Asacred space,sacred ground,sacred place,sacred temple,holy ground,holy placeorholy siteis a location which is deemed to besacredorhallowed.The sacredness of anatural featuremay accrue throughtraditionor be granted through ablessing.One or morereligionsmay consider sacred locations to be of special significance. Often, such locations either are or become the home ofsanctuaries,shrines,places of worship,or locations conducive tomeditation.Regardless of construction or use, these areas may have a variety ofritualortabooassociations – including limitations on visitors or on allowed actions within the space. Such places may become the focus ofpilgrimage,drawingpilgrimsfrom great distances, or simply locations of significance for the local populace.

Asacred spaceis a designated area, often marked by physical boundaries or symbols, that is consideredholyor consecrated by a particular religion or culture. These spaces can be natural or man-made, and their significance varies widely across different traditions. They serve as places of worship, pilgrimage, meditation, or simply as a reminder of a sacred event or being. The concept of a sacred space is deeply rooted in human spirituality and has been a central feature of religious practices for millennia.

As described in theBible'sBook of Exodus,Moseswas instructed to remove his shoes before approaching the burning bush, as the ground was considered holy.[1]This act symbolizes the reverence and respect that should be shown in sacred spaces. While the concept of a sacred space is often associated with religious traditions, it is not exclusive to them. Secular societies may also designate certain places as sacred due to their historical, cultural, or natural significance.[2]



Types of sacred places include:

Specific sacred placesinclude:

See also


Further reading

  • Bain, George.Celtic Art: The Methods of Construction.Dover, 1973.ISBN0-486-22923-8.
  • Bamford, Christopher.Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science,Lindisfarne Press, 1994,ISBN0-940262-63-0.
  • Calian, George.Sacred Spaces in Motion,RES, 2021,ISSN2359-8107.
  • Schneider, Michael S.:A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science.Harper Paperbacks, 1995.ISBN0-06-092671-6.
  • Pennick, Nigel:Beginnings: Geomancy, Builders' Rites and Electional Astrology in the European Tradition.
  • Pennick, Nigel:Sacred Geometry: Symbolism and Purpose in Religious Structures.
  1. ^Bible, Exodus 3:5
  2. ^Eliade, Mircea.The Sacred and the Profane.New York: Harper & Row, 1959.