とある bạch い miêu
A Certain White Cat

User Page|Office|Talk Page|Botedits|SandboxSB2SB3

Assume good faith!
Today isTuesday,26 November2024,and the current time is 09:01 (UTC/GMT).
There are currently 6,916,099 articles and 930,317 files on English Wikipedia.

The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

The truth resists simplicity.

TALKPAGEOFとある bạch い miêu

Hello, welcome to my talk page. You are welcome to post comments below. Anything you put here will likely be archived and available for public view. Please be polite and civil.


To post a new topic please usethis linkor the 'new section' between "edit this page" and "history".

Fun fact:Decadesfrom now, with school a distant memory, you'llstillbe having thisdream.
xkcd#903:Extended mind
WhenWikipediahas aserver outagemy, apparentIQdrops about 30 points.

Warning: This comic occasionally containsstrong language(which may be unsuitable forchildren),unusual humor(which may be unsuitable foradults), andadvanced mathematics(which may be unsuitable forliberal-artsmajors).

