Reis(Ottoman Turkish:رئيسraʾīs;sometimes spelledrais) was a military rank in theOttoman Empire,akin to that of a navalcaptainor (in theLevant) acommodore,that was commonly added to theofficer'sname as an epithet during the Ottoman Empire.[1][2]Examples include:

Oruç Reis

The rankReis Pashareferred to an Admiral,[citation needed]while theKapudan Pasha(akin to Grand Admiral; literally "Captain Pasha" ) title referred to the commander-in-chief of theOttoman Navyfleet.

The title is also a low ranking aristocratic title in Lebanon and Syria's coastlines denoting a landed or formerly landed family that swore fealty toFakhr al-Din IIduring their alliance with theMediciin the 17th century. It is roughly equivalent to aBaron,however titles of the Ottoman and subordinate nobility seldom translates to Western peerages. The only extant "Ru'assa" in Lebanon are the "House of El Azzi" inTabarjawhom escaped persecution in the 19th century and abandoned their ancestral homes in theChouf.


  1. ^Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History.Southern Illinois University Press. July 12, 1977.ISBN9780809308194– via Google Books.
  2. ^McIntosh, Gregory C. (15 March 2012).Piri Reis Map of 1513.University of Georgia Press.ISBN9780820343594.