I'm a high school student in the IB program who enjoys going on Wikipedia. I love video games, graphic design, computers and mathematics.
Sorry for a no frills page, but yeah, this is it.:)

This user is amale.
Utah State Flag
zhNày đó người dùng sẽ nóiTiếng Trung.
Này đó người dùng sẽ nóiTiếng Trung.
These users can speakChinese.
asThis user knowsActionScript.
This user maintains afacebookprofile.+
This user has aYouTubeaccount.
This user's TV service provider isComcast.

Programs / operating systems I use:

sfriThis usercontributesusingSafari.
This user contributes usingAdobe Photoshop.
This user contributes usingAdobe Illustrator.
This userrecordswithAudacity.
This user contributes while usingiTunes12.0.0.

This user has/is using Mac OS X.

My likes:

+This user enjoys playingretro games.
This user playsgameson theWiiconsole.
This user still enjoys the
Nintendo 64.
This user still enjoys playing
gameson theNES.
This user enjoys playingblackjack.
300 This user believes that THIS IS SPARTA~!

FGThis user thinksFamily Guyisfreakin' sweet.
This user likes to watch
Adult Swim.
This user watchesSouth Park.
ConanThis user is a fan of the Cone Zone.
KSTU FOXThis user enjoys watching KSTU FOX 13 Utah.
KSL NBCThis user enjoys watching KSL Five Utah.
RUN DMCThis user enjoysrap musicand
hip hopculture.
This user enjoysambient music.
EBThis user enjoysEurobeat.
This user enjoyselectronic music.
This user enjoyscomputer and video game musicoutside gaming.
H2OThis user drinkswaterregularly.
This user drinksorange juice.
MATHThis user's favorite subject isMathematics.
This user's favorite subject iscomputing.