Operation 34A(full name,Operational Plan 34A,also known asOPLAN 34-Alpha) was a highly classified United States program of covert actions against theDemocratic Republic of Vietnam(DRV or North Vietnam), consisting of agent team insertions, aerial reconnaissance missions and naval sabotage operations.



After theGeneva Conference in 1954,Air Force ColonelEdward Lansdalewas sent by the thenCIAdirectorAllen Dullesas Deputy Director of the Office of Special Operations (under the CIA), to initiate a series of clandestine operations against North Vietnam. These operations, codenamed 'Nautilus', consisted of raids conducted by commandos (South Vietnam recruits), and the insertion of CIA-recruited spies.

In July 1963, the Department of Defense (DOD) and the CIA determined that operational control should be transferred to the DOD. On 1 January 1964,Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group(MACV-SOG) took command of the operation (MACV-SOG was a cover name for a multi-serviceunconventional warfaretask force under the direct guidance and control ofthe Pentagon).[1][2]



Once the MACV-SOG took control, the Pentagon (under which MACV-SOG operated) issued an Operational Plan (OPLAN 34-63), which entailed commando raids of a similar sort to what had been happening under the CIA. Most of these raids tended to be unsuccessful, with theRepublic of Vietnam(RVN or South Vietnam)commandosusually being captured or killed (the actual commandos themselves were always people of South Vietnamese ethnicities, so as to maintain the deniability of the American involvement in the operation).[3]A U.S. Navy base was set up in Da Nang, to serve as a base for the operations, and was staffed withU.S. Navy SEALs,U.S. Marineintelligence officers, and other guerrilla warfare specialists. The Navy also donated severalNasty-classPTF boats,and training crews for them, for operational purposes. At the same time, the operational plan was expanded, with much more and more ambitious missions, into what became known as Operational Plan (OPLAN) 34A, which essentially shifted the focus to offshore assaults on coastal installations of theDemocratic Republic of Vietnam(DRV or North Vietnam),[1]while agent insertion operations still continued. These however, were discontinued after they realized that most of the agents they were running had been captured and/or turned, and psychological operations were stepped up. These consisted mostly of spreading anti-communist propaganda, and deception operations, for example, the creation of a "Sacred Sword of Patriotic League", which was a fictitious resistance movement against the communists, designed to spread discontent and provoke paranoia among the civilians and military of North Vietnam.[3][4]

Starting in mid-1962, theU.S. Navybegan conducting electronic surveillance operations conducted by a division of ocean-going minesweepers (MSO) operating along the coast of North and South Vietnam. The minesweepers were equipped with portable vans containing highly sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment. The minesweepers fueled on occasion at a South Vietnamese fueling station located near the fishing port (Da Nang) and took on evidence from CIA operatives which allegedly tended to prove that China and Russia were supplying the Viet Cong with weapons and other material. Occasionally, usually between midnight and 3 a.m., DRVN gunboats would approach the minesweepers at high speed and then peel off and return to a DRVN naval base operating on an island north of the 30th parallel. The gunboats made threatening maneuvers but never actually attacked the minesweepers. The maneuvers were reported toCINCPACand the Pentagon in nightly Top Secret cryptograph messages. The minesweepers were essentially defenseless should an attack occur. In early 1963, the minesweepers were relieved by a division of destroyers (theDESOTO patrols) which appear to have carried out the same electronic surveillance operations conducted by the minesweepers.

Although the two sets of operations were at least nominally independent of one another, the patrols often gathered intelligence that was crucial to OPLAN 34A. The attacks carried out by the patrol boats provoked responses by the North Vietnamese military that were monitored by the American destroyers, thus providing very useful intelligence on DRV military capabilities. The situation swiftly escalated as the DRV deployed heavygunboatsand torpedo equippedfrigatesto observe the U.S. maneuvers.

Gulf of Tonkin Incident


On the morning of 2 August 1964, the morning after OPLAN commandos raided a North Vietnamese radio transmitter located on an offshore island, one of these destroyers, theUSSMaddox,was reported to have come under attack by DRV naval patrol boats in theGulf of Tonkin.There was a second alleged attack on 4 August, which was later shown to be a falsehood.[5]These attacks, and the ensuing naval actions, known as theGulf of Tonkin Incident,were seized upon by PresidentLyndon Johnsonto secure passage by theU.S. Congressof the Southeast Asia Resolution (better known as theGulf of Tonkin Resolution) on 7 August 1964, leading to a dramatic escalation of theVietnam War.It has since been alleged that theGulf of Tonkin Incidentwas partly afabrication,including testimony by participants, such as squadron commanderJames Stockdale,in the events themselves. Even the attacks that did happen were not unprovoked, but a result of the OPLAN 34A raids, which was in essence an American operation.[5]


  1. ^abJennings, Jack."NASTY! The inside story of Operation 34A and the Nasty-class PT boats – and the crews that manned them during the Viet-Nam War".Military Magazine.Retrieved4 May2017.
  2. ^Wheaton, Kelly (1997)."Spycraft and Government Contracts: A Defense of Totten v. United States".Army Lawyer.1997:9.Retrieved4 May2017.
  3. ^abAhern, Thomas L.The Way We Do Things: Black Entry Operations into North Vietnam (U).The Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI). pp.50–60.
  4. ^Kelley, Danny M.THE MISUSE OF THE STUDIES AND OBSERVATION GROUP AS A NATIONAL ASSET IN VIETNAM.U.S. Army Command and General Staff College 8. p. 66.
  5. ^abPaterson, Pat (February 2008)."The Truth About Tonkin".Naval History Magazine.Retrieved16 May2017.