Humpback whale

(Redirected fromMegaptera)
This is thelatest accepted revision,reviewedon17 February 2025.

Thehumpback whale(Megaptera novaeangliae) is a species ofbaleen whale.It is arorqual(a member of the familyBalaenopteridae) and is theonly speciesin thegenusMegaptera.Adults range in length from 14–17 m (46–56 ft) and weigh up to 40 metric tons (44 short tons). The humpback has a distinctive body shape, with longpectoral finsandtubercleson its head. It is known forbreaching and other distinctive surface behaviors,making it popular withwhale watchers.Males produce a complexsongthat typically lasts from 4 to 33 minutes.

Humpback whale[1]
Temporal range:7.2–0Ma[2]Late MioceneRecent
Illustration of a whale next to a human diver
Size compared to an average human
CITESAppendix I(CITES)[4]
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Infraorder: Cetacea
Family: Balaenopteridae
Genus: Megaptera
M. novaeangliae
Binomial name
Megaptera novaeangliae
  • M. n. australis
  • M. n. kuzira
  • M. n. novaeangliae
Humpback whale range (in blue)
  • Balaena gibbosaErxleben, 1777
  • B. boopsFabricius, 1780
  • B. nodosaBonnaterre, 1789
  • B. longimanaRudolphi, 1832
  • Megaptera longimanaGray, 1846
  • Kyphobalaena longimanaVan Beneden, 1861
  • Megaptera versabilisCope, 1869

Found inoceansandseasaround the world, humpback whales typicallymigrateup to 16,000 km (9,900 mi) each year. They feed inpolarwaters and migrate totropicalorsubtropicalwaters to breed and give birth. Their diet consists mostly ofkrilland smallfish,and they usuallyuse bubblesto catch prey. They arepolygynandrousbreeders, with both sexes having multiple partners.Orcasare the main natural predators of humpback whales. The bodies of humpbacks hostbarnaclesandwhale lice.

Like other large whales, the humpback was a target for thewhalingindustry. Humans once hunted the species to the brink ofextinction:its population fell to around 5,000 by the 1960s. Numbers have partially recovered to some 135,000 animals worldwide, but entanglement infishing gear,collisions with ships, andnoise pollutioncontinue to affect the species.



The humpback was first identified asbaleine de la Nouvelle AngleterrebyMathurin Jacques Brissonin hisRegnum Animaleof 1756. In 1781,Georg Heinrich Borowskidescribed the species, converting Brisson's name to itsLatinequivalent,Balaena novaeangliae.In 1804,Bernard Germain de Lacépèderenamed itB. jubartes.In 1846,John Edward Graycreated the genusMegaptera,classifying the humpback asMegaptera longipinna,but in 1932,Remington Kelloggreverted the species name to use Borowski'snovaeangliae.[5]The common name is derived from the curving of the whales' backs when diving. The genus name,Megaptera,from theAncient Greekmega-μεγα( "giant" ) andpteraπτερα( "wing" ),[6]refer to their large front flippers. The species name means "New Englander" and was probably given by Brisson due to regular sightings of humpbacks off the coast ofNew England.[5]

Humpback whales arerorquals,members of thefamilyBalaenopteridae,which includes theblue,fin,Bryde's,sei,andminke whales.A 2018 genomic analysis estimated that rorquals diverged from other baleen whales in the lateMiocene,between 10.5 and 7.5 million years ago. The humpback and fin whales were found to besister taxons(see thephylogenetic treebelow).[7]There is reference to a humpback–blue whale hybrid in theSouth Pacific,attributed to marine biologist Michael Poole.[8][9]


B. acutorostrata/bonaerensis(minke whalespecies complex)

B. musculus(blue whale)

B. borealis(sei whale)

Eschrichtius robustus(gray whale)

B. physalus(fin whale)

Megaptera novaeangliae(humpback whale)

Modern humpback whale populations originated in the southern hemisphere around 880,000 years ago and colonized the northern hemisphere 200,000 to 50,000 years ago. A 2014 genetic study suggested that the separate populations in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Southern Oceans have had limitedgene flowand are distinct enough to besubspecies,with the scientific names ofM. n. novaeangliae,M. n. kuzira,andM. n. australis,respectively.[10]A non-migratory population in theArabian Seahas been isolated for 70,000 years.[11]


Young whale withblowholesvisible

The adult humpback whale is generally 14–15 m (46–49 ft) long, though individuals up to 16–17 m (52–56 ft) long have been recorded. Females are usually 1–1.5 m (3 ft 3 in – 4 ft 11 in) longer than males.[12]The species can reach body masses of 40 metric tons (44 short tons). Calves are born at around 4.3 m (14 ft) long with a mass of 680 kg (1,500 lb).[13]The species has a bulky body with a thinrostrumand proportionally long flippers, each around one-third of its body length.[14][15]It has a short dorsal fin that varies from nearly nonexistent to somewhat long and curved. Like other rorquals, the humpback has grooves between the tip of the lower jaw and the navel.[12]The grooves are relatively few in number in this species, ranging from 14 to 35.[14]The upper jaws is lined with baleen plates, which number 540–800 in total and are black in color.[15]

The dorsal or upper side of the animal is generally black; the ventral or underside has various levels of black and white coloration.[12]Whales in the southern hemisphere tend to have more white pigmentation. The flippers can vary from all-white to white only on the undersurface.[13]Some individuals may be all white, notablyMigaloowho is a true albino.[16]The varying color patterns and scars on the tail flukes distinguish individual animals.[17][18]The end of the genital slit of the female is marked by a round feature, known as the hemispherical lobe, which visually distinguishes males and females.[15][19]

Unique among large whales, humpbacks have bumps ortubercleson the head and front edge of the flippers; the tail fluke has a jaggedtrailing edge.[12][15]The tubercles on the head are 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in) thick at the base and protrude up to 6.5 cm (2.6 in). They are mostly hollow in the center, often containing at least one fragile hair that erupts 1–3 cm (0.39–1.18 in) from the skin and is 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) thick. The tubercles develop early in gestation and may have a sensory function, as they are rich in nerves.[20]Sensory nerve cells in the skin are adapted to withstand the high water pressure of diving.[21]

In one study, a humpback whale brain measured 22.4 cm (8.8 in) long and 18 cm (7.1 in) wide at the tips of thetemporal lobes,and weighed around 4.6 kg (10 lb). The humpback's brain has a complexity similar to that of the brains of smaller whales and dolphins.[22]Computer models of the middle ear suggest that the humpback can hear at frequencies between 15Hz and 3kHz "when stimulated at thetympanic membrane",and between 200Hz and 9kHz "if stimulated at the thinner region of thetympanic boneadjacent to the tympanic membrane ". These ranges are consistent with their vocalization ranges.[23]As in all cetaceans, the respiratory tract of the humpback whale is connected to theblowholesand not to the mouth,[24]although the species appears to be able to unlock theepiglottisandlarynxand move them towards the oral cavity, allowing humpbacks to blow bubbles from their mouths.[25]The vocal folds of the humpback are more horizontally positioned than those of land mammals which allows them to produce underwater calls.[24]These calls are amplified by a laryngeal sac.[26]

Behavior and ecology


Humpback whale groups, aside from mothers and calves, typically stay together for days or weeks at the most.[12][27]They are normally sighted in small groups, though largeaggregationsform during feeding and among males competing for females.[27]Humpbacks may interact with other cetacean species, such asright whales,fin whales,andbottlenose dolphins.[28][29][30]Humpbacks are highly active at the surface, performing aerial behaviors such asbreaching,surface slapping with the tail fluke (lobtailing) and flippers, andpeduncle throws,which involve the tail crashing sideways on the surface. These may be forms ofplayand communication, and may help to remove parasites.[12][31]The species is a slower swimmer than other rorquals, cruising at 7.9–15.1 km/h (4.9–9.4 mph). When threatened, a humpback may speed up to 27 km/h (17 mph).[15]Their proportionally long pectoral fins give them great propulsion and allow them to swim in any direction, independently of the movements of the tail. Humpbacks are able to flap and rotate their flippers in a manner similar toCalifornia sea lions.[32]

Humpbacks rest at the surface with their bodies lying horizontally.[33]They frequent shallowseamounts,commonly exploring depths of up to 80 meters (260 ft) and occasionally diving as deep as 616 meters (2,021 ft). These deeper descents are believed to serve various purposes, including navigational guidance, communication with fellow humpback whales, and facilitation of feeding activities.[34]Dives typically do not exceed five minutes during the summer but are normally 15–20 minutes during the winter.[15]As it dives, a humpback typically raises its tail fluke, exposing the underside.[12]Humpbacks have been observed to produce oral "bubble clouds" when near another individual, possibly in the context of "aggression, mate attraction, or play". Humpbacks may also use bubble clouds as "smoke screens" to escape from predators.[25]



Humpback whales feed from spring to fall. They aregeneralistfeeders; their main food items arekrill,copepods,otherplankton,and small schooling fish. The most common krill species eaten in the southern hemisphere is theAntarctic krill.Farther north, thenorthern krilland various species ofEuphausiaandThysanoessaare consumed. Fish prey includeherring,capelin,sand lances,andAtlantic mackerel.[12][15]Like other rorquals, humpbacks are "gulp feeders", swallowing prey in bulk, whileright whalesandbowhead whalesare skimmers.[27]The whale increases its mouth gape by expanding the grooves.[12]Water is pushed out through the baleen.[35]

In the southern hemisphere, humpbacks have been recorded foraging in large, compact gatherings numbering up to 200 individuals.[36]A study undertaken in May 2009 found a super-aggregation ofkrillinWilhelmina Bay,on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula, with a large number of humpback whales feeding on the krill. Researchers counted a density of 5.1 whales per square kilometer. Smaller and less dense aggregations of krill and whales were also found inAndvord Bayto the south. Krill and humpback whales are abundant in late autumn along the western Antarctic Peninsula, particularly in Wilhelmina Bay, where the whales seem to eat as much as possible in preparation for the winter.[37]

A group of whales bubble-net fishing nearJuneau, Alaska

Humpbacks typically hunt their prey withbubble nets,which is considered to be a form oftool use.[38]Bubble-net feeding allows whales to consume more food per mouthful while using less energy; it is particularly useful for low-density prey patches. A group swims in a shrinking circle while blowing air from their blowholes, capturing prey above in a cylinder ofbubbles.They may dive up to 20 m (70 ft) while performing this technique. Bubble-netting comes in two main forms: upward spirals and double loops. Upward spirals involve the whales blowing air from their blowholes continuously as they circle towards the surface, creating a spiral of bubbles. Double loops consist of a deep, long loop of bubbles that herds the prey, followed by slapping the surface and then a smaller loop of bubbles that precedes the final capture. Combinations of spiraling and looping have been recorded. After the humpbacks create the "nets", the whales swim into them with their mouths gaping and ready to swallow.[35]Bubble-net feeding has also been observed in solitary humpbacks.[38]

Usingnetwork-based diffusion analysis,one study argued that whales learned lobtailing from other whales in their group over 27 years in response to a change in primary prey.[39][40]The tubercles on the flippers stall theangle of attack,which both maximizesliftand minimizesdrag(seetubercle effect). This, along with the shape of the flippers, allows the whales to make the abrupt turns necessary during bubble-feeding.[41]

AtStellwagen Bankoff the coast ofMassachusetts,humpback whales have been recorded foraging at the seafloor for sand lances. This involves the whales flushing out the fish by brushing their jaws against the bottom.[42]

Courtship and reproduction


Mating takes place during the winter months, which is when females reachestrusand males reach peak testosterone and sperm levels.[12]Humpback whales arepolygynandrous(both sexes have multiple partners).[12][43][44]Males frequently trail both lone females and cow–calf pairs. These males are known as "escorts"; the male that is closest to the female is known as the "principal escort", and fights off the other suitors, known as "challengers". Other males, called "secondary escorts", trail farther behind and are not directly involved in the conflict.[45]Agonistic behaviorbetween males consists of tail slashing, ramming, and head-butting.[12]Males have also been observed engaging incopulation with each other.[46]

Gestation in the species lasts 11.5 months, and females reproduce every two years.[12]Fetuses start out with teeth and develop their baleen during the last months of their gestation.[47]Humpback whale births have rarely been observed by humans. One birth witnessed off Madagascar occurred within four minutes.[48]Mothers typically give birth in mid-winter, usually to a single calf.[13]Before birth, a mother whale will move to shallower water near the coast, which reduces her chances of being harassed by escort males. It is common for the mother to help her newborn calf reach the surface.[49]Young start out with furled dorsal fins, which straighten and stiffen as the calves get older. Calves with furled fins spend more time traveling and surfacing to breathe; calves with straighter fins can hold their breath longer and can rest and circle at the surface more. Older calves are away from their mothers more than younger calves.[50]Calves suckle for up to a year but can eat adult food at six months. Humpbacks are sexually mature at 5–10 years, depending on the population.[12]Humpback whales may live for over 50 years.[13]


Spectrogramof humpback whale vocalizations: detail is shown for the first 24 seconds of the 37-second recording "Singing Humpbacks".

Male humpback whales produce complex songs during the winter breeding season. These vocals range infrequencybetween 100Hzand 4 kHz, withharmonicsreaching up to 24 kHz or more, and can travel at least 10 km (6.2 mi). Males may sing for between 4 and 33 minutes, depending on the region. In Hawaii, humpback whales have been recorded vocalizing for as long as seven hours.[51]Songs are divided into "subunits", "units", "subphrases", "phrases", and "themes". A subunit refers to the discontinuities or inflections of a sound, while full units are individual sounds, similar tomusical notes.A succession of units creates a subphrase, and a collection of subphrases make up a phrase. Similar-sounding phrases are repeated in a series grouped into themes, and multiple themes create a song.[52]Humpback whale songs appear to followZipf's law,similar to human languages.[53]

The function of these songs has been debated, and they may have multiple purposes. There is little evidence to suggest that songs establishdominanceamong males. However, there have been observations of non-singing males disrupting singers, possibly in aggression. Those who join singers are males who were not previously singing. Females do not appear to approach singers that are alone, but may be drawn to gatherings of singing males, much like alek matingsystem. Another possibility is that songs bring in foreign whales to populate breeding grounds.[51]It has also been suggested that humpback whale songs haveecholocatingproperties and may serve to locate other whales.[54]A 2023 study found that as humpback whale numbers have recovered from whaling, singing has become less common.[55]

Whale songs are similar among males in a specific area. Males may alter their songs over time, and others in contact with them copy these changes.[52]Songs have been shown in some cases to spread between neighboring populations throughout successive breeding seasons.[56]In the northern hemisphere, songs change more gradually, while southern hemisphere songs go through cyclical "revolutions".[57]

Humpback whales are reported to make other vocalizations. "Snorts" are quick, low-frequency sounds, commonly heard among animals in groups consisting of a mother–calf pair and one or more male escorts. These likely function to mediate interactions within these groups. "Grumbles" are also low in frequency but last longer and are more often made by groups containing one or more adult males. They appear to signal body size and may serve to establish social status. "Thwops" and "wops" arefrequency-modulatedvocals that may serve ascontact callsboth within and between groups. High-pitched "cries", "violins", and modulated "shrieks" are normally heard in groups with two or more males and are associated with competition. Humpback whales produce short, low-frequency "grunts" and short, modulated "barks" when joining new groups.[58]



Visible scars indicate thatorcasprey upon juvenile humpbacks.[27]A 2014 study in Western Australia observed that when available in large numbers, young humpbacks can be attacked and sometimes killed by orcas. Mothers and (possibly related) adults escort calves to deter such predation. The suggestion is that when humpbacks suffered near-extinction during the whaling era, orcas turned to other prey but are now resuming their former practice.[59]There is also evidence that humpback whales will defend against ormoborcas who are attacking either humpback calves or juveniles as well as members of other species, includingseals.The humpback's protection of other species may be unintentional, a "spillover" of mobbing behavior intended to protect members of its species. The powerful flippers of humpback whales, often infested with large, sharpbarnacles,are formidable weapons against orcas. When threatened, they will thrash their flippers and tails, keeping the orcas at bay.[60]

Thegreat white sharkis another confirmed predator of the humpback whale. In 2020, Marine biologists Dines and Gennari et al. published a documented incident of a pair of great white sharks attacking and killing a live adult humpback whale.[61]A second incident of a great white shark killing a humpback whale was documented off the coast of South Africa. Working alone, the shark attacked a 10-metre (33 ft), emaciated and entangled humpback whale by attacking the whale's tail to cripple and bleed the whale before she managed to drown the whale by biting onto its head and pulling it underwater.[62][63]

Infestations and health threats

Coronula diademaon a humpback

Humpback whales often havebarnaclesliving on their skin, the most common being theacorn barnaclespeciesCoronula diademaandCoronula reginae,which in turn are sites for attachment forgoose barnaclespecies likeConchoderma auritumandConchoderma virgatum.They are most abundant at the lower jaw tip, along the middle ventral groove, near the genital slit, and between the bumps on the flippers.C. reginaedigs deep into the skin, while attachments byC. diademaare more superficial. The size of the latter species provides more sites for attachment by other barnacles. Barnacles are considered to beepibiontsrather than parasites, as they do not feed on the whales, though they can affect their swimming by increasingdrag.[64]

Thewhale lousespeciesCyamus boopisis specialized for feeding on humpback whales and is the only species in its family found on them.[65]Internal parasites of humpbacks include protozoans of the genusEntamoeba,tapewormsof the familyDiphyllobothriidae,androundwormsof the infraorderAscaridomorpha.[66]

Saxitoxin,aparalytic shellfish poisoningfrom contaminated mackerel, has been implicated in humpback whale deaths.[67]


A humpback whale breaching off Alaska in the United States.

Humpback whales are found in marine watersworldwide,except for some areas at the equator and High Arctic and some enclosed seas.[13]The farthest north they have been recorded is at81°Naround northernFranz Josef Land.[68]They are usually coastal and tend to congregate in waters withincontinental shelves.Their winter breeding grounds are located around the equator; their summer feeding areas are found in colder waters, including near the polar ice caps. Humpbacks go on vastmigrationsbetween their feeding and breeding areas, often crossing the open ocean. The species has been recorded traveling up to 8,000 km (5,000 mi) in one direction.[13]

Northern Hemisphere

Humpback whales in theHawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary.

In the North Atlantic, there are two separate wintering populations, one in theWest Indies,from Cuba to northern Venezuela, and the other in theCape Verde Islandsand northwest Africa. During summer, West Indies humpbacks congregate offNew England,eastern Canada, and westernGreenland,while the Cape Verde population gathers around Iceland and Norway. There is some overlap in the summer ranges of these populations, and West Indies humpbacks have been documented feeding farther east.[69]Whale visits into theGulf of Mexicohave been infrequent but have occurred in the gulf historically.[70]They were considered to be uncommon in theMediterranean Sea,but increased sightings, including re-sightings, indicate that more whales may colonize or recolonize it in the future.[71]

The North Pacific has at least four breeding populations: off Mexico (includingBaja Californiaand theRevillagigedos Islands), Central America, theHawaiian Islands,and bothOkinawaand thePhilippines.The Mexican population forages from theAleutian Islandsto California. During the summer, Central American humpbacks are found only off Oregon and California. In contrast, Hawaiian humpbacks have a wide feeding range, but most travel tosoutheast Alaskaand northern British Columbia. The wintering grounds of the Okinawa/Philippines population are mainly around theRussian Far East.There is some evidence for a fifth population somewhere in the northwestern Pacific. These whales are recorded to feed off the Aleutians, with a breeding area somewhere south of theBonin Islands.[69]

An isolated, non-migratory population feeds and breeds in the northern Indian Ocean, mainly in theArabian SeaaroundOman.[69]This population has also been recorded in theGulf of Aden,thePersian Gulf,and off the coasts of Pakistan and India.[72]

Southern Hemisphere

Aerial view of three humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) near Cape Solander, New South Wales, Australia
Humpback on its back inAntarctica

In the Southern Hemisphere, humpback whales are divided into seven breeding stocks, some of which are further divided into sub-structures. These include the southwestern Atlantic (stock A), the southeastern Atlantic (stock B), the southwestern Indian Ocean (stock C), the southeastern Indian Ocean (stock D), the southwestern Pacific and Oceania (stocks E and F), and the southeastern Pacific (stock G).[69]Stock G breeds in tropical and subtropical waters off the west coast of Central and South America and forages along the west coast of theAntarctic Peninsula,theSouth Orkney Islands,and to a lesser extentTierra del Fuego.Stock A winters off Brazil and migrates to summer grounds aroundSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.Some stock A individuals have also been recorded off the western Antarctic Peninsula, suggesting an increased blurring of the boundaries between the feeding areas of stocks A and G.[73]

Stock B breeds on the west coast of Africa and is further divided into Bl and B2 subpopulations, the former ranging from theGulf of Guineato Angola and the latter ranging from Angola to western South Africa. Stock B whales have been recorded foraging in waters to the southwest of the continent, mainly aroundBouvet Island.[74]Comparison of songs between those atCape Lopezand theAbrolhos Archipelagoindicate that trans-Atlantic mi xing s between stock A and stock B whales occur.[75]Stock C whales winter around southeastern Africa and surrounding waters. This stock is further divided into C1, C2, C3, and C4 subpopulations; C1 occurs aroundMozambiqueand eastern South Africa, C2 around theComoro Islands,C3 off the southern and eastern coast of Madagascar, and C4 around theMascarene Islands.The feeding range of this population is likely between coordinates5°Wand60°Eand south of50°S.[69][74]There may be overlap in the feeding areas of stocks B and C.[74]

Stock D whales breed off the western coast of Australia and forage in the southern region of theKerguelen Plateau.[76]Stock E is divided into E1, E2, and E3 subpopulations.[69]E1 whales have a breeding range off eastern Australia andTasmania;their main feeding range is close to Antarctica, mainly between130°Eand170°W.[77]The Oceania stock is divided into theNew Caledonia(E2),Tonga(E3),Cook Islands(F1), andFrench Polynesia(F2) subpopulations. This stock's feeding grounds mainly range from around theRoss Seato the Antarctic Peninsula.[78]

Human relations



Humpback whales killed by whalers offVancouver Island,early 20th century

Humpback whales were hunted as early as the late 16th century.[3]They were often the first whale species to be harvested in an area due to their coastal distribution.[12]North Pacific kills alone are estimated at 28,000 during the 20th century.[14]In the same period, over 200,000 humpbacks were taken in the Southern Hemisphere.[12]North Atlantic populations dropped to as low as 700 individuals.[14]In 1946, theInternational Whaling Commission(IWC) was founded to oversee the industry. They imposed hunting regulations and created hunting seasons. To preventextinction,the IWC banned commercial humpback whaling in 1966. By then, the global population had been reduced to around 5,000.[79]The Soviet Union deliberately under-recorded its catches: the Soviets reported catching 2,820 between 1947 and 1972, but the true number was over 48,000.[80]

As of 2004, hunting was restricted to a few animals each year off the Caribbean island ofBequiainSaint Vincent and the Grenadines.[81]The take is not believed to threaten the local population. Japan had planned to kill 50 humpbacks in the 2007–08 season under itsJARPA IIresearch program. The announcement sparked global protests.[82]After a visit to Tokyo by the IWC chair asking the Japanese for their co-operation in sorting out the differences between pro- and anti-whaling nations on the commission, the Japanese whaling fleet agreed to take no humpback whales during the two years it would take to reach a formal agreement.[83]In 2010, the IWC authorized Greenland's native population to hunt a few humpback whales during the following three years.[84]


Whale watching off Massachusetts

Much of the growth of commercialwhale watchingwas focused on the humpback whale. The species' highly active surface behaviors and tendency to become accustomed to boats have made them easy to observe, particularly for photographers. In 1975, humpback whale tours were established in New England and Hawaii.[85]This business brings in a revenue of $20 million per year for Hawaii's economy.[86]While Hawaiian tours have tended to be commercial, New England and California whale watching tours have introduced educational components.[85]

Although whale watching can raise awareness of humpback whale conservation,[87]whale watching boats can have negative impacts on humpbacks whales, including causing stress and disturbing behaviors like feeding, mating and socializing. This is particularly deleterious for mothers with calves. Regulations on whale vessels have included restrictions on how close the vessels can get to the whales.[88][89][90]

Conservation status

A dead humpback washed up nearBig Sur,California

As of 2018, theIUCN Red Listlists the humpback whale as ofleast concern,with a worldwide population of around 135,000 whales, of which around 84,000 are mature individuals, and an increasing population trend.[3][91]Regional estimates are around 13,000 in the North Atlantic, 21,000 in the North Pacific, and 80,000 in the southern hemisphere. For the isolated population in the Arabian Sea, only around 80 individuals remain,[92]and this population is considered to beendangered.In most areas, humpback whale populations have recovered from historic whaling, particularly in the North Pacific.[13]Such recoveries have led to the downlisting of the species' threatened status in the United States, Canada, and Australia.[91][93]In Costa Rica,Ballena Marine National Parkwas established for humpback protection.[94]

Humpbacks still face man-made threats, including entanglement by fishing gear, vessel collisions, human-caused noise and traffic disturbance, coastal habitat destruction, and climate change.[13]Like other cetaceans, humpbacks can be injured by excessive noise. In the 19th century, two humpback whales were found dead near repeated oceanic sub-bottom blasting sites, with traumatic injuries and fractures in their ears.[95]Whileoilingestion is a risk for whales, a 2019 study found that oil did not foul baleen and instead was easily rinsed by flowing water.[96]

NOAArecorded 88 stranded humpback whales between January 2016 and February 2019 along the Atlantic coast of the US. This is more than double the number of whales stranded between 2013 and 2016. Because of the increase in stranded whales, NOAA declared an unusual mortality event in April 2017.Virginia Beach Aquarium's stranding response coordinator, Alexander Costidis, concluded that the two causes of these unusual mortality events were vessel interactions and entanglements.[97]

Around theStrait of Magellan,humpbacks have been the whale species that is most commonly reported to be involved in ship–whale collisions since at least 2013. To decrease the number of collisions, speed limits have been proposed in the area around theFrancisco Coloane Marine and Coastal Protected Area.[98]

See also



  1. ^Mead, J. G.; Brownell, R. L. Jr. (2005)."Order Cetacea".InWilson, D. E.;Reeder, D. M. (eds.).Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference(3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp.723–743.ISBN978-0-8018-8221-0.OCLC62265494.
  2. ^"Fossilworks: Megaptera".Fossilworks.Archivedfrom the original on 26 July 2023.Retrieved17 December2021.
  3. ^abcCooke, J. G. (2018)."Megaptera novaeangliae".IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.2018:e.T13006A50362794.doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T13006A50362794.en.Retrieved18 January2020.
  4. ^"Appendices | CITES"
  5. ^abMartin, Stephen (2001).The Whales' Journey.Allen & Unwin. p. 251.ISBN978-1-86508-232-5.
  6. ^Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (2 February 2015).Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, Abridged.Martino Fine Books.ISBN978-1-61427-770-5.
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Humpback whale songs