TheSyagriiwere an aristocratic family inlate antiqueGaulduring the fourth and fifth centuries. The family was particularly associated withGallia Lugdunensis(Lyons), and theirfamily seatwas located in the area ofAugustodunum(Autun).[1]

Important members of the family were:


  1. ^Dill, Samuel (1898).Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire.London: Macmillan. p. 168.RetrievedFeb 22,2021.
  2. ^Clinton, Henry Fynes.Fasti Romani: Appendix. From the death of Augustus to the death of Heraclius.Oxford University Press. p. 124.RetrievedFeb 22,2021.
  3. ^Halfond, Greg (2012)."All the King's Men: Episcopal Political Loyalties in the Merovingian Kingdoms".Medieval Prosopography.27:76–96.RetrievedFeb 22,2021."Although Syagrius was almost certainly a member of one of the most distinguished families of southern Gaul, the Syagrii, a precise genealogy has never been worked out for its numerous members;"