Zeta Psi(ΖΨ) is a collegiatefraternity.[2]It was founded on June 1, 1847, atNew York University.The organization now has 90 chapters, with roughly 50,000 members. Zeta Psi is a founding member of theNorth American Interfraternity Conference.

Zeta Psi
FoundedJune 1, 1847;177 years ago(1847-06-01)
New York University
ColorsZeta Psi Gold
Pure White
Pure Black
PublicationThe Circle
PhilanthropyZete Kids USA
Headquarters15 South Henry St
Pearl River,New York10965
United States

As the world's 11th oldest collegiate fraternity, Zeta Psi has historically been selective about the campuses at which it establishes chapters.[3]The chapter at theUniversity of California, Berkeley(June 10, 1870) made Zeta Psi the first fraternity in the U.S. west of the Mississippi.[4]Its chapter at theUniversity of Toronto,(March 27, 1879) was the first in Canada.[5]The founding of theEta chapteratYale University(1889) briefly made it the only fraternity to have chapters at all eightIvy Leagueschools.[6]The fraternity became intercontinental on May 3, 2008, with the chartering ofIota Omicronat theUniversity of Oxford.

The motto is "ΤΚΦ" in Greek, rendered in English as "Tau Kappa Phi", "TKP", or "TKPhi".

Zeta Psi's headquarters is located inPearl River,New York.



1847 to 1860: Foundation and early expansion


On June 1, 1847, three students atNew York University,John Bradt Yates Sommers, William Henry Dayton and John Moon Skillman, formed a new Greek-letter society in aNew York Citybungalow. The three men formed the core of the first chapter,Phi,but William Dayton was stricken with poor health and left New York shortly afterward for theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.[7]Dayton died within the year.

ThePhi chapterat NYU persisted in his absence and graduated its first member the next year with George S Woodhull (Φ '48). The second chapter was established asZetaatWilliams CollegeinMassachusetts.TheDelta chapterwas founded atRutgers Universitylater that year[7]and was the most continuously active chapter of the fraternity until it became inactive in 2009.

Three chapters followed in 1850:Omicron(nowOmicron Epsilon) atPrinceton University,Sigmaat theUniversity of Pennsylvania,andChiatColby CollegeinWaterville, Maine.The first two are still active, but theChi chapterended in 1988. In the early 1980s, Colby College prohibited fraternities on campus, despite the long and storied tradition fraternities had enjoyed there. By 1988, theChichapter was ejected from campus and banned from any formal rush, quietly expiring after over 130 years of existence. Problems beset other early chapters as well. The firstAlpha chapterwas founded in 1852 atDickinson CollegeinCarlisle,Pennsylvania,but members met resistance from the administration, and the chapter became inactive in 1872, permitting its letter to be used for the later chapter founded at Columbia.[8]

1860 to 1864: American Civil War


In 1860,Abraham Lincolnwas electedpresident of the United States,andSouth Carolinaseceded from the Union, followed shortly thereafter by other Southern states. Expansion of Zeta Psi halted as campuses rallied for war and sent companies of soldiers to battle.

At the outbreak of war, theUpsilon chapterat UNC—only chartered three years before—found itself the only chapter of Zeta Psi among all the Southern states, divided from the North by the sudden lines of enmity. Even as they mustered for war and marched south, the Grand Chapter of Zeta Psi, specially assembled in early July 1862, adopted the resolution of Brother William Cooke (Φ '58) prescribing unity:

RESOLVED, That while we may differ in political sentiment with those of our Brothers who are courageously battling for principles which they deem right, no disaster shall separate them from the union of Tau Kappa Phi.

And the brothers ofUpsilonreplied by letter in like fashion:

WHEREAS, The present distracted state of our country renders it inexpedient to hold our convention in this State during this year;
RESOLVED, That the Sigma Alpha be instructed to write to all Chapters, assuring them that though our Federal Union has been dissolved, still the Circle of Zeta Psi Fraternity shall never be broken;
RESOLVED, That the bonds of Tau Kappa Phi which bind us to our Brothers in the North are as strong as they ever were.

The tale of Brother Henry Schwerin (Θ '63) illustrates the embodiment of love even in the most trying of circumstance. Schwerin lay gravely wounded after the bloodyBattle of Chattanooga;pinned on the breast of his Union uniform was the badge of Zeta Psi. A passingConfederatesoldier, also a Zete, spied the badge and carried the invalid to medical care and safety, ignoring even the imperatives of war for the sake of his brother. The worthy badge later passed into the hands of his brother, Max Schwerin (Θ '70), who would one day serve as international president. After his death, it was donated by his sister to the Fraternity's archives and remains among its treasures. Brother John Day Smith (Ε '72) witnessed the incident on the Chattanooga field and later related it to BrotherFrancis Lawton(Ε '69), who would author the poem "The Badge of Zeta Psi," later set to original music and preserved to this day. The reference to "Chattanooga's bloody field" is not an idle hyperbole, but the recollection of a rare triumph among such sorrows.

Amid this sorrow and heroism where so many brothers of Zeta Psi perished, so too were whole chapters swallowed by the War. TheEta(Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,chartered in 1861),Psi Epsilon(Dartmouth),Upsilon(UNC),Epsilon(Brown), andTheta(Union) chapters had vanished by the end of the conflict, decimated by fallen brothers or disheartened campuses returning from the shadow of death. TheThetaandEta chapterswould never survive the staggering losses they suffered, though the others ultimately recovered and reactivated. TheGamma chapter—chartered 1861 at theGeorgia Military Institute,as the only new chapter during the War—was annihilated utterly byGeneral Sherman's march and existed thus only for those few years of tumult. However, out of the shadow of war came regrowth and a time for Zeta Psi to expand once more.

1864 to 1914: Breaking new ground


The nation was still young indeed even after the end of the Civil War:Californiahad only recently become a State, committing to the side of the victorious Union and contributing its men––though the conflict took place mainly across the continent thousands of miles away. It was then only fitting that the Fraternities should next move to California. As pioneers in many initiatives, Zeta Psi was the first fraternity west of the Mississippi river and hence also the first to establish a chapter on the West Coast. In 1870, Zeta Psi established theIota chapterat theUniversity of California, Berkeley(though theIota chapterwould not be joined until 1892 by the next Western addition, theMu chapteratStanford University).[9]

Zeta Psi was not even content to remaining a national Fraternity, so the fraternity pressed northward into Canada. The brothers of theXi chapterat theUniversity of Michiganin 1879 constituted theTheta Xi chapterat the University of Toronto, making Zeta Psi the first international Fraternity. Since then, Zeta Psi has actively bolstered its Canadian presence, commissioning a director solely for Canadian chapter development and amassing a long list of successful chapters there.

Zeta Psi house at Cornell

The end of the 19th century was fertile ground for Zeta Psi. It took root at no fewer than fourteen colleges in those latter days:Omegawas founded atUniversity of Chicagoin 1864;PiatRensselaer Polytechnic Institutein 1865;LambdaatBowdoin College,1867;BetaatUniversity of Virginia,1868;PsiatCornell University,1868;Iotaat UC Berkeley, 1870;Gamma,first at theUS Naval Academyin 1874, and then atSyracuse Collegein 1875 after the government proscribed Fraternities at its military academies;Theta XiatUniversity of Toronto,1879;AlphaatColumbia University,1879;Alpha PsiatMcGill University,1883;NuatCase Western Reserve,1884;Etaat Yale, 1889;MuatStanford,1892;Alpha BetaatUniversity of Minnesota,1899. The establishment of theEta chapterat Yale marked Zeta Psi as the only fraternity to establish chapters at all eight Ivy-League schools.[9]

Even as the physical reach of Zeta Psi made great bounds, so too did the principles underlying its brotherhood. By the turn of the century, the need for some more centralized structure pressed, as chapter after chapter was added to the Circle and their correspondence became too much to handle so chaotically. In 1909, an international publication concerning the affairs of Zetes was first published by BrotherWilliam Comstock(Ξ '99) and distributed among the several chapters: The Circle of Zeta Psi. The periodical, which is still published to this day, contained in that first issue the exhortation which has come to be known as "The Vision of Bill Comstock" for its prescience and wisdom:

We feel that the Fraternity, now that its individual chapters and memberships have grown so strong, is wasting its greatest possibility of strength and growth through the lack of a systematic central organization.

In short, Brother Comstock criticized the degree of individualism among the chapters of Zeta Psi, demanding unity among such disparate brothers. He prescribed that every member should receive the fledgling Circle of Zeta Psi and thus be apprised of the far-flung doings of the fraternity; that a general secretary be commissioned to travel among the chapters and treat with them; and that a foundation be established for the pecuniary support of the general Fraternity. And all three of his mandates have been amply fulfilled: The Circle is still published and distributed to the brothers of Zeta Psi (and can be read onlinehere); now the General Secretary is assisted in his rounds by chapter consultants, whose function remains the same; and the Zeta Psi Educational Foundation was to be instituted within Brother Comstock's lifetime, though still in the future. Before Zeta Psi could turn to such collegiate concerns, war again threatened, and this time abroad.

1914 to 1920: World War I


Though already inured to the horrors and trial that War would wreak upon her from the bloodyAmerican Civil War,war in Europe came suddenly in the 1910s and caught a nation and fraternity unawares. For some time, the United States did not commit troops to the battle, maintaining an isolationist stance protected. But Canada was a Dominion within Britain's Commonwealth, and whenGreat Britainentered the war, Canada willingly answered the call.

With the first Canadian chapter only founded at Toronto in 1879, her sister chapters were still young when war came to them. Particularly stricken were theAlpha PsiandTheta Xi chaptersat McGill and U Toronto. Even in 1914, they were already sending letters indicating their brothers were heading east across the sea to the war. In 1915, more than half the workers at the McGill Base Hospital were Zetes fromAlpha Psi.By war's end, the two beleaguered chapters had sent two hundred of the brothers in defense of King and Country; 31 were never to return and many others came home wounded in body and spirit.

Perhaps most noted among the rolls of the brave Canadian brethren who went overseas is Lt. Col. Brother Dr.John McCrae(Θ Ξ '94), a serviceman in the Canadian army, who like so many other men did not return at the close of conflict. But Brother McCrae bequeathed to his fraternity more than even his worthy life, but also a poem which has been preserved in great honor as both a historical and literary work: "In Flanders Fields."The words are a testament to the heroic spirit in man and are treasured still by the brethren of Zeta Psi as the hallowed words of a brother whose time long ago passed. The 19-year-old engineering student from McGill, brotherFrederick Fisherwas the first Canadian to win theVictoria Crossin the war, the highest British award for valour, for his determined stand at theSecond Battle of Ypres.Like so many who win this medal, the award was posthumous.

Finally in 1917, the United States entered World War I, and so did the many Zetes. At the annual convention of Zeta Psi, the brothers adopted a resolution in support of U.S. engagement in World War I, which theU.S. Congresshad only declared a few weeks previously:

WHEREAS, The United States of America has been forced into the World War in defense of its national honor and for the protection of international justice and democracy;
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America, at the Seventieth Annual Convention assembled at Raleigh, North Carolina, hereby pledges to the President and Congress of the United States of America its unqualified support of whatever war measures the Government may deem necessary and expedient, and places at the disposal of the Government its national organization, its Chapters, and its individual members, for service in whatever capacities the government may direct.

Nor was the pledge mere idle words nor fatuous boasting. Over one-quarter of all brethren of Zeta Psi would serve during the First World War in foreign lands, and many did not return. Zeta Psi also provided the nation its first Assistant Secretary of War, BrotherBenedict Crowell(Η '91), noted for his bold reorganization of civilian military control during World War I. Even after the war, Crowell remained politically powerful, and was later instrumental in engineering the repeal ofNational Prohibition.[citation needed]

Regalia and symbols

Flag of Zeta Psi



The official color of the fraternity is white,[10][11]the unofficial secondary colors are black and gold.



The fraternity flower is the whitecarnation.[10][11]



The flag of the Zeta Psi is a white field with the letters Zeta and Psi or the words Zeta Psi written in the center in gold, piped in black.

Pledge Pin


The Zeta Psi pledge pin is a white circle with a narrow gold outline.[11]



The badge of Zeta Psi consists of "a gold pin formed of the Greek letters Zeta and Psi and there shall be engraved upon it the letters O and A." The arms of the psi are also engraved, with a Romanfascesupon the right and a star upon the left. The badge is set with seven stones (usuallypearlorjet) along each of the bars of the zeta, for a total of twenty-one.[10]>[11]

Patron Saints


Each chapter of Zeta Psi chooses at its founding a patron saint to represent the chapter. There is no particular criteria for a chapter patron saint, other than the chosen figure must have some historical significance either to the chapter or the chapter's respective locality.[12]The patron saints are as follows:

University Chapter Designation Patron Saint
New York University Phi John Marshall
Williams College Zeta Mark Hopkins
Rutgers University Delta Benjamin Franklin
University of Pennsylvania Sigma Robert Morris
Colby College Chi Nelson Dingley
Brown University Epsilon Roger Williams
Dartmouth College Psi Epsilon Salmon P. Chase
Tufts University Kappa Paul Revere
Lafayette College Tau Marquis de Lafayette
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Upsilon Augustus Van Wyck
University of Michigan Xi Henry Clay
Bowdoin College Lambda James Bowdoin
University of Virginia Beta Thomas Jefferson
Cornell University Psi Theodore Roosevelt
University of California, Berkeley Iota Meriwether Lewis
Syracuse University Gamma Ernie Davis
Columbia University Alpha Alexander Hamilton
McGill University Alpha Psi James Wolfe
Case Western Reserve University Nu William Henry Harrison
Yale University Eta Nathan Hale
Stanford University Mu Leland Stanford
University of Minnesota Alpha Beta George Rogers Clark
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Alpha Epsilon Abraham Lincoln
University of Wisconsin Lambda Psi James Madison
University of Washington Phi Lambda George Washington
University of Manitoba Pi Epsilon Lord Selkirk
University of California, Los Angeles Sigma Zeta Zachary Taylor
University of British Columbia Sigma Epsilon George Vancouver



Directory of the Zeta Psi Fraternity


First published in 1859, with two later editions in 1867 and 1883, theCatalogue of the Zeta Psi Fraternitycontained names of members of the Fraternity arranged by chapters and years of initiation. In 1874, theAddenda to the Catalogue of the Zeta Psi Fraternity 1867-1874was published to complement the 1867 edition of theCatalogue of the Zeta Psi Fraternity.[13][14]In 1888, the title was changed to theDirectory of the Zeta Psi Fraternityand contact information was added for members of the Fraternity. Later editions of The Directory were produced in 1889, 1893, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1916, 1922, 1926, 1932, 1953, 1987, 1992, and 1998. TheSemicentennial Biographical Catalogue of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North Americawas published in 1899. This volume contained biographies of over 4000 members of Zeta Psi from 1847 to 1900 and historical information about each chapter. The Directory continues to be published on a regular basis and the modern version is a useful networking tool for members of the Zeta Psi Fraternity.[11][13][14][15]

Songs of the Zeta Psi Fraternity


First published in 1871, by undergraduate members of thePsi chapterat Cornell University,Songs of the Zeta Psi Fraternitycontains a collection of songs about the Zeta Psi Fraternity. Later editions appeared in 1890, 1897, 1903, 1914, and 1958.The Chapter,a brief compilation of poems, was also written by members of the Zeta Psi Fraternity in 1869.[13] [14][16]

The Jubilee of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America


Published in 1903,The Jubilee of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North Americais a record of the fiftieth anniversary of the Zeta Psi Fraternity. Likewise,The Double Diamond Jubilee of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North Americapublished in 1997 was an account of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Zeta Psi Fraternity, made to complementThe Story of Zeta Psi.Both volumes include historical information on the fraternity and its chapters.[14][15][17]

The Circle


First published in June 1909,The Circleis the annual publication of the fraternity. The corresponding secretary has the duty of filing a report forThe Circleevery year. The Circle was preceded by other periodic publications that were unsuccessful. These publications were "The Zeta Psi Monthly" published in 1883; "The Zeta Psi Quarterly" published from 1884 to 1886; and "The Bulletin of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America" first published in 1897.[11][13][14]

The Story of Zeta Psi


Published in 1928, with two later editions,The Story of Zeta Psicontains the detailed history of the fraternity and each chapter founded up to the point of publication.

Pledge Manual of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America


The first published in 1942, thePledge Manual of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North Americaremains in publication and is a crucial source of information for men pledging the Zeta Psi Fraternity.[15]



Zeta Psi, like all conventional university fraternities, operates as chapters at various campuses across North America and the world. Zeta Psi has chapters in six countries: Canada, the United States, England, Ireland, France, and Greece. Its chapter in Scotland is dormant.

Active chapters


The active chapter is the core of the Zeta Psi experience.

Chapter governance


Zeta Psi is modeled after most modern democracies in that they havelegislative,judicial,andexecutivebranches of governance.[citation needed]

Chapter meeting

Each chapter meeting with due quorum has the authority to act as the legislative organ of the chapter. Most chapters run their meetings with parliamentaryrules of order.

Supreme Council

The Supreme Council is the chapter's only judicial body. It has authority to rule on almost any matter and its proceedings are heldin camera.It is composed of the Phi and Alpha Phi and at least three elected members-at-large.



Each chapter in Zeta Psi has a unique name composed of one or two Greek letters. Rather than being assigned a name in a strict order of Alpha betization, a petitioning colony that receives a charter chooses a name for their chapter. From this point on, the name is fixed. Even if the chapter goes inactive—in that it has no undergraduate members—the name will be taken up by any group that re-establishes a chapter at that university campus.

The name can be based on many different factors. For instance, it is common for new chapters to take on an element from an existing chapter that has helped them form.Theta XiinTorontoadopted theXifrom their neighbor chapter inMichigan,and in turn chapters inOntariostarted adding "Theta" as part of their name from their relationship to the Toronto chapter. There are now many chapters in Ontario and there is no pre-requisite to have a Theta in the name. Other times, a name is related to other factors like the Roman CatholicVillanova Universitychapter being namedAlpha Omegadue to theChristian significance.

A one or two-letter name can only be re-used if the chapter possessing the name is pronounced "deceased." This has not happened since 1892.

Elder chapters


For each undergraduate chapter at a campus, there is a corresponding elder chapter composed of alumni members.

Chapter governance


An elder chapter has a similar organizational structure to the active chapter, with Greek-letter officers and a supreme council.

Greek-letter officers

There are only six Greek-letter officers in the elder chapter that act as its executive.

Chapter meeting

Elder chapters are also required to hold annual chapter meetings to serve as a legislative body.

Supreme Council

The Supreme Council is the chapter's only judicial body. It has authority to rule on almost any matter and its proceedings. It may hear appeals and rule on matters from the active supreme council. It is composed of all the elder officers and at least three elected members-at-large.



The elder chapter has the same name as the active chapter but has different organization, powers, and is legally a separate entity.

Geographical associations


Geographical associations are similar to elder chapters, in that they are composed of alumni and have a vote at Grand Chapter. However, they are larger in scope and have no active affiliation. Geographical associations mostly base their membership on alumni living in a metropolitan area.

Active geographical associations (as of 2006)

  • Zeta Psi Washington, D.C. Elders Association
  • Zeta Psi New York City Elders Association
  • Philly Zete RAC
  • Zeta Psi Chicago Alumni Club
  • Zeta Psi Boston Alumni Club
  • Zeta Psi Arizona Alumni Club
  • Zeta Psi Dallas Alumni Club
  • Houston Association of Zeta Psi
  • Southern California Association of Zeta Psi Alumni
  • Zeta Psi Alumni Association of Greater Pittsburgh
  • Zeta Psi Elders Association of Durham
  • Zeta Psi Elders Association of Toronto
  • Zeta Psi Alumni of Cleveland
  • Zeta Psi of Texas

Grand Chapter


The Grand Chapter is composed of the seven grand officers and one voting delegate from each active and elder chapter and geographical association. The Grand Chapter has complete and total authority over Zeta Psi.

Chapter governance


The Grand Chapter has a similar organizational structure to the active chapter, with Greek-letter officers but with an executive committee in place of a supreme council.

Greek-letter officers

Grand Chapter has the same number and function of Greek-letter officers however, the name has an additional "Alpha" to denote it as different. At one point in time, there were several appointed officers each designated Chi Phi Alpha (ΧΦΑ) of a particular area (e.g. Canada, or the Northwest United States) which served as geographical representatives to the Grand Chapter.

Annual meeting of the Board of Delegates

The Board of Delegates elects the Grand Chapter officers and may amend the by-laws and act as the legislative body of the Grand Chapter.

Executive committee

The executive committee is constituted as follows: "Phi Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha, Sigma Alpha, Gamma Alpha, Delta Alpha, and four (4) representatives duly elected at large from the Fraternity, with the provision that at least one member of the Committee must be from Canada and at least one must be from the United States."[18]

Notable members


See also



  1. ^Baird, William Raimond.Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities.G. Banta Company. p. 345..Baird's Manual is also available online here:The Baird's Manual Online Archive homepage.
  2. ^"Zeta Psi Fraternity | Nebraska Wesleyan University".nebrwesleyan.edu.Retrieved2022-06-09.
  3. ^The Cyclopedia of Fraternities.New York: Hamilton Printing and Publishing Company. 1899. p. 357.
  4. ^Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York:James T. Brown.1920. pp. 397–403.
  5. ^Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York: James T. Brown. 1920. p. 400.
  6. ^Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York: James T. Brown. 1920. p. 398.
  7. ^abBaird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York:James T. Brown.1920. p. 397.
  8. ^Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York:James T. Brown.1920. pp. 397–399.
  9. ^abBaird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York:James T. Brown.1920. pp. 398–400.
  10. ^abcBaird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York:James T. Brown.1920. p. 402.
  11. ^abcdefDirectory of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America.New York: Trustees of the Zeta Psi Fraternity. 1926. pp. v, l–liii.
  12. ^The Story of Zeta Psi(2nd ed.). New York: Trustees of the Zeta Psi Fraternity. 1932. p. 744.
  13. ^abcdSemicentennial Biographical Catalogue of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America.New York: Zeta Psi. December 1899. pp. 913–914.
  14. ^abcdeBaird's Manual of American College Fraternities.New York:James T. Brown.1920. p. 401..Baird's Manual is also available online here:The Baird's Manual Online Archive homepage.
  15. ^abcZeta Psi Fraternity of North America: Double Diamond Jubilee.Paducah, KY:Turner Publishing Company.1997.
  16. ^The Chapter.New York:W. C. Rogers &. Co. Stationers and Printers.1869. pp. 2–3.
  17. ^The Jubilee of the Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America.New York: Zeta Psi. 1903.
  18. ^"Zeta Psi Fraternity Bylaws"(PDF).Zeta Psi Fraternity.Retrieved21 April2022.
  19. ^Berman, Steve (2008).Second Thoughts: More Queer and Weird Stories.Lethe Press.ISBN978-1-59021-028-4.Retrieved18 April2021.