ISO/IEC 27002

(Redirected fromISO/IEC 17799)

ISO/IEC 27002is aninformation securitystandardpublished by theInternational Organization for Standardization(ISO) and by theInternational Electrotechnical Commission(IEC), titledInformation security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security controls.

ISO/IEC 27002
Latest version3
Mar 2022
OrganizationInternational Organization for Standardization
CommitteeISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27
SeriesISO/IEC 27000 family
DomainInformation security management this at Wikidata

TheISO/IEC 27000 familyof standards are descended from a corporate security standard donated byShellto a UK government initiative in the early 1990s.[1]The Shell standard was developed into British Standard BS 7799 in the mid-1990s, and was adopted as ISO/IEC 17799 in 2000. The ISO/IEC standard was revised in 2005, and renumbered ISO/IEC 27002 in 2007 to align with the otherISO/IEC 27000-seriesstandards. It was revised again in 2013 and in 2022.[2]Later in 2015 theISO/IEC 27017was created from that standard in order to suggest additional security controls for the cloud which were not completely defined in ISO/IEC 27002.

ISO/IEC 27002 providesbest practicerecommendations on information security controls for use by those responsible for initiating, implementing or maintaininginformation security management systems(ISMS). Information security is defined within the standard in the context of theCIA triad:

the preservation ofconfidentiality(ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access),integrity(safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods) andavailability(ensuring that authorized users have access to information and associated assets when required).[3]



Outline for ISO/IEC 27002:2022


The standard starts with 4 introductory chapters:

  1. Scope
  2. Normative Reference
  3. Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms
  4. Structure of this document

These are followed by 4 main chapters:

  1. Organizational controls
  2. People controls
  3. Physical controls
  4. Technological controls

Outline for ISO/IEC 27002:2013


The standard starts with 5 introductory chapters:

  1. Introduction
  2. Scope
  3. Normative references
  4. Terms and definitions
  5. Structure of this standard

These are followed by 14 main chapters:

  1. Information Security Policies
  2. Organization of Information Security
  3. Human Resource Security
  4. Asset Management
  5. Access Control
  6. Cryptography
  7. Physical and environmental security
  8. Operation Security- procedures and responsibilities, Protection from malware, Backup, Logging and monitoring, Control of operational software, Technical vulnerability management and Information systems audit coordination
  9. Communication security - Network security management and Information transfer
  10. System acquisition, development and maintenance - Security requirements of information systems, Security in development and support processes and Test data
  11. Supplier relationships - Information security in supplier relationships and Supplier service delivery management
  12. Information security incident management - Management of information security incidents and improvements
  13. Information security aspects of business continuity management - Information security continuity and Redundancies
  14. Compliance - Compliance with legal and contractual requirements and Information security reviews



Within each chapter, informationsecurity controlsand their objectives are specified and outlined. The information security controls are generally regarded as best practice means of achieving those objectives. For each of the controls, implementation guidance is provided.

Specific controls are not mandated since:

  1. Each organization is expected to undertake a structured information security risk assessment process to determine its specific requirements before selecting controls that are appropriate to its particular circumstances. The introduction section outlines a risk assessment process although there are more specific standards covering this area such asISO/IEC 27005.The use of information security risk analysis to drive the selection and implementation of information security controls is an important feature of theISO/IEC 27000-seriesstandards: it means that the generic good practice advice in this standard gets tailored to the specific context of each user organization, rather than being applied by rote. Not all of the 39 control objectives are necessarily relevant to every organization for instance, hence entire categories of control may not be deemed necessary. The standards are also open ended in the sense that the information security controls are 'suggested', leaving the door open for users to adopt alternative controls if they wish, just so long as the key control objectives relating to the mitigation of information security risks, are satisfied. This helps keep the standard relevant despite the evolving nature of information security threats, vulnerabilities and impacts, and trends in the use of certain information security controls.
  2. It is practically impossible to list all conceivable controls in a general purpose standard. Industry-specific implementation guidelines forISO/IEC 27001:2013and ISO/IEC 27002 offer advice tailored to organizations in the telecomms industry (seeISO/IEC 27011) and healthcare (seeISO 27799).

Most organizations implement a wide range of information security-related controls, many of which are recommended in general terms by ISO/IEC 27002. Structuring the information security controls infrastructure in accordance with ISO/IEC 27002 may be advantageous since it:

  • Is associated with a well-respected international standard
  • Helps avoid coverage gaps and overlaps
  • Is likely to be recognized by those who are familiar with the ISO/IEC standard

Implementation example of ISO/IEC 27002


Here are a few examples of typical information security policies and other controls relating to three parts of ISO/IEC 27002. (Note: this is merely an illustration. The list of example controls is incomplete and not universally applicable.)

Physical and Environmental security

  • Physical access to premises and support infrastructure (communications, power, air conditioning etc.) must be monitored and restricted to prevent, detect and minimize the effects of unauthorized and inappropriate access, tampering, vandalism, criminal damage, theft etc.
  • The list of people authorized to access secure areas must be reviewed and approved periodically (at least once a year) by Administration or Physical Security Department, and cross-checked by their departmental managers.
  • Photography or video recording is forbidden inside Restricted Areas without prior permission from the designated authority.
  • Suitable video surveillance cameras must be located at all entrances and exits to the premises and other strategic points such as Restricted Areas, recorded and stored for at least one month, and monitored around the clock by trained personnel.
  • Access cards permitting time-limited access to general and/or specific areas may be provided to trainees, vendors, consultants, third parties and other personnel who have been identified, authenticated, and authorized to access those areas.
  • Other than in public areas such as the reception foyer, and private areas such as rest rooms, visitors should be escorted at all times by an employee while on the premises.
  • The date and time of entry and departure of visitors along with the purpose of visits must be recorded in a register maintained and controlled by Site Security or Reception.
  • Everyone on site (employees and visitors) must wear and display their valid, issued pass at all times, and must present their pass for inspection on request by a manager, security guard or concerned employee.
  • Access control systems must themselves be adequately secured against unauthorized/inappropriate access and other compromises.
  • Fire/evacuation drills must be conducted periodically (at least once a year).
  • Smoking is forbidden inside the premises other than in designated Smoking Zones.

Human Resource security

  • All employees must be screened prior to employment, including identity verification using a passport or similar photo ID and at least two satisfactory professional references. Additional checks are required for employees taking up trusted positions.
  • All employees must formally accept a binding confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement concerning personal and proprietary information provided to or generated by them in the course of employment.
  • Human Resources department must inform Administration, Finance and Operations when an employee is taken on, transferred, resigns, is suspended or released on long-term leave, or their employment is terminated.
  • Upon receiving notification from HR that an employee's status has changed, Administration must update their physical access rights and IT Security Administration must update their logical access rights accordingly.
  • An employee's manager must ensure that all access cards, keys, IT equipment, storage media and other valuable corporate assets are returned by the employee on or before their last day of employment.

Access control

  • User access to corporate IT systems, networks, applications and information must be controlled in accordance with access requirements specified by the relevant Information Asset Owners, normally according to the user's role.
  • Generic or test IDs must not be created or enabled on production systems unless specifically authorized by the relevant Information Asset Owners.
  • After a predefined number of unsuccessful logon attempts, security log entries and (where appropriate) security alerts must be generated and user accounts must be locked out as required by the relevant Information Asset Owners.
  • Passwords or pass phrases must be lengthy and complex, consisting of a mix of letters, numerals and special characters that would be difficult to guess.
  • Passwords or pass phrases must not be written down or stored in readable format.
  • Authentication information such as passwords, security logs, security configurations and so forth must be adequately secured against unauthorized or inappropriate access, modification, corruption or loss.
  • Privileged access rights typically required to administer, configure, manage, secure and monitor IT systems must be reviewed periodically (at least twice a year) by Information Security and cross-checked by the appropriate departmental managers.
  • Users must either log off or password-lock their sessions before leaving them unattended.
  • Password-protected screensavers with an inactivity timeout of no more than 10 minutes must be enabled on all workstations/PCs.
  • Write access to removable media (USB drives, CD/DVD writers etc.) must be disabled on all desktops unless specifically authorized for legitimate business reasons.


Year Description
2005 ISO/IEC 27002 (1st Edition)
2013 ISO/IEC 27002 (2nd Edition)
2022 ISO/IEC 27002 (3rd Edition)

National equivalent standards


ISO/IEC 27002 has directly equivalent national standards in several countries. Translation and local publication often results in several months' delay after the main ISO/IEC standard is revised and released, but the national standard bodies go to great lengths to ensure that the translated content accurately and completely reflects ISO/IEC 27002.

Countries Equivalent Standard
Argentina IRAM-ISO-IEC 27002:2008

New Zealand

AS/NZS ISO/IEC 27002:2006
Brazil ISO/IEC NBR 17799/2007 – 27002
Indonesia SNI ISO/IEC 27002:2014
Chile NCH2777 ISO/IEC 17799/2000
China GB/T 22081-2008
Czech Republic ČSN ISO/IEC 27002:2006
Croatia HRN ISO/IEC 27002:2013
Denmark DS/ISO27002:2022 (DK)
Estonia EVS-ISO/IEC 17799:2003, 2005 version in translation
France NF ISO/CEI 27002:2014
Germany DIN ISO/IEC 27002:2008
Japan JIS Q 27002
Lithuania LST ISO/IEC 27002:2009 (adopted ISO/IEC 27002:2005, ISO/IEC 17799:2005)
Mexico NMX-I-27002-NYCE-2015
Netherlands NEN-ISO/IEC 27002:2013
Peru NTP-ISO/IEC 17799:2007
Poland PN-ISO/IEC 17799:2007, based on ISO/IEC 17799:2005
Russia ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 27002-2012,based on ISO/IEC 27002:2005
Slovakia STN ISO/IEC 27002:2006
South Africa SANS 27002:2014/ISO/IEC 27002:2013[4]
Spain UNE 71501
Sweden SS-ISO/IEC 27002:2014
Turkey TS ISO/IEC 27002
Thailand UNIT/ISO
Ukraine ДСТУ ISO/IEC 27002:2015
United Kingdom BS ISO/IEC 27002:2005
Uruguay UNIT/ISO 17799:2005



ISO/IEC 27002 is an advisory standard that is meant to be interpreted and applied to all types and sizes of organization according to the particular information security risks they face. In practice, this flexibility gives users a lot of latitude to adopt the information security controls that make sense to them, but makes it unsuitable for the relatively straightforward compliance testing implicit in most formal certification schemes.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013(Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements) is a widely recognized certifiable standard. ISO/IEC 27001 specifies a number of firm requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an ISMS, and in Annex A there is a suite of information security controls that organizations are encouraged to adopt where appropriate within their ISMS. The controls in Annex A are derived from and aligned with ISO/IEC 27002.

Ongoing development


BothISO/IEC 27001and ISO/IEC 27002 are revised byISO/IEC JTC1/SC27every few years in order to keep them current and relevant. Revision involves, for instance, incorporating references to other issued security standards (such asISO/IEC 27000,ISO/IEC 27004andISO/IEC 27005) and various good security practices that have emerged in the field since they were last published. Due to the significant 'installed base' of organizations already using ISO/IEC 27002, particularly in relation to the information security controls supporting an ISMS that complies withISO/IEC 27001,any changes have to be justified and, wherever possible, evolutionary rather than revolutionary in nature.

See also



  1. ^"ISO27k timeline".ISO27001security.IsecT Ltd.Retrieved9 March2016.
  2. ^"An important information security standard has been revised".bsigroup.BSI Group.Retrieved13 December2022.
  3. ^ISC CISSP Official Study Guide.SYBEX. 15 September 2015.ISBN978-1119042716.Retrieved1 November2016.
  4. ^"SANS 27002:2014 (Ed. 2.00)".SABS Web Store.Retrieved25 May2015.