Japanese numerals

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TheJapanese numeralsarenumeralsthat are used inJapanese.In writing, they are the same as theChinese numerals,and large numbers follow the Chinese style of grouping by 10,000. Two pronunciations are used: theSino-Japanese(on'yomi) readings of theChinese charactersand the Japaneseyamato kotoba(native words,kun'yomireadings).

Basic numbering in Japanese


There are two ways of writing the numbers in Japanese: inArabic numerals(1, 2, 3) or inChinese numerals(Một,Nhị,Tam). The Arabic numerals are more often used inhorizontal writing,and the Chinese numerals are more common invertical writing.

Most numbers havetwo readings,one derived from Chinese used forcardinal numbers(On reading) and a native Japanese reading (Kun reading) used somewhat less formally for numbers up to 10. In some cases (listed below) the Japanese reading is generally preferred for all uses. Archaic readings are marked with †.

Number Character Onreading Kunreading[1] Preferred reading
0 Linh/* rei /れい maru /まる zero /ゼロ(loanword,gairaigo)
1 Một ichi /いち hito(tsu) /ひと・つ ichi / いち
2 Nhị ni / futa(tsu) /ふた・つ ni / に
3 Tam san /さん mit(tsu) /みっ・つ san / さん
4 Bốn shi / yon, yot(tsu) /よん, よっ・つ yon / よん
5 Năm go / itsu(tsu) /いつ・つ go / ご
6 Sáu roku /ろく mut(tsu) /むっ・つ roku / ろく
7 Bảy shichi /しち nana(tsu) /なな・つ nana / なな
8 Tám hachi /はち yat(tsu) /やっ・つ hachi / はち
9 Chín ku, kyū/く, きゅう kokono(tsu) /ここ の ・つ kyū / きゅう
10 Mười jū /じゅう tō /とお jū / じゅう
20 Hai mươi ni-jū /にじゅう (hata /はた)† ni-jū / にじゅう
30 30 san-jū /さんじゅう (miso /みそ)† san-jū / さんじゅう
40 40 shi-jū /しじゅう (yoso /よそ)† yon-jū / よんじゅう
50 50 go-jū /ごじゅう (iso /いそ)† go-jū / ごじゅう
60 60 roku-jū /ろくじゅう (muso /むそ)† roku-jū / ろくじゅう
70 70 shichi-jū /しちじゅう (nanaso /ななそ)† nana-jū / ななじゅう
80 80 hachi-jū /はちじゅう (yaso /やそ)† hachi-jū / はちじゅう
90 90 ku-jū /くじゅう (kokonoso /ここ の そ)† kyū-jū / きゅうじゅう
100 Trăm hyaku /ひゃく (momo /もも)† hyaku / ひゃく
500 500 go-hyaku /ごひゃく (io /いお)† go-hyaku / ごひゃく
800 800 hap-pyaku /はっぴゃく (yao /やお)† hap-pyaku / はっぴゃく
1,000 Ngàn sen /せん (chi /)† sen / せん
10,000 Vạn man /まん (yorozu /よろず)† man / まん
100,000,000 Trăm triệu oku /おく oku / おく
1,000,000,000,000 Triệu chō /ちょう chō / ちょう
10,000,000,000,000,000 Kinh kei /けい kei / けい

* The special reading 〇maru(which means "round" or "circle" ) is also found. It may be optionally used when reading individual digits of a number one after another, instead of as a full number. A popular example is thefamous 109 storeinShibuya, Tokyowhich is read asichi-maru-kyū(Kanji:Một 〇 chín). (It can also be read as 'ten-nine'—pronouncedtō-kyū—which is a pun on the name of the Tokyu department store which owns the building.) This usage ofmarufor numerical 0 is similar to reading numeral 0 in English asoh.However, as a number, it is only written as 0 orrei(Linh).Additionally, two and five are pronounced with a long vowel in phone numbers (i.e.にいnī andごおgō).

As noted above,yon(4) andnana(7) are preferred toshiandshichi.It is purported that this is becauseshiis also the reading of the worddeath(Chết),which makes it an unlucky reading (seetetraphobia); whileshichimay sound too similar toichi(1),shiorhachi(8). However, in quite a number of established words and phrases,shiandshichiare preferred; additionally, when counting (as in "ichi, ni, san, shi,..." ),shiandshichimay be preferred.

The number 9 is also considered unlucky; when pronouncedku,it is a homophone forsuffering(Khổ).The number 13 is sometimes considered unlucky, though this is a carryover fromWestern tradition.In contrast, 7 and sometimes 8 are considered lucky in Japanese.[2]

In modern Japanese, cardinal numbers except 4 and 7 are generally given theonreadings. Alternate readings are used in month names, day-of-month names, and fixed phrases; for instance, April, July, and September are calledshi-gatsu(4th month),shichi-gatsu(7th month), andku-gatsu(9th month) respectively (for further detail seeJapanese counter word#Exceptions). Theonreadings are also used when shouting out headcounts (e.g. ichi-ni-san-shi).

Larger numbers are made by combining these elements:

  • Tens from 20 to 90 are "(digit)-jū" as in hai mươi (ni-jū) to 90 (kyū-jū).
  • Hundreds from 200 to 900 are "(digit)-hyaku".
  • Thousands from 2000 to 9000 are "(digit)-sen".

Starting at a myriad ( vạn ), numbers begin with một (ichi) if no digit would otherwise precede. That is, 100 is just trămhyaku,and 1000 is just ngànsen,but 10000 is một vạnichiman,not just *man.(This differs from Chinese, where numbers begin with một if no digit would otherwise precede starting at 100.) And, if ngànsendirectly precedes the name of powers ofmyriad,Mộtichiis normally attached before ngànsen,which yields một ngànissen.That is, 10,000,000 (parsed as 1000,0000) is normally read as một ngàn vạnissenman.But if ngànsendoesnotdirectly precede the name of powers of myriad, attaching mộtichiis optional. That is, 15,000,000 (1500,0000) is read as ngàn 500 vạnsengohyakumanor 1500 vạnissengohyakuman,just as 1500 is read as ngàn 500sengohyakuor 1500issengohyaku.

There are some phonetic modifications to larger numbers involvingvoicingorgeminationof certain consonants, as typically occurs in Japanese (i.e.rendaku): e.g.roku"six" andhyaku"hundred" yieldroppyaku"six hundred".

× 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 1000
100 hyaku, ippyaku nihyaku sanbyaku yonhyaku gohyaku roppyaku nanahyaku happyaku kyūhyaku
1,000 sen, issen nisen sanzen yonsen gosen rokusen nanasen hassen kyūsen
1012 itchō nichō sanchō yonchō gochō rokuchō nanachō hatchō kyūchō jutchō* hyakuchō issenchō
1016 ikkei nikei sankei yonkei gokei rokkei nanakei hakkei kyūkei jukkei* hyakkei** issenkei

* This also applies to multiples of 10. Change ending-jūto-jutchōor-jukkei.
** This also applies to multiples of 100. Change ending-kuto-kkei.

In numbers above 10, elements are combined from largest to smallest, and zeros are implied. Japanese numerals are multiplicative additive rather than positional; to write the number 20 you get the character for two ( nhị ) and then the character for ten ( mười ) to get two tens or twenty ( hai mươi ).

Number Character Reading Basic Meaning
11 Mười một jū ichi Ten and One
17 Mười bảy jū nana, jū shichi Ten and Seven
151 Trăm 51 hyaku go-jū ichi Hundred, Five Tens and One
302 300 nhị san-byaku ni Three Hundreds and Two
469 469 yon-hyaku roku-jū kyū Four Hundreds, Six Tens and Nine
2025 2025 ni-sen ni-jū go Two Thousands, Two Tens and Five

Other types of numerals


Forordinal numbers,seeJapanese counter word#Ordinal numbers.

Distributive numbersare formed regularly from a cardinal number, a counter word, and the suffix-zutsu(ずつ),as inhitori-zutsu(Một người ずつ,one person at a time, one person each).

Powers of 10


Large numbers


Following Chinese tradition, large numbers are created by grouping digits intomyriads(every 10,000) rather than the Western thousands (1,000):

Rank 104 108 1012 1016 1020 1024 1028 1032 1036 1040 1044 1048 1052
(or 1056)
(or 1064)
(or 1072)
(or 1080)
(or 1088)
Character Vạn Trăm triệu Triệu Kinh Cai 𥝱,Tỉ Nhương Mương Khe Chính Tái Cực Sông Hằng sa A tăng chỉ Kia từ hắn,Kia từ nhiều Không thể tưởng tượng Vô lượng toàn cục
Reading man oku chō kei gai jo,shi kan sei sai goku gōgasha asōgi nayuta fukashigi muryōtaisū

Variation is due to theJinkōki(Trần kiếp nhớ), Japan's oldest mathematics text. The initial edition was published in 1627 and had many errors, most of which were fixed in the 1631 edition. In 1634, there was yet another edition which again changed a few values. The above variation is due to inconsistencies in the latter two editions. There are different characters for 1024(of whichTỉis in Chinese today), and after 1048they differ in whether they continue increasing by a factor of 104or switch to 108.(If by a factor of 108,the intervening factors of 104are produced withVạnman.The current edition of theJinkōki,the 11th, follows a factor of 104throughout, though some people still use the values from the 8th edition even today.)

The first three numbers with multisyllabic names and variation in assigned values ultimately derive from India, though they did not have defined values there.Sông Hằng sagōgashawas originally used in Buddhist scripture for an indefinitely large quantity; it derives from theSanskritगङ्गाgangā'Ganges' (which conveniently includes the characterka'river') andSasha'sand', referring to the innumerable sands of the Ganges River.A tăng chỉasōgi,from Sanskritअसंख्येयasaṃkhyeya'uncountable/innumerable', with the negative prefixAa,andKia từ hắnnayutais from Sanskritनयुत/नयुतःnayuta(ḥ).After that, the numbers are Buddhist terms translated into or coined in Chinese and later assigned numerical values:Không thể tưởng tượngfukashigi'unimaginable' andVô lượng toàn cụcmuryōtaisū'immeasurably large number'.

Examples:(spacing by groups of four digits is given only for clarity of explanation)

  • 1 0000:Một vạn(ichi-man)
  • 983 6703:983 vạn 6700 tam(kyū-hyaku hachi-jū san-man, roku-sen nana-hyaku san)
  • 20 3652 1801:2 tỷ 3652 vạn ngàn 800 một(ni-jū oku, san-zen rop-pyaku go-jū ni-man, sen hap-pyaku ichi)

However, numbers written in Arabic numerals are separated by commas every three digits following English-speaking convention. If Arabic numbers and kanji are used in combination, Western orders of magnitude may be used for numbers smaller than 10,000 (e.g.2,500 vạnfor 25,000,000).

In Japanese, when long numbers are written out in kanji, zeros are omitted for all powers of ten. Hence 4002 is4000 nhị(in contrast, Chinese requires the use ofLinhwherever a zero appears, e.g.4002for 4002). However, when reading out a statement of accounts, for example, the skipped digit or digits are sometimes indicated bytobi(Phi び) ortonde(Phi んで): e.g.yon-sentobinioryon-sentondeniinstead of the normalyon-sen ni.

Decimal fractions


Japanese has two systems of numerals for decimal fractions. They are no longer in general use, but are still used in some instances such as batting and fielding averages of baseball players, winning percentages for sports teams, and in some idiomatic phrases such asNăm phần năm phần の thắng bại(gobugobu no shōbu,'fifty-fifty chance'),and when representing a rate or discount. Thebufractions are also used when talking about fevers—for exampleChín độ nhị phân(kudonibu)for 9 and two parts—referring to the temperature 39.2°C.

One system is as follows:

Rank 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 10−10
Character Phân Li Mao Mịch Chợt Hơi Sa Trần Ai
Reading bu rin shi kotsu bi sen sha jin ai

This is the system used with the traditionalJapanese units of measurement.Several of the names are used "as is" to represent a fraction of asun.

The other system of representing these decimal fractions of rate or discount uses a system "shifted down" with abubecoming a "one hundredth" and so on, and the unit for "tenth" becomingwari:

Rank 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5
Character Cắt Phân Li Mao Mịch
Reading wari bu rin shi

This is often used with prices. For example:

  • Một cắt năm phần dẫn き(ichi-wari go-bu biki):15% discount
  • Đánh suất tam cắt tám phần chín li(daritsu san-wari hachi-bu kyū-rin):batting average.389

With the exception ofwari,these are rarely seen in modern usage. Decimal fractions are typically written with either kanji numerals (vertically) or Arabic numerals (horizontally), preceded by a decimal point, and are read as successive digits, as in Western convention. Note that, in written form, they can be combined with either the traditional system of expressing numerals (42.195 kilometers: 42 ・ một cửu ngũ キロメートル), in which powers of ten are written, or with the place value system, which uses zero (50.04 percent: Năm 〇・〇 bốn パーセント.) In both cases, however, the reading follows the traditional system (yon-jū ni-ten ichi-kyū go kiromētorufor 42.195 kilometers;go ju-tten rei-yon pāsentofor 50.04 percent.)

Formal numbers


As with Chinese numerals, there exists in Japanese a separate set of kanji for numerals calleddaiji( chữ to ) used in legal and financial documents to prevent unscrupulous individuals from adding a stroke or two, turning a one into a two or a three. The formal numbers are identical to theChinese formal numbersexcept for minor stroke variations. Today, the numbers for one, two, three, and ten are written only in their formal form in legal documents (the numbers 4 to 9 as well as 100, 1000 and 10000 are written identically to the common ones, cf. table below).[3]These numbers' common forms can be changed to a higher value by adding strokes (1 and 2 were explained above, while 3 can be changed to 5, and 10 to 1000). In some cases, the digit 1 is explicitly written like nhất trăm nhất nhặt for 110, as opposed to trên dưới một trăm in common writing.

Formal numbers:

Number Common Formal
In use Obsolete
1 Một Nhất Nhất
2 Nhị Hai
3 Tam Tham Tham
4 Bốn Bốn Tứ
5 Năm Năm Ngũ
6 Sáu Sáu Lục
7 Bảy Bảy Thất, sơn
8 Tám Tám Bát
9 Chín Chín Cửu
10 Mười Nhặt Nhặt
100 Trăm Trăm Bách
1000 Ngàn Ngàn Thiên, ngàn
10000 Vạn Vạn, vạn Vạn

The four currentbanknotes of the Japanese yen,1000-yen, 2000-yen, 5000-yen, and 10000-yen, have formal numbers ngàn, 弐 ngàn, 5000, and nhất vạn, respectively.

Old Japanese


Old Japaneseshares some vocabulary with later periods, but there are also unique number terms over 10 which are not used any more, aside from being parts of specificlexemes.


Number Reading Examples Notes
1 pi1to2 Một ngàypi1to2pi1(1 day),Một nămpi1to2to2se(1 year)
2 futa Nhị đêmfutayo2(2 nights)
3 mi1 30mi1so1(30)
4 yo2 40yo2so1(40),Bốn ngườiyo2tari(4 people)
5 itu 5 nămituto2se(5 years)
6 mu Sáu trảomutuma(6 claws)
7 nana Bảy lạinanase(many rapids) Often used to mean many.
8 ya Tám vânyakumo1(many clouds) Often used to mean many.
9 ko2ko2no2 Chín trụko2ko2no2pasira(9 nobles / gods)
10 to2/to2wo 10 ngàyto2woka(10 days)
10 so1 30mi1so1(30),40yo2so1(40),60muso1(60),80yaso1(80) Found only in compound words; not used alone.
20 pata Hai mươipatati(20),Hai mươi ngườipatatari(20 people),20 nămpatato2se(20 years)
50 i 50 ngàyika(50 days)
100 po 500ipo(500),500 nămipoto2se(500 years),500 đêmipoyo2(500 nights),800yapo(800),300mi1po(300),600mupo(600),900ko2ko2no2po(900) Used for multiple hundreds in compound numerals. Often used to mean many.
100 mo1mo1 Trăm ngàymo1mo1ka(many days) Used for non-multiple hundred and for the number "100" by itself. Often used to mean many.
1000 ti Ngàn nămtito2se(1000 years, many years) Often used to mean many.
10000 yo2ro2du 800 vạnyapoyo2ro2du(8000000, myriad) Often used to mean many.

Hand counting


Japanese uses separate systems for counting for oneself and for displaying numbers to others, which both proceed up to ten. For counting, one begins with the palm open, then counts up to five by curling up (folding down) the fingers, starting from the thumb – thus one has just the thumb down (and others extended), while four has only the little finger extended, and five has a fist. One then counts up to ten by proceeding in the reverse order, extending the fingers, starting at the little finger – thus six is the same as four, seven the same as three, and so forth, with ten ending with the palm open. While this introduces ambiguity, it is not used to present to others, so this is generally not a problem. When displaying for others, one starts with the hand closed, and extends fingers, starting with the index, going to the little finger, then ending with the thumb, as in the United States. For numbers above five, one uses an open hand (indicating five) and places the appropriate number of fingers from the other hand against the palm (palms facing each other) – so six has the index finger against the palm, and so forth.[4]To display ten, one presents both hands open and palm outwards.

Digits in written words


Since the adoption ofArabic numerals,numbers have become written in Arabic numerals more and more often. Counters and ordinal numbers are typically written in Arabic numbers, such as3 người(san-nin,three people),7 nguyệt(shichigatsu,July, "seventh-month" ),20 tuế(hatachi,age 20),etc., althoughBa người,Bảy thángandHai mươi tuếare also acceptable to write (albeit less common). However, numbers that are part of lexemes are typically written in kanji. For example, the termyaoya(800 phòng,'vegetable stand / grocer')translates into "800 store" and uses the Old Japanese pronunciation for 800,ya(h)o.The notorious Japanese organized crime syndicate, theyakuza,can be writtenTám chín tam(or 893), a hand inoicho-kabuthat is worth 0 points, indicating that yakuza are "worthless persons" or "gambling persons".[5]

See also



  1. ^スーパー đại từ lâm[SuperDaijirin] (in Japanese).Sanseidō.
  2. ^"The number of death: Lucky and unlucky numbers in Japan".The Science of Language Self-Study | LinguaLift Blog.Retrieved2016-03-24.
  3. ^*Đại chính mười một năm đại tàng tỉnh lệnh đệ 43 hào ( kế toán pháp quy ニ cơ ク xuất nạp tính toán ノ con số cập ghi lại hạng mục công việc ノ đính chính ニ quan スル kiện )Archived2012-02-26 at theWayback MachineĐiều thứ nhất: Kế toán pháp quy ニ cơ ク xuất nạp tính toán ニ quan スル chư thư loại sổ sách ニ ghi lại スル kim ngạch này ノ hắn ノ số lượng ニシテ “Một”, “Nhị”, “Tam”, “Mười”, “Nhập”, “Tạp” ノ con số ハ “Nhất”, “弐”, “Tham”, “Nhặt”, “弐 nhặt”, “Tham nhặt” ノ tự thể ヲ dùng ユヘシ nhưng hoành thư ヲ vì ストキハ “アラビア” con số ヲ dùng ユルコトヲ đến
    • Hộ tịch pháp thi hành quy tắcArchived2012-02-26 at theWayback MachineThứ 31 điều 2: Thời đại ngày を ghi lại するには, nhất, 弐, tham, nhặt の văn tự を dùng いなければならない.
    • Tiểu thiết tay chấn ra chờ sự vụ lấy tráp quy trìnhArchived2012-02-26 at theWayback MachineĐiều khoản bổ sung ( chiêu cùng bốn 〇 năm ngày 1 tháng 4 đại tàng tỉnh lệnh đệ nhị 〇 hào ) 2: Tiểu thiết tay の khoán mặt kim ngạch は, đương phân の gian, sở định の kim ngạch ghi lại lan に, hán con số により tỏ vẻ することができる. こ の trường hợp においては, “Một”, “Nhị”, “Tam” cập び “Mười” の tự thể は, それぞれ “Nhất”, “弐”, “Tham” cập び “Nhặt” の chữ Hán を dùng い, かつ, sở định の kim ngạch ghi lại lan の phía trên dư bạch に đương nên kim ngạch ghi lại lan に ghi lại の kim ngạch と cùng ngạch をアラビア con số で phó nhớ しなければならない.
    • Thương nghiệp đăng ký quy tắcArchived2009-02-02 at theWayback MachineThứ 48 điều 2: Kim 銭そ の hắn の vật の số lượng, thời đại ngày cập び phiên hiệu を ghi lại するには, “Nhất, 弐, tham, nhặt” の văn tự を dùng いなければならない. ただし, hoành thư きをするときは, アラビヤ con số を dùng いることができる.
  4. ^Counting on one's fingersArchived2013-01-20 at theWayback Machine,About, Japanese Language, Namiko Abe
  5. ^"What is the origin of yakuza?".sljfaq.org.Retrieved2016-03-24.