ISO 15924,Codes for the representation of names of scripts,is aninternational standarddefining codes forwriting systemsorscripts(a "set of graphic characters used for the written form of one or more languages" ). Each script is given both a four-letter code and a numeric code.[1]

Where possible the codes are derived fromISO 639-2,where the name of a script and the name of a language using the script are identical (example:GujarātīISO 639 guj, ISO 15924 Gujr). Preference is given to the 639-2 Bibliographical codes, which is different from the otherwise often preferred use of the Terminological codes.[1]

4-letter ISO 15924 codes are incorporated into theIANA Language Subtag RegistryforIETF language tagsand so can be used in file formats that make use of such language tags. For example, they can be used inHTMLandXMLto helpWeb browsersdetermine whichtypefaceto use for foreign text. This way one could differentiate, for example, betweenSerbianwritten in theCyrillic(sr-Cyrl) orLatin(sr-Latn) script, or markromanizedortransliteratedtext as such.



ISO appointed theUnicode Consortiumas theRegistration Authority(RA) for the standard. The RA is responsible for appointing a registrar who works with a Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) in developing and implementing the standard. The registrar from 2004 to 2018 wasMichael Everson,and from January 2019 the registrar has been Markus Scherer, a technical director of the Unicode Consortium.[2][3]The JAC consists of six members: one representative of the RA (Markus Scherer), one representative ofISO 639-2(Randall K. Barry of theLibrary of Congress), one representative ofISO TC37(Christian Galinski), one representative ofISO TC46(Peeter Päll), and two representatives ofISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2(Rick McGowan and Ken Whistler, both also officers of the Unicode Consortium).[4]

Script codes


Numeric ranges


Special codes

  • Qaaa–Qabx (900–949):50 Codes reserved for private use (for example,Qaagis used to markBurmesetext encoded for theZawgyi font)[7]
  • Zsye 993:Emoji
  • Zinh 994:Code for inherited script[a]
  • Zmth 995:Mathematical notation
  • Zsym 996:Symbols
  • Zxxx 997:Code for unwritten documents
  • Zyyy 998:Code for undetermined script
  • Zzzz 999:Code for uncoded script

Exceptionally reserved codes


Two four-letter codes are reserved at the request of theCommon Locale Data Repository(CLDR) project:[8]

  • Root:Reserved for the language-neutral base of the CLDR locale tree
  • True:Reserved for theBoolean value"true"

List of codes


This list of codes is from the ISO 15924 standard.[8]

ISO 15924 Script in Unicode[e]
Code ISO number ISO formal name Directionality Unicode Alias[f] Version Characters Notes Description
Adlm 166 Adlam right-to-left script Adlam 9.0 88 Ch 19.9
Afak 439 Afaka varies ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Aghb 239 Caucasian Albanian left-to-right Caucasian Albanian 7.0 53 Ancient/historic Ch 8.11
Ahom 338 Ahom, Tai Ahom left-to-right Ahom 8.0 65 Ancient/historic Ch 15.16
Arab 160 Arabic right-to-left script Arabic 1.0 1,368 Ch 9.2
Aran 161 Arabic (Nastaliq variant) mixed ZZ— Typographic variant of Arabic (see§ Arab)
Armi 124 Imperial Aramaic right-to-left script Imperial Aramaic 5.2 31 Ancient/historic Ch 10.4
Armn 230 Armenian left-to-right Armenian 1.0 96 Ch 7.6
Avst 134 Avestan right-to-left script Avestan 5.2 61 Ancient/historic Ch 10.7
Bali 360 Balinese left-to-right Balinese 5.0 124 Ch 17.3
Bamu 435 Bamum left-to-right Bamum 5.2 657 Ch 19.6
Bass 259 Bassa Vah left-to-right Bassa Vah 7.0 36 Ancient/historic Ch 19.7
Batk 365 Batak left-to-right Batak 6.0 56 Ch 17.6
Beng 325 Bengali (Bangla) left-to-right Bengali 1.0 96 Ch 12.2
Bhks 334 Bhaiksuki left-to-right Bhaiksuki 9.0 97 Ancient/historic Ch 14.3
Blis 550 Blissymbols varies ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Bopo 285 Bopomofo left-to-right,right-to-left script Bopomofo 1.0 77 Ch 18.3
Brah 300 Brahmi left-to-right Brahmi 6.0 115 Ancient/historic Ch 14.1
Brai 570 Braille left-to-right Braille 3.0 256 Ch 21.1
Bugi 367 Buginese left-to-right Buginese 4.1 30 Ch 17.2
Buhd 372 Buhid left-to-right Buhid 3.2 20 Ch 17.1
Cakm 349 Chakma left-to-right Chakma 6.1 71 Ch 13.11
Cans 440 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics left-to-right Canadian Aboriginal 3.0 726 Ch 20.2
Cari 201 Carian left-to-right,right-to-left script Carian 5.1 49 Ancient/historic Ch 8.5
Cham 358 Cham left-to-right Cham 5.1 83 Ch 16.10
Cher 445 Cherokee left-to-right Cherokee 3.0 172 Ch 20.1
Chis 298 Chisoi left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is mature[ii]
Chrs 109 Chorasmian right-to-left script,top-to-bottom Chorasmian 13.0 28 Ancient/historic Ch 10.8
Cirt 291 Cirth varies ZZ— Not in Unicode
Copt 204 Coptic left-to-right Coptic 1.0 137 Ancient/historic, disunified from Greek in 4.1 Ch 7.3
Cpmn 402 Cypro-Minoan left-to-right Cypro Minoan 14.0 99 Ancient/historic Ch 8.4
Cprt 403 Cypriot syllabary right-to-left script Cypriot 4.0 55 Ancient/historic Ch 8.3
Cyrl 220 Cyrillic left-to-right Cyrillic 1.0 506 Includes typographic variant Old Church Slavonic (see§ Cyrs) Ch 7.4
Cyrs 221 Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant) varies ZZ— Typographic variant of Cyrillic (see§ Cyrl); Ancient/historic
Deva 315 Devanagari (Nagari) left-to-right Devanagari 1.0 164 Ch 12.1
Diak 342 Dives Akuru left-to-right Dives Akuru 13.0 72 Ancient/historic Ch 15.15
Dogr 328 Dogra left-to-right Dogra 11.0 60 Ancient/historic Ch 15.18
Dsrt 250 Deseret (Mormon) left-to-right Deseret 3.1 80 Ch 20.4
Dupl 755 Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography left-to-right Duployan 7.0 143 Ch 21.6
Egyd 070 Egyptian demotic mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode
Egyh 060 Egyptian hieratic mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode
Egyp 050 Egyptian hieroglyphs right-to-left script,left-to-right Egyptian Hieroglyphs 5.2 1,110 Ancient/historic Ch 11.4
Elba 226 Elbasan left-to-right Elbasan 7.0 40 Ancient/historic Ch 8.10
Elym 128 Elymaic right-to-left script Elymaic 12.0 23 Ancient/historic Ch 10.9
Ethi 430 Ethiopic (Geʻez) left-to-right Ethiopic 3.0 523 Ch 19.1
Gara 164 Garay right-to-left ZZ— Not in Unicode, approved for version 16.0[iii]
Geok 241 Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri) left-to-right Georgian Unicode groups Khutsori, Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri into 'Georgian' (see§ Geok). Similarly, Mkhedruli and Mtavruli are 'Georgian' (see§ Geor) Ch 7.7
Geor 240 Georgian (Mkhedruli and Mtavruli) left-to-right Georgian 1.0 173 In Unicode this also includes Nuskhuri (Geok) Ch 7.7
Glag 225 Glagolitic left-to-right Glagolitic 4.1 134 Ancient/historic Ch 7.5
Gong 312 Gunjala Gondi left-to-right Gunjala Gondi 11.0 63 Ch 13.15
Gonm 313 Masaram Gondi left-to-right Masaram Gondi 10.0 75 Ch 13.14
Goth 206 Gothic left-to-right Gothic 3.1 27 Ancient/historic Ch 8.9
Gran 343 Grantha left-to-right Grantha 7.0 85 Ancient/historic Ch 15.14
Grek 200 Greek left-to-right Greek 1.0 518 Directionality sometimes asboustrophedon Ch 7.2
Gujr 320 Gujarati left-to-right Gujarati 1.0 91 Ch 12.4
Gukh 397 Gurung Khema left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, approved for version 16.0[iii]
Guru 310 Gurmukhi left-to-right Gurmukhi 1.0 80 Ch 12.3
Hanb 503 Han with Bopomofo (alias for Han + Bopomofo) mixed ZZ— See§ Hani,§ Bopo
Hang 286 Hangul (Hangŭl, Hangeul) left-to-right, vertical right-to-left Hangul 1.0 11,739 Hangul syllables relocated in 2.0 Ch 18.6
Hani 500 Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja) top-to-bottom, columns right-to-left (historically) Han 1.0 99,030 Ch 18.1
Hano 371 Hanunoo (Hanunóo) left-to-right, bottom-to-top Hanunoo 3.2 21 Ch 17.1
Hans 501 Han (Simplified variant) varies ZZ— Subset of Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja) (see§ Hani)
Hant 502 Han (Traditional variant) varies ZZ— Subset of§ Hani
Hatr 127 Hatran right-to-left script Hatran 8.0 26 Ancient/historic Ch 10.12
Hebr 125 Hebrew right-to-left script Hebrew 1.0 134 Ch 9.1
Hira 410 Hiragana vertical right-to-left, left-to-right Hiragana 1.0 381 Ch 18.4
Hluw 080 Anatolian Hieroglyphs (Luwian Hieroglyphs, Hittite Hieroglyphs) left-to-right Anatolian Hieroglyphs 8.0 583 Ancient/historic Ch 11.6
Hmng 450 Pahawh Hmong left-to-right Pahawh Hmong 7.0 127 Ch 16.11
Hmnp 451 Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong left-to-right Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong 12.0 71 Ch 16.12
Hrkt 412 Japanese syllabaries (alias for Hiragana + Katakana) vertical right-to-left, left-to-right Katakana or Hiragana See§ Hira,§ Kana Ch 18.4
Hung 176 Old Hungarian (Hungarian Runic) right-to-left script Old Hungarian 8.0 108 Ancient/historic Ch 8.8
Inds 610 Indus (Harappan) mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Ital 210 Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan, etc.) right-to-left script,left-to-right Old Italic 3.1 39 Ancient/historic Ch 8.6
Jamo 284 Jamo (alias for Jamo subset of Hangul) varies ZZ— Subset of§ Hang
Java 361 Javanese left-to-right Javanese 5.2 90 Ch 17.4
Jpan 413 Japanese (alias for Han + Hiragana + Katakana) varies ZZ— See§ Hani,§ Hiraand§ Kana
Jurc 510 Jurchen left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Kali 357 Kayah Li left-to-right Kayah Li 5.1 47 Ch 16.9
Kana 411 Katakana vertical right-to-left, left-to-right Katakana 1.0 321 Ch 18.4
Kawi 368 Kawi left-to-right Kawi 15.0 86 Ancient/historic Ch 17.9
Khar 305 Kharoshthi right-to-left script Kharoshthi 4.1 68 Ancient/historic Ch 14.2
Khmr 355 Khmer left-to-right Khmer 3.0 146 Ch 16.4
Khoj 322 Khojki left-to-right Khojki 7.0 65 Ancient/historic Ch 15.7
Kitl 505 Khitan large script left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Kits 288 Khitan small script vertical right-to-left Khitan Small Script 13.0 471 Ancient/historic Ch 18.12
Knda 345 Kannada left-to-right Kannada 1.0 91 Ch 12.8
Kore 287 Korean (alias for Hangul + Han) left-to-right ZZ— See§ Hani,§ Hang
Kpel 436 Kpelle left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Krai 396 Kirat Rai left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, approved for version 16.0[iii]
Kthi 317 Kaithi left-to-right Kaithi 5.2 68 Ancient/historic Ch 15.2
Lana 351 Tai Tham (Lanna) left-to-right Tai Tham 5.2 127 Ch 16.7
Laoo 356 Lao left-to-right Lao 1.0 83 Ch 16.2
Latf 217 Latin (Fraktur variant) varies ZZ— Typographic variant of Latin (see§ Latn)
Latg 216 Latin (Gaelic variant) left-to-right ZZ— Typographic variant of Latin (see§ Latn)
Latn 215 Latin left-to-right Latin 1.0 1,481 See also:Latin script in Unicode Ch 7.1
Leke 364 Leke left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Lepc 335 Lepcha (Róng) left-to-right Lepcha 5.1 74 Ch 13.12
Limb 336 Limbu left-to-right Limbu 4.0 68 Ch 13.6
Lina 400 Linear A left-to-right Linear A 7.0 341 Ancient/historic Ch 8.1
Linb 401 Linear B left-to-right Linear B 4.0 211 Ancient/historic Ch 8.2
Lisu 399 Lisu (Fraser) left-to-right Lisu 5.2 49 Ch 18.9
Loma 437 Loma left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Lyci 202 Lycian left-to-right Lycian 5.1 29 Ancient/historic Ch 8.5
Lydi 116 Lydian right-to-left script Lydian 5.1 27 Ancient/historic Ch 8.5
Mahj 314 Mahajani left-to-right Mahajani 7.0 39 Ancient/historic Ch 15.6
Maka 366 Makasar left-to-right Makasar 11.0 25 Ancient/historic Ch 17.8
Mand 140 Mandaic, Mandaean right-to-left script Mandaic 6.0 29 Ch 9.5
Mani 139 Manichaean right-to-left script Manichaean 7.0 51 Ancient/historic Ch 10.5
Marc 332 Marchen left-to-right Marchen 9.0 68 Ancient/historic Ch 14.5
Maya 090 Mayan hieroglyphs mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode
Medf 265 Medefaidrin (Oberi Okaime, Oberi Ɔkaimɛ) left-to-right Medefaidrin 11.0 91 Ch 19.10
Mend 438 Mende Kikakui right-to-left script Mende Kikakui 7.0 213 Ch 19.8
Merc 101 Meroitic Cursive right-to-left script Meroitic Cursive 6.1 90 Ancient/historic Ch 11.5
Mero 100 Meroitic Hieroglyphs right-to-left script Meroitic Hieroglyphs 6.1 32 Ancient/historic Ch 11.5
Mlym 347 Malayalam left-to-right Malayalam 1.0 118 Ch 12.9
Modi 324 Modi, Moḍī left-to-right Modi 7.0 79 Ancient/historic Ch 15.12
Mong 145 Mongolian vertical left-to-right, left-to-right Mongolian 3.0 168 MongincludesClearandManchuscripts Ch 13.5
Moon 218 Moon (Moon code, Moon script, Moon type) mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Mroo 264 Mro, Mru left-to-right Mro 7.0 43 Ch 13.8
Mtei 337 Meitei Mayek (Meithei, Meetei) left-to-right Meetei Mayek 5.2 79 Ch 13.7
Mult 323 Multani left-to-right Multani 8.0 38 Ancient/historic Ch 15.10
Mymr 350 Myanmar (Burmese) left-to-right Myanmar 3.0 223 Ch 16.3
Nagm 295 Nag Mundari left-to-right Nag Mundari 15.0 42
Nand 311 Nandinagari left-to-right Nandinagari 12.0 65 Ancient/historic Ch 15.13
Narb 106 Old North Arabian (Ancient North Arabian) right-to-left script Old North Arabian 7.0 32 Ancient/historic Ch 10.1
Nbat 159 Nabataean right-to-left script Nabataean 7.0 40 Ancient/historic Ch 10.10
Newa 333 Newa, Newar, Newari, Nepāla lipi left-to-right Newa 9.0 97 Ch 13.3
Nkdb 085 Naxi Dongba (na²¹ɕi³³ to³³ba²¹, Nakhi Tomba) left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Nkgb 420 Naxi Geba (na²¹ɕi³³ gʌ²¹ba²¹, 'Na-'Khi ²Ggŏ-¹baw, Nakhi Geba) left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Nkoo 165 N’Ko right-to-left script NKo 5.0 62 Ch 19.4
Nshu 499 Nüshu vertical right-to-left Nushu 10.0 397 Ch 18.8
Ogam 212 Ogham bottom-to-top, left-to-right Ogham 3.0 29 Ancient/historic Ch 8.14
Olck 261 Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet’, Ol, Santali) left-to-right Ol Chiki 5.1 48 Ch 13.10
Onao 296 Ol Onal left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, approved for version 16.0[iii]
Orkh 175 Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic right-to-left script Old Turkic 5.2 73 Ancient/historic Ch 14.8
Orya 327 Oriya (Odia) left-to-right Oriya 1.0 91 Ch 12.5
Osge 219 Osage left-to-right Osage 9.0 72 Ch 20.3
Osma 260 Osmanya left-to-right Osmanya 4.0 40 Ch 19.2
Ougr 143 Old Uyghur mixed Old Uyghur 14.0 26 Ancient/historic Ch 14.11
Palm 126 Palmyrene right-to-left script Palmyrene 7.0 32 Ancient/historic Ch 10.11
Pauc 263 Pau Cin Hau left-to-right Pau Cin Hau 7.0 57 Ch 16.13
Pcun 015 Proto-Cuneiform left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Pelm 016 Proto-Elamite left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Perm 227 Old Permic left-to-right Old Permic 7.0 43 Ancient/historic Ch 8.13
Phag 331 Phags-pa vertical left-to-right Phags-pa 5.0 56 Ancient/historic Ch 14.4
Phli 131 Inscriptional Pahlavi right-to-left script Inscriptional Pahlavi 5.2 27 Ancient/historic Ch 10.6
Phlp 132 Psalter Pahlavi right-to-left script Psalter Pahlavi 7.0 29 Ancient/historic Ch 10.6
Phlv 133 Book Pahlavi mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode
Phnx 115 Phoenician right-to-left script Phoenician 5.0 29 Ancient/historic[g] Ch 10.3
Piqd 293 Klingon (KLI pIqaD) left-to-right ZZ— Rejected for inclusion in Unicode[iv][v]
Plrd 282 Miao (Pollard) left-to-right Miao 6.1 149 Ch 18.10
Prti 130 Inscriptional Parthian right-to-left script Inscriptional Parthian 5.2 30 Ancient/historic Ch 10.6
Psin 103 Proto-Sinaitic mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode
Qaaa-Qabx 900-949 Reserved for private use (range) ZZ— Not in Unicode
Ranj 303 Ranjana left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Rjng 363 Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga) left-to-right Rejang 5.1 37 Ch 17.5
Rohg 167 Hanifi Rohingya right-to-left script Hanifi Rohingya 11.0 50 Ch 16.14
Roro 620 Rongorongo mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Runr 211 Runic left-to-right,boustrophedon Runic 3.0 86 Ancient/historic Ch 8.7
Samr 123 Samaritan right-to-left script,top-to-bottom Samaritan 5.2 61 Ch 9.4
Sara 292 Sarati mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode
Sarb 105 Old South Arabian right-to-left script Old South Arabian 5.2 32 Ancient/historic Ch 10.2
Saur 344 Saurashtra left-to-right Saurashtra 5.1 82 Ch 13.13
Sgnw 095 SignWriting vertical left-to-right SignWriting 8.0 672 Ch 21.7
Shaw 281 Shavian (Shaw) left-to-right Shavian 4.0 48 Ch 8.15
Shrd 319 Sharada, Śāradā left-to-right Sharada 6.1 96 Ch 15.3
Shui 530 Shuishu left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Sidd 302 Siddham, Siddhaṃ, Siddhamātṛkā left-to-right Siddham 7.0 92 Ancient/historic Ch 15.5
Sidt 180 Sidetic right-to-left ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is mature[ii]
Sind 318 Khudawadi, Sindhi left-to-right Khudawadi 7.0 69 Ch 15.9
Sinh 348 Sinhala left-to-right Sinhala 3.0 111 Ch 13.2
Sogd 141 Sogdian horizontal and vertical writing in East Asian scripts,top-to-bottom Sogdian 11.0 42 Ancient/historic Ch 14.10
Sogo 142 Old Sogdian right-to-left script Old Sogdian 11.0 40 Ancient/historic Ch 14.9
Sora 398 Sora Sompeng left-to-right Sora Sompeng 6.1 35 Ch 15.17
Soyo 329 Soyombo left-to-right Soyombo 10.0 83 Ancient/historic Ch 14.7
Sund 362 Sundanese left-to-right Sundanese 5.1 72 Ch 17.7
Sunu 274 Sunuwar left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, approved for version 16.0[iii]
Sylo 316 Syloti Nagri left-to-right Syloti Nagri 4.1 45 Ancient/historic Ch 15.1
Syrc 135 Syriac right-to-left script Syriac 3.0 88 Includes typographic variants Estrangelo (see§ Syre), Western (§ Syrj), and Eastern (§ Syrn) Ch 9.3
Syre 138 Syriac (Estrangelo variant) mixed ZZ— Typographic variant of Syriac (see§ Syrc)
Syrj 137 Syriac (Western variant) mixed ZZ— Typographic variant of Syriac (see§ Syrc)
Syrn 136 Syriac (Eastern variant) mixed ZZ— Typographic variant of Syriac (see§ Syrc)
Tagb 373 Tagbanwa left-to-right Tagbanwa 3.2 18 Ch 17.1
Takr 321 Takri, Ṭākrī, Ṭāṅkrī left-to-right Takri 6.1 68 Ch 15.4
Tale 353 Tai Le left-to-right Tai Le 4.0 35 Ch 16.5
Talu 354 New Tai Lue left-to-right New Tai Lue 4.1 83 Ch 16.6
Taml 346 Tamil left-to-right Tamil 1.0 123 Ch 12.6
Tang 520 Tangut vertical right-to-left, left-to-right Tangut 9.0 6,914 Ancient/historic Ch 18.11
Tavt 359 Tai Viet left-to-right Tai Viet 5.2 72 Ch 16.8
Tayo 380 Tai Yo top-to-bottom, columns right-to-left ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is mature[ii]
Telu 340 Telugu left-to-right Telugu 1.0 100 Ch 12.7
Teng 290 Tengwar left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Tfng 120 Tifinagh (Berber) left-to-right,right-to-left script,top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top Tifinagh 4.1 59 Ch 19.3
Tglg 370 Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata) left-to-right Tagalog 3.2 23 Ch 17.1
Thaa 170 Thaana right-to-left script Thaana 3.0 50 Ch 13.1
Thai 352 Thai left-to-right Thai 1.0 86 Ch 16.1
Tibt 330 Tibetan left-to-right Tibetan 2.0 207 Added in 1.0, removed in 1.1 and reintroduced in 2.0 Ch 13.4
Tirh 326 Tirhuta left-to-right Tirhuta 7.0 82 Ch 15.11
Tnsa 275 Tangsa left-to-right Tangsa 14.0 89 Ch 13.18
Todr 229 Todhri right-to-left ZZ— Not in Unicode, approved for version 16.0[iii]
Tols 299 Tolong Siki left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is mature[ii]
Toto 294 Toto left-to-right Toto 14.0 31 Ch 13.17
Tutg 341 Tulu-Tigalari left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode, approved for version 16.0[iii]
Ugar 040 Ugaritic left-to-right Ugaritic 4.0 31 Ancient/historic Ch 11.2
Vaii 470 Vai left-to-right Vai 5.1 300 Ch 19.5
Visp 280 Visible Speech left-to-right ZZ— Not in Unicode
Vith 228 Vithkuqi left-to-right Vithkuqi 14.0 70 Ancient/historic Ch 8.12
Wara 262 Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti) left-to-right Warang Citi 7.0 84 Ch 13.9
Wcho 283 Wancho left-to-right Wancho 12.0 59 Ch 13.16
Wole 480 Woleai mixed ZZ— Not in Unicode, proposal is explored[i]
Xpeo 030 Old Persian left-to-right Old Persian 4.1 50 Ancient/historic Ch 11.3
Xsux 020 Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian left-to-right Cuneiform 5.0 1,234 Ancient/historic Ch 11.1
Yezi 192 Yezidi right-to-left script Yezidi 13.0 47 Ancient/historic Ch 9.6
Yiii 460 Yi left-to-right Yi 3.0 1,220 Ch 18.7
Zanb 339 Zanabazar Square (Zanabazarin Dörböljin Useg, Xewtee Dörböljin Bicig, Horizontal Square Script) left-to-right Zanabazar Square 10.0 72 Ancient/historic Ch 14.6
Zinh 994 Code for inherited script Inherited 657
Zmth 995 Mathematical notation ZZ— Not a 'script' in Unicode
Zsym 996 Symbols ZZ— Not a 'script' in Unicode
Zsye 993 Symbols (emoji variant) ZZ— Not a 'script' in Unicode
Zxxx 997 Code for unwritten documents ZZ— Not a 'script' in Unicode
Zyyy 998 Code for undetermined script Common 8,306
Zzzz 999 Code for uncoded script Unknown 964,234 In Unicode:All other code points
  1. ^
    ISO 15924 publicationsAs of 12 September 2023
  2. ^
  3. ^
    ISO 15924 Changes(including Aliases for Unicode; as of 12 September 2023)
  4. ^
    Unicode version 15.1
  5. ^
  6. ^
    Unicode uses the "Property Value Alias" (Alias) as the script-name. These Alias names are part of Unicode and are published informatively next to ISO 15924. An alias script name may be used in a character name:Palm,Palmyrene →U+10860𐡠PALMYRENE LETTER ALEPH.
  7. ^
    In Unicode, the Phoenician script is intended for the representation of text inPaleo-Hebrew,Archaic Phoenician,Phoenician,Early Aramaic,Late Phoenician cursive, Phoenician papyri,Siloam Hebrew,Hebrew seals,Ammonite,Moabite,andPunic.[vi]
  1. ^abcdefghi"SEI List of Scripts Not Yet Encoded".Unicode Consortium.March 2023.Retrieved2023-09-25.
  2. ^abcd"Unicode Pipeline § Code Points Provisionally Assigned for Mature Proposals".Unicode Consortium. 2023-09-12.Retrieved2023-09-25.
  3. ^abcdefg"Unicode Pipeline § Approved for Publication in Version 16.0".Unicode Consortium. 2023-09-12.Retrieved2023-09-25.
  4. ^Michael Everson (1997-09-18)."Proposal to encode Klingon in Plane 1 of ISO/IEC 10646-2".
  5. ^The Unicode Consortium (2001-08-14)."Approved Minutes of the UTC 87 / L2 184 Joint Meeting".
  6. ^"Middle East-II, Ancient Scripts"(PDF).15.0.0. The Unicode Consortium.Retrieved2023-09-25.

Relations to other standards


The following standards are referred to as indispensable by ISO 15924.

  • ISO 639-2:1998 Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code
  • ISO/IEC 9541-1:1991 Information technology — Font information interchange — Part 1: Architecture
  • ISO/IEC 10646-1:2020Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)

For definition of font and glyph the standard refers to

  • ISO/IEC 9541-1:1991

Around 160 scripts are defined inUnicode.Through a linkpin called "Property Value Alias", Unicode has made a 1:1 connection between a script defined, and its ISO 15924 standard. SeeScript (Unicode).

See also



  1. ^According to theUnicode Standard, Annex #24, version 13.0.0Inheritedis the Unicode script property value of "characters that may be used with multiple scripts, and that inherit their script from a preceding base character. These include nonspacing combining marks and enclosing combining marks, as well as U+200C ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER and U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER." The valueInheritedis described as matching the ISO 15924 codeZinh.


  1. ^ab"ISO 15924:2004".Retrieved2011-06-21.
  2. ^"ISO 15924 Registration Authority".Unicode Consortium.Retrieved24 January2019.
  3. ^"Unicode Directors, Officers and Staff".Unicode Consortium.Retrieved24 January2019.
  4. ^"Joint Advisory Committee ISO 15924/RA-JAC".Unicode Consortium.Retrieved24 January2019.
  5. ^ In July, 2010,Duployan shorthandwas assigned code 755, even though the 700-799 range still carried its original designation of (unassigned). Shortly thereafter, Revision 1.1 clarified that codes in the 700s were reserved for "Shorthands and other notations", although that revision is only provisional until it can be confirmed by governing committees.
  6. ^ "ISO 15924:2004 Information and documentation — Codes for the representation of names of scripts".Unicode Consortium.2004-01-09.
  7. ^Davis, Mark (2023-10-25)."Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML)" December2023.Qaag is a special script code for identifying the non-standard use of Myanmar characters for display with the Zawgyi font. The purpose of the code is to enable migration to standard, interoperable use of Unicode by providing an identifier for Zawgyi for tagging text, applications, input methods, font tables, transformations, and other mechanisms used for migration.
  8. ^ab"ISO 15924:2004 – Codes for the representation of names of scripts".Unicode.2023.