New Rightis a term for variousright-wing politicalgroups or policies in different countries during different periods. One prominent usage was to describe the emergence of certainEastern Europeanparties after thecollapse of the Soviet Union.[1]In the United States, the Second New Right campaigned againstabortion,LGBT civil rights,theEqual Rights Amendment(ERA), thePanama Canal Treaty,affirmative action,and most forms oftaxation.[2]
editNew Rightappeared during the1964 presidential campaignofBarry Goldwaterto designate the emergence, in response to American styleliberalism(i.e.,social liberalism), of a more combative, anti-egalitarian, and uninhibited right. Popularized byRichard Viguerie,the term became later used to describe a broader global movement: those proponents of thenight-watchman statebut who also tended to be socially conservative, such asRonald Reagan,Margaret Thatcher,Turgut ÖzalorAugusto Pinochet.However, asJean-Yves CamusandNicolas Lebourgpoint out, this leaning had only a few aspects in common with the "European New Right"that had been emerging since the 1960s, more inspired by theconservative revolutionaryMoeller van den Bruckthan by theclassical liberalAdam Smith.[3]Anarcho-capitalism,a form oflibertarianismthat advocates for the replacement of all state institutions with private institutions,[4]is usually seen as part of the New Right.[5][6]
New Right by country
editInAustralia,the New Rightrefers to a late 1970s/1980s onward movement both within and outside of theLiberal/NationalCoalitionwhich advocateseconomically liberaland increasedsocially conservativepolicies (as opposed to theold rightwhich advocatedeconomically conservativepolicies and "small-l liberals"with moresocially liberalviews).[7]Unlike the United Kingdom and United States, but like neighbouring New Zealand, the 1980s saw theAustralian Labor PartyinitiateThird Wayeconomic reforms, which bear some familiarity to New Right ideology. After theJohn HowardCoalition ended the 13-year rule of theHawke-KeatingLabor government at the1996 federal election,economic reforms were taken further, some examples being wholesale labor market deregulation (e.g.,WorkChoices), the introduction of aGoods and Services Tax(GST), the privatisation of the telecommunications monopolyTelstra,and sweepingwelfare reformincluding "work for the dole".TheH. R. Nicholls Society,a think tank which advocates full workplace deregulation, contains some Liberal MPs as members and is seen to be of the New Right.[8]
Economic liberalismis also calledeconomic rationalismin Australia. The termeconomic rationalismwas first used by Labor'sGough Whitlam.[9]to describe a market-oriented form of social democracy, but its meaning subsequently evolved. It is a philosophy which tends to advocate afree market economy,increasedderegulation,privatisation,lowerdirect taxationand higherindirect taxation,and a reduction of the size of thewelfare state.The politicians favouring New Right ideology were referred to asdries,while those advocating continuation of the economic policies of thepost-war consensus,typicallyKeynesianeconomics, or were more socially liberal, were calledwets(the termwetswas similarly used in Britain to refer to thoseConservativeswho opposedThatcheriteeconomic policies, butdriesin this context was much rarer in British usage).[10]
editThe New Right in Brazil has grown sharply in recent years within population, intelligentsia, and academia. That is mainly due to a generalized discontent with the previous[update]left-wing government and its policies.[11]
This new movement distinguishes itself from what is known in Brazil asold right,which was ideologically associated to theBrazilian military government,União Democrática Nacional(National Democratic Union), andIntegralism.[12]It is identified by positive views regarding democracy, personal freedom, free-market capitalism, reduction of bureaucracy, privatization of state-run companies, tax cuts,parliamentary,political reform. It rejects "cultural Marxism",modern socialismandpopulism.[13]
There have been two major phenomena relating to the rise of the new Brazilian right: theFree Brazil Movement,which has managed to bring together millions of people on demonstrations against the government in March 2015;[14]and the creation of theNew Party(Partido Novo) andLibertários,the first liberal party since theFirst Brazilian Republic.[15]
Some Brazilian new-right thinkers are:Kim Kataguiri,and his movementMovimento Brasil Livre(Free Brazil Moviment),Roberto Campos,[16]Wilson Martins,[17][18]Olavo de Carvalho,[19]Luiz Felipe Pondé,[20]Paulo Francis,[21]José Guilherme Merquior,[19]Bruno Tolentino,[19]andMiguel Reale.[19]
As a result of this movement, in the 2018 Brazilian election,Jair Messias Bolsonarowas elected President of Brazil with 55% of the votes; hisMinister of the Economy,Paulo Guedes,graduated from theUniversity of Chicago,famous for itseconomically liberal school of economics.
editThe termNew Right(Spanish:Nueva derecha) has come into mainstream political discourse since the election ofSebastián Piñerain 2010, when interior ministerRodrigo Hinzpeterused it to describe his government. Hinzpeter's introduction of the term caused a buzz among newspapers, politicians and analysts. According to a column published inThe Clinic,the New Right is different from the olddictatorialright ofAugusto Pinochet,in the sense that it embraces democracy. It is also different from the religiously conservativeUnión Demócrata Independienteparty, in that it is more open to discussing issues likedivorce.According to the same analysis, the New Right is becoming increasingly pragmatic, as shown by their decision to increase taxes following the2010 Chilean earthquake.[22]
editIn France, the New Right (orNouvelle Droite) has been used as a term to describe a modern think-tank of French political philosophers and intellectuals led byAlain de Benoist.Another noted intellectual, who was once part of Alain de Benoist's GRECE, isGuillaume Faye.Although accused by some critics as being "far-right"in their beliefs, they themselves claim that their ideas transcend the traditionalleft–right divideand actively encourages free debate. France also has one Identitarian New Right group (which is connected with Thule Seminar in Germany); that isTerre et Peupleof Pierre Vial, who was once an integral part and founding member of Alain de Benoist's GRECE.[23]
editIn Germany, theNeue Rechte(literally,new right) consists of two parts: theJungkonservative(literally, young conservatives), who search for followers in the civic part of the population; and, secondly, the "Nationalrevolutionäre" (national revolutionists), who are looking for followers in the ultra-right part of the German population and use the rhetoric of right-wing politicians such asGregor and Otto Strasser.Another noted New Right group in Germany is Thule Seminar of Pierre Krebs.[24][23]
editFailos Kranidiotis,a Greek politician who had been expelled byNew DemocracychairmanKyriakos Mitsotakisfor expressing views similar to those of political rivalGolden Dawn,founded theNew Rightparty, based onnational liberalism,in May 2016.[25]His views diverged from those of formerPrime Minister of GreeceKonstantinos Mitsotakis,whose legacy expressed the most important principle of its recently elected leadership, includingAdonis Georgiadis,who had been a member only since leavingfar-rightPopular Orthodox Rallyin 2012.
editIn Iran,New Rightand the termModern Right(Persian:راست مدرن) is associated with theExecutives of Construction Party,which has split from the traditionalRight.[26]
editNew Rightis a right-wing political party in Israel, founded in 2018 and led byAyelet ShakedandNaftali Bennett.The party aims to be a party open to both secular andreligiouspeople. The party advocates the preservation of a strong right-wing in Israel.
editTheNew Right(NR) was the name of a far-right/nationalist political party in the Netherlands from 2003 to 2007. TheParty for Freedom(PVV), founded in 2005 and led byGeert Wilders,also is a New Right movement.[27]Since March 2017,Forum for Democracyis another New Right party in the Dutch parliament.
New Zealand
editIn New Zealand, as in Australia, it was theLabour Partythat initially adopted New Right economic policies.Rogernomicsinvolvedmonetaristapproaches to controlling inflation, corporatisation of government departments, and the removal oftariffsandsubsidies,while the party also pursued social liberal stances such as decriminalisation of male homosexuality, pay equity for women and adopting a nuclear-free policy. This meant temporary realignment within New Zealand politics, as New Right middle-class voters voted Labour at the1987 New Zealand general electionin approval of its economic policies. At first, Labour corporatised many former government departments and state assets, then emulated the ConservativeThatcheradministration and privatised them altogether during Labour's second term of office. However, recession and privatisation together led to increasing strains within the Labour Party, which led to schism, and the exit ofJim Andertonand hisNewLabour Party,which later formed part of theAlliance Partywith the Greens and other opponents of New Right economics.[28]
However, dissent and schism were not to be limited to the Labour Party and Alliance Party alone. During the Labour Party's second term in office, the OppositionNew Zealand National Party(popularly known asNational) selectedRuth Richardsonas Opposition finance spokesperson, and when National won the1990 general election,Richardson became Minister of Finance, whileJenny Shipleybecame Minister of Social Welfare. Richardson introduced deunionisation legislation, known as the Employment Contracts Act, in 1991, while Shipley presided over social welfare benefit cuts, designed to reducewelfare dependency– both core New Right policy initiatives.
In the early 1990s, maverick National Party MPWinston Petersalso came to oppose New Right economic policies and led his elderly voting bloc out of the National Party. As a result, hisNew Zealand Firstanti-monetarist party has been a partner in coalition governments led by both National (1996–98) and Labour (2005–08 and 2017–20). Due to the introduction of theMMPelectoral system, a New Right "Association of Consumers and Taxpayers" party, known asACT New Zealand,was formed by ex-Labour New Right–aligned Cabinet Ministers likeRichard Prebbleand others, and maintaining existing New Right policy initiatives such as the Employment Contracts Act, while also introducing U.S.-stylewelfare reform.ACT New Zealand aspired to become National's centre-right coalition partner but has been hampered by lack of party unity and populist leadership that often-lacked strategic direction.
As for Labour and National themselves, their fortunes have been mixed. Labour was out of office for most of the nineties, only regaining power whenHelen Clarkled it to victory and a Labour/Alliance coalition and centre-left government (1999–2002). However, the Alliance disintegrated in 2002. National was defeated in 1999 due to the absence of a suitable stable coalition partner, given New Zealand First's partial disintegration after Winston Peters abandoned the prior National-led coalition. WhenBill Englishbecame leader of National in 2001, it was thought that he might lead the party away from its prior hardline New Right economic and social policies, but his indecisiveness and lack of firm policy direction led to ACT New Zealand gaining the New Right middle-class voting basis in 2002. WhenDon Brashbecame leader, New Right middle-class voters returned to National's fold, causing National's revival in fortunes at the2005 New Zealand general election.However, at the same time, ACT New Zealand strongly criticised it for deviating from its former New Right economic policy perspectives, and at the same election, National did little to enable ACT's survival. Don Brash resigned as National party leader, being replaced byJohn Key,who was a more moderate National MP.
As for the centre-left, Helen Clark and her Labour-led coalition were criticised by ex-Alliance members and non-government organisations for their alleged lack of attention to centre-left social policies, while trade union membership recovered due to Labour's repeal of the Employment Contracts Act 1991 andlabour market deregulationand the deunionisation that had accompanied it in the nineties. It is plausible that Clark and her Cabinet were influenced byTony Blairand his British Labour Government, which pursued a similar balancing act between social and fiscal responsibility while in government.[29]
editIn Poland, aconservative libertarian[30][31][32][33]andeuroscepticpolitical partyCongress of the New Right(New Right) was founded on 25 March 2011 from former political partiesFreedom and Lawfulness(WiP) andReal Politics Union(UPR) byJanusz Korwin-Mikke.It is backed up by various voters, some conservatives, far left people who want to legalize marijuana and citizens who endorsefree marketandcapitalism[citation needed].
South Korea
editIn South Korea, theSouth Korean New Rightmovement is a Korean attempt atneoconservativepolitics. TheLee Myung-bak governmentled by PresidentLee Myung-bakand the conservativeGrand National Partyis noted for being a benefactor of the domestic New Right movement.[34]
United Kingdom
editIn the United Kingdom, the term New Right more specifically refers to a strand of Conservatism that Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan influenced. Thatcher's style of New Right ideology, known asThatcherism,was heavily influenced by the work ofFriedrich Hayek(in particular the bookThe Road to Serfdom). They were ideologically committed toeconomic liberalismas well as beingsocially conservative.[35]
United States
editIn the United States, New Right refers to two historically distinctconservativepolitical movements.[36]: 624–25 These American New Rights are distinct from and opposed to the more moderate tradition of the so-calledRockefeller Republicans.The New Right also differs from theOld Right(1933–55) on issues concerning foreign policy withneoconservativesbeing opposed to thenon-interventionismof the Old Right.[36]: 625
First New Right
editThe first New Right (1955–64) was centered on theright-wing libertarians,traditionalists,andanti-communistsat William F. Buckley'sNational Review.[36]: 624 Sociologists and journalists had usednew rightsince the 1950s; it was first used as self-identification in 1962 by the student activist groupYoung Americans for Freedom.[37]
The first New Right embraced what it called "fusionism"(an ostensible synthesis ofclassical liberaleconomics, traditional social values, and anti-communism)[36]: 338–41 and coalesced in the years preceding the1964 presidential campaignofBarry Goldwater.The Goldwater campaign, which failed to unseat incumbent PresidentLyndon B. Johnson,hastened the formation of a new political movement.
First New Right figures:
- William F. Buckley Jr.,editor ofNational Review
- James Burnham,anti-communist political theorist
- M. Stanton Evans,journalist and author ofYoung Americans for Freedom'sSharon Statement
- Barry Goldwater,U.S. Senator from Arizona and Republican U.S. presidential candidate
- Frank Meyer,anti-communist libertarian and creator of the"fusionist" political theory
Second New Right
editThe second New Right (1964 to present) was formed in the wake of the Goldwater campaign and had a morepopulisttone than the first New Right. The second New Right tended to focus onwedge issues(such as abortion) and was often linked with theReligious Right.[38]The second New Right formed a policy approach and electoral apparatus that broughtRonald Reaganinto theWhite Housein the 1980 presidential election. The New Right was organized in theAmerican Enterprise InstituteandThe Heritage Foundationto counter the so-called "liberalestablishment ", which they viewed as a contributor to corruption and mismanagement of the federal government. In elite think tanks and local community organizations alike, new policies, marketing strategies, and electoral strategies were crafted over the succeeding decades to promote strongly conservative policies.[2][39]The second New Right objected to a perceived decline in morality, including increased drug use,more public and open displays of sexuality,rising crime rates,race riotsand unrest fromcivil rights protesters,andVietnam War protesters.[2]
Second New Right figures:
- James Dobson,founder ofFocus on the Family
- Pat Buchanan,political commentator, founder ofThe American Conservative,and candidate in the1992 Republican Party presidential primaries
- George W. Bush,43rd president of the United States
- Terry Dolan,founder of theNational Conservative Political Action Committee
- Jerry Falwell,Southern Baptistminister, founder ofLiberty UniversityandMoral Majority
- Newt Gingrich,formerCongressman,Speaker of the House,candidatefor the Presidency of the United States, author
- Robert Grant,Christian right activist and founder ofChristian Voice
- Rush Limbaugh,nationally syndicatedtalk radioand former cable news host, author
- Milton Friedman,neoclassicaleconomist of theChicago school of economics,recipient of the 1976Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
- Howard Phillips,founder ofThe Conservative Caucus
- Ronald Reagan,40th president of the United States, actor, 33rdgovernor of California,unionleader
- Phyllis Schlafly,anti-feminist activist and founder of theEagle Forum
- Richard Viguerie,direct mail activist
- Paul Weyrich,founder ofThe Heritage Foundationand theFree Congress Research and Education Foundation
See also
edit- ^Hanley, Seán (2008).The New Right in the New Europe: Czech Transformation and Right-wing Politics, 1989–2006.Routledge.ISBN9780415674898
- ^abc"New Right".Encyclopædia Britannica.Archivedfrom the original on 10 December 2021.Retrieved15 August2022.
- ^Camus, Jean-Yves; Lebourg, Nicolas (20 March 2017).Far-Right Politics in Europe.Harvard University Press. p. 122.ISBN978-0674971530.
- ^Geloso, Vincent; Leeson, Peter T. (2020)."Are Anarcho-Capitalists Insane? Medieval Icelandic Conflict Institutions in Comparative Perspective".Revue d'économie politique.130(6):957–974.doi:10.3917/redp.306.0115.ISSN0373-2630.S2CID235008718.Archivedfrom the original on 5 August 2022.Retrieved15 August2022.
Anarcho-capitalism is a variety of libertarianism according to which all government institutions can and should be replaced by private ones.
- ^Meltzer, Albert (2000).Anarchism: Arguments for and Against.London: AK Press. p.50.ISBN978-1-873176-57-3.
The philosophy of 'anarcho-capitalism' dreamed up by the 'libertarian' New Right, has nothing to do with Anarchism as known by the Anarchist movement proper.
- ^Vincent, Andrew (2009).Modern Political Ideologies(3rd ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. p. 66.ISBN978-1-4443-1105-1.
Whom to include under the rubric of the New Right remains puzzling. It is usually seen as an amalgam of traditional liberal conservatism, Austrian liberal economic theory (Ludwing von Mises and Hayek), extreme libertarianism (anarcho-capitalism), and crude populism.
- ^Verity Archer, "Dole bludgers, tax payers and the New Right: Constructing discourses of welfare in 1970s Australia."Labour History96 (2009): 177–190.
- ^Marian Sawer,Australia and the new right(Sydney: G. Allen & Unwin, 1982).
- ^"John Quiggin – Journal Articles 1997 – Economic rationalism" 2015.Archivedfrom the original on 20 April 2020.Retrieved15 November2007.
- ^Hugh Collins, "Political ideology in Australia: the distinctiveness of a Benthamite society."Daedalus(1985): 147–169.onlineArchived12 July 2021 at theWayback Machine
- ^Saad-Filho, Alfredo; Boito, Armando (2016). Panitch, Leo; Albo, Greg (eds.)."Brazil: The Failure of the PT and the Rise of the 'New Right".Socialist Register:213–30.Archivedfrom the original on 12 July 2021.Retrieved31 August2016.
- ^"Manifesto de 7 de Outubro de 1932"(in Portuguese).Archivedfrom the original on 1 March 2021.Retrieved23 October2016.
- ^"Liberais, Libertários e conservadores, uni-vos"(in Portuguese).Archivedfrom the original on 12 July 2021.Retrieved23 October2016.
- ^Saad-Filho, Alfredo; Boito, Armando (2016). Panitch, Leo; Albo, Greg (eds.).Brazil: The Failure of the PT and the Rise of the 'New Right.p. 225.ISBN9781583675755.Retrieved31 August2016.
The upper middle class provides the mass base of the new right, for example, through the Free Brazil Movement (Movimento Brasil Livre), MBL, one of the groups leading the demonstrations.
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- ^"A certeza da influência"(in Portuguese).Archivedfrom the original on 12 July 2021.Retrieved7 January2017.
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- ^"Contra os comissionarios da ignorância"(in Portuguese).Archivedfrom the original on 12 July 2021.Retrieved23 October2016.
- ^De Sá, Nelson (2011).Dicionário da Corte(in Portuguese). Companhia das Letras. p. 9.ISBN978-8571645714.Retrieved23 October2016.
- ^Marcelo Pollack,New Right in Chile(Springer, 1999).[ISBN missing]
- ^abSimon Bornschier, "Why a right-wing populist party emerged in France but not in Germany: cleavages and actors in the formation of a new cultural divide."European Political Science Review4.1 (2012): 121–145.onlineArchived12 July 2021 at theWayback Machine
- ^Michael Minkenberg, "The new right in Germany: The transformation of conservatism and the extreme right."European Journal of Political Research22.1 (1992): 55–81.
- ^Vasiliki Georgiadou, and Lamprini Rori. "Economic crisis, social and political impact. The new right-wing extremism in Greece."Anuari del Conflicte Social(2013).onlineArchived12 July 2021 at theWayback Machine
- ^Povey, Tara (2015), "The Rise of Social Movements in Iran since the 1990s",Social Movements in Egypt and Iran,Palgrave Macmillan, pp.72–96,doi:10.1057/9781137379009_4,ISBN978-1-349-67751-1
- ^Gerard Delanty; et al. (2008).Identity, Belonging and Migration.Oxford University Press. p. 262.ISBN978-1846314537.
- ^Michael Peters, and James Marshall. "Education, the new right and the crisis of the welfare state in New Zealand."Australian Journal of Education Studies11.1 (1990): 77–90.
- ^Roger Dale, "National reform, economic crisis and ‘New Right’ theory: A New Zealand perspective."Discourse14.2 (1994): 17–29.
- ^"Leader of Poland's Euro-sceptic party believes:" Women should not have right to vote. "".7 April 2014. Archived from the original on 5 February 2016.Retrieved27 May2014.
- ^Aleks Szczerbiak (23 May 2014)."EU election: Polish campaign dominated by Ukraine crisis".Archivedfrom the original on 3 March 2016.Retrieved27 May2014.
- ^Macdonald, Alastair (20 October 2014)."UKIP, 5-Star welcome Polish radical to save EU voting bloc".Reuters.Archived fromthe originalon 27 November 2018.Retrieved5 July2021.
- ^"Polish MEP's racial slur sparks anger".The Japan Times.17 July 2014.Archivedfrom the original on 18 August 2016.Retrieved19 October2015.
- ^Yin-wah Chu; Siu-lun Wong (2010).East Asia's New Democracies: Deepening, Reversal, Non-liberal Alternatives.Routledge. p. 199.ISBN978-1136991097.
- ^S. Lee; M. Beech (2016).The Conservatives under David Cameron: Built to Last?.Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp.23–24.ISBN978-0230237025.
- ^abcdFrohnen, Bruce, Jeremy Beer, and Jeffrey O. Nelson (2006)American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia.ISI Books: Wilmington, DE.[ISBN missing]
- ^Viguerie, Richard.The New Right: We're Ready to Lead.1981, Caroline House, p. 53[ISBN missing]
- ^Gottfried, Paul;Fleming, Thomas(1988).The Conservative Movement.Boston: Twayne Publishers. pp.77–95.ISBN0805797238.
- ^Arin, Kubilay Yado:Think Tanks, the Brain Trusts of US Foreign Policy.Wiesbaden: VS Springer 2013.
Further reading
edit- Andrews, Geoff;Cockett, Richard;Hooper, Alan; Williams, Michael (1999):New Left, New Right and Beyond. Taking the Sixties Seriously.Palgrave Macmillan.ISBN978-0333741474
- Arin, Kubilay Yado (2013):Think Tanks, the Brain Trusts of US Foreign Policy.Wiesbaden: VS Springer[ISBN missing]
- Betz, Hans-George. (1993) "The new politics of resentment: radical right-wing populist parties in Western Europe."Comparative politics(1993): 413–427.onlineArchived9 February 2018 at theWayback Machine
- Cunningham, Sean P. (2010).Cowboy Conservatism: Texas and the Rise of the Modern Right[ISBN missing]
- Klatch, Rebecca E. (1999)A generation divided: The new left, the new right, and the 1960s(Univ of California Press, 1999).[ISBN missing]
- Lyons, Paul. (1996)New left, new right, and the legacy of the sixties(Temple University Press, 1996).[ISBN missing]
- Minkenberg, Michael. (1992) "The new right in Germany: The transformation of conservatism and the extreme right."European Journal of Political Research22.1 (1992): 55–81.
- Richards, David; Smith, Martin J. (2002).Governance and Public Policy in the UK.New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 92–121.[ISBN missing]
- Murray, Charles(1984).Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950–1980[ISBN missing]
- Murray, Charles (1999).The Underclass Revisited[ISBN missing]
- Richard A. Viguerie(1980).The New Right: We're Ready to Lead.Viguerie Company.ISBN978-0960481415.
- Stock, Catherine McNicol (2020).Nuclear Country: The Origins of the Rural New Right.University of Pennsylvania Press.ISBN978-0-8122-5245-3.
- Wink, Georg (2021):Brazil, Land of the Past: The Ideological Roots of the New Right.Cuernavaca, Mexico: Bibliotopía.ISBN978-6079934811
External links
edit- Free Speech Project,various New Right texts in English