Yasutaka Tsutsui(Ống giếng khang long,Tsutsui Yasutaka,born September 24, 1934 inOsaka)is a Japanesenovelist,science fictionauthor, and actor. HisYumenokizaka bunkitenwon theTanizaki Prizein 1987. He has also won the 1981 Izumi Kyoka award, the 1989Kawabata Yasunariaward, and the 1992Nihon SF Taisho Award.[1]

Yasutaka Tsutsui
Born(1934-09-24)September 24, 1934(age 90)
GenreScience fiction
Notable worksThe Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Gaspard in the Morning
Notable awards1987Tanizaki PrizeforYumenokizaka bunkiten
1992Nihon SF Taisho Award

Writing style


His work is known for its dark humor and satirical content. He has often satirized Japanese taboos such as disabilities and theTennosystem, and has been subject to much criticism as a result.[citation needed]His works are seen as the basis for Japan'spostmodernscience-fiction. Features of his work includepsychoanalysisandsurrealism,which were themes of his 1957master's thesis.He has dealt with themes such astime-travelinThe Girl who leapt through Time(1965), amassively multiplayer online game'svirtual worldinGaspard in the Morning(1992), anddream-worldsinPaprika(1993).[2]



One of Tsutsui's first novels,Toki o Kakeru Shōjo(1967), has been adapted into numerous media including film, television, and manga. Another novel,Paprika(1993), was adapted into ananimated filmby the directorSatoshi Konin 2006. Many other works, including the four-part novelFugō Keiji(Millionaire Detective), have been dramatized on Japanese television.



Tsutsui has gained notoriety for his politically incorrect humor and views.[3]On April 4, 2017, Tsutsui was criticized for posting a tweet referring to theStatue of Peace,a memorial tovictims of sexual slaveryduring World War II, stating, "That girl is cute. Everyone, let's go and ejaculate in front of her and shower her withsemen",on his Twitter. The tweet has long since been deleted.[4][5][6][7]Tsutsui also later backtracked on his claims and apologized for it.[8]

English translations


The novelWhat the Maid saw,translated by Adam Kabat, was published by Kodansha America Inc. (USA) in 1990, and again by Alma Books (UK) asThe Maidin 2010.

Salmonella Men on Planet Porno,a collection of short stories translated by Andrew Driver, was published by Alma Books (UK) in October 2006 and again by Pantheon Books (USA) in 2008.

The novelHell,translated by Evan Emswiler, was published by Alma Books in October 2007.

The novelPaprika,translated by Andrew Driver, was published by Alma Books in April 2009 and again by Vintage Contemporaries (USA) in 2013.

The novellaThe Girl Who Leapt Through Time,translated by David Karashima, was published by Alma Books in April 2011.

TheBullseye!collection of short stories, translated by Andrew Driver, was published in July 2017 by Kurodahan Press.



Besides numerous film and TV acting credits, Yasutaka Tsutsui has published dozens of novels and short story collections, and records in Japan.



Nanase Trilogy

  • Gia tộc tám cảnhKazoku Hakkei(Eight Family Scenes/What The Maid Saw) (1972)
  • Bảy lại ふたたびNanase Futatabi(Nanase Once More) (1975)
  • エディプス の người yêuEdipusu no Koibito(Oedipus’ Lover) (1977)


  • 48 trăm triệu の vọng tưởng48 Oku no Mōsō(4.8 Billion Delusions) (1965)
  • Mã の đầu phong vân lụcUmanokubi Fuunroku(Chronicle of the Horse’s Head Crisis) (1967)
  • Khi をかける thiếu nữToki o Kakeru Shōjo(The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) (1967)
  • Linh trường loại, nam へReichōrui, Minami-e(1969)
  • Lục ma の đinhRyokuma no Machi(Green Devil Town) (1970)
  • Thoát đi と truy tích の サンバDassō to Tsuiseki no Samba(Samba of Running and Chasing) (1971)
  • Tục vật đồ giamZokubutsu Zukan(Picture Book of Vulgarity) (1972)
  • Nam たち の かいた hộiOtoko Tachi no Kaita E(Tale of Two Men) (1974)
  • Yêm の huyết は người khác の huyếtOre no Chi wa Tanin no Chi(My Blood is the Blood of Another) (1974)
  • Phú hào hình sựFugō Keiji(Millionaire Detective) (1978)
  • Đại いなる trợ điOi Naru Josō(The Great Approachway) (1979)
  • Mỹ nghệ côngBigeikō(1981)
  • Hư người たちKyojin Tachi(Virtual Men) (1981)
  • Hư tàu chuyến đoànKyokō Sendan(Fleet of Fantasy) (1984)
  • イリヤ・ムウロメツIlya Muromets(1985)
  • Lữ の ラゴスTabi no Ragosu(Lagos on a Journey) (1986)
  • Ca と lắm mồm の chiến nhớUta to Jōzetsu no Senki(War Chronicles of Song and Loquacity) (1987)
  • Mộng の mộc bản phân kỳ điểmYumenokizaka Bunkiten(Dreamtree Hill Junction) (1987)
  • Kinh ngạc の quảng dãKyōgaku no Kōya(Prairie of Astonishment) (1988)
  • Tân Nhật Bản thăm trinh xã báo cáo thư khốngShin-Nihon Tanteisha Hōkokusho Hikae(Copies of the Shin-Nihon Detective Company Reports) (1988)
  • フェミニズム giết người sự kiệnFeminizumu Satsujin Jiken(The Feminism Murders) (1989)
  • Tàn giống に son môi をZanzō ni Kuchibeni o(Lipstick on an After-Image) (1989)
  • Văn học bộ duy dã giáo thụBungakubu Tadano Kyōju(Prof. Tadano of the Literature Department) (1990)
  • ロートレック trang sự kiệnRōtorekku-Sō Jiken(The Lautrec Villa Murders) (1990)
  • Triều の ガスパールAsa no Gasupāru(Gaspard in the Morning) (1992)
  • パプリカPaprika(1993)
  • Tà mắt điểuJaganchō(1997)
  • ĐịchTeki(Enemy) (1998)
  • わたし の グランパWatashi no Guranpa(My Grandpa) (1999)
  • Khủng bốKyōfu(Fear) (2001)
  • Ái の ひだりがわAi no Hidarigawa(The Left Side of Love) (2002)
  • ヘルHell(2003)
  • Bạc linh の quả てGinrei no Hate(End of the Silver Age) (2006)
  • Cự thuyền べラスレトラスKyosen Berasu Retorasu(The Big Ship Bellas Letras) (2007)
  • ダンシング・ヴァニティDancing Vanity(2008)
  • ビアンカ・オーバースタディBianca Overstudy(2012)
  • Thánh ngânSeikon(Stigmata) (2013)
  • モナド の lĩnh vựcMonado no Ryōiki(The Monad Realm) (2015)

Short stories (collections)

  • Đông Hải nói chiến tranhTōkaidō Sensō(The Tōkaidō War) (1965)
  • ベトナム quan quang công xãBetonamu Kankō Kōsha(Vietnam Tourist Bureau) (1967)
  • アルファルファ làm chiếnArufarufa Sakusen(The Alfalfa Strategy) (1968)
  • Ảo tưởng の tương lai ・アフリカ の huyếtGensō no Mirai/Afurika no Chi(Fantasy Future/African Blood) (1968)
  • にぎやかな tương laiNigiyaka na Mirai(A Bright Future) (1968)
  • アフリカ の bạo đạnAfurika no Bakudan(African Bomb) (1968)
  • Ống giếng thuận khánhTsutsui Junkei(1969)
  • わが lương き langWaga Yoki Ōkami(My Good Old Wolf) (1969)
  • Tâm li học ・ xã quái họcShinrigaku, Shakaigaku(Psychology, Sociology) (1969)
  • ホンキイ・トンクHonky Tonk(1969)
  • Thiếu 陥 đại bách khoaKekkan Ōhyakka(Encyclopedia of Defects) (1970)
  • Mẫu tử giốngBoshizō(Mother and Child Portrait) (1970)
  • Mã は thổ diệu に thương ざめるUma wa Doyō ni Aozameru(Horses Turn Pale on Saturdays) (1970)
  • Phát làm tác phẩm đànHossa-teki Sakuhingun(Spasmodic Group of Works) (1971)
  • Nhật Bản quần đảo bảy khúc りNihon Rettō Nanamagari(Eight Bends on the Japanese Archipelago) (1971)
  • Tướng quân が mục 覚めた khiShōgun ga Mezameta Toki(When the Shogun Awoke) (1972)
  • Hiệp hội nông nghiệp nguyệt へ hành くNōkyō Tsuki-e Iku(Co-op Goes To The Moon) (1973)
  • Ám hắc thế giới の オデッセイAnkoku Sekai no Odessei(Dark World Odyssey) (1974)
  • おれに quan する tổnOre-ni Kansuru Uwasa(Rumours About Me) (1974)
  • ウィークエンドシャフルWeekend Shuffle(1974)
  • Cười うなWarau-na(Don’t Laugh) (1975)
  • メタモルフォセス quần đảoMetamorufosesu Guntō(Metamorphosis Archipelago) (1976)
  • あるいは rượu でいっぱい の hảiAruiwa Sake de Ippai no Umi(Or a Sea Full of Sake) (1977)
  • バブリング sáng thế nhớBaburingu Sōseiki(Babbling Creation Chronicles) (1978)
  • Vũ trụ vệ sinh bác lãm sẽUchū Eisei Hakurankai(Universal Hygiene Expo) (1979)
  • エロチック đường phốErochikku Kaidō(Erotic Avenue) (1981)
  • Xuyến thứ し giáo thụKushizashi Kyōju(Professor on a Skewer) (1985)
  • くたばれPTAKutabare PTA(Go To Hell, PTA) (1986)
  • お trợ けOtasuke(The Helper) (1986)
  • Người nguyên thủyGenshijin(Primitive Man) (1987)
  • Dược đồ ăn tiệm cơmYakusai Hanten(Yakusai Chinese Restaurant) (1988)
  • Đêm の コント・ đông の コントYoru no Konto, Fuyu no Konto(Night Tales, Winter Tales) (1990)
  • Cuối cùng の vân lệnhSaigo no Denrei(The Last Despatch) (1993)
  • KiệnKagi(The Key) (1994)
  • Tòa đắp ぼっこZashiki Bokko(1994)
  • Gia tộc trường hợpKazoku Bamen(Family Scenes) (1995)
  • ジャズ tiểu thuyếtJazu Shōsetsu(Jazz Novel) (1996)
  • Mãn bụng đình へようこそManpukutei-e Yōkoso(Welcome to Full Belly Inn) (1998)
  • Cá lam quan âm nhớGyoran Kannon Ki(Records of the Gyoran Kannon) (2000)
  • エンガッツィオ tư lệnh thápEngattsio Shireitō(Engazzio Command Tower) (2000)
  • Thiên cẩu の lạc し vănTengu no Otoshibumi(Jottings of an Ogre) (2001)
  • Khiển trách の bộ phòngChōkai no Heya(The Punishment Room) (2002)
  • Kinh ngạc の cánh đồng bát ngátKyōgaku no Kōya(2002)
  • Cuối cùng の ăn yên giảSaigo no KitsuenshaThe Last Smoker(2002)
  • Ma ngủ の いる hạSuima no Iru Natsu(Summer When the Sleep Fairy Comes) (2002)
  • Khuynh いた thế giớiKatamuita Sekai(The World is Tilting) (2002)
  • Nhật Bản bên ngoài toàn bộ Thẩm khôngNihon Igai Zembu Chinbotsu(Everything Other than Japan Sinks) (2002)
  • Quái vật たち の đêmKaibutsu Tachi no Yoru(Night of the Phantoms) (2002)
  • Gần sở mê hoặcKinjo Meiwaku(Disturbing the Neighbours) (2002)
  • わが ái の thuế vụ thựWaga Ai no Zeimusho(My Beloved Tax Office) (2003)
  • カメロイド văn bộ tỉnhKameroido Monbushō(The Cameroid Ministry of Education) (2003)
  • ポルノ hoặc tinh の サルモネラ nhân gianPoruno Wakusei no Sarumonera Ningen(Salmonella Men on Planet Porno) (2005)
  • ヨッパ cốc へ の giáng xuốngYoppadani-e no Kōka(Descent to Yoppa Valley) (2005)
  • 壊れかた chỉ namKowarekata Shinan(Guide to Falling Apart) (2006)
  • Âm 悩 lụcInnōroku(Record of Dark Troubles) (2006)
  • Như Bồ Tát đoànNyobosatsudan(Team of Female Bodhisattvas) (2006)
  • Đêm を đi るYoru o Hashiru(Running at Night) (2006)
  • Trữ むひとTatazumu Hito(Standing Woman) (2006)
  • くさりKusari(Chains) (2006)
  • Xuất thế の đầuShusse no Kubi(Getting Ahead) (2007)
  • Phồn vinh の chiêu cùngHanei no Shōwa(Prosperous Showa) (2014)
  • Thế giới はゴ nhũng nóiSekai ha Gojōdan(The World Is Your Joke) (2015)


  • with Kosuke Ichihara,Masahiko Sato,Dema(デマ,Rumour)(CBS/Sony, 1973)
  • withYōsuke Yamashita,Ie(Gia)(Frasco, 1976) – recorded in 1975-76
  • with Yasutaka Tsutsui,Yasutaka Tsutsui - Bunmei(Ống giếng khang long văn minh)(Victor/Super Fuji Discs, 1978)
  • The Inner Space Of Yasutaka Tsutsui(Shinchosha,1985)


  1. ^"Nihon SF Taisho Award Winners List".Science Fiction Writers of Japan. Archived fromthe originalon 2012-12-13.Retrieved2010-01-28.
  2. ^Tsutsui Yasutaka,The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
  3. ^"A Hitchhiker's Guide to Japanese Surreality: Yasutaka Tsutsui | Peter Tasker".12 September 2017.
  4. ^Ống giếng khang long thị か? An ủi an phụ “Thiếu nữ giống” めぐり hạ phẩm なツイート Hàn Quốc は mãnh phản phát(in Japanese)
  5. ^Ống giếng khang long thị, an ủi an phụ giống めぐる hướng kích ツイート の sóng gợn “あ の thiếu nữ は đáng yêu いから...”(in Japanese)
  6. ^Award-winning novelist called for masturbation on a statue of sexual slaveryBlasting News
  7. ^Japanese novelist sparks outcry in South Korea with insults about ‘comfort woman’ statueThe Japan Times
  8. ^"Japanese author backtracks on comments on 'comfort women' statue".9 April 2017.