Integrated geography(also referred to asintegrative geography,[1]environmental geographyorhuman–environment geography) is where the branches ofhuman geographyandphysical geographyoverlap to describe and explain thespatialaspects of interactions between human individuals or societies and theirnatural environment,[2]these interactions being calledcoupled human–environment system.

Rice terraces located in Mù Cang Chải district,Yên Bái province,Vietnam



Integrated geography requires an understanding of the dynamics ofphysical geography,as well as the ways in which human societies conceptualize the environment (human geography). Thus, to a certain degree, it may be seen as a successor ofPhysische Anthropogeographie(English: "physical anthropogeography" )—a term coined byUniversity of ViennageographerAlbrecht Penckin 1924[3]—and geographicalculturalorhuman ecology(Harlan H. Barrows1923). Integrated geography in the United States is principally influenced by the schools ofCarl O. Sauer(Berkeley), whose perspective was rather historical, andGilbert F. White(Chicago), who developed a more applied view. Integrated geography describes and explains the spatial aspects of interactions between human individuals or societies and their natural environment, calledcoupled human–environment systems.


Wildlife refuge located in Oregon, United States.

The links between human and physical geography were once more apparent than they are today. As human experience of the world is increasingly mediated by technology, the relationships between humans and the environment have often become obscured. Thereby, integrated geography represents a critically important set of analytical tools for assessing the impact of human presence on theenvironment.This is done by measuring the result of human activity on natural landforms and cycles.[4]Methods for which this information is gained includeremote sensing,andgeographic information systems.[5]Integrated geography helps us to ponder the environment in terms of its relationship to people. With integrated geography we can analyze different social science and humanities perspectives and their use in understanding people environment processes.[6]Hence, it is considered the third branch of geography,[7]the other branches being physical and human geography.[8]


  1. ^Nicolaas A. Rupke (2008):Alexander Von Humboldt: A Metabiography.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.ISBN9780226731490
  2. ^Noel Castreeet al.(2009):A Companion to Environmental Geography.London:Wiley-Blackwell.ISBN9781444305739
  3. ^Karlheinz Paffen (1959): Stellung und Bedeutung der Physischen Anthropogeographie. In:Erdkunde13 (4), pp. 354–372.DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.1959.04.08
  4. ^Garcia, Hector (2010).Environmental Geography.Apple Academic Press, Inc.ISBN978-1926686684.
  5. ^G., Moseley, William (2014-01-01).An introduction to human-environment geography: local dynamics and global processes.Wiley-Blackwell.ISBN9781405189316.OCLC921583361.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^Moseley, William G.; Perramond, Eric; Hapke, Holly M.; Laris, Paul (2014).An Introduction to Human-Environment Geography.Wiley Blackwell. pp.26–27.
  7. ^David Demeritt (2009): From externality to inputs and interference: framing environmental research in geography. In:Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers34 (1), pp. 3–11,DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2008.00333.x.
  8. ^Arild Holt-Jensen (1999):Geography - History and Concepts: A Student's Guide.London: SAGE.ISBN9780761961802