Profile of Jonathan H Pienaar


I am a 54-year-old geek who makes a living as a writer.

In my former life as a video editor and TV producer I won several awards, including the CNN African Journalist of the Year award.

I often write for South African bimonthlyFinweek,normally profiles on entrepreneurs. I also do PR and ghost-writing for various organisations and individuals.

I am a secular humanist/atheist/skeptic. Something of a polymath, my interests include critical thinking, technology, alternative operating systems (e.g.Linux), coding, film editing, science fiction (esp. cyberpunk), English grammar, semantics, semiology, exotic cuisine, film and theatre.

There is an actor in South Africa named Jonathan Pienaar. Super guy. I am not he. His wikipedia page is:Jonathan_Pienaar.

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en-N This user has anativeunderstanding ofEnglish.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissancesde baseenfrançais.
af-2 Hierdie gebruiker hetmiddelbarekennis vanAfrikaans.
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