Sakamichi Series(Japanese:Bản nói シリーズ,"Sloping Roads Series" )refers to a Japanese idol group franchise that began withNogizaka46,an "official" rival group ofAKB48.It currently consists of four groups: Nogizaka46,Sakurazaka46,Hinatazaka46,andYoshimotozaka46.Despite the name, the groups are not required to have exactly 46 members. Except for Yoshimotozaka46, all the groups were named after real streets inMinato, Tokyoand have all-female memberships.

Sakamichi Series
Background information
Years active2011–present



The first group, Nogizaka46, was formed on August 22, 2011 with 36 members and released their debut single "Guruguru Curtain"on February 22, 2012.

The second group, and Nogizaka46's first sister group,Keyakizaka46,was created on August 21, 2015 with 22 members. It was initially named Toriizaka46 before it was changed for unspecified reasons.[1][2]They released their first single "Silent Majority"on April 6, 2016. A subgroup named Hiragana Keyakizaka46 was created shortly after with 12 members.

On February 21, 2018,Yoshimotozaka46was announced as the third group in the franchise[3]and 46 members passed the final audition on August 20.[4]Unlike the other groups, it has both male and female members of various ages and most members are comedians affiliated with theOsaka-based talent agencyYoshimoto Kogyo,which also manages the idol groupNMB48and theProduce 101 JapangroupJO1.They released their first single, "Nakasete Kure yo",on December 26, 2018.

On February 11, 2019, Hiragana Keyakizaka46 became independent and changed its name toHinatazaka46,thus becoming the fourth group in the franchise.[5]They released their debut single, "Kyun",on March 27, 2019. On July 16, 2020, it was announced that Keyakizaka46 would also be rebranded into Sakurazaka46,[6][7][8][9]which came into effect on October 14.

In the summer of 2018, a joint Sakamichi Audition was held for the all-female groups and 36 of those who auditioned were accepted. Of the 36, 21 were immediately accepted into either Nogizaka46 (11), Keyakizaka46 (9), and Hiragana Keyakizaka46 (1), while the remaining fifteen were grouped as the trainee group Sakamichi Kenshūsei(Bản nói nghiên tu sinh)in 2019.[10]One trainee dropped out and the fourteen remaining ones were assigned to the three groups on February 16, 2020, with five going to Nogizaka46, six going to Sakurazaka46, and three going to Hinatazaka46.

In 2021, members of Nogizaka46, Sakurazaka46, and Hinatazaka46 co-starred in a television series for the first time in the mystery dramaBorderless(ボーダレス),based on the novel of the same title byTetsuya Honda.[11]Cinemas Pluspositively commented on its production values and the members' performances, and highly recommended the drama even for non-fans of the Sakamichi Series.[12]The three groups would collaborate again in its 2023 sequel,Actress.[13]

Current groups

Group name Group color Years active Teams
(if split)
Nogizaka46(Nãi mộc bản 46) Purple 2011–present 1st Gen, 2nd Gen, 3rd Gen, 4th Gen, 5th Gen Tokyo,Japan
Sakurazaka46(Anh bản 46) White-Pink 2015–2020(as Keyakizaka46)
2020–present(as Sakurazaka46)
1st Gen, 2nd Gen, 3rd Gen Tokyo,Japan
Yoshimotozaka46(Cát bổn bản 46) Orange 2018–present(currently on indefinite hiatus) 1st Gen, 2nd Gen Osaka,Japan
Hinatazaka46(Ngày hướng bản 46) Blue 2015–2019(as Hiragana Keyakizaka46)
2019–present(as Hinatazaka46)
1st Gen, 2nd Gen, 3rd Gen, 4th Gen Tokyo,Japan


  • WACKdebuted a one-off shuffle unit namedDōgenzaka43(Nói huyền bản 43)consisting of every idol under the company at the time, they released the single, "Kyōniku Jakushoku ~Tsuyoi Yatsura wo Kucchimae~"(Cường thịt nhược thực thời đại 〜 cường い nô らを thực っちまえ〜),on June 16, 2021.[14]


  1. ^"Toriizaka46's 1st generation members chosen, but changes its name to Keyakizaka46".tokyohive.6Theory Media, LLC.RetrievedMarch 8,2016.
  2. ^Nãi mộc bản 46, tân グループ “欅 bản ( けやきざか ) 46” 1 kỳ sinh メンバー quyết định “Điểu cư bản 46” からチーム danh 変 càng(in Japanese). modelpress.RetrievedMarch 8,2016.
  3. ^"“Cát bổn bản 46” mục chỉ すはバラエティー cảm không cần の アイドル thu Nguyên thị “Mạnh nhất の グループを” - スポニチ Sponichi Annex vân có thể ".スポニチ Sponichi Annex(in Japanese).RetrievedJuly 17,2022.
  4. ^"Cát bổn bản 46, メンバー46 danh quyết định sơ đại Wセンターは? < một lãm > - モデルプレス".モデルプレス - ライフスタイル・ファッションエンタメニュース(in Japanese).RetrievedJune 20,2022.
  5. ^"けやき bản 46が “Ngày hướng bản 46” に sửa tên! ファンも kinh き “まさか sửa tên するとは” “おめでとう!!” ".RBB TODAY.
  6. ^"欅 bản 46 kết thành kỷ niệm ngày 8・21にラストシングル 10 nguyệt にラストライブ"(in Japanese).Oricon.July 16, 2020.RetrievedJuly 16,2020.
  7. ^"欅 bản 46が10 nguyệt ライブで5 năm の lịch sử に mạc, sửa tên し lại thủy động “これからも tư たちに chờ mong していて” "(in Japanese).Natalie.July 16, 2020.RetrievedJuly 16,2020.
  8. ^"欅 bản 46, sửa tên sau の tân グループ danh は “Anh bản 46” "(in Japanese).Oricon.September 21, 2020.RetrievedSeptember 21,2020.
  9. ^"Tân グループ danh phát biểu!".Keyakizaka46 Official Website(in Japanese). September 21, 2020.RetrievedSeptember 21,2020.
  10. ^"Bản nói hợp đồng オーディション đủ tư cách giả の xứng thuộc tiên quyết định, 12 nguyệt には võ đạo quán でお thấy lập て sẽ".ナタリー.ナターシャ. November 29, 2018.RetrievedNovember 29,2018.
  11. ^"Nãi mộc bản 46, anh bản 46, ngày hướng bản 46がグループ の viên căn を siêu えてドラマ sơ cộng diễn! Bổn cách ミステリードラマ “ボーダレス” ひかりTVとdTVチャンネルで3 nguyệt より độc chiếm xứng tin ".プレスリリース・ニュースリリース xứng tin シェアNo.1|PR TIMES.RetrievedMarch 14,2021.
  12. ^"『ボーダレス』 đệ 10 lời nói まで の cảm tưởng | bản nói グループ diễn viên chính ドラマ の tối cao kiệt tác! むしろ bản nói ファン bên ngoài に quan てほしい | cinemas PLUS"[Thoughts Up to Episode 10: The Drama Starring the Sakamichi Groups is a Masterpiece! I'd like non-Sakamichi fans to watch it!] Japanese).RetrievedJune 16,2022.
  13. ^"🍭 nãi mộc bản 46, anh bản 46, ngày hướng bản 46, グループ の viên căn を càng えて biểu diễn する bổn cách サスペンス『アクトレス』Leminoで độc chiếm xứng tin! - Pop'n'Roll(ポップンロール)" 31,2023.
  14. ^"BiSH tham gia の tân ユニット “Nói huyền bản 43” デビューラストシングル vô liêu phát bán MVも bỏ lệnh cấm ".Oricon News.June 16, 2021.