Suzaniis a type ofembroideredanddecorativetribaltextilemade inTajikistan,Uzbekistan,Afghanistanand otherCentral Asiancountries. Suzani is from thePersianسوزنSuzanwhich meansneedle.The art of making such textiles inIranis calledسوزندوزیSuzandozi(needlework). Suzanis are rather delicate and extremely few examples survive from before the late 18th and early 19th centuries. They belong, however, to a very ancient tradition. In the early 15th century,Ruy Gonzáles de Clavijo,theCastilianambassador to the court ofTimur(Tamerlane), left detailed descriptions of embroideries that were probably forerunners of the suzani.[1]

Kermina Suzani, first half 19th century, Uzbekistan. The large blossoms in red, orange, salmon, a pale aubergine and light blue show the characteristic metallic sheen of Kermina embroideries.
UzbekSuzani wedding cloth

Suzanis were traditionally made by Central Asian brides as part of theirdowry,and were presented to the groom on the wedding day.[2]



See also


