgrims from airports inMalaysia,Indonesia,Pakistan,BangladeshandTunisia.[101]The provided services include:

  1. Issuance of visas.
  2. Making sure that the pilgrims' health conditions comply with the requirements and to make certain that the potential pilgrims have taken preventive measures related to the epidemiological situation in the world.[102]
  3. Codifying and sorting luggage at the pilgrims' airports and delivering them to the pilgrims' hotels directly upon arrival.[101]



Traditionally, the pilgrimage to Mecca was mainly an overland journey usingcamelsas a means of transport. During the second half of the nineteenth century (after the 1850s),steamshipsbegan to be used in the pilgrimage journey to Mecca, and the number of pilgrims traveling on sea routes increased.[103]This continued for some time,[104]until air travel came to predominate;Egyptintroduced the first airline service for Hajj pilgrims in 1937.[105][106]Today, many airlines and travel agents offer Hajj packages, and arrange for transportation and accommodation for the pilgrims.[107]King Abdulaziz International Airportin Jeddah andPrince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz Airportin Medina have dedicated pilgrim terminals to assist with the large numbers of pilgrims.[108][109]Other international airports around the world, such asIndira Gandhi AirportinNew Delhi,Rajiv Gandhi International AirportinHyderabad,JinnahinKarachiandSoekarno-HattainJakartaalso have dedicated terminals or temporary facilities to service pilgrims as they depart for the Hajj and return home.[110]During Hajj, many airlines run extra flights to accommodate the large number of pilgrims.[35][108]

During official Hajj days, pilgrims travel between the different locations by metro, bus or on foot. The Saudi government strictly controls vehicles access into these heavily congested areas. However, the journey can take many hours due to heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In 2010, the Saudi government started operating theAl Mashaaer Al Mugaddassah Metro lineas an exclusive shuttle train for pilgrims between Arafat, Muzdalifa and Mina. The service, which operates only during the days of Hajj, shortens the travel time during the critical "Nafrah" from Arafat to Muzdalifah to minutes. Due to its limited capacity, the use of the metro is not open to all pilgrims.



Hajj has a considerable environmental impact, with the average pilgrim contributing about 60.5 kg CO2-eqper day. Transport, lodging, food, and waste generated an estimated 3.0 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent during the 2011 Hajj season.[111]Most pilgrims travel to Mecca by air[112]and long-haul air travel accounts for 60% ofgreenhouse gas emissionscreated by Hajj.[111]

Rising global temperatures mean that in the future, people undertaking Hajj could face "extreme danger" due to heat and humidity.[113][114][115]Projected temperature rises of 1.5° to 2° could have significant impacts on the health of participants, many of whom are elderly.[116][117]In 2021Ummah for EarthandGreenpeace Middle Eastpublished research which suggested climate actions which included adapting the Great Mosque for solar power.[118] In the Summer of 2024, Saudi officials reported treating more than 2,000 people for heat stress. As of June 21 550 people had died from heat stroke. At least 320 of the dead were from Egypt.[119] As of June 23 2024, more than 1000 people had died,[120]more than half of them were from Egypt. The government revoked the licenses of 16 travel agencies that helped unauthorized pilgrims travel to Saudi Arabia.[120] As of July 2 the Saudi government said that 1301 people had died doing the Hajj.[121]

Green Hajj Camp


In 2011,Husna Ahmadcreated the first green guide to Hajj.[114]In 2019, Saudi Arabia launched an environment-friendly Hajj initiative under the auspices of the environmental technologistMagda Abu Ras.[122]One aspect discouraged the consumption of plastics and was entitledHajj without Plastic.[122]The project is implemented in 30 camps in Mina where pilgrims are encouraged to sort out their wastes. Moreover, the proceeds are used for charitable purposes.[123]The project has a number of objectives as follows:

  1. Decreasing environmental harms.
  2. Improving the management system of solid waste.
  3. Preserving pilgrims' and camps' safety.[123]



Crowd-control problems

Pilgrim numbers have greatly increased in recent years, which has led to numerous accidents and deaths due to overcrowding. The first major accident during Hajj in modern times occurred in 1990, when atunnel stampedeled to the death of 1,462 people.[124]Afterwards, various crowd-control techniques were adopted to improve safety. Because of large crowds, some of the rituals have become more symbolic. For example, it is no longer necessary to kiss theBlack Stone.Instead, pilgrims simply point at it on each circuit around the Kaaba. Also, the large pillars used for pebble throwing were changed into long walls in 2004 with basins below to catch the stones.[70][71]Another example is that animal sacrifice is now done at slaughterhouses appointed by the Saudi authorities, without the pilgrims being present there.[52][125][126]In the 70s and 80s, a number of deaths occurred, this was because of a stampede or a siege.

Despite safety measures, incidents may happen during the Hajj as pilgrims are trampled or ramps collapse under the weight of the many visitors.During 2015 Hajj,a stampede resulted in 769 deaths and injuries to 934 others, according to the Saudi authorities.[127][128]A report from Associated Press totalled at least 2,411 deaths from official reports from other countries, making it the most deadly such episode to date.[129][127]Concerns were raised in 2013 and 2014 about the spread ofMERSbecause of mass gatherings during the Hajj.[130][131]Saudi Health Minister Abdullah Al-Rabia said authorities have detected no cases of MERS among the pilgrims so far.[132]He also said that, despite few cases of MERS, Saudi Arabia was ready for the 2014 pilgrimage.[133][134][needs update]

In November 2017, Saudi authorities bannedselfiesat the two holy sites.[135]


In February 2020, Saudi Arabia temporarily banned foreign pilgrims from entering Mecca and Medina to prevent thespread of COVID-19in the Kingdom.[136]It later temporarily suspended the pilgrimage ofUmrah.[137]In June, the Saudi government announced that only "very limited numbers" of pilgrims already resident in Saudi Arabia would be permitted to participate in the Hajj.[20]

Hajj and the Saudi economy


In 2014, Saudi Arabia was expected to have earned up to $8.5 billion from Hajj.[138]Saudi Arabia's highest source of revenue after oil and gas is Hajj and the country is expected to depend more on Hajj as the amounts of available oil and gas for sale decline.[139]

Furthermore, the increase of religious tourism from about 12 million Muslims annually to almost 17 million by 2025 has given rise to increasing luxury hotel businesses in the area to accommodate pilgrims. TheAbraj al-Baitfirm intends to build hotels, shopping malls and apartments which is claimed to be an estimated value of three billion dollars.[140]According to The Embassy of Saudi Arabia, the Saudi government are working towards establishing programs which promote sanitation, housing, transportation, and welfare as the number of visiting pilgrims increases.

Most pilgrims, from countries such as theUnited States,Australiaand theUnited Kingdomdecide to purchase packages from licensed Hajj agencies in their countries. This helps direct the flow of traffic into the Kingdom and allows for pilgrims to work directly with a business responsible for their services instead of dealing directly with Saudi Arabia's government.[141]

In July 2020, the WSJ reported that following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Saudi authoritiescurtailed the five-day event in Mecca to fewer than 10,000 peoplealready residing in the country. It also noted that the hospitality and housing industries that rely entirely on Hajj revenue would face severe loss of revenue.[142]

In 2017, the Hajj and Umrah revenues were expected to exceed US$150 billion by 2022.[143]Hajj revenues are expected to cross US$350 billion by 2032, according to a report published byThe Moodie Davitt.[144]

Number of pilgrims per year

Pictographic world map comparing the largest periodic human migration events[145]

There has been a substantial increase in the number of pilgrims during the last 92 years, and the number of foreign pilgrims has increased by approximately 2,824 percent, from 58,584 in 1920 to 1,712,962 in 2012.[146]Because of development and expansion work at Masjid al-Haram, the authority restricted the number of pilgrims in 2013.[147][148]

Between 1940 and 1945, foreign pilgrims were restricted from arriving in Saudi Arabia as a result ofWorld War II;[149]the pilgrimages in 2020 and 2021were severely restrictedwhilethe country was dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.In the most recent 2023 Hajj, there were 1,845,045 total pilgrims, including about 184,000 Saudis.[150]

The following number of pilgrims arrived in Saudi Arabia each year to perform Hajj:

Gregorian year Hijri year Local pilgrims Foreign pilgrims Total
1920 1338 58,584[146]
1921 1339 57,255[146]
1922 1340 56,319[146]
1950 1369 100,000 (approx.)[3]
1950s 150,000 (approx.)[151]
1960s 300,000 (approx.)[151]
1970s 700,000 (approx.)[151]
1980s 900,000 (approx.)[151]
1989 1409 774,600[152]
1990 1410 827,200[152]
1991 1411 720,100[152]
1992 1412 1,015,700[152]
1993 1413 992,800[152]
1994 1414 997,400[152]
1995 1415 1,046,307[152]
1996 1416 784,769 1,080,465[152][17] 1,865,234
1997 1417 774,260 1,168,591[152][17] 1,942,851
1998 1418 699,770 1,132,344 1,832,114[152][153]
1999 1419 775,268 1,056,730 1,831,998
2000 1420 466,430[154] 1,267,355 1,733,785[154]
2001 1421 440,808 1,363,992 1,804,800[155]
2002 1422 590,576 1,354,184 1,944,760
2003 1423 493,230 1,431,012 1,924,242[156]
2004 1424 473,004[157] 1,419,706[158] 1,892,710[157]
2005 1425 1,030,000 (approx.) 1,534,769 2,560,000 (approx.)[159]
2006 1426 573,147 1,557,447 2,130,594[160]
2006 1427 724,229 1,654,407 2,378,636[161]
2007 1428 746,511 1,707,814 2,454,325[162][163]
2008 1429 1,729,841[18]
2009 1430 154,000 1,613,000 2,521,000[164]
2010 1431 989,798 1,799,601 2,854,345[165]
2011 1432 1,099,522 1,828,195 2,927,717[166]
2012 1433 1,408,641 1,752,932 3,161,573[19]
2013 1434 600,718[167] 1,379,531[168] 1,980,249[167]
2014 1435 696,185[167] 1,389,053[169] 2,085,238[167]
2015 1436 567,876[167] 1,384,941[170] 1,952,817[167]
2016 1437 537,537[171] 1,325,372[171] 1,862,909[171]
2017 1438 600,108 1,752,014 2,352,122[16]
2018 1439 612,953 1,758,722 2,371,675[172]
2019 1440 634,379 1,855,027 2,489,406[173]
2020 1441 1,000[174]
2021 1442 58,745[175][176] 0[175] 58,745[176]
2022 1443 119,434[177] 779,919[177] 899,353[177]
2023 1444 184,000[150] 1,845,045[150]
2024 1445 221,854[178] 1,611,310[178] 1,833,164[178]

See also





  1. ^The verses read: "And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled.... Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety, and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and Ishmael, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer).... And remember Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (2:124–127)" and "And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, through deep and distant mountain highways, that they may witness the benefits (provided) for them, and celebrate the name of Allah, through the Days appointed, over the cattle which He has provided for them (for sacrifice): then eat ye thereof and feed the distressed one, the needy. Then let them complete the rites prescribed for them, perform their vows, and (again) circumambulate the Ancient House." (22:27–29)
  2. ^Ibn Jubayrnoted the skeletons of the faithful who had died of thirst en route. In the 17th century, a group of Egyptian pilgrims lost over 1,500 people and 900 camels. In 1924 around one-fifth of a group of Syrian pilgrims died and two years later, 12,000 are thought to have died during the journey. [Islam in the Worldby Malise Ruthven. Granta Publications, 2006. p. 2.ISBN1-86207-906-4.]
  3. ^For example, one such Hadith says Abu Huraira quoted Muhammad as saying: "Whoever performs Hajj for God's pleasure and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after Hajj free from all sins) as if he were born anew."Sahih al-Bukhari,2:26:596


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Further reading
