Porridgeis a dish made by boiling ground, crushed, or chopped starchy plants (typicallygrains) inwater,milk,[1]or both, with optional flavorings, and is usually served hot in a bowl or dish. It may be served as a sweet or savory dish, depending on the flavourings.
edit- Atole– traditionalmasa-based hot maize based beverage ofMexicanandCentral Americanorigin. It includesmasa(cornhominyflour), water,piloncillo(unrefined cane sugar), cinnamon, vanilla and optional chocolate or fruit. The mixture is blended and heated before serving.
- Avena (drink)– prepared with stewedoatmeal,milk, water,cinnamon,cloveand sugar
- Arroz caldo or aroskaldo– a variant ofcongeeinPhilippine cuisine.
edit- Barley gruel– type ofporridgefound inDanyang, Jiangsu.It is made frombarley,riceandalkali.
- Belilais an Egyptian porridge made from pearl wheat, cooked in a light syrup with anise seed and golden raisins, served with chopped toasted nuts and a splash of milk.
- Bogobe jwa logala– sorghum porridge cooked in boiling milk, with or without sugar.
- Boota copassa– aChickasawword meaning, 'Cold Flour'. It consists of parched and poundedzea(maize) before it reaches maturity.[2]A small quantity of meal is thrown into cold water, where it boils and swells as much as common meal boiled over fire.[2]
- Brenntar– Made of specially roasted flour (Musmehl). Particularly prominent in theSwabian Juraand in theAllgäu.
- Bubur ayam– Malaysian andIndonesianchickencongee.It is rice congee with shreddedchicken meatserved with condiments such as choppedscallion,crispy friedshallot,celery,tongcay(preserved salted vegetables) and friedsoybeans.
- Bubur kacang hijau– Malaysian andIndonesianmung beancongee,in which the beans are boiled in coconut milk with palm sugar.
- Bubur ketan hitamor bubur pulut hitam – anIndonesianandMalaysiansweet dessert made from blackglutinous riceporridgewithcoconut milkandpalm sugar.It is often described as "black ricepudding".
- Bygggrøt / -graut– type ofporridgetraditional in Norway. It is made frombarley,milk or water, salt and butter. The ingredients are boiled together for a few minutes, the grits is then poured onto a plate, where sugar, cinnamon is sprinkled on top, and a piece of butter is added in the center. This dish was a staple part of the Norwegian diet during pre-industrial times, sugar and cinnamon being the modern changes to the dish.
Bubur ayam,with additional toppings
Musmehl,main ingredient of Brenntar
edit- Cháo bầu–Vietnameserice congeecontaining pigkidney
- Chatang– traditionalgruelcommon to bothBeijing cuisineandTianjin cuisine,and often sold as a snack on the street. It can be made from combinations ofsorghumflour,broomcorn milletorproso milletflour and glutinous millet flour.
- Champorado or tsampurado– a sweetchocolatericeporridgeinPhilippine cuisine.
- Congee– type of rice porridge orgruelpopular in many Asian countries. Names for congee are as varied as the style of its preparation.
- Cornmeal porridge– type of hot sweet breakfast cereal made from finely ground cornmeal popular in Jamaica. Milk/coconut milk, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg are usually added for flavor.Bob Marleysang of sharing cornmeal porridge in his song "No Woman, No Cry."
- Cream of Wheat– anAmericanbrand offarina:aporridge-type breakfast food made from wheatsemolina.
- Cuccìa– traditional, primarilySiciliandish containing boiledwheatberriesand sugar, which is eaten on December 13, the feast day ofSaint Lucy,thepatron saintofSiracusa(Syracuse).
edit- Dakjuk– type ofjuk(Korean porridge) made withchicken.[3]
- Dalia– type of Indian porridge made with Indian grains such as wheat or barley, and served with nuts and dried fruit.
edit- Farexbrand name instant baby cereal food served warm or cold as a first food for infants. Produced by the Glaxo company in Australia and New Zealand since the 1930s.
- Farina–cerealfood, frequently described as mild-tasting, usually served warm, made from cereal grains (usuallysemolina).
- Frumentywas a popular dish inWestern Europeanmedieval cuisine.It was made primarily from boiled, crackedwheat– hence its name, which derives from theLatinwordfrumentum,"grain".
- Fondé – a boiled porridge made with rolled millet flour pellets (araw/arraw) served stirred with condensed milk, sugar, a little butter if available. For older children and adults. Senegal.
edit- Ga'at– a stiff porridge eaten inEritreaandEthiopia,often prepared with barley flour.
- Gachas– an ancestral basic dish from central and southernSpain.Its main ingredients are flour, water,olive oil,garlicand salt.
- Garbuzova kasha– a traditionalUkrainian dishfrompumpkin,used for dinner or dessert.
- Gofio escaldado orescaldón– a kind of thick porridge ofCanary Islandsmade by mi xinggofiowith thestockfrom a stew or soup, which is then served alongside the same.
- Gofio con leche – similar to above but prepared with a hot milk (and sometimes cinnamon) and consumed as a breakfast.
- Gomme (food)– a traditionalNorwegian dishused for dinner or dessert, one variety is a white, porridge-like variant made of milk andoatgrains orrice.
- Grit (grain)– (going back toOld Englishgryttorgryttaorgryttes[4]) is an almost extinct word forbran,chaff,mill-dust also for oats that have been husked but not ground, or that have been only coarsely ground—coarse oatmeal.
- Grits– ground-maize food ofNative Americanorigin, that is common in theSouthern United Statesand mainly eaten atbreakfast.Modern grits are commonly made ofalkali-treated corn known ashominy.
- Groat (grain)– thehulledkernels of variouscerealgrains such as oat,wheat,andrye.Groats arewhole grainsthat include thecereal germand fiber-richbranportion of the grain as well as theendosperm(which is the usual product ofmilling).
- Gruel– very thin porridge, often drunk.
- Gungude– also known ascongatayorplantain porridge,is aCaribbeanporridge made from sun-driedplantainsor greenbananas.It is often fed to infants.[5]
- Guriev porridge– a Russian porridge dish prepared from semolina and milk with the addition of nuts (hazelnut, walnuts, almonds),kaimak(creamy foams) and dried fruits.[6]
Groatsare often soaked before cooking to soften them, and are used in soups and porridges.
edit- Hapanvelli– a traditional SoutheasternFinnishdish that resemblespea soupbut has a more sour flavor.
- Harees– aMiddle Eastern dishof boiled, cracked, or coarsely-groundwheatandmeatorchicken.Its consistency varies between a porridge and adumpling.
- Hasty pudding– apuddingor porridge ofgrainscooked in milk or water. In theUnited States,it invariably refers to a version made of ground maize. Hasty pudding is notably mentioned in a verse of the early American songYankee Doodle.
- Helmipuuro– traditional inFinlandand inRussia,this porridge is made frommonodispersegrains ofpotato starchthat are swelled in boiling milk into translucent "pearls" of about 5 mm in diameter, thus the namehelmipuuro( "pearl porridge" ).
- Hobakjuk– a variety ofjuk,orKoreanporridge, made with steamedpumpkinorsquashandglutinous riceflour or rice soaked in water.[7]
edit- Janggukjuk– a variety of juk, orKoreanporridge, made with pounded non-glutinous rice (as opposed toglutinous rice), beef andbrown oak mushrooms.
- Jatjuk– a variety of juk made by boiling finely groundpine nutsandrice flouror soaked rice.Janggukjukis seasoned with soy sauce, and it literally meanssoy sauce porridge.
- Jeonbokjuk– juk made withabaloneandwhite rice
- Juk (food)– a predominantly Korean porridge made of grains such as cooked rice, beans, sesame, andazuki beans.[8]It is also a common food in otherEastern Asiancountries under different names. Juk is often eaten warm in Korea, especially as a morning meal, but is now eaten at any time of the day.[8]
edit- Kānga pirau– a fermented corn porridge dish that is made and consumed by theMāoriof New Zealand
- Kasha– a buckwheat cereal eaten inCentral and Eastern Europe(especially Russia) and theUnited States.It is a common filling for aknish.This English-language usage probably originated withJewishimmigrants, as did the formקאַשי"kashi" (technically plural, literally translated as "porridges" ).[9]
- Khichdi– a preparation made in Southeast Asia from cooking lentils and rice together. It can be prepared to a pilaf-like consistency, or as more of a porridge or soup. It is a comfort food, can be served to babies, and it is often served to the ill.
- Konkonte– apoverty foodof Ghana made from dried and poundedmaniocroot. It is also eaten in theCaribbean.The name derives from theKwa languages.
- Koozh– theTamilname for a porridge made frommillet.It is commonly sold by street vendors in the state ofTamil NaduinIndia.
- Krentjebrij– aGroningen/northDrenthetraditionalsoupor porridge-like dessert with juice of berries that is eaten either warm or cold.
- Kutia– a sweet grain pudding, traditionally served inRussia,Ukraine,Belarusand some parts ofPoland.Kutia is often the first dish in the traditionaltwelve-dish Christmas Eve supper(also known as Svyatah Vecherya / Sviata Vecheria /Sviatyi Vechir:Holy Evening).
edit- Laba congee– a ceremonial congee dish eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth month in theChinese calendar.The earliest form of this dish was cooked with red beans, it has since developed into many different kinds.
- Lakh – a very popular boiled porridge made with rolled millet flour pellets (araw/arraw) typically topped at serving with sweetened fermented milk. Usually served in acommunal bowlor platter. West Africa, Senegal. (Lakh and araw are from the Wolof, names vary between languages and countries)
Lakh – millet flour porridge in communal platter served topped with sweetened fermented milk (sow). Senegal, West Africa. - Lâpa– a kind ofriceporridgeorgrueleaten in thecuisines of the former Ottoman Empire
- Lugaw or lugao– theTagalogname forcongeeinPhilippine cuisine.
edit- Malt-O-Meal– a porridge-like prepared food that's served hot,can also be served cold and diluted and served to children over 1 in a bottle.
- Maltex[10]– a brand of hot wheat cereal that contains crushed whole wheat, rye and barley malt syrup and is mainly available in the northeastern United States. Originally produced inBurlington, VTby the eponymous Maltex Corporation it is now produced by Homestat Farm in Highspire, PA (nearHarrisburg, PA).
- Mămăligă– made out of yellowmaizeflour, traditional inRomaniaandMoldova.It is similar to theItalianpolenta.[11]
- Maypo– a brand of maple-flavored oatmeal. It was developed by the Maltex Corporation inBurlington, Vermont,in 1953.
- Mazamorra– a traditional maize-basedLatin American food.Several variations by country exist.
- Meghli– aLevantinenutrient rich porridge created from sugar, ground rice, and caraway, anise and cinnamon ground spices slow cooked to form a thick porridge that is milk-free. İt is served cool and topped with a display of raw soaked and peeled kernels native to the Levantine like pine nuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios often with coconut shavings.
- Mieum– aKoreangruelcreated by grinding rice ormilletto an almost-powder state and boiling with water.
- Mingau– A Brazilian meal made most commonly with cornstarch, sugar and milk. Also often topped with cinnamon.
- Močnik– a traditionalSlovenianporridge
- Mush[12]– a thickcornmealpudding or porridge usually boiled in water or milk. It is often allowed to set, or gel into a semi solid, then cut into flat squares or rectangles, and panfried.
edit- Oatmeal– also known aswhite oats,is groundoatgroats(i.e., grains, as in oat-meal,cf.cornmeal,peasemeal,etc.), or aporridgemade from oats (also called oatmeal cereal or stirabout). Oatmeal can also be ground oats,steel-cut oats,crushed oats, orrolled oats.
- Obusuma– theLuhyaword forUgali,aKenyandish also known as sima, sembe,ngimaor posho. It is made from maize flour (cornmeal) cooked with boiling water to a thick porridge dough-like consistency. InLuhya cuisineit is the most commonstaple starch.
- Ogokbap– orfive-grains rice,is a kind of Korean food made of a bowl of steamed rice mixed withgrains,includingbarley,foxtail millet,milletandsoy beans.[13]
- Okayu– the name for the type of congee eaten inJapan,which is less broken down than congee produced in other cultures. The water ratio is typically lower and the cooking time is longer. It is commonly seasoned with salt, egg,negi,salmon,ikura,ginger, andumeboshi.Miso or chicken stock may be used to flavor the broth. It is commonly served to infants, the elderly, and the ill.
- Øllebrød– a traditionalDanishdish – a type of porridge made ofrugbrødscraps andbeer,typicallyhvidtøl.A thrifty dish, it makes it possible to use the rest of the bread scraps so that nothing is wasted.
edit- Pap– also known asmieliepapinSouth Africa,is a traditional porridge/polenta made frommielie-meal(ground maize) and astaple foodof theBantuinhabitants of South Africa (theAfrikaanswordpapis taken fromDutchand simply means "porridge" ).
- Papeda– orbubur sagu,is asagoflour congee, the staple food of native people inMalukuandPapua.It is commonly found in eastern Indonesia, as the counterpart of central and westernIndonesian cuisinesthat favor rice as their staple food.
- Pastel de choclo– a dish based on sweetcorn orchoclo,thequechuaword for “tender corn”, or the new corn of the season. It is a typical dish inChile,but is also eaten inArgentina,BoliviaandPeruwith some variations in the recipe, sometimes usingcorn meal
- Pease pudding– a term ofBritishorigin regarding a savory pudding dish made ofboiledlegumes,[14]which mainly consists ofsplit yelloworCarlin peas,water, salt, and spices. It is often cooked withbacon.
- Pinole– a Spanish translation of an Aztec word for a coarse flour made from ground toastedmaizekernels, often in a mixture with a variety ofherbsand groundseeds,which can be eaten by itself or be used as the base for a beverage.
- PirónorPirão– gummy porridge made offarinha(cassavastarch) and broth (usually frompucheroormoqueca) consumed inArgentina,UruguayandBrazil.
- Poleá– sweetAndalusianporridge made with flour, milk, and sugar and flavored withanise.Sometimes fruit, honey, cinnamon, or other ingredients are added, and it is often served cold and with croutons of fried bread.
- Polenta–cornmealboiled into a porridge,[15]and eaten directly or baked, fried or grilled. The term is ofItalianorigin, derived from the Latin forhulledand crushed grain (especiallybarley-meal).
- Puliszka– is a coarse cornmeal porridge[16]in Hungary, mostly in Transylvania. Traditionally, it is prepared with either sweetened milk or goat's milk cottage cheese, bacon or mushrooms.
edit- Red River Cereal– A porridge from Canada, consisting of cracked wheat, rye and flax seed, boiled in water, usually served with milk and brown sugar.
- Rice cereal– the name commonly given to industrially manufacturedbaby foodbased onrice.Ingredient lists vary based upon manufacturer formulas.
- Riebel – a porridge dish fromAustriamade with cornmeal, butter, milk, and salt.[17]
- Risotto– a savoury dish made with broth and rice, typically a short grain variety with a high starch content, such as Arborio or Carnaroli.
- Rødgrød– a sweet fruit dish fromDenmarkandGermany(called also Rote Grütze); its preparation is basically that of a pudding. Contemporary versions of the dish often usepotato starchto achieve a creamy to pudding-likestarch gelatinization.
- Rømmegrøt–Norwegianporridge made withsour cream,whole milk,wheat flour,butter,sugar, and salt.[18]
- Rubaboo– a basicstewor porridge consumed by thecoureurs des boisandvoyageurs(fur traders) andMétis people[19]ofNorth America,traditionally made ofpeasorcorn(or both) with grease (bearorpork) and athickening agent(bread or flour).Pemmican[20]andmaple sugarwere also commonly added to the mixture.
- Rouy – a smooth, boiled millet flour infants' porridge made only with water and sifted millet flour (soungouf) especially for infants, the first solid food offered to infants. Senegal.
edit- Sadza– a cooked cornmeal that is astaple foodinZimbabweand other parts ofSouthern AfricaandEastern Africa.This food is cooked widely in other countries in these region.
- Semolina pudding– made fromsemolina,which is cooked with milk, or a mixture of milk and water. It is often served withsugar,cocoapowder,cinnamon,raisins,fruit,orsyrup.[21]
- Sofkey – a traditional southeastern Native American porridge made from corn, pounded, culled and sifted, boiled in water with lye. Served hot or cold traditionally without seasoning. It can be drunk or eaten with a spoon depending on the consistency, which can vary from a thin gruel to a watery porridge.[22]
- Sowans– aScottish dishmade using the starch remaining on the inner husks ofoatsafter milling. The husks are allowed to soak in water and ferment for a few days. The liquor is strained off and allowed to stand for a day to allow the starchy matter therein to settle. The liquid part, orswatsis poured off and can be drunk. The remainingsowansare boiled with water and salt until thickened, then served with butter or dipped into milk.
- Stip (dish)– a regional dish in theDutchprovinces ofGroningen,DrentheandOverijssel.It is served asbuckwheatporridge with a hole containing friedbaconand a big spoonful ofsyrup.
edit- Talbina– an Arabian variety made with barley flour and water or milk. To sweeten it, honey or dates are added. An old prophetic recipe thatMuhammadused to advise his companions to eat.
- Tapioca pudding– a dessert made oftapiocaortapioca balls,fruit juice, milk or water and sugar.
- Taragna– a variety of polenta (Italian cornmeal) made with buckwheat. Traditional dish of the Italian Alps
- Tarakjuk– a variety ofjuk,orKoreanporridge, made by boiling a mixture ofmilkand finely ground rice soaked in water.
- Tinutuan– aMinahasanrice porridgefromNorth Sulawesi,Indonesia.It is mixed with variousvegetablessuch asspinach,kangkung,corn,pumpkinand sweet potato orcassava.[23][24]
- Tsampa– aTibetanstaple foodstuff,particularly prominent in the central part of the region. It is roastedflour,usuallybarleyflour and sometimes alsowheatflour.
- Tsampurado– a sweet chocolate rice porridge inPhilippine cuisine,often eaten with milk andtuyo(dried salted fish) added.
Tinutuan,withsalted fish
edit- Ugali–maizeflour (cornmeal) cooked with water to a porridge- ordough-like consistency. The dish is common in the local cuisines of the easternAfrican Great Lakesregion andSouthern Africa.
- Upma– a commonSouth IndianandSri Lankan Tamilbreakfast dish, cooked as a thick porridge fromdry roastedsemolina.Various seasonings and vegetables are often added during the cooking.
- Uji (porridge)– maize or sorghum or millet or a mix of them all flour cooked with water to a porridge- orblended soup-like consistency. The dish is common in the local cuisines of the easternAfrican Great Lakesregion andSouthern Africa.The word "uji" is Kiswahili commonly used inKenya.
edit- Vispipuuro– a sweet,wheatsemolina(manna) dessert porridge made with berries, usuallylingonberries.It is eaten in Sweden, Finland and Estonia.
edit- Wheatena– anAmericanhigh-fiber,toasted-wheatcerealthat originated onMulberry StreetinNew York City,New York, circa 1879, when a smallbakeryowner began roastingwhole wheat,grinding it, and packaging it for sale under this brand name.
See also
edit- ^"Definition of porridge in English".Oxford Dictionaries. Archived fromthe originalon November 2, 2013.Retrieved30 October2013.
- ^abRomans, B.(1775).A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida.New York: Printed for the author. pp.67—68.OCLC745317190.
- ^Bigg, Margot (8 January 2013).Moon Taj Mahal, Delhi & Jaipur – Margot Bigg.Avalon Travel.ISBN9781612383545.Retrieved2014-02-23.
- ^theOxford English Dictionarygives the following earliest references:Epinal Gloss.823 Pullis, grytt. c1000 ÆLFRICGloss.in Wr.-Wülcker 141/20Apludesuelcantabra,hwæte gryttan. c1000Sax. Leechd.II. 220 oððe grytta. a1100Ags. Voc.in Wr.-Wülcker 330/33Furfures,gretta. 11..Voc.ibid. 505/13Polline,gryttes. a1225Ancr.R. 186 þis is Godes heste, þet him is muchele leouere þen þet tu ete gruttene bread, oð er werie herde here.
- ^Allsopp, Richard (2003).Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage(2nd ed.). Kingston, Jamaica: Univ. of the West Indies Press. p.167.ISBN9766401454.
- ^Goldstein, D.; Mintz, S. (2015).The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets.Oxford University Press. p. 597.ISBN978-0-19-931362-4.RetrievedJuly 22,2017.
- ^"Hobakjuk (호박죽 ― cháo )"(in Korean).Empas/EncyKorea.Retrieved2008-08-17.
- ^abAn Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture – 233 traditional key words.Seoul: Hakgojae Publishing Co. 2002. pp.20–21.ISBN8985846981.
- ^Steinmetz, Sol.Dictionary of Jewish Usage: A Guide to the Use of Jewish Terms.p. 42.ISBN0-7425-4387-0.
- ^"Maltex History".
- ^"Coming up: Food from the new EU".BBC News. January 1, 2007.Retrieved30 October2013.
- ^What the Slaves Ate: Recollections of African American Foods and Foodways from the Slave Narratives – Herbert C. Covey, Dwight Eisnach.p. 81.
- ^Koo, Chun-sur (Winter 2003)."Ogokbap: Excellent Source of Nutrients for Late Winter"(PDF).Koreana.17.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2011-07-22.Retrieved2013-10-31.
- ^Charles Roundell, Mrs (1898).Mrs. Roundell's Practical cookery book – Mrs. Charles Roundell – Google Books.Retrieved2014-02-23.
- ^Oxford English Dictionary2nd ed.: a. maize flour, especially as used in Italian cookery. b. A paste or dough made from such meal, a dish made with this.
- ^Walker, H. (1996).Cooks & Other People: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, 1995.Prospect Books. p. 274.ISBN978-0-907325-72-7.Retrieved2017-07-23.
- ^"Riebel".Retrieved19 March2021.
- ^"Rommegrot – Microwave".Sons of Norway.Sofn. 14 November 2018.Retrieved11 December2019.
- ^Manitoba: Past and Present: Hands-on Social Studies, Grade 4 – Jennifer E. Lawson, Linda McDowell, Barbara Thomson.p. 186.
- ^A People on the Move: The Métis of the Western Plains – Irene Ternier Gordon.p. 20.
- ^"Spiced semolina pudding with ginger biscuits".RetrievedDecember 30,2012.
- ^Sylestine, Hardy, and Montler (1993).Dictionary of the Alabama Language.Austin: University of Texas Press. p. 128.ISBN978-0292730779.
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- ^Sombowadile, Pitres (2010)."Tinutuan: dari mata turun ke perut"(in Indonesian). Tribun Manado. Archived fromthe originalon 13 March 2010.Retrieved26 April2010.