Aschool districtis aspecial-purpose districtthat operates local publicprimaryorsecondaryschools or both in various countries.

North America


United States


In the U.S., most K–12 public schools function as units of local school districts. A school district usually operate severalelementary,middle,andhigh schools.The largest urban and suburban districts operate hundreds of schools. While practice varies significantly by state (and in some cases, within a state), most American school districts operate as independent local governmental units under a grant of authority and within geographic limits created by state law.[1]The executive and legislative power over locally-controlled policies and operations of an independent school district are, in most cases, held by a school district's board of education. Depending on state law, members of a local board of education (often referred to informally as aschool board) may be elected, appointed by a political office holder, serveex officio,or a combination of any of these.

An independent school district is a legally separatebody corporate and political.Most school districts operate as independent local governmental units with exclusive authority over K–12 public educational operations and policies. The extent of their control is set by state-level law. Litigation against school districts is common and some law firms specialize in education law. Districts typically maintain professional liability insurance in order to pay its settlements and legal liabilities.[1]As of 2023 in most U.S. states, public school districts may lay taxes to fund their operations.[2]In others, such asMaine,some school districts are able to lay taxes and others are not.[2]

Independent school districts often exercise authority over a school system that is separate but similar to atown'sor acounty'spowers. These include the power to enter contacts, useeminent domain,and to issue binding rules and regulations affecting school policies and operations. The power of school districts to tax and spend is generally more limited. For example, many school districts inNew Yorkstate require a majority of voters living in the district or the local government to approval their annual budget, butschool districtsinVirginiahave no ta xing authority and must depend on another local government (county, city, or town) for funding. A district's governing body, usually called aschool board,is typically elected by direct popular vote but may be appointed by other governmental officials. The governing body might also be known as a "board of trustees," "board of education," "school committee," etc.. This body usually appoints or hires an experienced public school administrator to function as the district'ssuperintendent of schools– a district'schief executive.The superintendent oversees daily operations, decisions and implements the policies of the board. The school board may also exercise aquasi-judicialfunction in seriousemployeeorstudentdisciplinematters.

School districts in theMidwestandWesttend to cross municipal boundaries, while school districts inNew Englandand theMid-Atlanticregions tend to adhere to city, township, and/or county boundaries.[3]As of 1951school districts were independent governmental units in 26 states, while in 17 states there were mixes of independent school districts and school districts subordinate to other local governments. In nine states there were only school districts subordinate to local governments.[4]

In most Southern states, school systems operate either as an arm of county government or at least share coextensive boundaries with the state's counties. A 2010 study by economist William A. Fischel found that "two-thirds of medium-to-large American cities have boundaries that substantially overlap those of a single school district" with substantial regional and state variations in the degree of overlap, "ranging from nearly perfect congruence inNew England,New Jersey, and Virginia, to hardly any in Illinois, Texas, and Florida. "[5]Older and more populous municipalities "tend to have boundaries that closely match those of a single school district."[5]Noting that most modern school districts were formed by consolidatingone-room schooldistricts in the first seven decades of the 20th century, Fischel argues that "outside the South, these consolidations were consented to by local voters" who "preferred districts whose boundaries conformed to their everyday interactions rather than formal units of government" and that "[t]he South ended up with county-based school districts becausesegregationimposeddiseconomies of scaleon district operations and required larger land-area districts. "[5]

InNew York,mostschool districtsare separate governmental units with the power to levy taxes and incur debt, except for the five cities with a population of over 125,000 (Buffalo,Rochester,Syracuse,Yonkers,andNew York City), where the schools are operated directly by the municipalities.[6]

TheHawaii State Department of Educationfunctions as a single statewide school district, unique among states.[7][8][a]

According to a 2021 study, the demographics of voters who elect local school boards in the United States tend to be different from the demographics of the students. This difference is "most pronounced in majority nonwhite jurisdictions and school districts with the largestracial achievement gaps."[9]



There were 130,000 school districts in the country in 1930, with an average student population of 150.[10]From 1942 to 1951 the number of school districts declined from 108,579 to 70,452, a decrease of 38,127 or 35%.[11]Many states had passed laws facilitating school district consolidation. In 1951 the majority of the school districts in existence were rural school districts only providing elementary education, and some school districts did not operate schools but instead provided transportation to other schools. TheMidwesthad a large number of rural school districts.[4]

Previously areas of theUnorganized BoroughofAlaskawere not served by school districts but instead served by schools directly operated by theAlaska Department of Educationand byBureau of Indian Affairs(BIA) schools. The state schools were transferred to the Alaska State-Operated School System (SOS) after theAlaska Legislaturecreated it in 1971; that agency was terminated in 1975, with its schools transferred to the newly created Alaska Unorganized Borough School District, which was broken apart into twenty-one school districts the following year.[12]

In the 2022 Census of Governments, theUnited States Census Bureauenumerated the following numbers of school systems in the United States:[13]

  • 12,546 school district governments
  • 571 county-dependent school systems
  • 227 municipal-dependent school systems
  • 36 state-dependent school systems
  • 479 township-dependent school systems

School districts in the US have reduced the number of their employees by 3.3%, or 270,000 between 2008 and 2012, owing to a decline in property tax revenues during and after theGreat Recession.[14]By 2016 there were about 13,000 school districts, and the average student population was about 5,000.[10]



Although these terms can vary slightly between various states and regions, these are typical definitions for school district constitution:

  • Anelementaryorprimary schoolusually includeskindergartenand gradesonethroughfiveorsix.In some school districts, these grades are divided into two schools.Primary schoolis most commonly used for schools housing students in kindergarten through grade two or three in districts where the older elementary students are in intermediate schools (see below).
  • Amiddle schoolusually includes grades six orseventhrougheightornine.In some places, the alternative termsjunior high schoolorintermediate schoolare still used.Junior high schooloften refers to schools that cover grades seven through nine.Intermediate schoolis also used for schools that cover grades three through five (or so) when they are separated from elementary schools.
  • Ahigh schoolusually includes grades nine ortenthroughtwelveand may also include grades seven and eight. Many high schools cover only grades ten to twelve; this type of school is sometimes referred to as asenior high school.

These terms may not appear in a district's name, even though the condition may apply.

  • Aunified school districtincludeselementaryandsecondary(middle schoolandhigh school) educational levels.
  • The wordcentralin a district's name indicates that the district is formed from a consolidation ( "centralization" ) of multiple districts and that the central district's operations are centralized relative to those of the previous districts.[15]
  • The wordcommunityin a district's name indicates that the district is formed to serve a community of people with common interests and associations and with a community center.[16]
  • The wordfreein a district's name indicates that no tuition is charged to attend district schools. In New York, it is used in conjunction with theunionto indicate a district composed of multiple, formerly independent common school districts nowfreeof restrictions placed on New York State's common school districts.
  • The wordunionorconsolidatedin a district's name indicates that it was formed from two or more districts.
  • InMissouri,most district names include aC-or, more commonly, anR-followed by a number, commonly inRoman numerals(i.e. "Fox C-6 School District","Mehlville R-IX School District",etc.) Both are used to represent consolidated school districts, butC-indicates that the district was consolidated through the consent of voters, whileR-indicates that the district was consolidated by the state government.
  • The wordjointin a district's name indicates that it includes territory from more than one county. By extension, ajoint stateschool district, such asUnion County–College Corner JSD,includes territory in more than one state.
  • The wordindependentcan have different meanings, depending on the state.
    • Kentucky— UnderKentucky Revised Statutes§ 160.020, an "Independent" district is defined as one whose jurisdiction does not cover an entire county.[17]Ifa countyhas no independent district, its school district boundaries coincide exactly with its borders.[18]Following the most recent closure ofan independent districtin 2019, the state has 52 independent school districts along with 120 county districts,[19]with the most significant concentrations of independent districts found inNorthern Kentuckyand theEastern Coalfieldregion. These districts are generally associated with a city, or sometimes with a cluster of adjoining cities. Unlike county districts, independent districts can cross county lines, as in theCaverna Independent School Districtcentered onCave CityandHorse Caveand theCorbin Independent School District.Some districts in the state are independent despite not having "Independent" in their official name, as in theOwensboro Public SchoolsandPaducah Public Schools.
    • Minnesota— Per Minnesota Statute 120A.05, "Independent" denotes any school district validly created and existing as an independent, consolidated, joint independent, county, or a ten or more township district as of July 1, 1957, or under the Education Code.[20]
    • Texas— Here, "Independent" denotes that the district is separate from any county- or municipal-level entity. All of the state's school districts, with only one exception (Stafford Municipal School District), are independent of any municipal or county control. Moreover, school district boundaries rarely coincide with municipal limits or county lines. Most districts use the term "Independent School District" in their name; in the few cases where the term "Common School District" is used, the district is still an independent governmental entity. An independent school district resulting from a consolidation of two or more independent school districts is called a consolidated independent school district, sometimes abbreviated as "CISD".[21]
  • InOhio,school districts are classified as eithercityschool districts,exempted villageschool districts, orlocalschool districts. City and village school districts are exempted from county boards of education, while local school districts remain under county school board supervision. School districts may combine resources to form a fourth type of school district, the joint vocational school district, which focuses on a technical skills-based curriculum.[22]
  • InMichigan,there areintermediate school districts(ISD), regional education service districts (RESD), or regional education service agencies (RESA), largely at the county level. The local school districts run the schools and most programs, but often bilingual aides, programs for the deaf and blind, special education for the severely impaired, and career and technical education programs are run by the intermediate school district or equivalent.
  • County-wide school districts are most commonly found in Mid-Atlantic and Southern states such asMaryland,West Virginia,Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia,Florida,Alabama,Arkansas,Mississippi,Louisiana,Tennessee,andKentucky.Nevada and Utah also have mostly county-wide school districts, and Alaska has manyborough-wide school districts.Hawaiioperates its schools at the state level through itsdepartment of education.
  • InMaine,there areregional school unitswherein smaller districts were consolidated into RSUs in 2008 when state laws changed.



InEngland and Wales,school boardswere established in 1870, and abolished in 1902, with thecounty councilandcounty boroughcouncils becoming thelocal education authorities.[23]

In France, the system of thecarte scolairewas dismantled by the beginning of the 2007 school year. More school choice has been given to French students; however, priority is given to those who meet the following criteria:

  • students with disabilities
  • students on scholarships or special academic merit
  • students who meet "social cohesion"criteria (essentially todiversifythe school population)
  • students who require specialized medical attention from a hospital
  • students who want to study a course offered only by the school
  • students who have siblings that attend the school
  • students who live close to the school

InGermany,schools and teachers are predominately funded by thestates of Germany,which also are in control of the overall education policies. On the other hand, school buildings are mostly run and funded bymunicipal governmentson different levels of the municipal system (municipalities proper, districts), depending on the size and specialization of a certain school or the population size of a certain municipality. As with other fields of government, for more specialized schools, special government bodies ( "Zweckverband" ) can be established, where municipalities, and not voters, are members; these are to a certain degree comparable to a school district. Other arrangements are possible: certain types ofspecial schoolsinNorth Rhine-Westphaliaare run by theLandschaftsverbände.There also existprivate schools,mostly funded by the States, but run by private entities like churches or foundations.

InItaly,school districts were established in 1974 by the "Provvedimenti Delegati sulla scuola"(" Assigned Laws [to the Government] about the school ").[24]Each district must contain a minimum of 10,000 inhabitants. The national government attempted to link the local schools with local society and culture and local governments. The school districts were dissolved in 2003 by the "legge finanziaria" (law about the government budget) in an attempt to trim the national budget.[25]

In the Republic of Ireland, 16Education and Training Boards(ETBs) administera minority of secondary schools,a few primary schools, andmuch further education.(Most schools are neither organized geographically nor publicly managed, although theDepartment of Educationinspects and funds them and pays teachers' salaries.) Each ETB area comprises one or morelocal authority areas,with city or county councilors forming the bulk of the ETB board. The ETBs was formed in 2005 by amalgamatingVocational Education Committeesestablished in 1930, also based on local government areas.



InHong Kong,theEducation Bureaudividesprimary schoolsinto 36 districts, known as school nets, for itsPrimary One Admission System.[26]Of the 36 districts, districts 34 and 41 inKowloonand districts 11 and 12 inHong Kong Islandare considered the most prestigious.[27]

In Iranian cities school kids normal registrations are limited by school districts, register is online at and the parent sees schools within range online.[28]



See also





  1. ^abMarcos Antonio Mendoza, The Limits of Insurance as Governance: Professional Liability Coverage for Civil Rights Claims Against Public School Districtshttps://papers.ssrn /sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3669869
  2. ^abPinho, Rute (9 March 2023).Board of Education Ta xing Authority(PDF)(Report). Office of Legislative Research, Connecticut General Assembly. 2023-R-0094.
  3. ^"School Districts"(Archive)U.S. Census Bureau.Retrieved on June 20, 2015.
  4. ^ab"State and Local Government Special Studies: Governments in the United States 1951."Property Taxation 1941.U.S. Census Bureau.G-SS-No. 29, March 1952. p.2(Google BooksRA3-PA56).
  5. ^abcFischel, William A.,or The Congruence of American School Districts with Other Local Government Boundaries: A Google-Earth Exploration,SSRN (April 1, 2010).
  6. ^"Local Government Handbook"(PDF)(7th ed.). New York Department of State, Division of Local Government Services. March 13, 2018. p. 93. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on May 27, 2020.RetrievedAugust 31,2018.
  7. ^Linda Jacobson,Report Faults Hawaii's Statewide School District,Education Week(December 10, 2003).
  8. ^Jan Zulich,Hawaii's School System Is One of a Kind,The Phi Delta Kappan,Vol. 70, No. 7 (March 1989), pp. 546-549.
  9. ^Kogan, Vladimir; Lavertu, Stéphane; Peskowitz, Zachary (2021)."The Democratic Deficit in U.S. Education Governance".American Political Science Review.115(3): 1082–1089.doi:10.1017/S0003055421000162.ISSN0003-0554.S2CID214493859.
  10. ^abBurnette, Daarel II (2016-02-17)."Consolidation Push Roils Vermont Landscape".Education Week.Retrieved2020-04-12.
  11. ^"State and Local Government Special Studies: Governments in the United States 1951."Property Taxation 1941.U.S. Census Bureau.G-SS-No. 29, March 1952. p.1-2(Google BooksRA3-PA55 and PA56).
  12. ^Barnhardt, Carol. "Historical Status of Elementary Schools in Rural Alaskan Communities 1867–1980."Alaska Native Knowledge Network (ANKN),University of Alaska Fairbanks.Retrieved on March 13, 2017.
  13. ^"Table 9. Public School Systems by Type of Organization and State: 2022 [CG2200ORG09]".
  14. ^USA Today published March 13, 2012, page A1, "Property taxes start to decline"
  15. ^"District History".
  16. ^"People ex rel. Vick v. Kirkham, 301 Ill. 45 (1921) | Caselaw Access Project"
  17. ^Kentucky Revised Statutes§ 160.020.
  18. ^Kentucky Revised Statutes§ 160.010.
  19. ^Honeycutt Spears, Valarie (February 12, 2019)."Kentucky will have one less school district with this decision to close and merge".Le xing ton Herald-Leader.Le xing ton, KY.RetrievedOctober 26,2019.
  20. ^"120A.05 – 2014 Minnesota Statutes".Minnesota Legislature - Office of the Revisor of Statutes.Archivedfrom the original on Apr 18, 2015.Retrieved27 July2015.
  21. ^"About Us",fromBurnet Consolidated Independent School District.
  22. ^"D. Special-Purpose Governments",Ohio State University. Accessed 2008-01-05.
  23. ^"Education: School Boards".Powys County Archives.Archived fromthe originalon July 2, 2001.Retrieved27 July2015.
  24. ^"Text of the DPR n° 416 del 31 maggio 1974 (" Assigned Laws about the school ")"(in Italian). 1994 [31 May 1974].Retrieved2016-03-30.
  25. ^"L 289/2002: Text of the law n° 289 del 27 dicembre 2002 (" legge finanziaria 2003 ")"(in Italian). 2003 [27 Dec 2002]. Archived fromthe originalon 2011-11-22.Retrieved2016-03-30.
  26. ^"POA2020 Choice of Schools List by School Net for Central Allocation".Education Bureau.Retrieved29 January2020.
  27. ^"Tứ đại danh giáo võng phạm vi"[Four famous school network scope].Hong Kong Economic Journal.15 July 2013. Archived fromthe originalon July 18, 2013.Retrieved29 January2020.
  28. ^"اطلاعاتی برای ثبتنام دانشآموزان در کلاس اول دبستاناطلاعاتی برای ثبتنام دانشآموزان در کلاس اول دبستان - تسنیم".خبرگزاری تسنیم | Tasnim.

Further reading
