Japanese new religions

Japanese new religionsarenew religious movementsestablished in Japan. In Japanese, they are calledshinshūkyō(Tân tôn giáo)orshinkō shūkyō(Mới phát tôn giáo).Japanese scholars classify all religious organizations founded since the middle of the 19th century as "new religions"; thus, the term refers to a great diversity and number of organizations. Most came into being in the mid-to-late twentieth century and are influenced by much older traditional religions includingBuddhismandShinto.Foreign influences includeChristianity,theBible,and the writings ofNostradamus.[1][2][3]

TheDai Heiwa Kinen Tō,Peace Towerbuilt byPerfect Liberty Kyōdan

Before World War II


In the 1860s, Japan began to experience great social turmoil and rapid modernization. As social conflicts emerged in this last decade of theEdo period,known as theBakumatsuperiod, some new religious movements appeared. Among them wereTenrikyo,Kurozumikyo,andOomoto,sometimes calledNihon Sandai Shinkōshūkyō('Japan's three large new religions') or "old new religions", which were directly influenced byShinto(thestate religion) andshamanism.[1]

The social tension continued to grow during theMeiji period,affecting religious practices and institutions. Conversion from traditional faith was no longer legally forbidden, officials lifted the 250-year ban on Christianity, and missionaries of established Christian churches reentered Japan. The traditionalsyncreticismbetween Shinto and Buddhism ended and Shinto became thenational religion.Losing the protection of the Japanese government which Buddhism had enjoyed for centuries, Buddhist monks faced radical difficulties in sustaining their institutions, but their activities also became less restrained by governmental policies and restrictions.

The Japanese government was very suspicious towards these religious movements and periodically made attempts to suppress them. Government suppression was especially severe during the early 20th century, particularly from the 1930s until the early 1940s, when the growth ofJapanese nationalismandState Shintowere closely linked. Under the Meiji regimelèse-majestéprohibited insults against the Emperor and his Imperial House, and also against some major Shinto shrines which were believed to be tied strongly to the Emperor. The government strengthened its control over religious institutions that were considered to undermine State Shinto or nationalism, arresting some members and leaders ofShinshūkyō,includingOnisaburo Deguchiof Oomoto andTsunesaburō Makiguchiof Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (nowSoka Gakkai), who typically were charged with violation oflèse-majestéand thePeace Preservation Law.

After World War II




After Japan was defeated in World War II, its government and policy changed radically duringoccupationby Allied troops. The official status ofState Shintowas abolished, and Shinto shrines became religious organizations, losing government protection and financial support. Although theOccupation Army (GHQ)practiced censorship of all types of organizations, specific suppression ofShinshūkyōended.

GHQ invited many Christian missionaries from the United States to Japan, throughDouglas MacArthur'sfamous call for 1,000 missionaries. Missionaries arrived not only from traditional churches, but also from some modern denominations, such asJehovah's Witnesses.The Jehovah's Witnesses missionaries were so successful that they have become the second largest Christian denomination in Japan, with over 210,000 members (the largest isCatholicismwith about 500,000 members). In Japan, Jehovah's Witnesses tend to be considered a Christianity-basedShinshūkyō,not only because they were founded in the 19th century (as were other majorShinshūkyō), but also because of their missionary practices, which involve door-to-door visiting and frequent meetings.

Despite the influx of Christian missionaries, the majority ofShinshūkyōare Buddhist- or Shinto-related sects. Major sects includeRisshō Kōsei KaiandShinnyo-en.Major goals ofShinshūkyōinclude spiritual healing, individual prosperity, and social harmony. Many also hold a belief inApocalypticism,that is in the imminentend of the worldor at least its radical transformation.[2]Most of those who joinedShinshūkyōin this period were women from lower-middle-class backgrounds.[3]

Soka Gakkaihas a particular influence on politics since 1964, due to their affiliated party Komeito, laterNew Komeito.In 1999, it was estimated that 10 to 20 per cent of the Japanese population were members of aShinshūkyō.[3]



After World War II, the structure of the state was changed radically. Prior to WWII, theNational Dietwas restricted and the real power lay with the executive branch, in which the prime minister was appointed by the emperor. Under the newConstitution of Japan,the Diet had the supreme authority for decision making in state affairs and all its members were elected by the people. Especially in theHouse of Councillors,one third of whose members were elected through nationwide vote, nationwide organizations found they could influence national policy by supporting certain candidates. MajorShinshūkyōbecame one of the so-called "vote-gathering machines" in Japan, especially for the conservative parties which merged into theLiberal Democratic Partyin 1955.

Other nations


In the 1950s, Japanese wives of American servicemen introduced the Soka Gakkai to the United States, which in the 1970s developed into theSoka Gakkai International(SGI). The SGI has steadily gained members while avoiding much of the controversy encountered by some other new religious movements in the US.[original research?]Well-known American SGI converts include musicianHerbie Hancockand singerTina Turner.[4]

In BrazilShinshūkyō,likeHonmon Butsuryū-shū,were first introduced in the 1920s among the Japanese immigrant population. In the 1950s and 1960s some started to become popular among the non-Japanese population as well.Seicho-no-Ienow has the largest membership in the country. In the 1960s it adopted Portuguese, rather than Japanese, as its language of instruction and communication. It also began to advertise itself as philosophy rather than religion in order to avoid conflict with theRoman Catholic Churchand other socially conservative elements in society. By 1988 it had more than 2.4 million members in Brazil, 85% of them not of Japanese ethnicity.[2]


Edifices and emblems of various Japanese new religions
Emblem of Tenri-kyō
Head office of Oomoto at Kameoka, Japan
Headquarters of Reiyū-kai
Emblem of Konko-kyō
Rissho Kosei-kai’s Great Sacred Hall
Emblem ofChurch of World Messianity(Sekai Kyūsei Kyō)
Name Founder Founded 1954 1974 1990 2012
Nyorai-kyō (Như tới giáo) Isson-nyorai Kino (1756–1826) 1802 75,480 33,674 27,131 7,477
Kurozumi-kyō(Hắc trụ giáo) Munetada Kurozumi (1780–1850) 1814 715,650 407,558 295,225 297,767
Tenri-kyō(Thiên lý giáo) Nakayama Miki(1798–1887) 1838 1,912,208 2,298,420 1,839,009 1,199,652
Honmon Butsuryū-shū(Bổn môn Phật lập tông) Nagamatsu Nissen (1817–1890) 1857 339,800 515,911 526,337 345,288
Konko-kyō(Kim quang giáo) Konkō Daijin (1814–1883) 1859 646,206 500,868 442,584 430,021
Maruyama-kyō (Hoàn sơn giáo) Rokurōbei Itō (1829–1894) 1870 92,011 3,200 10,725 11,057
Oomoto(Đại bổn) Nao Deguchi (1837–1918)
Onisaburō Deguchi(1871–1948)
1899 73,604 153,397 172,460 169,525
Nakayama-Shingoshō-shū (Trung sơn thân ngữ chính tông) Matsutarō Kihara (1870–1942) 1912 282,650 467,910 382,040 295,275
Honmichi(ほんみち) Ōnishi Aijirō (1881–1958) 1913 225,386 288,700 316,825 318,974
En'ō-kyō (Yên ứng giáo) Chiyoko Fukada (1887–1925) 1919 71,654 266,782 419,452 457,346
Reiyū-kai(Linh hữu sẽ) Kakutarō Kubo (1892–1944) 1924 2,284,172 2,477,907 3,202,172 1,412,975
Nenpō-shinkyō (Niệm pháp chân giáo) Ogura Reigen (1886–1982) 1925 153,846 751,214 807,486 408,755
Perfect Liberty Kyōdan(パーフェクト リバティー giáo đoàn) Miki Tokuharu (1871–1938)
Miki Tokuchika (1900–1983)
500,950 2,520,430 1,259,064 942,967
Seichō-no-Ie(Sinh trưởng の gia) Masaharu Taniguchi (1893–1985) 1930 1,461,604 2,375,705 838,496 618,629
Sōka Gakkai(Sang 価 học được) Tsunesaburō Makiguchi(1871–1944)
Jōsei Toda(1900–1958)
1930 341,146 10,000,000 (claimed) 12,000,000 (claimed) / 2 to 4,000,000 (scholars) 12,000,000 (claimed) / 2 to 4,000,000 (scholars)
Sekai Kyūsei-kyō(Thế giới cứu thế giáo) Mokichi Okada(1882–1955) 1935 373,173 661,263 835,756 835,756
Shinnyo-en(Đúng như uyển) Shinjō Itō(1906–1956) 1936 155,500 296,514 679,414 902,254
Kōdō Kyōdan (Hiếu đạo giáo đoàn) Shōdō Okano (1900–1978) 1936 172,671 417,638 400,720 184,859
Risshō Kōsei-kai(Nghiêm giảo thành sẽ) Myōkō Naganuma(1889–1957)
Nikkyō Niwano(1906–1999)
1938 1,041,124 4,562,304 6,348,120 3,232,411
Tenshō Kōtai Jingū-kyō(Thiên chiếu hoàng đại thần cung giáo) Sayo Kitamura 1900–1967) 1945 89,374 386,062 439,011 479,707
Zenrin-kyō (Thiện lân giáo) Tatsusai Rikihisa (1906–1977) 1947 404,157 483,239 513,321 132,286
Ōyama Nezunomikoto Shinji Kyōkai (Núi lớn ねず の mệnh thần kỳ giáo hội) Sadao Inaii (1906–1988) 1948 59,493 826,022
Bussho Gonenkai Kyōdan(Phật sở hộ niệm sẽ giáo đoàn) Kaichi Sekiguchi (1897–1961)
Sekiguchi Tomino (1905–1990)
1950 352,170 1,210,227 2,196,813 1,277,424
Myōchikai Kyōdan(Diệu trí sẽ giáo đoàn) Mitsu Miyamoto (1900–1984) 1950 515,122 673,913 962,611 709,849
Byakkō Shinkō-kai (Bạch quang thật hoành sẽ) Masahisa Goi (1916–1980) 1951 500,000
Agon-shū(A hàm tông) Seiyū Kiriyama (1921–) 1954 500 206,606 353,890
Reiha-no-Hikari Kyōkai (Linh sóng ánh sáng) Hase Yoshio (1915–1984) 1954 761,175
Jōdoshinshū Shinran-kai (Tịnh thổ Chân Tông thân loan sẽ) Kentetsu Takamori (1934–) 1958 100,000[6]
Sekai Mahikari Bunmei Kyōdan(Thế giới thật quang văn minh giáo đoàn) Kōtama Okada(Yoshikazu Okada) (1901–1974) 1959 97,838
Honbushin (ほんぶしん) Ōnishi Tama (1916–1969) 1961 900,000[6]
God Light Association Sōgō Honbu (GLA tổng hợp bản bộ) Shinji Takahashi (1927–1976) 1969 12,981
Shinji Shūmei-kai(Thần từ tú minh sẽ) Mihoko Koyama (1910–2003) 1970 1988: 440,000[6]
Nihon Seidō Kyōdan (Nhật Bản thánh Đạo giáo đoàn) Shōkō Iwasaki (1934–) 1974 69,450
Extra-Sensory-Perception Kagaku Kenkyūjo (ESP khoa học viện nghiên cứu) Katao Ishii (1918–) 1975 16,000[6]
Sūkyō Mahikari(Sùng giáo thật quang) Yoshikazu Okada(1901–1974) 1978 501,328
Ho No Hana(Pháp の hoa tam pháp hành) Hōgen Fukunaga (1945–) 1980 70,000[6]
Yamato-no-Miya (Đại cùng chi cung) Tenkei Ajiki (1952–) 1981 5,000[6]
World Mate (ワールドメイト) Seizan Fukami (1951–) 1984 30,000[6] 72,000
Happy Science(Hạnh phúc の khoa học) Ryūhō Ōkawa(1956–2023) 1986 1989: 13,300
1991: 1,527,278[6]
Aum Shinrikyo(オウム chân lý giáo) Shōkō Asahara(1955–2018) 1987 (−2000) 2005: 1,650 2018: 1,950[7]

Data for 2012 is from theAgency for Cultural Affairs.[8]

See also



  1. ^abEllwood & Shimazono 2005.
  2. ^abcPeter B. Clarke,1999, "Japanese New Religious Movements in Brazil: from ethnic to 'universal' religions",New Religious Movements: challenge and response,Bryan Wilson and Jamie Cresswell editors,RoutledgeISBN0415200504
  3. ^abcEileen Barker,1999, "New Religious Movements: their incidence and significance",New Religious Movements: challenge and response,Bryan Wilson and Jamie Cresswell editors,RoutledgeISBN0415200504
  4. ^Eugene V. Gallagher, 2004,The New Religious Movement Experience in America,Greenwood Press,ISBN0313328072,pages 120–124
  5. ^The (1925) date refers to the Hito-no-Michi Kyōdan, the mother organization of Perfect Liberty Kyōdan
  6. ^abcdefghMost of the statistics in these charts are from the 1991 edition of the Shūkyō Nenkan (Religion Yearbook, Tokyo: Gyōsei). Numbers marked with this footnote are from other sources[citation needed]reporting the organizations‘ own membership statistics around 1990.
  7. ^"オウム chân lý giáo đối sách ( cảnh sát sảnh )".25 July 2011. Archived fromthe originalon 25 July 2011.Retrieved6 July2018.
  8. ^"Archived copy"(PDF).bunka.go.jp.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 27 August 2014.Retrieved11 January2022.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)

