Aniqāborniqaab(/nɪˈkɑːb/;Arabic:نقاب), also known as aruband(Persian:روبند), is a long garment worn by someMuslim womenin order to cover their entire body and face, excluding their eyes. It is an interpretation inIslamof the concept ofhijab,and is worn in public and in all other places where a woman may encounter non-mahrammen. Most prevalent in theArabian Peninsula,the niqab is a controversial clothing item in many parts of the world, including in someMuslim-majority countries.

A woman inBangladeshwearing a niqab
A woman inSaudi Arabiawearing a plain-cloth black niqab

Historically, the niqab was largely exclusive to Muslim women inNajd,a region in present-daySaudi Arabia,and in someArab countries of the Persian Gulf.However, since the late 1970s, it has spread throughout the rest of theMiddle East and North Africa,particularly amongSunni Muslims.This phenomenon was encouraged by the rise of "Petro-Islam"under theHouse of Saud;the propagation of hardline Sunni Islamic doctrines from the oil-producingArab countries,beginning in earnest after the1973 Arab–Israeli War,would quickly come to mold the Saudis' ideological response to the religious zeal that theIranian Revolutionhad stirred amongShia Muslims.Sponsorship by Saudi Arabia of mosques throughout many Muslim-majority countries led to the increased adoption ofWahhabismandSalafismglobally, resulting in the rise of the niqab as one of the more noticeable consequences of the Saudi strain ofIslamic revivalism,which flourished greatly throughout the late 20th century. It also consolidated the newfound religious and cultural dominance of Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia over the Arab countries as a whole, effectively serving as a social countermeasure to the religious and cultural influence of Shia-majorityIran.

Since the 2000s, and particularly after theSeptember 11 attacksin theUnited States,the niqab has increasingly become the subject of negative attention in theWestern world,as it is commonly perceived by detractors as a visible sign of growingIslamic extremismand a rejection ofWestern values.[1]For instance, inAlgeria,where the presence of the niqab increased considerably in the 1990s, the Algerian public consciousness began associating the garment with theIslamistswho were fighting in theAlgerian Civil War;it was also protested by some Algerians as a byproduct of Saudi-backedIslamic fundamentalism—one that lacked authenticity inAlgerian culture.[2][3]

To varying degrees, wearing the niqab or theburqahas been banned by legislation in several countries, including a number of Muslim-majority countries. A significant amount ofMuslim scholarsconsider the niqab as not compulsory for practicing Muslim women.[4]Though similar, the niqab is distinct from the burqa by way of the eyes: a niqab does not cover the eyes, varies in the thickness of the material used, and has visible sleeves; but a burqa is elaborately designed with thicker material that covers the woman's entire body figure and face, lacking sleeves (i.e., keeping the entire body under the uniform cloth) and having a mesh screen to obfuscate the eyes. While the niqab is more widespread, the burqa is largely limited toCentral AsiaandSouth Asia,and is most prominent inAfghanistan.

Use of the term in Arabic


Women who wear the niqab are often calledniqābīah;this word is used both as a noun and as an adjective. However, the more correct form grammatically isمنتقبةmuntaqabah / muntaqibah(pluralmuntaqabāt / muntaqibāt) butniqābīahis used in an affectionate manner (much as withḥijābīahversusمحجبةmuḥajjabah).[5]Women in niqab are also calledمنقبةmunaqqabah,with the pluralمنقباتmunaqqabāt.

Religious doctrine


In pre-Islamic Arabia


Inpre-Islamic Arabia,face veiling was common among women of various religious backgrounds. The Roman authorTertullian,who was aChristian,described inThe Veiling of Virginsthe contemporary societal tendency amongpagan Arabian womento cover their entire faces.[6][7]

Women's veiling in Islam


Al-Ghazalistates inThe Revival of the Religious Sciencesthat "men have always uncovered their faces throughout time, and women have always gone out in niqab."[8]Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said in Fath al-Bari: “It has always been the custom of women, both in the past and in the present, to cover their faces from strangers.”[9]

Since theMaliki madhhabdoes not require niqab, by extension it is argued that niqab is not an overall mandatory requirement. Therefore, Islamic scholars and contemporary Islamic jurists have agreed that women are not required to cover their face.[10][11]There exist a number of reasons why women may cover their face in public, and this practice must be understood within a particular social context[10]as well as their madhhab.



There are many styles ofniqaband other facial veils worn by Muslim women around the world. The two most common forms are thehalf niqaband thegulf-styleorfull niqab.

Thehalf niqabis a simple length of fabric with elastic or ties and is worn around the face. This garment typically leaves the eyes and part of the forehead visible.

Thegulf-styleorfull niqabcompletely covers the face. It consists of an upper band that is tied around the forehead, together with a long wide piece of fabric which covers the face, leaving an opening for the eyes. Many full niqab have two or more sheer layers attached to the upper band, which can be worn flipped down to cover the eyes or left over the top of the head. While a person looking at a woman wearing a niqab with an eyeveil would not be able to see her eyes, the woman wearing the niqab would be able to see out through the thin fabric.

Other less common and more cultural or national forms of niqab include the Afghan styleburqa,a long pleated gown that extends from the head to the feet with a small crocheted grille over the face. The Pakchadoris a relatively new style from Pakistan, which consists of a large triangular scarf with two additional pieces.[5]A thin band on one edge is tied behind the head so as to keep the chador on, and then another larger rectangular piece is attached to one end of the triangle and is worn over the face, and the simplehijābwrapped, pinned or tied in a certain way so as to cover the wearer's face.[citation needed]

Other common styles of clothing popularly worn with aniqabin Western countries include thekhimar,a semi-circular flare of fabric with an opening for the face and a small triangular underscarf. A khimar is usually bust-level or longer, and can also be worn without theniqab.It is considered a fairly easy form of headscarf to wear, as there are no pins or fasteners; it is simply pulled over the head. Gloves are also sometimes worn with the niqab, because manymunaqqabātbelieve no part of the skin should be visible other than the area immediately around the eyes or because they do not want to be put in a position where they would touch the hand of an unrelated man (for instance, when accepting change from a cashier). Mostmunaqqabātalso wear an overgarment (jilbab,abayaetc.) over their clothing, though some munaqabat in Western countries wear a long, loose tunic and skirt instead of a one-piece overgarment.[citation needed]

Rules and regulations


Enforcement of the niqab/burqa


Covering the face was enforced by theTalibanregime with the traditional Afghan face veil called theburka.[12]

Criminalization of the niqab/burqa

Countries that have banned the niqab and theburqaeither fully or partially, as of 2023.

There are currently 18 states that have banned the niqab and burqa, both Muslim-majority countries and non-Muslim countries, including:

The niqab is controversial in theWestern world.InFrancespecifically, although the niqab is not individually targeted, it falls within the scope of legislation which bans the wearing of any religious items (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist) in state schools (universities are not affected), and another ban on face coverings (which also includes carnival masks and motorbike helmets when not on a motorbike).

In 2004, the French Parliamentpassed a lawto regulate "the wearing of symbols indicating religious affiliation in public educational establishments".[18]This law forbids all emblems that outwardly express a specific religious belief to be worn in French public schools.[18]This law was proposed because the Stasi Commission, a committee that is supposed to enforce secularity in French society, was forced to deal with frequent disputes about headscarves in French public schools, as outsiders of the practice did not understand the scarves' purpose and therefore felt uncomfortable.[18]

Although the French law addresses other religious symbols – not just Islamic headscarves and face coverings – the international debate has been centered around the impact it has on Muslims because of the growing population in Europe, especiallyin France,and the increase inIslamophobia.[18]

In July 2010, the National Assembly in France passedLoi Interdisant La Dissimulation Du Visage Dans L'espace Public,(Act Prohibiting Concealment of the Face in Public Space). This act outlawed the wearing of clothing that covers one's face in any public space.[19]Violators of the ban on veils and coverings are liable to fines of up to 150 euros and mandatory classes on French citizenship.[20]Anyone found to have forced a woman to wear a religious covering faces up to two years in prison as well as a €60,000 fine.[20]

In October 2018, theUnited Nations Human Rights Committeedeclared that France's ban disproportionately harmed the right of women to manifest their religious beliefs, and could have the effects of "confining them to their homes, impeding their access to public services and marginalizing them."[21]

Discrimination against niqabis


The niqab is outlawed in Azerbaijan, where the overwhelming majority of the population is Muslim. Niqabi women, just like women wearing hijab, cannot work as public servants, neither can they continue studies at schools, including the private schools. Although there is no single law banning niqab at private companies, it would be nearly impossible for a niqabi woman to find work.[citation needed]

In February 2010, an Arab country's unnamed ambassador toDubaihad his marriageannulledafter discovering that his bride wascross-eyedand hadfacial hair.The woman had worn a niqab on the occasions that the couple had met prior to the wedding. The ambassador informed theSharia courtthat he had been deliberately deceived by the bride's mother, who had shown him photographs of the bride's sister. He only discovered this when he lifted the niqab to kiss his bride. The court annulled the marriage, but refused a claim for compensation.[22][23]

Sultaana Freemangained national attention in 2003 when she sued the US state of Florida for the right to wear a niqab for her driver's license photo.[24]However, a Florida circuit court ruled there was no violation in the state requiring her to show her face to a camera in a private room with only a female employee to take the picture, in exchange for the privilege of driving.[25]The ruling was affirmed by the appellate court.[26]

One female non-Muslim student atEastern Michigan Universityspent a semester in 2005 wearing a niqab for a class project (she referred to the face veil as a "burqa" ).[clarification needed]Her stated experiences, such as her own feeling as if no one wanted to be near her, led her to assert that conservative Muslim dress is disapproved of in the United States.[27]

Some Muslim Palestinian women, particularly students, have worn white niqabs during Arab protest activities relating to theArab–Israeli conflict.[28][29]

In 2006, female candidates from theHamasparty campaigned during thePalestinian Authorityparliamentary elections, wearing niqabs.[30][31]

Prevalence and legislation by country






In October 2018,Algeriabanned the wearing of full-face veils, including the niqab, for female public servants while at work.[32][33]



In July 2015,Cameroonbanned the face veil including the burqa after two women dressed in the religious garments completed a suicide attack killing 13.[34][35]This was also done in order to counter extremism in public and places of work.[36]



In June 2015, the full face veil was banned inChadafter veiledBoko Harambombers disguised as women carried out multiple suicide attacks.[35][37][38]

Republic of the Congo


In May 2015, theRepublic of the Congobanned the face veil in order to counter extremism.[39][40]The decision was announced by El Hadji Djibril Bopaka, the president of the country's Islamic High Council.[41]



Theniqab in Egypthas a complex and long history. On 8 October 2009, Egypt's top Islamic school and the world's leading school of Sunni Islam,Al-Azhar,banned the wearing of the niqab in classrooms and dormitories of all its affiliate schools and educational institutes.[42]



The Moroccan government distributed letters to businesses on 9 January 2017 declaring a ban on the burka. The letters indicated the "sale, production and import" or the garment were prohibited and businesses were expected to clear their stock within 48 hours.[43]



In July 2019, wearing the niqab was banned in government buildings. The ban came after the capital Tunis was attacked by three suicide bombings in seven days.[44]





In February 2015, the city ofÜrümqibanned face veils in order to counter extremism.[45]The Chinese government later expanded the ban to all ofXin gian gin March 2017.[46]



The niqab was traditionally worn in Southern Iran from the arrival ofIslamuntil the end of theQajarera. There were many regional variations of niqab, which were also calledrubandorpushiye.

The 20th century ruler,Reza Shah,banned all variations of face veil and veils in 1936 known asKashf-e hijab,as incompatible with his ambitions to westernize the citizens of Iran and their traditional historical culture. Reza Shah ordered the police to arrest women who wore the niqab and hijab and to remove their face veils by force. This policy outraged the clerics who believed it was obligatory for women to cover their faces. Many women gathered at theGoharshad MosqueinMashhadwith their faces covered to show their objection to the niqab ban.[47]

Between 1941 and 1979 wearing the niqab and hijab was no longer against the law, but it was considered by the government to be a "badge of backwardness." During these years, wearing the niqab andchadorbecame much less common and instead most religious women wore headscarves only. Fashionable hotels and restaurants refused to admit women wearing niqabs. High schools and universities actively discouraged or even banned the niqab, though the headscarf was tolerated.[48]

After the new government of 'Islamic Republic' was established, the niqab ban was not enforced by officials.

In modern Iran, the wearing of niqab is not common and is only worn by certain ethnic minorities and a minority of Arab Muslims in the southern Iranian coastal cities, such as Bandar Abbas, Minab and Bushehr. Some women in the Arab-populated province ofKhuzestanstill wear the niqab.



InKyrgyzstan,the ban on the Islamic niqab took effect on February 1, 2025, with women facing a fine of 20,000som($230) if they wear it in public places.[49][50]



In 2015, the constitutionalCouncil of Islamic Ideologyissued thefatwathat women are not required to wear niqab or cover their hands or feet underShariah.[51]

Saudi Arabia


The niqab is an important part of Saudi culture and in most Saudi cities (includingRiyadh,Mecca,Medina,Jeddah,etc.) the vast majority of women cover their faces. The Saudi niqab usually leaves a long open slot for the eyes; the slot is held together by a string or narrow strip of cloth.[52]In 2008, the Mohammad Habadan, a religious authority in Mecca, reportedly called on women to wear veils that reveal only one eye, so that women would not be encouraged to use eye make-up.[53]

Sri Lanka


Face veils were banned in the aftermath of the2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings.[54]



1,200 niqab-wearing teachers were transferred to administrative duties in the summer of 2010 in Syria because the face veil was undermining the secular policies followed by the state as far as education is concerned.[55]In the summer of 2010, students wearing the niqab were prohibited from registering for university classes. The ban was associated with a move by the Syrian government to re-affirm Syria's traditional secular atmosphere.[56]

On 6 April 2011 it was reported that teachers would be allowed to once again wear the niqab.[57]



In 2017 the government ofTajikistanpassed a law requiring people to "stick to traditional national clothes and culture", which has been widely seen as an attempt to prevent women from wearing traditional Islamic clothing, in particular the style of headscarf wrapped under the chin, in contrast to the traditional Tajik headscarf tied behind the head.[58]



Since antiquity, the Arab tradition of wearing the niqab has been practiced by women living in Yemen.[59]Traditionally, girls begin wearing veils in their teenage years.[60][61]

Acceptance of the niqab is not universal in Yemen. A senior member of theAl-Islahpolitical party,Tawakkol Karman,removed her niqab at a human rights conference in 2004 and since then has called for "other women and female activists to take theirs off".[62]


European countries that have banned the niqab and theburqaeither fully or partially, as of 2023:
National ban – women are prohibited by federal law from wearing full-face veils in public
Local ban – women are banned from wearing full-face veils by legislation in certain cities or regions
Partial ban – women are banned from wearing full-face veils in some specific locations



In 2017, a legal ban on face-covering Islamic clothing was adopted by theAustrianparliament.[63]



On 29 April 2010, theBelgian Chamber of Representativesadopted a law prohibiting people to wear "attire and clothing masking the face in such a way that it impairs recognizability". The penalty for violating this directive can run from up to 14 days imprisonment and a 250 euro fine.[citation needed]

On 11 July 2017 the ban in Belgium was upheld by theEuropean Court of Human Rights(ECHR) after having been challenged by two Muslim women who claimed their rights had been infringed.[64]



In 2016, a legal ban on face-covering Islamic clothing was adopted by theBulgarianparliament.[65]



In autumn 2017, the Danish parliament (Danish:Folketinget) agreed to adopt a law prohibiting people to wear "attire and clothing masking the face in such a way that it impairs recognizability".[66]A full ban on both niqabs and burqas was announced on 31 May 2018.[67]The ban came into force on 1 August 2018 and carries a fine of 1000DKK,about 134 euro, by repeat offending the fine may reach 10 000 DKK.[68]Then targets all garments that covers the face, such as fake beards orbalaclavas.[69]Supporters of the ban claim that the ban facilitates integration of Muslims into Danish society whileAmnesty Internationalclaimed the ban violated women's rights.[69]A protest numbering 300-400 people was held in theNørrebrodistrict of Copenhagen organised bySocialist Youth Front,Kvinder i DialogandParty Rebels.[70]

The first fine was issued inHørsholmin August 2018 to a woman dressed in a niqab who was in a fistfight with another woman on an escalator in a shopping centre. During the fight, her face-covering veil fell off, but as police approached, she put it on again and police issued the fine.[71]Both women were suspected of public order violations.[71]



On 13 July 2010France's lower house of parliament overwhelmingly approved a ban on wearing burqa-style Islamic veils. Thelegislationforbids face-covering Muslim veils in all public places in France and calls for fines or citizenship classes, or both. The bill also is aimed at husbands and fathers – anyone convicted of forcing someone else to wear the garb risks a year of prison and a fine, with both penalties, doubled if the victim is a minor.



In 2017, a legal ban on face-covering clothing for soldiers and state workers during work was approved byGermanparliament.[72]Also in 2017, a legal ban on face-covering clothing for car and truck drivers was approved by German Ministry of Traffic.[73]

In July 2017,GermanstateBavariaapproved a legal ban on face-covering clothing for teachers, state workers and students at university and schools.[74]

In August 2017, the state of Lower Saxony (German:Niedersachsen) banned the burqa along with the niqab in public schools. This change in the law was prompted by a Muslim pupil inOsnabrückwho wore the garment to school for years and refused to take it off. Since she has completed her schooling, the law was instituted to prevent similar cases in the future.[75]

In July 2020, the state ofBaden-Württembergbanned face-covering veils for pupils, which extended the ban which was already in force for school staff.[76]



In Italy, a law issued in 1975 strictly forbids wearing any attire in public that could hide the face of a person. Penalties (fines and imprisonment) are provided for such behaviour. The original purpose of theanti-mask lawwas to prevent crime or terrorism. The law allows for exemptions for a "justified cause", which has sometimes been interpreted by courts as including religious reasons for wearing a veil, but others – including local governments – disagree and claim religion is not a "justified cause" in this context.[77]



In 2016, a legal ban on face-covering Islamic clothing was proposed for adoption by theLatvianparliament.[78]



In 2007, the government of theNetherlandsplanned a legal ban on face-covering Islamic clothing, popularly described as the 'burqa ban', which included the niqab.[79]In 2015, a partial ban of the niqab and burqa were approved by the Dutch government.[80]The parliament still had to approve the measure.[80]In November 2016, the legal ban on face-covering was approved by parliament.[81]On 26 June 2018, a partial ban on face covering (including niqabs) on public transport and in buildings and associated yards of educational institutions, governmental institutions and healthcare institutions was enacted, with a number of exceptions.[82]



In 2012 inNorway,a professor at theUniversity of Tromsødenied a student's use of niqab in the classroom.[83]The professor claimed Norway's parliament granted each teacher the right to deny the use of niqab in his/her classroom.[83]Clothing that covers the face, such as a niqab, is prohibited in some schools and municipalities.[84][85][86]

ThePrime Minister of NorwayErna Solbergstated in an interview that in Norwegian work environments it is essential to see each other's faces and therefore anyone who insists on wearing a niqab is in practiceunemployable.Solberg also views the wearing of the niqab as a challenge to social boundaries in the Norwegian society, a challenge that would be countered by Norway setting boundaries of its own. Solberg also stated that anyone may wear what they wish in their spare time and that her comments applied to professional life but that any immigrant has the obligation to adapt to Norwegian work life and culture.[87]

In June 2018, the parliament of Norway passed a bill banning clothing covering the face at educational institutions as well as daycare centres, which included face-covering Islamic veils. The prohibition applies to pupils and staff alike.[88][89]



In 2012, a poll byUppsala Universityfound that Swedes believed that face-covering Islamic veils are either completely unacceptable or fairly unacceptable, 85% for theburqaand 81% for the niqāb. The researchers noted these figures represented a compact resistance to the face-covering veil by the population of Sweden.[90]

In December 2019, the municipality of Skurup banned Islamic veils in educational institutions. Earlier, the municipality ofStaffanstorpapproved a similar ban.[91]



In July 2016, theCanton of Ticinobanned face-covering veils.[92]

In September 2018, a ban on face-covering veils was approved with a 67% vote in favour in the canton ofSt Gallen.The largest Islamic community organisation in Switzerland, the Islamic Central Council, recommended that Muslim women continue to cover their faces.[93]

In March 2021, a nationwide referendum was held on whether full-face coverings should be banned in public, which includes niqabs and burqas. Voters narrowly voted to ban niqabs and burqas by a 51.2% to 48.8% margin.[94]

United Kingdom


In theUnited Kingdom,comments by Jack Straw, MP,started anational debateover the wearing of the "veil" (niqab), in October 2006. Around that time there was media coverage of the case ofAishah Azmi,a teaching assistant inDewsbury,West Yorkshire, who lost her appeal against suspension from her job for wearing the niqab while teaching English to young children. It was decided that being unable to see her face prevented the children from learning effectively. Azmi, who had been interviewed and hired for the position without the niqab, allegedly on her husband's advice, argued it was helping the children understand different people's beliefs.[95]In 2010, a man committed a bank robbery wearing a niqab as a disguise.[96]

North America




The niqab is banned in the Canadian province of Quebec in all publicly funded services. Persons cannot receive public service or provide public service with their faces covered. This includes public transportation, hospitals, and courts amongst others. On 18 October 2017,Bill 62passed into law after a 66–51 vote in the Quebec National Assembly. The new law is entitled "An Act to foster adherence to State religious neutrality and, in particular, to provide a framework for requests for accommodation on religious grounds in certain bodies". However, regulations regarding the ban's implementation, and religious accommodations, are not expected until July 2018.[97]

On 16 November 2015 the first act of Canada's newly appointedMinister of Justiceand Attorney GeneralJody Wilson-Raybouldwas to assure women who chose to wear the niqāb during theOath of Allegianceof their right to do so.[98]In December 2011 then-Citizenship and Immigration MinisterJason Kenneyannounced a policy directive from the Federal Government under then-Prime MinisterStephen Harperthat Muslim women must remove niqābs throughout the citizenship ceremony where they declare theirOath of Allegiance.[99]Zunera Ishaq,a Sunni Muslim woman living inMississauga,Ontario,challenged and won the niqāb ban in the case ofCanada v Ishaqon 5 October 2015. TheFederal Court of Appealdecision in her favour was seen by some as "an opportunity to revisit the rules governing the somewhat difficult relationship between law and policy."[100]In October 2015 Harper had appealed theSupreme Court of Canadato take up the case. With the election of Prime MinisterJustin Trudeauon 19 October 2015, the niqāb debate was settled as theLiberalgovernment chose to not "politicize the issue any further."[101]Minister Wilson-Raybould,who is the first Indigenous person to be named as Justice Minister, explained as she withdrew Harper's appeal to the Supreme Court, "In all of our policy as a government we will ensure that we respect the values that make us Canadians, those of diversity, inclusion and respect for those fundamental values."[98]The Justice Minister spoke with Zunera by telephone to tell her the news prior to making her official announcement.[98]

Elections Canada,the agency responsible for elections and referendums, stated that Muslim women can cover their faces while voting. The decision was criticized by theConservative Party of Canada,Bloc Québécois,andLiberal Party of Canada.TheNew Democratswere not opposed to the decision.[102]The Conservative federal Cabinet had introduced legislation to parliament that would bar citizens from voting if they arrived at polling stations with a veiled face.[citation needed]

The niqāb became an issue in the 2007 election in Quebec after it became public knowledge that women wearing the niqāb were allowed to vote under the same rules as electors who did not present photo identification (ID); namely, by sworn oath in the presence of a third party who could vouch for their identity. The chief electoral officer received complaints that this policy was too accommodating of cultural minorities (a major theme in the election) and thereafter required accompaniment by bodyguards due to threatening telephone calls. All three major Quebec political parties were against the policy, with theParti QuébécoisandAction démocratique du Québecvying for position as most opposed. The policy was soon changed to require all voters to show their face, even if they did not carry photo ID. However, Quebec residents who wear the niqāb stated they were not opposed to showing their faces for official purposes, such as voting.[103]Salam Elmenyawi of theMuslim Council of Montrealestimated that only 10 to 15 Muslim voters in the province wear the niqāb and, since their veils have become controversial, most would probably not vote.[104]

In October 2009, theMuslim Canadian Congresscalled for a ban on burqa and niqāb, saying that they have "no basis in Islam".[105]SpokespersonFarzana Hassancited public safety issues, such as identity concealment, as well asgender equality,stating that wearing the burqa and niqāb is "a practice that marginalizes women."[105]

In December 2012, theSupreme Court of Canadaruled that Muslim women who wear the niqāb must remove it in some cases when testifying in court.[106]

United States


In 2002, Sultaana Freeman (formerly Sandra Keller, who converted to Islam in 1997 when marrying a Muslim man), sued the U.S. state of Florida for the right to wear a niqab for her driver's license photo.[24]However, a Florida appellate court ruled that there was no violation in the state requiring her to show her face to a camera in a private room with only a female employee to take the picture, in exchange for the privilege of driving. The prevailing view in Florida is currently that hiding one's face on a form of photo identification defeats the purpose of having the picture taken,[24]although 15 other states (including Arkansas, California, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Louisiana) have provisions that allow for driver's licenses absent of an identifying photograph in order to accommodate individuals who may have a religious reason to not have a photograph taken.[107]In 2012, a string of armed robberies inPhiladelphiawere committed by people disguised in traditional Islamic woman's garb; Muslim leaders were concerned that the use of the disguises could put Muslim women in danger of hate crimes and inflame ethnic tensions.[108]





In May 2010, an armed robbery committed by a man wearing a face veil and sunglasses raised calls to ban the Islamic veil; a request for new legislation was dismissed by both Prime MinisterKevin Ruddand Liberal leaderTony Abbott.[109]


See also

  • List of types of hijab,including the niqab garment
    • Burkini,a swimsuit worn by Muslim women to conform to Islamic clothing standards
  • Purdah,the practice of female seclusion in Hindu and Muslim societies
    • Ghoonghat,a cultural see-through veil worn by women over their face in Indian societies
  • Litham,a partial face veil worn by nomadic North African men


  1. ^Open Society Foundations, ed. (2015)."Behind the veil: why 122 women choose to wear the full face veil in Britain"(PDF).Retrieved16 July2023.
  2. ^News, Staff Writer-Morocco World."Women in white march to defend Algeria tradition".moroccoworldnews /.Retrieved29 August2022.{{cite web}}:|last=has generic name (help)
  3. ^"A ban to celebrate | Badra Djait".The Guardian.23 April 2010.Retrieved29 August2022.
  4. ^"BBC - Religions - Islam: Niqab" October2022.
  5. ^abHow to Hijab: Face VeilsModern Muslima and Saraji Umm Zaid Retrieved 16 April 2007.Archived2 March 2007 at theWayback Machine
  6. ^The Veiling of VirginsCh. 17. Tertullian, who never gone in Arabia writes, "The pagan women of Arabia, who not only cover their head but their whole face, so that they would rather enjoy half the light with one eye free than prostitute the face, will judge you. (Judicabunt vos Arabiae feminae ethnicae quae non caput, sed faciem totam tegunt, ut uno oculo liberato contentae sint dimidiam frui lucem quam totam faciem prostituere). "
  7. ^Amer, Sahar (2014).What Is Veiling?.The University of North Carolina Press (Kindle edition). p. 61.
  8. ^ٱلْغَزَّالِيّ, أَبُو حَامِد مُحَمَّد.إحياء علوم الدين 2/47.
  9. ^al-Asqalani, Ibn Hajar.Fath al-Bari 9/324.
  10. ^abJuan Eduardo Campo, ed. (2009)."Burqa".Encyclopedia of Islam.Infobase Publishing.ISBN9781438126968.
  11. ^Hadia Mubarak (2009). "Burqa". In John L. Esposito (ed.).The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  12. ^M. J. Gohari (2000).The Taliban: Ascent to Power.Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 108-10.
  13. ^"Tunisian PM bans wearing of niqab in public institutions".Reuters. 5 July 2019.Retrieved5 July2019.
  14. ^Phillips, Tom (13 January 2015)."China bans burqa in capital of Muslim region of Xin gian g".The Telegraph.No. 13 January 2015. The Telegraph.Retrieved9 August2018.
  15. ^Bulgaria the latest European country to ban the burqa and [niqab in public places, accessed 5 December 2016.
  16. ^"France's burqa ban: women are 'effectively under house arrest'".The Guardian.19 September 2011.Retrieved24 October2022.
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Further reading

  • Khan, Kamillah (2008).Niqaab: A Seal on the Debate.Kuala Lumpur: Dar Al Wahi Publication.ISBN978-983-43614-0-2.
  • Refusing the Veil:Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin. 2014, Biteback Publishing,ISBN978-1849547505.