Keithiusis theInternethandle(or nickname) of one particularInternetuser.
The following facts are currently known aboutKeithius:
Keithius has been known to refer to himself as ahacker,and appears to be currently employed as a computerprogrammer.He has expressed both interest in and approval of theWikipediaproject in the past, as well as support of further use of theInternet(in general) as a repository for human knowledge and a tool for the improvement of humanity.
The nameKeithiusappears to be an attempt to make a more common name,Keith,appear to beLatinin origin. Because of its uniqueness, this makes it a good choice for anInternetnickname, since it is unlikely to be in use by any other users.
More information on Keithius can be found on hisPersonal Web Site.
About Keithius
This user lovessnow!
^_^ | This user is friends withTotoro. |